I Really Didn’t Want to be Born Again

Eight hundred and eighty-five, there are two clear red lines again

Hu Linyu's movement was so sudden that he startled his mother-in-law who was watching TV.

However, the mother-in-law was obviously aware of Xiao Hu's style, so she just turned her head to take a look, and then silently stared at the dark and bright TV screen, with the figures of the family members reflected on it.

After all, Professor Sun Biyu is still in the minority. Most Chinese elderly people have passed their seventies. Perhaps because they lack energy or are storing energy, they speak less.

My mother-in-law is the same. When she is in the mountains, she likes to sit on a stool and look up at the slow blue sky and white clouds, from morning sun to sunset.

Now that I have moved to Jianye, my mother-in-law is also in the habit of sitting in the bedroom and living room, or sitting on a bench in the community, with her deep eyelids drooped, watching the neighbors walking past.

My mother-in-law is so quiet that she seems to be silent all day long, and everyone is used to paying attention to and ignoring her.

This is not contradictory, it is a sign of attention: she will give priority to the taste of cooking, she will be the first thing that comes to mind when the weather changes, and Shen Youchu will help her mother-in-law soak her feet every night.

In short, it is to let my mother-in-law live a comfortable life.

Symptoms of neglect: No one discusses with her mother-in-law any big or small things at home, so it seems that her mother-in-law is not very involved in the family.

For example, the issue of An Ning's education was finally settled, and everyone told her mother-in-law that Shen Ningning was going to be a primary school student.

Another example is the relationship problem between Chen Hansheng and Shen Youchu. It has been more than half a month, and Shen Youchu still has not discussed it with her mother-in-law.

Mother-in-law, it's time to eat~

During the evening news, it was also meal time in Tianjingshan Community. Dong'er had been served. When the temperature was suitable, Shen Youchu helped her mother-in-law sit on the table.

During the meal, Hu Lin talked the most, sometimes talking about the business of the milk tea shop, and sometimes talking about Aning's preparations for school. But thanks to her, the dinner table became more lively.

However, the excitement was lively, but the vitality was obviously lacking. Aning's eyes were not as lively as before. Dong'er also noticed something more or less and did not dare to ask casually.

Only Shen Youchu didn't seem to have changed much. While picking up food for her mother-in-law and sister, she softly responded to Hu Linyu's questions, and occasionally reminded Dong'er not to forget to pay the water and electricity bills for the month.

Okay! Sister Youchu, you should also eat more.

Dong'er nodded quickly. Only when Shen Youchu spoke could Dong'er feel more at ease. She was very afraid that the family would break up.

When my mother got sick and needed money urgently, some fellow villagers took Dong'er to the south to make a fortune. She said that Dong'er would become a beautiful woman after tidying up, and it would be easy to make money in the south.

Dong'er almost followed, but luckily she talked to Jin Yangming. Xiao Jin, who was well-read and knowledgeable, certainly knew what to do in the south to make a fortune quickly. He immediately stopped Dong'er and promised to find someone for her in Jianye. a job.

So, with trust in the college student Brother Xiao Jin, Dong'er came to Jianye alone, and was later arranged by Brother Xiao Chen.

During more than a year in Jianye, Dong'er occasionally recalled that she was so lucky. In fact, the society was very complicated, but she was able to meet so many good people.

Especially the kind-hearted sister Youchu, she does not regard herself as a nanny, she seems to just have an extra sister.

Dong'er knew that there must be something wrong with the relationship between brother Xiao Chen and sister You Chu, because it was the first time that Chen Hansheng had not been home for so long.

However, Brother Xiao Chen cannot come over. Although the family lacks vitality, it can still maintain its original state. If Sister You Chu falls, the family will really be gone.

Recently, Sister Youchu's appetite has been decreasing. It seems that she wants to prevent her mother-in-law and younger sister from worrying.

Then I managed to eat a few mouthfuls.

Dong'er was also anxious. She hoped that all the problems could be solved soon and that Sister Youchu could be happy.

After Hu Linyu finished eating, he was going to take Aning downstairs for a walk. The little girl had been sitting at home sadly for the past two days because of Chen Hansheng's heartless departure.

Dong'er, let's go out for a walk too.

Shen Youchu said: I will eat with my mother-in-law.

My mother-in-law didn't speak very well and ate very slowly, but Shen Youchu would accompany her every time.

I don't have to walk.

Dong'er waved his hand and said a little embarrassedly: I don't like sports very much.

You think you are Shen Youchu.

Hu Linyu couldn't help but pull Dong'er up: She won't get fat if she doesn't exercise, and she won't lose weight if she doesn't eat meat. We can't compare. If you don't pay attention to body management, be careful that Jin Yangming will dislike you.

These words made Dong'er blush a little. After the three people went downstairs, the living room returned to silence. Occasionally there was the sound of chopsticks touching the porcelain plate, which made the environment become more and more deserted.

In fact, Shen Youchu swallowed reluctantly. Recently, she often felt nausea and vomiting in her chest, but she was better at tolerating it, so she rarely showed it.

