Yan Ning originally wanted to clarify that he had not resigned from Samsung. Even if he resigned, his job after returning to China would not necessarily be Xiaomi Electronics Factory. These were just arrangements made by Director Chen.

But now that I encountered Zheng Guanti's Liu Bei-style care, these words suddenly became unspeakable.

When having dinner at around 5 o'clock, Yan Ning followed Zheng Guanti to the canteen obediently. As Zheng Guanti walked, he introduced the plans of Xiaomi Electronics Factory and even the company's next plan.

There seemed to be no reservations in the conversation, as if Yan Ning was regarded as one of his own, and the hesitation in Yan Ning's expression became even more obvious.

Of course she wanted to return to China to work. Especially after what happened with Chen Hansheng, Yan Ning realized the importance of family.

It's just that if she returns to China, she will definitely not be able to take care of her career at the same time. Yan Ning does not expect to find a job in China that is comparable to her original position. However, the appearance of Zheng Guanti gives her a glimmer of hope that she can have her cake and eat it too.

Xiaomi is an electronic product manufacturer with great potential, and Xiaomi mobile phones are known as one of the representatives of domestic mobile phones. According to the current penetration rate of domestic mobile phones, this kind of enterprise will definitely have wider room for growth in the next few years.

The most important thing is that from the current contact, Zheng Guanti is not only noble in status, but also elegant in conversation. He is also very considerate. In less than an hour together, Yan Ning has already felt the charm of Zheng Guanti's personality.

Xiaomi is a good choice for both public and private purposes. The only thing that makes Yan Ning hesitate is that if he chooses Xiaomi, it is equivalent to agreeing to be a commercial spy for Guoke. Otherwise, is Chen Hansheng really that kind?

But do I still have a choice?

Yan Ning sighed quietly. In fact, giving the USB flash drive to Chen Hansheng was equivalent to revealing Samsung's secrets. Guoke could threaten him at any time.

When Chen Hansheng introduced Xiaomi to himself, he simply meant that the way forward has been arranged, so you can be a rebellious boy with confidence and boldness.

Yan Ning also knew very well that this was a naked enticement, but the effect was obvious.

Without the fallback path of Xiaomi and Zheng Guanti, Yan Ning would have been under a lot of pressure even if he was a commercial spy, which would affect the efficiency of delivering information, and there was even a possibility of betrayal;

However, after having this escape route, Yan Ning felt inexplicably much more at ease. Perhaps this was the function of the spare tire.

The stronger the spare tire is, the more likely it is to pose a threat to the incumbent, not only emotionally, but also at work.

Ordinary people can't beat Chen Hansheng. He has thought out every step.

Yan Ning finally understood this truth.

In the whole matter, Chen Hansheng used intimidation, threats, and inducements... If someone had told Yan Ning before that you would become a commercial spy in the future, Yan Ning felt that this was really ridiculous. But now it is actually developing in this direction, and there is still a sense of willingness.

When people are in the arena, they can't help themselves.


After eating, Yan Ning left Xiaomi Electronics Factory, and Chen Hansheng continued to sit in Zheng Guanti's office.

Brother Ti, you were too impatient just now.

Chen Hansheng joked: Yan Ning has good abilities, but your tone and demeanor remind me of Liu Bei and Song Jiang. One calls everyone brother, and the other gives money to everyone.

Tsk, how can Song Jiang be compared with Liu Bei? Do you really think that we in Hong Kong don't read history books?

Best friend Zheng snorted coldly and continued to look at the information on the computer.

Chen Hansheng shrugged his shoulders and took out his mobile phone to scroll through the news.

They were so familiar with each other that even if one was looking at the computer and the other was playing on his mobile phone, the two of them would not be embarrassed. The sounds of Nie Xiaoyu and Jiang Yunyun chatting outside could still be heard in their ears.

Nie Xiaoyu: Sister Yun, I am different from you now. Although I am also the secretary to the chairman,

He is also the secretary of the board of directors.

Jiang Yunyun: It feels like there’s no difference. You’re still running around like crazy with Mr. Chen.

Nie Xiaoyu (proud): The difference is huge. I am now in management. Sister Xu from the administration department asked me that day if I needed a secretary.

Jiang Yunyun (surprised): Can a little secretary also be paired with a little secretary?

Nie Xiaoyu (satisfied): Of course, my little secretary is different.

Jiang Yunyun (envious): Then I really want to have a little secretary. Even if I don’t do anything, I’ll look comfortable.


The two bored little secretaries were nesting dolls on each other over there. Zheng Guanti smiled, took a sip of coffee, and talked to Chen Hansheng.

Auntie, did you come to Jianye during the Spring Festival?

Zheng Guanti asked: She sent me a message on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, and I didn't know until then.


Chen Hansheng nodded: This year our family spent time with Shen Youchu's family.

Chen Hansheng never lied about his relationship affairs in front of Zheng's best friend, firstly because Zheng Guanti had known that he was a scumbag for a long time; secondly, Zheng Guanti had no prejudice and she had similar feelings towards Shen Youchu and Xiao Rongyu.

