I Really Didn’t Want to be Born Again

Eight hundred and eighty-nine, miss the past and look towards the future

Why her? You have to go back and ask Bian Shishi!

Chen Hansheng spat, stood up and walked out of the gym.

He didn't go to the counter to pay, because Zhang Weiyu and the owner of the gym knew each other, and the two of them shook hands and said goodbye.

It seems that in addition to being the boss of Guoke Electronics, Zhang Weiyu is also part of the reason why Chen Hansheng can enjoy the treatment of a separate small room in the gym.

This is probably the circle of friends of all walks of life in real life.

For example, the friends Chen Hansheng knows now are basically corporate CEOs or directors;

Zhang Weiyu, who runs a bar, has a natural affinity with the owners of gyms, chess and card rooms, and bathing centers;

For students like Wang Zibo who are studying normally, their future sources of friends should continue to make new friends as their work environment and status change.

But for Wang Zibo, Chen Hansheng will always be the best brother in life.

Xiao Chen, what did Bian Shishi do to offend you?

Chen Hansheng walked in front, and Wang Zibo followed behind and asked: She doesn't have a very aggressive character. Maybe there is a misunderstanding...

Chen Hansheng remained silent, and Wang Zibo became even more at a loss as he spoke in a garbled manner.

Just like more than ten years ago, when Chen Hansheng, who was in primary school, lost a fight outside, he accused Wang Zibo of not being harsh enough, which made him lose face.

At that time, Wang Zibo had a big head with a bruised nose and a swollen face, holding back tears while comforting the irritable Fa Xiao.


After walking out of the gym, it was already past 7 pm, and the barbecue restaurants on the street were busy one after another.

The evening breeze in April already had the smell of summer, mixed with the smell of cumin and pepper. Chen Hansheng took a sniff, walked to a store and shouted to the proprietress: Get a private room, and then bring two boxes of beer, and bake it. You can order whatever you like, as long as you enjoy it.

Chen Hansheng was not wearing a mask today, and the landlady recognized him on the spot. She thought he was a distinguished guest, and happily gave him a few extra dishes.

After two bottles of cold beer, Chen Hansheng finally calmed down a little, and then explained the reason to Wang Zibo.

It started when Hu Linyu found Xiao Rongyu in the morning, followed by the conversation between Xiao Yuer and himself, and then confirmed the news of pregnancy in Tianjingshan Community.

During the narration, Wang Zibo's surprised voice can often be heard.


This is bad!

What should we do?


Soon, the only sound in the private room was the sound of drinking. Wang Zibo was always very stupid, but now Xiao Rongyu and Shen Youchu were both pregnant. Faced with such a complicated situation, he didn't know how to speak.

No wonder Xiao Chen wants to vent today.

Wang Zibo understands now.

Originally, only Xiao Rongyu was pregnant, and the matter was already very difficult to handle. Now that Shen Youchu also has a baby, one can imagine the pressure Chen Hansheng is facing.

But, what does this have to do with Bian Shishi?

Wang Zibo had doubts in his heart, but he didn't dare to ask because he was afraid that Chen Hansheng would act like a dog: I'm already in such a miserable state, and you still care about Bian Shishi, but I just chopped her up. What's wrong with that dummy?

However, the kind-hearted Chen Hansheng took the initiative to answer this question.

Guess how Shen Youchu knew that Xiao Rongyu was pregnant?

Chen Hansheng breathed out the strong smell of alcohol and said, It's Bian Shishi, this 'capable' treasure. She didn't want to make Xiao Yu'er sad, so she came to the University of Finance and Economics to tell Shen Youchu.


After Wang Zibo learned the truth, he was stunned for five minutes, and then he said to Chen Hansheng, Why didn't you tell me earlier?

It's so funny. Is it useful to tell you?

Chen Hansheng asked back. At this time, he thought of Huang Hui again, thinking that there are many things you don't know, and you still have the nerve to call Hu Linyu a fool.

Xiao Chen,

I, Bian Shishi, she...

After Wang Zibo came to his senses, he stammered and wanted to explain, but he couldn't find the right words for a while.

