I Really Didn’t Want to be Born Again

Eight hundred and forty-three,

I really don’t want to be reborn. Text Volume 843, “Throwing Stones to Ask for Directions” After Chen Zhannan’s postgraduate entrance examination results came out, Shen Youchu had more things to do. With Mo Ke’s help, he contacted the tutor at Jianye University in advance to prepare personal interview materials. And live a good life with Chen Hansheng.

Shen Youchu's major is Applied Economics, which is affiliated with the Business School. This has little connection with the original major Public Management. It is a difficult cross-school and cross-major exam, referred to as the second cross.

In the postgraduate examination, it is the least difficult to choose students who take the postgraduate entrance examination from the local area, the same school, and the same major, because they have a better understanding of the major and subject teachers in the four years of college. During the interview, the tutors will also prefer students from the same school. Basically, it is closed after passing the school line.

However, when Shen Youchu chose Second Cross, she still hoped to have more exchanges with Chen Hansheng. Her life is actually very simple, and everything is centered on Chen Hansheng to build her own small family.

When preparing the materials, everyone discovered that Shen Youchu's personal resume was still very brilliant. In addition to receiving national scholarships for several consecutive years, he also met the legal person and major shareholder of a milk tea shop.

With the reputation of the milk tea shop in Jianye, this is a good research example. Mo Erma immediately promised that she would definitely find a famous female professor of economics to be Shen Youchu's tutor.

In fact, Chen Hansheng didn't care in his heart. With his experience, he was enough to explain economics knowledge to many professors.

February has passed by in a hurry, and late spring is ushering in March. It seems that not much has changed, except that there are suddenly more catkins on both sides of the road, the cherry blossoms at Jiming Temple have also quietly bloomed, and the sunshine at noon has inexplicably gained an extra layer. Feeling of heat and dryness.

Only then did everyone realize that winter was finally gone and the heartbreaking spring had arrived.

This is supposed to be the time for organizing spring outings, but in the domestic electronic product manufacturing industry, an important news suddenly came to light.

Samsung filed a lawsuit against Guoke Electronics in court. The reason is that Mr. Chen Hansheng, chairman of Guoke Electronics, has slandered Samsung products in public several times in recent months without evidence, which has seriously affected the reputation of Samsung.

Therefore, Samsung required Mr. Chen Hansheng to compensate RMB 1 million for reputational damage, and he publicly apologized in the newspaper.

After the financial reporter learned about it, he quickly interviewed the person in charge of the Jianye branch and asked about the meaning of this approach.

Samsung's spokesperson is Park Jung-soo. He stated that Samsung has given Guoke too many opportunities, but Director Chen did not cherish it. Samsung expressed great regret and will use legal means to protect its legitimate interests.

In fact, this matter has no impact at all on ordinary people who don't know Chen Hansheng.

It's time to go to work, fall in love, and enjoy the spring outing. Even most of the Huike fans don't pay much attention to it. They just think Oh, Samsung sued Huoke.

On the contrary, it has caused a lot of discussions in the Guoke community. The current Guoke community is very much like a combination of Zhihu and Tianya. Occasionally, one or two industry leaders will emerge, and their analysis of problems is very forward-looking.

Samsung and Guoke are igniting smoke. Will their fight affect the development of the electronics industry this year?

How will Guoke, who comes uninvited and never suffers a loss, deal with it? I have the following opinions... It is related to interests, so I can't say too much. In addition, the administrator will delete my post and kill the whole family!

First ask if it is true, and then ask why. I analyze that this fight is just a gimmick that will not cause much conflict. In the end, it will be like an old woman's foot wrap, smelly, long, and in vain.

Samsung personally went out to compete with Guoke. This is probably the worst time Samsung has been hacked. South Korea's Samsung technology can beat China's in every aspect...

Is the person upstairs a good dutiful son?


There are many similar discussions on the Guoke community.