Hu Linyu didn't notice it, Aning didn't notice it, and Shen Youchu thought that everyone didn't notice it.

After her mother-in-law finished eating, Shen Youchu started to clear away the dishes. Her mother-in-law sat on the sofa as usual, her eyes following Shen Youchu's footsteps.

After everything was cleaned up, Shen Youchu was about to help her mother-in-law make the bed. However, at this time, her mother-in-law suddenly knocked on the floor tiles with her cane and shouted in Sichuan and Chongqing dialect: Yao'er, come on! ha······

Shen Youchu was a little surprised. Her mother-in-law rarely spoke. She hurried to the living room, thinking that her mother-in-law wanted to watch TV.

Grandma, do you want to watch TV?

Shen Youchu squatted down, raised his head and asked his mother-in-law.

The mother-in-law closed her eyes and shook her head. After a while, she stretched out her thin right hand and grabbed Shen Youchu's arm. Her voice was unclear, but her meaning was very clear: Are you and Han Sheng no longer in a relationship?

Shen Youchu was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect that his elderly mother-in-law could actually see the clues.

But she didn't know how to answer. Logically speaking, she should have no contact with Xiao Chen, but she was very reluctant to let him go.


As soon as Shen Youchu opened his mouth, tears were like overflowing lake water, falling drop by drop down his cheeks on his clothes, pants and the ground.

Originally, he wanted to hide his emotions from his mother-in-law, but as a result, her mother-in-law already knew about it. At this moment, Shen Youchu couldn't control it anymore.

Younger, don't cry, don't cry...

The mother-in-law wiped her granddaughter's tears with her fingers. After years of hard work, her fingers had become chapped and cracked, just like a hunchback. No matter how much money you have, there is no way to repair it.

Therefore, when the tears flowed into the gaps between these fingers, it actually hurt a little, but the mother-in-law did not say a word. She was just very sad for this beautiful granddaughter.

Shen Youchu was so beautiful that when she went to college, her mother-in-law would tell her not to raise her head, for fear that she would be targeted by bad people.

My mother-in-law has never been out of the mountains in her life, but she knows very well that the card of beauty is actually very weak when played alone. Only by adding things like family, education, and background can beauty become a real advantage.

Unexpectedly, she was still targeted.

Fortunately, Chen Hansheng behaved very responsibly, being filial to his mother-in-law, caring to Aning, and showing true love and care for Shen Youchu. The most important thing is that he also made her raise her head.

According to the plan, the two should get married after graduation, but why are they not in love again?

The mother-in-law gently stroked Shen Youchu's long hair, and Shen Youchu lay on her mother-in-law's lap docilely like a kitten.

It was getting late, and the lights in the living room were not turned on, so it fell into a vacuum-like silence.

I don’t know how long it took, but my mother-in-law spoke again: “Yaoer, you can’t be separated from him.”


Shen Youchu raised his head, but it was too dark to see his mother-in-law's expression clearly.


The mother-in-law said slowly: You have his cub.


At around 9 o'clock in the evening, Hu Linyu took Dong'er and Aning home, but strangely, all the lights in the house were turned off.

Where are you and your mother-in-law? Did they go for a walk too? Why didn't you meet them?

Hu Linyu muttered and turned on the chandelier in the living room, but soon felt something was wrong because her mother-in-law was resting in the bedroom.

At the same time, Aning also saw Sister A and Shen Youchu standing on the balcony of the bedroom in a daze.

Hu Linyu sighed. Needless to say, this little fool must have missed that scumbag Chen Hansheng again, so he didn't bother to turn on the light. After all, it was easier to trigger emotions in an environment where he couldn't see his fingers.

Dong'er helped Aning take a bath. The little girl was sweating after walking.

Hu Linyu gave an order, then went to the balcony to find Shen Youchu, not forgetting to close the door.

As expected, Shen Youchu's eyes were red, and he looked like he had just cried.

However, her state seemed to be more than just sad. Her arms were resting on the balcony window sill, her little fists were clenched tightly, and she seemed to be very conflicted and entangled.

Hu Linyu didn't notice this subtle move, and still tried to persuade him emotionally: Originally, I didn't want to say these words too early, but now I think it's time for you to recognize the facts early. You Chu, you and Chen Hansheng are over, because there is no relationship between you. No contact or connection whatsoever.

Sometimes deep feelings are of no use. Reality is so cruel. Why did Bian Shishi dare to come to Caida that day? In fact, it was because Xiao Rongyu was pregnant.

Until now, Hu Linyu couldn't bear to think of Bian Shishi's approach of coming to the University of Finance and Economics to declare his sovereignty.


After learning from TV in the evening that Xiao Rongyu was at work, Xiao Hu really wanted to rush over immediately to carry out reciprocal revenge, but he felt that he had little capital here.

With Chen Hansheng's baby, all my best friends can be so confident.

So, you and Chen Hansheng are destined to be together after all.

