I Really Didn’t Want to be Born Again

833. Why are Xiao Rongyu covering his belly in the photos?

On Valentine's Day on February 14, Chen Hansheng fulfilled Shen Youchu's wish and took her back to the University of Finance and Economics.

The six gilt characters Jianye University of Finance and Economics at the school gate are very conspicuous in the sun, with dragons and phoenixes engraved on the black marble base. Chen Hansheng looked at it for a while and thought it was quite interesting.

When the University of Finance and Economics was reforming and establishing a school, it was when Rocket 101 was at its peak, and my deeds were submitted as application materials.

Mr. Chen is back, why didn't you drive?

The security guard in the guard room saw Chen Hansheng from a distance and came out to say hello politely.

What do you mean by coming back? I haven't graduated yet.

As before, Chen Hansheng took out the Zhonghua in his pocket and distributed them one by one, and chatted with the security uncle: How is school lately?

It's still the same.

The security guard said with a smile: There is no change at all. We sit here and watch the students coming in and out, and patrol and check when they arrive. College students are of higher quality, and fights and thefts will basically not happen.

It's nice to be relaxed.

Chen Hansheng replied with a smile, and after smoking a cigarette with them, he and Shen Youchu walked into the school.

When the two of them walked further and further away, the guards gathered together and spontaneously patted Chen Hansheng's rainbow fart.

Look, you know how to be a good person. Mr. Chen is so rich, and he still smokes with us and brags like before.

So success is not accidental. Some young teachers have eyes in the sky and don't want to say a word to us. Such people will not get ahead.

Who are you talking about from the Foreign Languages ​​School? Principal Lu actually doesn't like her either. I heard that she is going to be fired during the summer vacation.


Gossip is probably the nature of human beings. Chen Hansheng would search Baidu for things like Samsung Princess committed suicide. It is very normal for security uncles to talk about teachers in schools.

It's just that these people have an inaccurate impression of the school. Although the teaching building is still the same teaching building and the cafeteria is still the same cafeteria, as soon as Chen Hansheng stepped into the school, he immediately felt that many things had changed slightly.

The first thing is the banner at the door, which says Happy New Year 2006. Chen Hansheng remembers that when he first registered for school, he still said warmly welcome the new students of Grade 02.

Then there is the announcer of the school radio station. Shang Yanyan has resigned from the position of director of the radio station. The current announcer is a junior girl. Although her Mandarin is very standard, her voice is far less enchanting than Shang Yanyan. Those junior students We must be very disappointed.

Shang Yanyan has not returned from winter vacation. Her mother sprained her foot during the Spring Festival. Although the problem is not serious, Shang Yanyan has to take care of her at home for a while.

Of course, the relationship between the two has never been broken. Before taking a bath, Shang Yanyan would take a photo wearing a bath towel and send it: Dad, does it look good?

If Chen Hansheng answered not good-looking, Shang Yanyan would pull the bath towel down a little, exposing her smooth shoulders and collarbones, take another picture and ask: Where's this one?

Chen Hansheng still replied it doesn't look good.

Because only by saying this, Shang Yanyan would not admit defeat and push her a little harder.

The third change in the school is that almost all the cadres in the student union have been rotated.

Whether it is the Student Union of Finance and Economics or the Student Union of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Chen Hansheng only knows a few faces. Maybe in a month or two, he will also hand over the title of President of the Student Union.

From then on, Chairman Chen of Finance University will become a legend.

Hey, do you think school has changed?

After Chen Hansheng finished sighing, he turned to ask Shen Youchu.


Shen Youchu nodded his chin.

She was wearing a white down jacket and sky blue jeans today. She looked very plain. It was very similar to the weather in early spring. The clouds were white and the sky was blue. I originally thought that her peach blossom eyes would look more lively and lively.

But on Shen Youchu's face, there was a gentle and charming look between his head and his eyebrows.

What has changed?

Chen Hansheng continued to ask.

The flowers have changed.

Shen Youchu pointed to the green plants next to the artificial lake: There are a few more spring flowers here.

Ah...what else is there?

Chen Hansheng was stunned. At this time, he should lament the passage of time and observe how these flowers and plants appear to have a pattern of their own.

There are a few more crabapples over there at the pavilion.

Shen Youchu pointed to the sightseeing pavilion again and said seriously.

Shen Youchu, I think you are a pig.

Chen Hansheng laughed dumbly and couldn't help but hold Shen Youchu's smooth and fair face and rub it for a long time.

Shen Hanhan didn't know why she was being abused, but she wouldn't resist. When Chen Hansheng withdrew his hand with satisfaction, she slowly rubbed it by herself.

