I Really Didn’t Want to be Born Again

Eight hundred and thirty, the

I really don’t want to be reborn. Text Volume 830, Shen Ningning and Guo Jiahui’s “Reflection” Life has its tensions and relaxations, and life has its rushes and slowdowns.

After Guoke and Samsung completely broke up, there was no movement from either party for the time being. Chen Hansheng didn't know what Samsung was waiting for. Anyway, he was waiting for Zhang Weiyu to fake mobile phone explosion cases across the country.

After these preparations were completed, Chen Hansheng planned to choose an auspicious day to formally attack Samsung.

As for other aspects, Guoke not only has done business with Indian manufacturers, but the development of the second-generation mobile phone is about to be completed.

The slogan of Guoke's first-generation mobile phone is redefining mobile phones. Because of this arrogant declaration, Guoke Electronics was criticized a lot. Nokia and Motorola didn't say this, so why do you?

It was not until the launch of the Guohu mobile phone that the negative comments gradually decreased after it gradually occupied the market due to its reasonable price, stable quality, and novel and trendy appearance design.

Especially since 2006, its monthly sales have lagged behind most domestic mobile phones.

In the current domestic mobile phone market, only three models, TCL, Haier and Lenovo, can barely compete. However, Guoke does not seem to pay attention to the Yu Sanjia because starting from the mobile phone launch conference, their goal is Samsung.

In addition, according to the news from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, some leaders have criticized the not doing business properly of several state-owned enterprises. They believe that if they sell refrigerators, they should sell refrigerators well, and if they sell color TVs, they should sell color TVs well. They can't see which project makes money and just set up a production line. Just start research and development, which is irresponsible to consumers.

Therefore, it is basically certain that by the end of this year, Guoke will become the No. 1 domestic mobile phone, followed closely by Xiaomi.

Now anyone with a discerning eye can see that the Guoke phone is not just a “mobile phone”, it also represents a complex and healthy closed-loop ecological chain.

Guoke owns Guoke Community and Guoke Mall, and has also reached cooperative relationships with many Internet companies. Everyone can see the K logo of Guoke inadvertently. When founder Chen Hansheng spoke at the China Semiconductor Information Technology Forum , also mentioned “Guoke Video Player” and “Guoke Cloud Music Player”.

It is said that these two are video and audio playback software independently developed by Guoke. The video software is called Guoke Kuaibo and the audio software is called Guoke Cloud. They sound quite impressive.

Shell fans are speculating and looking forward to the second-generation mobile phone of Guoke. Judging from the news released by the Guoke community, the second-generation mobile phone is divided into two types: light white and sky blue.

This is somewhat different from the first-generation sapphire black, agate red and bright silver, but it can be regarded as enriching the product variety. Everyone is waiting for the slogan of the second-generation mobile phone to see what surprises the fruit shell can bring.

So far, if it is only considered as a business and financial achievement, Chen Hansheng is definitely progressing with his head held high, but when it comes to relationships, he has actually lost half of it.

Because Xiaoyuer went to the United States, although her environmental conditions there were pretty good.

At this time, the role of relationships and resources comes into play. Under Professor Sun's arrangement, the house and nanny have been arranged, and the money that Lao Xiao and Lu Yuqing have transferred to their cards has hardly been used.

Bian Shishi also often sends photos to Wang Zibo, but when taking selfies, she always accidentally takes photos of Xiao Rongyu.

There are even times when Bian Shishi doesn't seem to be taking photos of herself. She would give more shots to Xiao Yu'er.

Wang Zibo found it strange, but since he had the picture of Xiao Rongyu, he would also forward the MMS to Fa Xiao, so that Chen Hansheng could know what Xiao Yuer was doing every day.

She is either reading in the sunshine, checking information in front of the computer, eating, or in a quiet daze...

By doing this, Bian Shishi unintentionally revealed a detail. She seemed to be deliberately promoting the marriage between Chen Hansheng and Xiao Rongyu.

Every time Chen Hansheng looks at the photos,

Always find a place where no one is around and smoke two cigarettes without feeling depressed.

If he hadn't gone to the United States, Xiao Yu'er would have taken him to Jiming Temple for a spring outing at this time.