In this way, Bian Shishi is equivalent to the initiator of the Second Shura Field. With Chen Hansheng's character, just chopping the wooden dummy a few times is really tolerant.

Forget it.

Chen Hansheng knew Wang Zibo very well and waved his hand and said: I don't blame Bian Shishi that much. Maybe this is fate. If you have a hard life, you can't blame the government, and you can't blame society if you criticize someone.

Xiao Chen...

Wang Zibo felt very guilty. He even thought about asking Bian Shishi to apologize, although this was difficult to achieve.

He finally understood why after Bian Shishi came back from the United States in February, she asked, If Chen Hansheng and I had a fight, who would you help?

Wang Zibo was very distressed. He was leaning toward Chen Hansheng in his heart, but Bian Shishi probably felt that he had done nothing wrong.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Chen actually forgave Bian Shishi.

I don't blame her, but when you go back, remember to talk to Bian Shishi.

Chen Hansheng added: Then break up with her.


Wang Zibo showed a troubled expression and said naa, You, you didn't forgive her.

I forgive Bian Shishi because she is still your girlfriend.

Chen Hansheng persuaded with sincerity: When Bian Shishi is no longer your girlfriend, I can pass the blame to her. It just so happens that Xiao Rongyu and Shen Youchu don't want me anymore. Why are you still having a love affair? We two brothers Let’s be a happy bachelor together.”

I, I don't want to break up.

Wang Zibo held it in for a long time before finally speaking out what was in his heart.


Chen Hansheng slapped the table hard: You bitch, aren't we brothers? Do you want to be intimate with your girlfriend when I am alone?

If you can't find a reason, I can remind you.

Chen Hansheng snorted coldly: You and Huang Hui have been to the hotel...

Xiao Chen.

Wang Zibo thought Chen Hansheng was serious and was so worried that he almost cried: I really like Bian Shishi. I don't want to break up with her. Can you change the punishment?

Seeing the anxiety on Wang Zibo's dark face and the real mist in his eyes, Chen Hansheng stopped teasing this simple and kind best friend and sighed: I don't know what evil I have done. He is obviously a very bad person, but he still knows you stupid and stupid friends. Go outside and bring in a few bottles of liquor.

When Wang Zibo heard Chen Hansheng say this, he knew that he was worried about skipping Shishi. He happily wiped his tears and started to care about Chen Hansheng just as he was about to walk out of the private room.

Xiao Chen, if you mix liquor and beer, you will get drunk easily. Wang Zibo said.

I'm going to get drunk and have a solid sleep.

Chen Hansheng whispered: It will be stormy tomorrow.

Wang Zibo nodded. After all, he couldn't escape, and he would have to face it sooner or later.

Wang Zibo decided to have a drink with Fa tonight, but he couldn't get drunk, otherwise he wouldn't be able to take care of Chen Hansheng.

After bringing two bottles of liquor, Wang Zibo stopped talking about his emotional troubles and instead talked about other things to distract his attention.

Xiao Chen?


Have you ever felt that your senior year is about to graduate? Suddenly you cherish the end of your student days.

I am a father of two children, and I am no longer a young man.

...I'm serious. We used to have summer vacation every summer, but starting from this year, we won't have any vacations in the summer.

Wang Zibo was also a little drunk, leaning against the wall of the box, murmuring to himself nostalgically:

What impressed me most was the summer vacation between junior high school and high school. It was so long that I lost my patience.

At that time, every TV station played Journey to the West, and the theme song was pretty good.

There are also watermelons soaked in well water. They are cold and delicious, but every time my mother cuts the watermelons, they always smell like garlic. It seems that Aunt Liang is like this too.

Time flies so fast. I'm about to graduate from college in a blink of an eye. We won't have summer vacation in the future. We'll just have to call it a hot day.

Xiao Chen, are you asleep?



(One chapter will be returned before 12 o'clock tonight, and I will push it to the following chapters with a Reminiscing about the Past. At present, the fifth volume is about a third of the way, and the sixth volume should be just some extra chapters. Please vote for me, thank you all.)

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