These are normal behaviors between lovers. Especially when one partner feels that the other partner is particularly cute, they can't help but want to abuse them.

After walking past the artificial lake, they first had a small hot pot in the second cafeteria, and then went to 101 in Building F. This is where Chen Hansheng started his career. Li Zhennan and Su Jing were in the store.

Su Jing was quite embarrassed when she saw Shen Youchu. At first, Luo Xuan wanted to squeeze out Shen Youchu and vowed to make many expulsion plans. Su Jing also gave some reference opinions.

Of course, they all failed in the end. Now Xiaoxuan has gone to South Korea to study, and the person accompanying Senior Brother Chen is Senior Sister Shen, which makes people have to lament fate and destiny.

In fact, Shen Youchu doesn't hold grudges. She may have forgotten what Luo Xuan did.

The next two people went to visit the library again, and finally rested for a while at the Meet milk tea shop. At this time, the sun was setting, the sunset was as charming as rouge, and there was some evening coolness in the air.

Chen Hansheng was sitting on a wicker chair in the milk tea shop. Tuan Yuan saw his mom and dad, twisting his fat body and walking around excitedly at their feet.

In fact, Chen Hansheng once brought Tuanyuan back to Tianjingshan Community, but the BBS forum of the University of Finance and Economics exploded that day. Everyone thought the school pet was lost, and some girls even posted that they had called the police.

Finally, Chen Hansheng saw that things were getting bigger and bigger, so he quietly sent the fat cat back to the milk tea shop at night. Here he had nothing to worry about eating and drinking, and the young lady came to play with him every day.

It was only during the Spring Festival that Shen Youchu took Fat Cat home.

Chairman Chen, Senior Sister Shen~

Senior Brother Chen, Senior Sister Shen~


People kept coming over to say hello. Chen Hansheng played with his feet and nodded to his juniors. He thought to himself that no matter how many classes of students graduated and how many principals he changed, the University of Finance and Economics would still be the same University of Finance and Economics.

These young college students, those who want to take the postgraduate entrance exams go to the library, those who want to exercise are running around in the student union, and those who want to make money are looking for part-time jobs everywhere. They are bustling and hurried, and they seem to be repeating the cycle one after another.


Chen Hansheng turned the fat cat around again, stretched his arms and said to Shen Youchu: Let's go to the playground. After this Valentine's Day, I will be busy.

After Valentine's Day, it will be late February. Samsung may fight back. Of course, even if it doesn't, Guoke still has its own things to do, and they are preparing to restructure.

Guoke is a company established in 2004. If it makes profits for three consecutive years, it will be listed in 2007. In fact, it can also be quickly backdoor listed, that is, it acquires a company with listing qualifications, and then lets Guoke use this shell Listed.

Of course, no matter what the purpose is, even if it is like Huawei, which has been trying not to go public, from a corporate management perspective, it is necessary to establish a board of directors (board of directors).


The playground of the University of Finance and Economics is a beautiful plastic track. Many students who are trying to lose weight and exercise are running on it. There are also many boys and girls chatting while walking.

Chen Hansheng could tell at a glance that some of them were not lovers. From the boy's slightly nervous face and the awkward way he tried to stir up a conversation, it showed that there was still a long way to go between him and the girl next to him.

Coincidentally, Chen Hansheng saw Xiaojin and Donger here.

Dong'er was tall, but the thick braids on her back ruined her image a bit. Chen Hansheng thought that if Dong'er and Jin Yangming got to the point of meeting their parents, they would have to persuade Dong'er to change her look.

Xiao Jin still loves to show off. He often jumps up and makes a shooting posture while walking. He thinks he is handsome and cool. In fact, Chen Hansheng's toes are clicking, clicking on the soles of his shoes in embarrassment.

After leaving the playground, Chen Hansheng and Shen Youchu went to the College Student Activity Center to watch a movie. When he was a freshman, Chen Hansheng took advantage of the class to hold a movie party, and he deliberately put himself and Shen Youchu together. It was an interesting memory.

Tonight's movie is Hayao Miyazaki's My Neighbor Totoro. Many student couples at the University of Finance and Economics are surprised. They think that classic love movies like Titanic or The Bridge should be shown on Valentine's Day, but they didn't expect it to be shown instead. A cartoon.

Looking at these hesitant couples, Chen Hansheng sneered in his heart. I was tired of watching Jack and Ruth, and now I just want to see something fresh and fresh.

This was because he personally contacted the person in charge of the student union organization that was showing the movie, and temporarily replaced a greasy love movie with My Neighbor Totoro, so these younger brothers had to hold it in despite their dissatisfaction. Who is to say that you are not the president of the student union of the University of Finance and Economics? ?

