I Really Didn’t Want to be Born Again

852. Zi Bo, Chen Hansheng and I had a fight. Who will you help?

After more than ten hours of flight, Chen Hansheng and Bian Shishi arrived at Jianye Lukou Airport smoothly at around 5 o'clock in the evening domestic time.

Wang Zibo was already waiting in the international arrivals hall. He was not short either. From a distance, he could see his best friend wearing sunglasses and that slim figure.

Xiao Chen!

Wang Zibo first greeted Chen Hansheng loudly, then as if there was a switch installed in his throat, his voice suddenly became softer, and his tone was a bit shy: ...You are back.

This is what Bian Shishi said. This kind of subjectless dialogue usually exists between couples, lovers, and husbands and wives.

Just like Chen Hansheng often calls Shen Youchu Hey..., he used to often call Xiao Rongyu that...

The conversation between Queen Mother Liang and Lao Chen was even simpler. Maybe it was because they had been married for decades. As long as Liang Meijuan said cough, Lao Chen would know what she was going to say next.

Ang, I'm back.

Bian Shishi was polite to Chen Hansheng along the way, but when she saw her boyfriend, her nature was revealed immediately.

Hurry and help me carry my bag.

Wang Zibo, how many times have I told you not to twist your butt in public.

I'll fight you again.

Hmph, I want to eat Korean bibimbap tonight. The one in Xinjiekou, you go with me!


Bian Shishi's tone was a bit doting and domineering, but Wang Zibo didn't care at all. It seemed that no matter what his girlfriend asked for, he would agree with a smile, with gentleness on his simple face.

Chen Hansheng felt a little emotional when he saw it. In fact, Fa Xiao was really honest. Whenever Huang Hui tried her best, Wang Zibo would continue to lie to herself.

Speaking of Huang Hui, according to Zhang Weiyu's report, more than a dozen accidents involving Samsung mobile phone explosions have almost been arranged, and Huang Hui will soon be traced based on the clues given by Chen Hansheng.

But this matter had to be hidden from Wang Zibo. This fool was too soft-hearted and too sincere.

I remember that in the first year of junior high school, the two of them were misunderstood to steal oranges from the orchard, and the owner of the orchard directly found the school.

Wang Zibo's explanations were useless. He couldn't bear to be framed, so he actually cried and took a knife to cut open his stomach and let the orchard owner see for himself that he had not eaten anything secretly.

Of course, he was stopped by the teacher in the end. Chen Hansheng felt stupid and yelled at Wang Zibo: Are you a fool? Why do you want to cut open your stomach? You will die. If you really want to verify, you can dig out their eyes. , eat it and verify it in your stomach.”

The owner of the orchard had probably never seen such a ferocious junior high school student, and the matter was settled in the end. Although this was just a small episode, it also exposed the completely different personalities of Chen Hansheng and Wang Zibo.

So twenty years later, one started from scratch and had a net worth of hundreds of millions; the other worked as a technical engineer in a state-owned enterprise, and even ignored Chen Hansheng's obstruction and honestly accepted an assignment to Iraq in the Middle East.

Xiao Chen, what's wrong with you?

Wang Zibo saw that Chen Hansheng was a little distracted and waved his hand in front of his eyes.

Wait, I'm thinking about something.

Chen Hansheng reacted and put his arm around Wang Zibo's neck: Look at how cowardly you are, how humble you are to your girlfriend. You have to learn from me. You can walk among thousands of flowers and not even a leaf touches you. Women will only affect my ability to draw my sword. speed.


Bian Shishi sneered: I don't know who stood outside Xiao Yu'er's bedroom door for twenty minutes at night. Such affection between children will affect the speed of drawing the sword.

Who is so stupid that he stood there for twenty minutes? Couldn't he know how to kick down the door?

Chen Hansheng's face was full of disdain: It's not me anyway. Bian Shishi, you have to be responsible for what you say, otherwise I can sue you for defamation even if you are an acquaintance...

Wang Zibo couldn't get in the middle of this kind of bickering.

He felt that his tongue was weak when there was a quarrel, but he was also very happy. On one side he had grown up nearly twenty years ago, and on the other side he was the girl he loved most. It would be great if life could always be this simple.

The three of them took a ride to the Korean restaurant in Xinjiekou, which was regarded as the love place between Wang Zibo and Bian Shishi. Chen Hansheng and Xiao Rongyu also used to come here often.

On this day last year, in this door, the human face and the peach blossoms reflected each other's red color. I don't know where the human faces are, but the peach blossoms still smile in the spring breeze.

Chen Hansheng checked Baidu and read out the poem in its entirety.

In the past, he was the one who fed others dog food, but he didn't expect that things would turn around and Wang Zibo, a dog, could also show off the decadent flavor of love.

However, Zibo's good things were not over yet. During the meal, he happily revealed another piece of good news.

Because Wang Zibo took over several small projects in the school and completed them well with high quality and quantity, and from the perspective of supporting students to start their own businesses, Jianye Polytechnic gave an office in the entrepreneurial park to Zhibo Network Software Company free of charge.

Since Chen Hansheng was born in the University of Finance and Economics, major universities in Jianye have made great efforts to support student entrepreneurship in the past two years. They probably also want to find a Liu Hansheng, Zhang Hansheng, Li Hansheng...

Just an office?

Chen Hansheng curled his lips and said: Given the relationship between you and me, your school is not very good at being a good person. It seems that 'Guoke Chen' has little influence in the eyes of the leaders of your Youth League committee of Jianye University of Technology.


Wang Zibo explained awkwardly: The employment guidance teacher didn't know about this. He was still wondering how I got to intern at Guoke Electronics in the first place.

I think it's already great.

Bian Shishi showed the thoughtfulness of a girlfriend and said proudly: You haven't graduated yet and you already have an office. In two years, I believe you can become a big company.

Come on, cheers!

Bian Shishi poured two cups of barley tea with a bang, holding one cup in her hand and handing the other to her boyfriend, her eyes shining brightly: Zi Bo, I believe in you, you don't have to be inferior to anyone else!


Wang Zibo felt a little uncomfortable, and then his eyes started to heat up. He had always been a person with low self-confidence, and his parents would not encourage him. Although they had a good relationship when they were young, he was lucky that Chen Hansheng didn't have a venomous tongue.

I had a talk with Huang Hui before. In order to better control this mobile ATM machine, she constantly belittled Wang Zibo in her words and deeds, which shattered this introverted boy's self-esteem into holes.

Until he met Bian Shishi, a girlfriend who always encouraged him, Wang Zibo felt that this was his angel.

It's disgusting, I won't eat it.

Chen Hansheng, who had already eaten and drank enough, made an exaggerated vomit sound, put a cigarette in his mouth, walked out of the restaurant, lit it, and then took the bus back to Jiangling.

Wang Zibo and Bian Shishi also left after paying. Bian Shishi wanted to take a look at the office of Jianye Institute of Technology before returning to the dormitory.

Bian Shishi was in a good mood. She had stayed in the United States for a while. In addition to missing her boyfriend, she also missed the lively street scene of Xinjiekou and the sycamore trees on Wenlan Road.

Zi Bo.

Stepping under the bright moonlight and blowing the breeze of March, Bian Shishi was walking, and suddenly he raised his head and asked: If one day, Chen Hansheng and I quarrel, who will you help?


(Half an hour early, haha, everyone should go to bed early after voting.)

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