I Really Didn’t Want to be Born Again

Eight hundred and seventy-eight, I want you to taste the feeling of losing a loved one!

In the Suguo Supermarket downstairs from the apartment, Chen Lan accompanied Queen Mother Liang, while browsing the dazzling array of shelves, while describing the current situation of Shen Youchu's family.

Except for Hu Fatya, no one in Tianjingshan Community knows about my brother and Youchu's sister-in-law.

Chen Lan said: During the day, Sister-in-law Youchu is still much the same as before, cooking, cleaning or teaching Aning to study.

Shen Youchu doesn't want them to worry. After all, the older ones in the family are younger than the younger ones.

Liang Meijuan understood very well: What about tonight?

She would be in a daze at night. Once I got up to drink water in the middle of the night and saw Youchu's sister-in-law sitting on the sofa in the living room stupidly.

Chen Lan pursed her lips and said, She is naive to begin with. She is very focused when she is in a daze. I have even walked beside her and she hasn't noticed yet.

Did Youchu cry?

Liang Meijuan asked.


Chen Lan probably remembered that scene, and her face became a little depressed: This is the first time I know that you can shed tears silently. My sister-in-law was crying and gently stroking the sofa.


Liang Meijuan suddenly fell silent mid-question because she also realized that Chen Hansheng used to live in Tianjingshan Community. Because there was not enough room, he often slept on the sofa.

In other words, there is Chen Hansheng's aura on the sofa, and Shen Youchu is missing it.


Even Chen Hansheng's biological mother, Liang Meijuan, sighed: Idiot, why do you do this to him? It's not worth it.


Chen Lan looked around, then suddenly leaned over and said, It's still early anyway. Let's take a taxi to Tianjingshan Community to see Sister-in-law Youchu. She's so pitiful. She has to pretend to be strong in front of her mother-in-law and sister every day, and then she can't do it at night. Secretly sad, those beautiful peach blossom eyes have become haggard.

A Lan's personality is very similar to that of Chen Hansheng, or it may be said that because he has the support of his brother, he often does things willfully.

Queen Mother Liang's eyes lit up after hearing this, and she seemed to be very interested in this proposal.

But after a while, she looked at the household necessities in the trolley and hesitated for a long time. Finally, her face darkened and she shook her head and said, I'm not going. Xiao Yu'er is going back to China. I have to go back and decorate the house quickly. one time.

Liang Meijuan's performance seemed to choose Xiao Yu'er between the two.


Chen Lan was stunned for a moment: My brother said that uncle likes sister-in-law Xiao Yu'er, and you prefer sister-in-law Youchu. It's when she needs you right now.

What do you like more? I like them all.

Empress Dowager Liang touched her niece's hair and hid the tears in the corner of her eyes: Xiao Yu'er is pregnant. If I go to find You Chu now, I will definitely cry with her. There is no other way unless...

Unless what?

Chen Lan raised her head.


Liang Meijuan said silently: Xiao Yu'er and You Chu can accept each other...


Chen Lan directly denied it, not to mention proud sister-in-law Xiao Yuer, sister-in-law Youchu was also impossible.

In terms of their personalities, the elder brother chose one of them, and the other would rather not get married in this life than continue to be with Chen Hansheng.


After shopping, she returned upstairs. Although Liang Meijuan did not go to Shen Youchu because of Xiao Rongyu, she vented all her resentment on her son.

Therefore, Chen Hansheng could neither sit nor stand at home. Even if he told Wang Zibo a joke, Liang Meijuan would give him a cold look.

I didn't offend her.

Chen Hansheng did not dare to show his teeth to Empress Dowager Liang, so he quietly found his sister and asked: I suggest you tell me about Shen Youchu's current situation.

You're not talking about anything else.

If you don't believe me, then don't let me be a spy!

Chen Lan sniffed her little nose, shook her head and left.

She would never admit that she encouraged her eldest aunt to find Shen Youchu, otherwise her brother would cut off her pocket money in the future.

During dinner in the evening, Lao Xiao came over from Hong Kong City. He was quite satisfied with this house, which showed that Chen Hansheng had really put his heart into it.

Chen Zhaojun also specially opened a bottle of Wuliangye and drank a few drinks with Xiao Hongwei.

When Chen Hansheng and Xiao Rongyu broke up at the beginning of the year, when Lao Xiao met Chen Zhaojun at the district government, he simply ignored them, and the relationship between the two families fell into a freezing point.

It wasn't until Xiao Yu'er became pregnant that the two fathers sat down to talk things over again.

Now that Xiao Yu'er is finally returning to China, Chen Hansheng can be regarded as returning to evil. Thinking of the troubled past some time ago, Lao Chen picked up his wine glass and said with mixed feelings: Old Xiao, good things are hard to come by.

Xiao Hongwei also had similar emotions. He looked at Chen Zhaojun's face and saw that the other person also had deep wrinkles at the corners of his eyes just like him.

Time flies so fast. Four years ago, the children just entered college, and then seconds seemed to just click and they were about to graduate from college.

“Good things come in their own way, and good things come in their own way.”

Lao Xiao picked up the wine glass and clinked it with Chen Zhaojun. The two fathers didn't say anything more, everything was lost in the wine.

After Chen Hansheng filled his stomach, he held a toothpick in his mouth and watched the two old men drinking happily. This was very honest to him, but for some reason, Empress Dowager Liang was still picky.

Can you behave yourself?

Empress Dowager Liang ignored Wang Zibo and Shishi who were sitting at the table, and accused her rudely: If you are sitting or not, if you are standing, biting a toothpick is the behavior of a gangster. Chen Hansheng, are you a gangster? Let me ask you. Is it, is it...

I fainted. I took some gunpowder.

Chen Hansheng was muttering in his heart, but he didn't dare to quarrel with Queen Mother Liang. This was a shadow from his childhood. The only person in the world who dared to scold Chen Hansheng so unscrupulously was his own mother Liang Meijuan.

Others also knew this, and Chen Hansheng's reputation was so bad that none of his friends were willing to help him smooth things over. The most annoying thing was that the two old men pretended not to hear and still clinked glasses and drank by themselves.

Okay, okay, I won't pick my teeth anymore.

Chen Hansheng spit out the toothpick, curled his lips and prepared to go to the living room to watch TV.

Unexpectedly, Empress Dowager Liang was still dissatisfied: Don't look at it. Come over and wash the dishes later!


Chen Hansheng felt that he was being targeted today. He walked to the window angrily, pushed it away with a crash and said, Mom, if you continue to target me like this, believe it or not, I will let you taste the feeling of losing a loved one.

There was no movement at the dinner table, and everyone was just doing what they were supposed to do. Anyone who believed that Chen Hansheng would commit suicide was a complete fool.

Her mother, Liang Meijuan, snorted coldly and didn't even look at the window.


Chen Hansheng said angrily: You all think I'm bragging, do you all think I don't have the guts?

The next moment, Chen Hansheng suddenly picked up his sister Chen Lan and dragged her towards the window.

Uncle, auntie, help me!

Chen Lan was stunned for a moment and then realized: My brother told you to taste the feeling of losing a loved one. He didn't want to commit suicide by jumping off the building. He wanted to throw me down. Help, help, help...


(There will be another chapter tonight, around 11 o’clock.)

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