I Really Didn’t Want to be Born Again

Seven hundred and sixty-eight, the turning point of

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Chen Hansheng didn't know Shen Youchu's forbearance and strength behind his back. In fact, he was not having a good time. After driving back to the dormitory of Guoke Electronics, he put on the cotton slippers that Shen Youchu bought for himself. With the idea of ​​giving it a try, he gave Xiao Rongyu Made a phone call.

Sorry, the number you dialed is temporarily unavailable...

There is still this annoying mechanical female voice in the receiver.

Damn, garbage moves.

Chen Hansheng spat, put down his cell phone indifferently, watched TV absentmindedly for 20 minutes, and then called Xiao Rongyu. Of course, the result was the same.

This is a normal situation after a breakup. Even if the other party has blocked you, even if you know that you will definitely not be able to get through on the phone, you will still be unable to control yourself and contact you. Until you confirm the blocking many times, you still can't. You will feel uncomfortable.

To describe it in one sentence, the mind is actually awake, but habits are powerful, so powerful that they are beyond the control of the mind.

The people who are now on the blacklist were once unparalleled heroes riding on colorful auspicious clouds.

Chen Hansheng lay back on the sofa, listening to the music in Kong Jing's house across the street, and sighed tiredly.

If this hadn't happened, I would still be proud of Xiao Yu'er.

I started out as a second-year college student and founded Rocket 101 from scratch. After going bankrupt, I was still not depressed. I quickly rebounded and founded the famous Guoke Electronics again.

At the same time, Chen Hansheng also encouraged Xiao Yuer to pursue her own career and supported her in opening a law firm. In terms of career, Xiao Rongyu must have admired her boyfriend very much.

It's okay that it didn't get through, because it did, and now I don't know what to say.

Chen Hansheng walked to the balcony of the dormitory and stared at the brightly lit factory building in silence.

In fact, he knew how to get Xiao Yu'er back, even the steps were clear.

First of all, complete separation from Shen Youchu is the most important prerequisite. Without this prerequisite, there is no need to talk about anything;

Secondly, in addition to the stalking apology, you can also use some tricks, such as: getting a marriage certificate immediately, making a public statement in the name of the boss of Guoke Electronics, taking Xiao Rongyu to meet some important business customers... ··

In short,

It is to reveal Xiao Yu'er's identity to make her feel safe.

Finally, take the relatives route, mainly to conquer Lao Xiao and Aunt Lu. As long as Xiao Rongyu feels Chen Hansheng's sincerity, coupled with the previous relationship foundation, it is very likely to get back together again.

But how could Chen Hansheng be willing to break up with Shen Hanhan?

What Chen Hansheng dreams of now is that while pursuing Xiao Rongyu, she and Shen Youchu can accept each other.

However, this was too difficult, especially since the Shura field happened suddenly, and Chen Hansheng had no time to make preparations, and the other was the characters of Xiao Rongyu and Shen Youchu.

Even though Shen Youchu was naive, Shen Youchu would never agree to letting her share her boyfriend with another woman.

Thinking about it this way, Samsung is really despicable, and no amount of revenge can be exaggerated.

Dingling bell~

When Chen Hansheng was thinking wildly, his cell phone suddenly rang.

What he was most looking forward to was Xiao Rongyu, but he was also afraid that it was Xiao Rongyu. When he found out it was Wang Zibo, he was relieved but also felt vaguely disappointed.

What's the matter? You called me in the middle of the night, and I also called two or three during the day.

Chen Hansheng asked with a frown.

It's midnight, it's just 9 o'clock.

Wang Zibo grunted and said: Xiao Chen, I will go over and have a drink with you, so that you can feel better.

No, government leaders will come to inspect tomorrow. I don't want to drink.

Chen Hansheng didn't appreciate it at all: Besides, this is not a breakup in the strict sense. I had expected it before, but it was just a surprise.

I can chat with you for a while. I completed all the experiments for this semester today.

Wang Zibo insisted a little stubbornly. He was really worried about growing up: I can live in your dormitory in the factory these days...

Brother, please stop it, I just want to be quiet now, I want to be quiet!

Chen Hansheng shouted loudly.