However, Zheng Guanti is not a Chen party like Wang Zibo. If he is seriously summed up, he should be a girlfriend party without any interests.

What about the one at Dongda University?

Zheng Guanti knew about the Shura Field, and Chen Hansheng took the initiative to talk to her about it.

She has gone abroad. I am going to find an excuse to go abroad to see her.

Chen Hansheng said, playing with the lighter.

This excuse is easy to find. Once Samsung takes Guoke to court, Guoke can find Rong Sheng Law Firm to represent him, so Chen Hansheng is somewhat looking forward to going to court with Samsung, which will give him more reason to meet Xiao Yuer.

It's not easy for a scumbag either.

Zheng Guanti shook his head and continued to read the documents. Chen Hansheng stood up and prepared to go back.

Wait a moment.

Best friend Zheng thought of something and suddenly said: There will be people coming from Hong Kong in a while, and Hong Shiyong may be among them. Do you want to meet them?

I haven't seen Lao Hong for more than half a year. I don't know how the fat man is doing in the UK.

Chen Hansheng has been in business for so long, and Hong Shiyong is really a very qualified opponent. In the end, they met each other without any grudges.

Then why did your family come here? They saw that Xiaomi Electronics Factory was booming, so they got interested again?

Chen Hansheng asked with a frown.

This is not possible. The ownership of Xiaomi is in my name.

Zheng Guanti shook his head: Maybe he wants to invest in the mainland. What do you think of the market in Hong Kong? Does Guoke plan to use Hong Kong as a springboard to enter foreign countries?

It's boring.

Chen Hansheng directly rejected it: I might have been very interested 10 years ago, but now it's 6002, China has joined the WTO, and Hong Kong, a tiny place, has long been depleted of consumption potential by high housing prices. In the next 10 years, The mobile phone market in 2017 is dominated by developing countries with large populations such as China and India.

Zheng Guanti nodded. In fact, she and Chen Hansheng had similar views, but the development routes of Xiaomi and Guoke were different.

Guoke is an obvious ecological chain model. It builds various products around the Guoke brand, and mobile phones are only a very important part;

Xiaomi is all about stud mobile phones, so it has begun to lay out offline mobile phone stores.

The conversation got out of hand. Their vision and skills were almost the same, and they had the same opinions in many places. It was after 9 o'clock that Chen Hansheng really went back.

Nie Xiaoyu and Jiang Yunyun, the Yunyu duo, were huddled together reading comics. It wasn't until Chen Hansheng called out that the secretary reluctantly said goodbye.

Minister Chen, do you think we should have an English name?

Nie Xiaoyu followed and said, Xiaoyun has English names here, such as Peter, Rose, and Kelvin. They are quite foreign.

At this time, in Zheng Guanti's office, Jiang Yunyun also said aggrievedly: Boss, Xiaoyu is going to have a secretary. When can I have a secretary?

Chen Hansheng/Zheng Guanti: Stop dreaming and work with peace of mind.

After returning to the office, Chen Hansheng sat quietly for a while, thinking about what happened today, then took out his mobile phone and contacted two people.

The first one was Zhang Weiyu, and Chen Hansheng asked him to help him investigate a person.

Zhang Weiyu originally thought that this task would be difficult, after all, he now had to fake the Samsung mobile phone explosion incident, but the information sent by Chen Hansheng was very detailed.

Not only the name of the person, but also the picture of the MMS, and even the household registration address are all clear, which makes it much simpler. Chen Hansheng even hinted that if Zhang Weiyu has any police friends he knows, he can help confirm her current location and occupation.

This woman named Huang Hui seems to be in trouble.

Zhang Weiyu thought to himself.

Chen Hansheng made his second call to Luo Xuan. This call was much more innocent. It was because of Yan Ning that he suddenly wanted to chat with his junior sister.

Hey, today is really weird.

Luo Xuan said crisply: A senior sister called me just now, and now senior brother Chen also called me. You two have made an appointment, hahaha...

That senior sister was probably Yan Ning. I guess she wanted to thank Luo Xuan for unintentionally protecting her family.

Your senior sister and I don't know each other, how can we make an appointment to make a phone call?

Chen Hansheng said half-truthfully, and then asked Luo Xuan how she was doing since school started.

Senior Brother Chen~

The two talked for a while, then there was a bang on the door. Luo Xuan seemed to have walked to the balcony, and then said in an excited and bold tone: I have been dreaming about you every night these days.

Chen Hansheng was stunned for a moment: Dream of love?


Although Luo Xuan was a little shy, she still admitted it. She lowered her voice and asked, You were always on top of me in the dream, and you were so forceful that you wanted to kiss me. Your movements were so domineering. Are you excited?

Ah this...

Chen Hansheng clicked his tongue: I'm not excited at all, I just feel like I'm at a loss. If you lust after me next time, remember to settle my appearance fee the next day.


(There's something going on today, there's only one update left, so don't wait.)

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