I Really Didn’t Want to be Born Again

Chapter 846: Will you suddenly appear (Part 1)


Chen Lan choked, and she didn't know how to answer.

Because no matter whether you say yes or no, they all seem to mean eating shit.

Brother, why do you always mention these disgusting things?

But Chen Lan also has a trick. Whenever she can't talk to Chen Hansheng, she will try to fool him: I like to argue with me all day long, but when I asked you to buy me some clothes, you just resisted. Look, you still look like a brother. ?

Chen Lan, you are already in college, why are you still comparing yourself to a primary school student?

Chen Hansheng said with disdain: Only elementary school students compare which clothes are more high-end. We college students compare where to buy clothes for cheaper. Anyone who can buy a pair of jeans for 9 yuan is the king in the dormitory.


Chen Lan giggled twice: It seems like this. This trend has already begun in our dormitory. The second sister bought a discounted skirt for 39 yuan, and everyone in the dormitory was envious.

Alan is still innocent.

The little secretary shook his head. Minister Chen simply didn't want to pay.

But there was nothing they could do. The brother and sister liked to fool each other like this. Of course, the elder brother was always better every time. Although Chen Lan didn't eat shit, Chen Hansheng also saved hundreds of dollars.

At the same time, Chen Hansheng also learned about Xiao Rongyu's attitude towards this case, and he was successful in asking for advice and luring the fish with bricks and mortar.

Since Xiao Yu'er agrees to this case, I have reason to go to her. After all, she is the director of the law firm. What's wrong with me, as a client, asking for business in person?

Chen Hansheng put his feet up on the table, thinking silently in his mind. After a while, the battle between Guoke and Samsung will become more intense, and he will not be able to spare any time.

It's just that Xiao Yu'er's address in the United States is not clear, but this is not difficult for Chen Hansheng. Although I don't know why Bian Shishi deliberately matched her, she did behave like this.

Didi didi~

Chen Hansheng opened QQ to look for Bian Shishi, and countless group chat messages came to him.

There are junior high school class groups, high school class groups, college class groups, and family QQ groups.

The family’s QQ group is also divided into two, one is on the Empress Dowager Liang’s side, the QQ group name is “Liang Family Courtyard”, the other is on Lao Chen’s side, the QQ group name is “Love each other as a family”.

This name is estimated to continue into the WeChat era.

These uncles and aunts often forward various links in the group, such as When your body shows these symptoms, you should pay attention, Save the child, Teacher He Jiong will cry when he sees it, Click in and you can Making money and earning more than 10,000 yuan a month is not a dream.”

Good guy, even the scam Trojans are forwarded.

Can't stand it.

Chen Hansheng deleted these group chat messages, and when he scrolled down his friends list, he saw Xiao Yuer's QQ profile picture, which was gray and dull.

Last year at Shura Field, Chen Hansheng was blocked by Xiao Rongyu in all channels. Later, by chance, although his phone number was pulled out, QQ was still on the blacklist.


Chen Hansheng sighed. He had more than 300 friends in QQ, but at least 100 of them he didn't know, so those in the circle of friends were not necessarily friends. Those in the blacklist were old friends.

Chen Hansheng found Shiyu's Summer, which is Bian Shishi's QQ nickname.

Nicknames sometimes reflect something, such as Chen Hansheng's Chen Yingjun, which expresses his appearance, and Han Sheng's handsome is a homophone in English;

Cat Lane Girl by Shen Youchu expresses a feeling of missing home, mother-in-law and sister;

Xiao Rongyu's fish hiding on the bottom of the sea and blowing bubbles expresses a childlike, cute and interesting thought;

Wang Zibo's Young people don't know how to be frivolous\

,"This is a very typical pretentious nickname with no connotation;

Bian Shishi's Summer of Shiyu should express the deep friendship between two good friends.


Chen Hansheng sent a message.

Chen Yingjun: Are you there? Have you slept?

The Summer of Poetry Fish:?

Chen Yingjun: I haven’t slept yet. It’s almost 2 o’clock in the morning in the United States.

Shiyu’s Summer: What, are you okay?

Oh, so cold.

Chen Hansheng frowned. He thought he had made a mistake in his judgment. Bian Shishi actually had no intention of matching them up.

So, Chen Hansheng came up with an honest and upright reason.

Chen Yingjun: Guoke and Samsung have had some commercial conflicts recently. I have entrusted the case to Rong Sheng Law Firm, but there are still some issues that I am not sure about, and I would like to ask Xiaoyuer for advice in person.

Shiyu’s Summer: Do you want our address in the United States?

Chen Yingjun: Ang.

