I Really Didn’t Want to be Born Again

Eight hundred and sixty-two, Guoke Chen, cheating!

Now is the Internet era, where information is interconnected. The news of the Samsung mobile phone explosion has caused fluctuations around the world.

Although the impact on mobile phone sales has not yet been calculated because the time is too short, the stock market is the most sensitive and its reaction is also the most intuitive.

You must know that for a behemoth like Samsung, even if it drops by 1%, it will evaporate billions of dollars. As for Samsung SDI, a supplier of mobile phone batteries, the Korean stock market has dropped to the limit.

The most frightening thing is that the mobile phone explosions don't seem to stop. They are like a string of firecrackers, exploding one here and one there. Chen Hansheng often fires them in public, making all kinds of weird taunts.

It's not that you can't buy a Samsung mobile phone, but I recommend buying an accident insurance. Otherwise, if something goes wrong, you'll have to spend your own money to be hospitalized;

Of course, although the quality of Samsung mobile phones is average, I have to say that their electronics factory is still very user-friendly. Some friends who have just been released from prison have found jobs in the Samsung assembly line. It seems they want to join Samsung. It’s really hard to be an electronics factory without some criminal records;”

It's been several days. I think it's enough. It's not related to interests. You netizens, please stop pressing me. Are you satisfied with Samsung closing its doors? In short, I'm very satisfied, so please step up. Intensity.”


In addition to this overt attack, there are also private instigators to add fuel to the flames. In order to deal with this problem, Samsung's minister level executives have come to Jianye, and there is even a special director.

No one expected that a mobile phone explosion would make the world's top 500 companies so passive.

When the meeting resumed, Deputy Chief Jin Zaiquan was no longer qualified to sit down. As the host, he introduced Guoke and Chen Hansheng to many superiors.

Specialist Li.

Kim Jae Kwon pointed to Chen Hansheng’s photo on the PPT and said: “This is Chen Hansheng, the chairman of Guoke Electronics. This man is very bad and has done many unforgivable things to Samsung...”

Next, Jin Zaiquan first criticized Chen Hansheng and summarized the so-called eight sins:

First, use the anchoring effect to gain Samsung's reputation;

Second, he tricked Samsung engineers into working for a month and helped Guoke develop a second-generation mobile phone;

Third, he promised Samsung not to do business with India, but a month later, he still closed a large order worth 100 million;

Fourth, it does not compensate Samsung for its losses, relying on itself as a local company and not caring about being sued in court;

Fifth, after the Samsung mobile phone exploded, after some efforts, the matter had calmed down, but Chen Hansheng deliberately broke it again;

Sixth, many explosion cases are vague. We investigated in the past and found that the injured seemed to have been rehearsed and did not accept compensation. Even if we replaced them with new mobile phones, they did not agree. We suspect that this is also Chen Hansheng's. Behind the scenes;

Seventh, there is reason to believe that many of the replies that guide public opinion on the Internet come from the Guoke Network Department;

Eighth, he has no respect for the employees of the Republic of Korea and Samsung, often making rude remarks and even bullying them in person.

When Park Zhengzhu heard the last sentence, his face was very ugly. He was a serious person, but he was teased by Chen Hansheng again and again. The last 5 million was even teased by the Guoke board of directors. It was really a lifelong shame. .

After Jin Zaiquan finished speaking, the conference room was completely silent. Looking at the whole story, this is not only bad, it is simply a scam and abduction.

The key is not to know what the grudge is, Chen Hansheng caught the Samsung family and cheated them.

Do you have any countermeasures?

Executive Li, who was in his fifties, asked. Normally, at this level, all the people would be old men.

Currently...there is only one.

Kim Jae Kwon replied with shame.

In Jianye, Chen Hansheng was one of those scoundrels who said, You don't like me, but you can't do anything about me. As a China expert, Park Zhengzhu knew that in this land, officials were more important than businessmen, so it was not that he had not approached the government departments.

However, Section Chief Park was welcomed into the office politely. After hearing about Samsung and Guoke, he said that the free market encourages competition and government departments cannot interfere at will, and sent Section Chief Park away politely.

Park Zhengzhu was so angry that he was always at Axi Bar. These officials were also very cunning.

In the past, small businesses that came into contact with Samsung's interests were immediately shut down. This was to protect foreign-funded enterprises;

As a result, there was a conflict with enterprises like Guoke, which turned into a free market that encouraged competition. I don’t know whether Guoke would win in the end, but it was invincible at first.

So in the end, it was sorted out that the only thing that Samsung could pose a threat to Guokai was the personal issue of Chen Hansheng has two boats and is not emotionally dedicated.

Then let it be announced as soon as possible.

Executive Li said slowly: The first is to divert the attention of netizens from the explosion of mobile phones; the second is to add a little trouble to Chen Hansheng; finally, you send another press release to clarify that the quality of our mobile phones is There is absolutely no problem, this must be the result of someone outside trying to heat it.”


Jin Zaiquan hesitated for a moment, and finally bowed and said: Specialist, there is a Chinese employee in our department. She said that if we want to quickly settle the dispute, we should set up a recall channel just like we do with the European and American markets, and send out the same model of the exploded mobile phone. Recall all the models and sincerely apologize in the end, so that public opinion will slowly subside.

No need!

Executive Li snorted coldly: The board of directors has already studied this issue. China is different from Europe and the United States. If there is a problem in Europe and the United States, they can recall it, but this is not necessary in China. There are not many brands they can choose from, and they have no awareness of rights protection. It’s not that high, so you don’t need to pay much attention to it.”


After Jin Zaiquan heard this, he didn't dare to say anything more, but Yan Ning was very sad to hear it.

She was the one who provided the recall suggestion. Samsung had been so badly screwed up by Chen Hansheng recently. Although she had made up her mind to leave her job, she still had feelings for her old employer, so she came up with suggestions and hoped that Samsung could get through this difficulty as soon as possible.

However, Executive Li's words severely set double standards for the Chinese market and the European and American markets because there are no strong local brands in the country.

Because there is no opponent, there is no fear.

From this point of view, although Guoke’s way of doing things is rogue, from the perspective of the Chinese people, the advantages actually outweigh the disadvantages.


Yan Ning breathed a sigh of relief. Sooner or later, when domestic brands really rise, these arrogant foreign investors will lower their heads and seriously reflect on their actions.

In mid-March, when the mobile phone explosion craze had not subsided and Samsung itself was still struggling in the quagmire, Park Jung-soo, the head of the public relations department, suddenly exposed at a press conference that Chen Hansheng, chairman of Guoke Electronics, was not emotionally devoted. , treading two boats.

Singer Wang Feng released an album Blooming Life at the end of December 2005. It was of high quality and won numerous awards. It should have become popular all over the country.

However, since the beginning of 2006, cross-border marriage lawsuits and Samsung mobile phone explosions have happened one after another, just when I thought it would stop for a while and grab the headlines.

Good guy, Guoke Chen cheated again.


(One chapter will be returned before 12 o'clock tonight.)

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