Fortunately, Chen Hansheng had some comfort. No matter what happened, Shen Youchu would never leave him. This was something he was sure and certain of, so he only lost half the battle emotionally.

He could not imagine the possibility that Shen Youchu would be willing to leave him.


Two days later, major colleges and universities in Jianye started to open classes one after another, but it had nothing to do with the senior students because they had no classes.

Even the once-busy boys' dormitory of the second class of public administration now has no room for four card tables, and the girls' dormitory is about the same. Xiao Hu even decided to stay in Tianjingshan Community on the grounds that there are few people who are afraid of ghosts. Lai down.

There are two important things at home now. One is Shen Youchu's postgraduate written examination score.

The results will be out in late February. I don’t know why. Everyone is very confident in Shen Hanhan’s written test score. Mo Er’s mother overestimated it and felt that it should not be lower than 360 points.

The postgraduate entrance examination papers in 2006 were generally difficult. A score of 320 or above was considered a high score, and a score of 360 might be enough to get into Tsinghua University.

The second thing is that Shen Ningning will go to elementary school this summer.

Although Mo Erma is the leader of the Education Department, her perspective is more on the province's educational resources. She may not have a detailed understanding of a city's primary schools.

So Chen Hansheng planned to ask counselor Guo Zhongyun for advice, because Guo Jiahui will also go to elementary school next year. Based on how much Lao Guo and Mrs. Guo value the little chubby girl Guo Jiahui, they should have chosen a suitable elementary school long ago.

Although Lao Guo is often invisible in school, he has a good relationship with Chen Hansheng in private. Hearing that it was about Aning going to elementary school, he was very active and even made an appointment to have dinner together in the evening.

Tell me, should we let Jiahui go to primary school a year early?

After hanging up the phone, Lao Guo thought for a while and suddenly spoke to Mrs. Guo.


Mrs. Guo was a little confused. According to her educational philosophy, Guo Jiahui should study music for another year and then find connections to enter Langya Road Primary School, one of the Four Famous Primary Schools in Jianye.

Shen Ningning will go to elementary school this year.

Lao Guo replied: I want the little sisters Jiahui and Aning to be companions.

I don't agree.

Mrs. Guo refused at first: Jiahui still has one year to learn piano. Besides, the entry threshold for Langya Road is to be able to play an instrument. If Jiahui doesn't know how, how can he compete with other children.

Langya Road Primary School was established during the Republic of China and is a top old school. In the minds of ordinary parents, children's future is guaranteed by entering this school.

Of course, the entry barrier to this kind of school is also very high.

Even if Jiahui learns the piano.

Lao Guo's thinking is still very clear. He and his wife analyzed: Will she definitely be able to enter Langya Road Primary School? I am a college counselor and you are an ordinary doctor. When it comes to fighting for relationships, they are not enough.

you mean······

Mrs. Guo looked at her husband, waiting for his answer.

It's better to take advantage of Aning's enrollment and ask Han Sheng to do a favor and send Jiahui there.

Guo Zhongyun said confidently: With Han Sheng's connections, this matter should not be difficult for him.

Are you so sure that others will help you?

Lao Guo told the truth, and Mrs. Guo also hesitated: I heard that his girlfriend took the postgraduate entrance examination, so she went to the examination room in a down-to-earth manner.

Shen Youchu doesn't need that. With her strength, she can pass the postgraduate written examination without any problem. At most, Han Sheng will say hello during the interview.

Lao Guo said: As for Jiahui's matter, Hansheng will definitely help. He asked me to work on Rocket 101 several times. I understood that this was an opportunity to make money, but I felt that I didn't have the ability, so I politely declined. .”

Is there still this matter?

Mrs. Guo was stunned, glared at her husband and said, You are just lazy and don't want any chance to make extra money.

Lao Guo smiled and said nothing. He is a Buddhist at work and a Buddhist at making money. Moreover, after joining Rocket 101, even if he is Chen Hansheng's subordinate, the relationship may not be as harmonious as it is now.

It's better to think about Jiahui and Aning.

Guo Zhongyun thought lightly: Shen Ningning is very similar to her sister Shen Youchu, and Guo Jiahui is more like Xiao Rongyu who came to our house, so Aning and Jiahui's personalities are complementary, and they may become lifelong friends.


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