Shiyu’s Summer: No, bye!


Chen Hansheng stared at the word no in a daze, and thought to himself, Bian Shishi is so brave, did you know that your man slept with Huang Hui?

However, Bian Shishi seemed to have really fallen asleep and never responded to the message. When Chen Hansheng was considering the idea of ​​we need to break up together, I am not feeling well, and you can't be happy either, Wang Zibo suddenly called.

This silly boy has been busy with a small project at school recently, and the two of them haven't seen each other for several days.

Xiao Chen.

Wang Zibo sounded a little puzzled: Please help me analyze it. What does it mean that Bian Shishi suddenly wants to eat the lotus cake from Lion Bridge? She also sent her the address and asked me to send it there immediately, but the United States is so far away, and it will be bad if it is sent there. Come on, if you don’t send it, will she be angry?”

...Oh my god, that's all.

Chen Hansheng patted his head depressedly.

Bian Shishi probably wanted to tell Xiao Yu'er's address to herself, but felt that it was too easy, so she went in a big circle and deliberately told it through Wang Zibo. Could it be that arrogant women are so scary.

Take off your pants and fart, it's unnecessary!

Chen Hansheng muttered helplessly.

What? I didn't fart. Xiao Chen, please help me think about whether I should send the sweet-scented osmanthus cake or not...

Silly Wang Zibo was still asking naggingly.


Chen Hansheng's passport and visa had not expired, and he was not short of money, so he bought a ticket to the United States the next day. The public reason was naturally a business trip.

Xiao Rongyu naturally didn't know anything. Let alone her, even Bian Shishi didn't expect that Chen Hansheng would be so decisive.

It was just an ordinary morning in San Francisco. The mist had just dispersed. The sun, which was not dazzling, passed through the leaves and left irregular spots on the ground. There were also crisp sounds of birdsong outside.

Aunt Lin woke up early, humming Today is a good day and happily working in the kitchen.

Aunt Lin is a very experienced nanny and has served all kinds of clients, but this is her first time in the United States, thousands of miles away.

She originally didn't want to come, but Cheng Dejun, the chairman of Shenzhen Tong, came to visit in person and offered a very high reward, so Aunt Lin agreed to give it a try.

However, the quality of the customers is very good. One is a professor at the university. It is said that he is very famous in the country. His white hair looks knowledgeable and dignified.

Two beautiful girls, one of them is particularly beautiful. She has two sweet pear dimples when she smiles. Aunt Lin likes this girl named Xiao Yu'er the most.

It's just that Xiao Yu'er seemed to be pregnant, but the customer didn't take the initiative to tell her. Aunt Lin also abided by the principle and never took the initiative to ask. She just made nutritious soup on time every night.

In addition, there is a girl with short hair and a somewhat cold personality. She also likes to watch men's wrestling shows. Aunt Lin is a little afraid of her.

Dong dong dong~

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door outside.

Who is it?

Aunt Lin called out and saw through the peephole that she was an Asian. He was tall and smiling, but there was always a sense of generosity in his smile.

The old professor said that this is a wealthy area in the United States and there is no problem with safety. However, Aunt Lin was still very cautious and only opened the wooden door inside. Using the English that Xiao Yuer taught her, she stumbled and asked: Who... ···howareyou?”

This should be whoareyou, which means who are you?

As a result, Aunt Lin was not familiar with it, so she directly changed it to howareyou, which means how are you?


The person at the door was naturally Chen Hansheng. He was also a little confused by the English question of the middle-aged woman in front of him, but this sentence structure was so familiar that every child who had attended nine years of compulsory education would answer it.

I am fine, thank you, and you?

Chen Hansheng almost blurted out.

Then, the two people stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes, falling into a daze.

Aunt Lin didn't know how to reply, she only knew these few sentences in simple English.

Chen Hansheng wondered if he had come to the wrong place. Could it be that Bian Shishi was lying to me? What a big bitch!

Creak, creak, creak~

At this time, someone happened to be coming down the stairs.

Chen Hansheng looked over and saw a pair of slender calves, indicating that he was at least 168cm tall. He was wearing a simple sports Nike sweatshirt, a high ponytail swinging from side to side, a slightly raised chin, a delicate face with oval seeds, and the familiar pear dimples on both sides of the mouth. .

Aunt Lin, who's coming...

He didn't finish the sentence, and swallowed the second half of it. He just grabbed the white wrist of the escalator and suddenly tightened it hard.

Little fish~

Chen Hansheng tilted his head and said with a bright smile: Long time no see.


(Eason Chan's Long Time No See is really good. Please give me a monthly pass. Thank you all.)

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