Hu Linyu glanced at his good friend. Shen Youchu looked so good-looking no matter which angle he looked at.

After saying this, Hu Linyu immediately thought about what words he should use to comfort Shen Youchu when he sobbed for a while.

I will definitely cry when I count to three, because this sentence is equivalent to shattering Youchu's fantasy.

Xiao Hu silently counted down: 1, 2...2.1, 2.2, 2.3...

However, after waiting for a long time, Shen Youchu's cry was not heard. Hu Linyu was very surprised, thinking, does this stupid little fool no longer have feelings for Chen Hansheng?

Have you really given up?

Hu Linyu was stunned and said tentatively: Youchu, forget about Chen Hansheng from now on. On your terms, you don't want too many male suitors...

Lin Yu, I...may be pregnant.

In order to prevent Hu Linyu from continuing to talk nonsense, and to discuss with his good friends, Shen Youchu told the truth frankly.

I know.

Hu Linyu didn't react for a while, and still sighed and said: Xiao Rongyu is not 'possible' to be pregnant, that is 'inevitable' to be pregnant... No, what did you just say?

You have a baby?

Is Chen Hansheng a father again?

I, Hu Linyu, am going to be an aunt too?

Hu Linyu's eyes widened, his voice became shriller and shakier.

Shen Youchu nodded.

Holy shit!

Hu Linyu suddenly felt like his head was suffocating. Without Xiao Rongyu's presence, this would definitely be great news, but what to do now?

I just said that there is no connection or relationship, good guy, just have a flesh and blood connection, Chen Hansheng really has you!

How did you know?

To be on the safe side, Hu Linyu still had to confirm.

My mother-in-law said it.

Shen Youchu lowered his head and subconsciously dug at the frame of the stainless steel window with his fingers: My mother-in-law said that I have been having nausea, vomiting, and lethargy recently, just like having a baby, but it's just not obvious.

My mother-in-law said it.

Hu Linyu had already believed most of it, because her mother-in-law had given birth to two sons, so she must know these things very well.


Hu Linyu originally wanted to say, Do you want to abort her?, but then she thought how could it be possible? How could a kind-hearted person like Shen Youchu choose to abort her.

Then you plan to give birth?

Hu Linyu asked in a different way.


As expected, Shen Youchu nodded.

Hu Linyu said Gulu and swallowed. His best friend obviously had a baby, so why was he drooling nervously.


Hu Linyu didn't know what to say for a moment, and suddenly pushed Shen Youchu back to the bedroom: It's only April, be careful not to catch a cold. I read in the novel that pregnant women have to keep warm. From now on, you are not allowed to touch your hands with cold water.

This night was rather strange. In the past, Shen Youchu took An Ning to bed, while Dong'er and Hu Linyu slept in the same bed, but tonight Hu Linyu took An Ning's place.

In the dead of night, the bedroom was quiet. Hu Linyu looked at the night sky outside. The moon seemed to be hiding in the clouds, but the stars were still bright.

Occasionally, there are meteors dragging their long tail-like blue phosphorescence, drawing an arc in the night sky and then disappearing, like angels falling into the world.

I understand~, I understand~, I understand~

However, there were cicadas chirping everywhere outside the community. Hu Linyu felt upset and unexpectedly turned around to face Shen Youchu.

Youchu, are you asleep?

Hu Linyu asked.


As expected, Shen Hanhan couldn't sleep at all.


Xiao Hu came closer, lowered his voice and said in a gossipy voice: Who will the baby look like more?

Before Shen Youchu could answer, Hu Linyu quickly shook his head: How could I ask such a stupid question? I have to be like you. It would be bad if I were like Chen Hansheng.

After a while.

Youchu, are you asleep?

Hu Linyu asked again.


Shen Youchu is always so patient.

I think men are not good.

Hu Linyu said longingly: It would be great if I could skip the man and directly have a human cub.

Another moment passed.

Youchu, are you asleep?


I'll buy some test strips tomorrow and come back to confirm.

Well, thank you Lin Yu.

At three o'clock in the morning.


I didn't sleep.

Will you tell Chen Hansheng about this?


This time, Shen Youchu suddenly became quiet.

Are you soft-hearted again and don't want to put him in a dilemma, so you plan to be a single mother yourself?

Hu Linyu saw through Shen Youchu's thoughts.

Shen Youchu was still very quiet and turned around, facing away from Hu Linyu.


Hu Linyu snorted in his heart, don't even think about it, Chen Hansheng must be responsible!

The next morning, Hu Linyu, who hadn't slept all night, ran to the pharmacy downstairs, but because it was too early, the pharmacy didn't even open.

At around 8 o'clock, Hu Linyu finally bought the test strips. After a while, Hu Linyu finally saw two clear red bars.

Yes, yes, you really have it, Youchu, hahaha, hahahaha, hahahahaha...

Hu Linyu put his hands on his hips excitedly.

Bian Shishi, do you still remember the battle in front of the milk tea shop? Today I want revenge!


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