The Internet Department collects some hot posts and sends them to Chen Hansheng every day. After reading them, Chen Hansheng feels that these silly netizens are so interesting.

Of course, there are also very smart netizens who analyze that Guoke must be preparing some kind of nuclear bomb, which is like Guoke's usual style.

Sometimes Chen Hansheng would even go out in person, using the My Friend/My Neighbor Series.

Chen Yingjun: I have a friend who works in the Guoke Administration Department. It is said that they are preparing for a big war to extinguish the spirit of Bangzi.


Of course, Chen Hansheng was not talking about it online. Although Zhang Weiyu was not ready yet, Chen Hansheng came to Rongsheng Law Firm the morning after Samsung submitted the lawsuit application.

Since the Shura Field broke out, Chen Hansheng hasn't been here for more than two months. I took a walk today and found two changes.

The first change is that the business has increased. Rong Sheng Law Firm relied on the cross-border marriage lawsuit and Professor Sun's endorsement behind his back to become more and more powerful as a big law firm.

Under the current situation, as long as there is another dispute like transnational marriage, Rong Sheng will immediately become one of the top law firms in the province.

But this kind of lawsuit is rare. After all, it still needs to have a certain influence internationally.

The second change is that there are more and more people.

Zhuang Jixin, Xiao Shunming, Li Fei and other senior brothers and sisters have already come to the law firm for internship. After seeing Chen Hansheng, they still enthusiastically joked Director Chen, Director Chen, indicating that these people should not know about the breakup of Chen Hansheng and Xiao Rongyu .


At this time, Gao Wen walked out of the office and coughed slightly, and others hurriedly went about their business.

Gao Wen is not only the oldest in the law firm, but also has a doctorate degree. In terms of ability, she has obtained a practicing lawyer qualification certificate. Zhuang Jixin and other juniors and juniors are a little afraid of her.

Director Chen.

Gao Wen said hello to Chen Hansheng and politely invited him into the office.


Chen Hansheng nodded slightly and subconsciously walked to the office of the law firm director.

Through the transparent glass partition, Chen Hansheng silently looked at the sofas, soft chairs, computers, and mahogany tables inside...

This was Xiao Rongyu's original office, and it was also the place where Chen Hansheng stayed the longest. Looking at these familiar scenes, that sweet and lively voice kept lingering in his mind.

After Xiao Yuer goes abroad, we will sort it out every day.

Gao Wen said softly: I really hope she can come back soon. You also need to persuade her. The law firm cannot be without a director.


Chen Hansheng glanced at Gao Wen and repeated: Thank you, Senior Sister Gao.

Senior Sister Gao Wen and Senior Sister Li Na are partners in the law firm. They all know that Chen Hansheng and Xiao Rongyu have broken up. While they are sad, they are also wondering what happened to break up the couple who had already bought a villa and wanted to get married.

However, judging from Senior Sister Gao's reaction, she still hopes that this well-matched couple can reconcile.

After entering the office, Chen Hansheng also made it clear why he came. Samsung filed a lawsuit, and Guoke naturally had to find a law firm team. Chen Hansheng hoped that Rongsheng Law Firm would be responsible.

If it had been before, Gao Wen would have followed without hesitation, and she would also have been grateful to Guoke for the opportunity.

Because Samsung and Guoke are both well-known companies in China, and Samsung is still a Fortune 500 company. If it can participate in the economic game between these two companies, Rongsheng Law Firm's qualifications will be further consolidated.


Gao Wen pondered for a while and said truthfully: Han Sheng, I want to contact the United States.

After all, Xiao Rongyu is the director of the law firm.


Chen Hansheng was not surprised and said simply: Then I will wait for the good news from Senior Sister Gao.

In fact, he originally planned to use this dispute to reconnect with Xiao Rongyu.

There is also an idiom for this trick - throwing stones to ask for directions.

The dispute between Guoke and Samsung is a stone, and the way to ask is naturally Xiaoyu'er's current attitude towards himself.


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