While watching a movie, Chen Hansheng held Shen Youchu's wrist. Shen Youchu was a little shy, but in the dark, she gently held Chen Hansheng's finger.


It was past 8 o'clock after watching the movie. The normal window in the canteen was closed, but the halal window was still open. The two ate some noodles and walked back to Tianjingshan Community.

Shen Youchu was in a good mood along the way. Although she was not good at expressing emotions, there was a quiet smile on her lips tonight. The dim moonlight shone down, and her fair skin seemed to shine with a layer of porcelain luster.

After returning to the community, Aning was still playing with the children downstairs, and Hu Linyu was calculating the costs of opening the fifth branch of the milk tea shop in the living room.

Chen Hansheng didn't try to tease Xiao Hu, and just lay on the sofa watching TV.

Not long after, the phone dinged, and Wang Zibo forwarded two MMS messages, accompanied by a very dissatisfied message.

Wang Zibo: Today is obviously Valentine's Day, but most of the two photos Bian Shishi sent in succession are of small fishes. I feel that Bian Shishi's photography skills are too poor.

Chen Hansheng: Your IQ is not worthy of Shishi. How about you let her go and I will introduce Hu Linyu to you.

Wang Zibo: You bitch, don’t think about me forwarding messages to you again!

Chen Hansheng didn't take it seriously, but before looking at the photo, he turned sideways and adjusted to a safe angle to avoid reflection from the glass window behind him. He glanced at Hu Linyu as if he was a student about to cheat.

Hu Linyu didn't notice it. Chen Hansheng looked at Shen Youchu who was in the bedroom again, and then opened the MMS message boldly.

In fact, Chen Hansheng understood that Bian Shishi deliberately took pictures of Xiao Yuer, but the Bay Area was more than ten hours behind China. It was after 9 pm here with Chen Hansheng, and it was just morning there.

Xiao Rongyu sat in the yard, bathing in the bright sunshine while flipping through a thick copy of San Francisco Laws.

Her expression was calm and focused, but she did not wear a high ponytail. Her long, straight hair hung down on her shoulders, with some strands covering her delicate face.

Chen Hansheng looked at it blankly for a while. The girl in the photo was now thousands of miles away from him.


Chen Hansheng took out his lighter and was ready to smoke a cigarette.

Xiao Hu was unhappy when he heard the news, frowned and said, Don't smoke at home, Aning is still young.

I know, I know, fuck you Samsung and Hu Linyu.

Chen Hansheng muttered impatiently, put away his phone and prepared to go downstairs, but just when the screen was about to lock, he suddenly felt something was wrong.


Chen Hansheng stopped smoking. He reopened Xiao Rongyu's photo and looked at it. He also found the previous MMS messages and flipped through them one by one, and then sent a text message to Wang Zibo.

Chen Hansheng: Zibo, look at those MMS messages again. Did you find anything strange?

Wang Zibo: Damn it, don’t scare me. I think photos are like Chinese characters. The more you look at them, the less you recognize them. The more you look at the photos, the more terrifying they become. Just now I shivered for no apparent reason.

Chen Hansheng: Why don’t you go and eat shit? Haven’t you seen that Xiao Yuer is covering her belly in every photo?

After Chen Hansheng's reminder, Wang Zibo also discovered that Xiao Yu'er should place her left or right hand on her flat belly no matter when she is reading a book, basking in the sun, or even in a daze.

This movement is so subtle that it would be difficult to detect it without comparing all the photos.

Wang Zibo: Could it be that I have a stomachache? After all, the eating habits in the United States are quite different from ours.

Chen Hansheng: But she has a Chinese nanny.

Wang Zibo: Maybe he caught a cold?

Chen Hansheng: How long has this been going on? No, you can’t help me ask. You act like a fool.

Wang Zibo: I know, I know, I’ll ask!

After a while, Wang Zibo replied excitedly.

Wang Zibo: You still call me stupid, but I think you are the stupid one. I just asked Xiao Yuer, and she clearly told me that she was not used to eating in the United States, so she felt a little uncomfortable in her stomach.

Chen Hansheng: Why did you ask Xiao Yuer, Bian Shishi?

Wang Zibo: What's the difference? Besides, she must know Xiao Yu'er's physical condition best.

What Wang Zibo said made some sense, but Chen Hansheng still felt that something was wrong. He thought that after he was busy this month, he really wanted to go to the United States to visit.

Chen Hansheng: Wang Zibo, you are such an idiot!

Wang Zibo: Damn, why are you scolding me again?

Chen Hansheng: I'm not in a good mood. I always feel like you are the pig teammate in the TV series, and you unintentionally ruined my big event!


(Two-in-one. By the way, please give me a guaranteed monthly pass for September. Thank you all.)

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