The music in Sister Kong Yu's house suddenly stopped.

Oh shit!

Chen Hansheng lowered his voice helplessly: Wang Zibo, your mission now is not to accompany me. I'm not that fragile. You just need to keep an eye on Xiao Yu'er and report her movements to me.

Oh oh oh.

Wang Zibo was worried about being scolded again, so he quickly said: Xiao Yu'er basically stayed in the dormitory today. He just went out with Bian Shishi in the afternoon, but Bian Shishi didn't say where he went.


Chen Hansheng nodded. As long as Bian Shishi is by his side, it shouldn't be a big problem.

In addition to having better grades than Hu Linyu, Bian Shishi is prettier than Hu Linyu, has a sweeter personality, and is smarter than Hu Linyu, so Chen Hansheng is relatively relieved.

Of course, Xiao Hu is not without his merits. His fist is relatively strong. Anyone who dares to get close to Shen Youchu, including Chen Hansheng, will have to endure the ravages of feminism.


Chen Hansheng didn't say anything more and hung up the phone directly. There was no need to be polite between him and Wang Zibo.

However, after making this call, Chen Hansheng suddenly felt a little depressed. He fidgeted in the room for a while, put on his down jacket and went downstairs.

After these movements completely subsided, the music in Sister Kong Yu's house slowly sounded again.


Chen Hansheng was driving to Dongda University, just like he had called just now. He knew clearly that Xiao Rongyu would not answer, but he still called. Now he knew that Xiao Yuer would not see him, but still went over.

When passing through Xinjiekou, the place was still bustling with activity. The snowflakes were falling in the colorful neon lights, which was as beautiful as a painting.

Sure enough, the famous saying is verified. Human beings' joys and sorrows are not the same. I just think they are noisy.

Chen Hansheng thought to himself.

It was around 10:30 when we arrived at the Dongda campus. It was freezing cold and there were almost no students downstairs except for the top students who were studying in the library.

After Chen Hansheng got out of the car, he looked up and stared at Xiao Rongyu's dormitory, guessing what she should be doing at this time, feeling more or less sad.

In the past, if I wanted to know what Bai Yueguang was doing, I could immediately tell him What are you doing?

Now, you still need to rely on others to get it.


Chen Hansheng shook his head and was ready to leave.

This trip seems to be in vain, but if I don't go around the Dongda Women's Dormitory, I feel like I have missed something, and I can't leave it empty.

However, the broken snowman not far away attracted Chen Hansheng's attention. He walked closer and stared for a while, then suddenly took off his hat and down jacket, wiped the sleeves of his cashmere sweater, put a cigarette in his mouth, and buried his head in a pile.

The snow was still falling, falling slowly on Chen Hansheng's shoulders, but he ignored it. The aunt at the dormitory station noticed the movement, walked to the door and looked for a while, then silently turned the searchlight brighter.

Half an hour later, not only the small snowman representing Xiao Rongyu was rebuilt, but the big snowman representing Chen Yingjun was also carved. The cost was that Chen Hansheng's fingers were cold and the cigarette butt in his mouth was long gone. It was wet and soft.

But he was in a good mood. Seeing the two snowmen cuddling together again, with the expressions blooming again on their faces, Chen Hansheng felt much relieved.

After leaving Dongda University, it was already almost 11 o'clock, but Chen Hansheng was in a strangely high spirit tonight. As soon as he turned the steering wheel, he arrived at Jinji Tangcheng Community, where he and Xiao Yu'er's wedding room was located.

The sales department was working very hard and had not yet gotten off work at this time. The female manager also recognized this wealthy man who spent 5 million to buy a house.

Mr. Chen.

The female manager greeted her from a distance: I didn't know before, but it turns out that you are the boss of Guoke Electronics. I am actually a fan of Guoke. What do you want to do with your coming here now?

Oh, I'll take a walk.

Chen Hansheng said casually.

Want to take a stroll?

The female manager was a little curious: Then why don't you come over with your wife this afternoon?

Which...what lover?

Chen Hansheng almost said which lover, but fortunately he finally changed it to what lover.

It's that very beautiful girl with a ponytail and pear dimples at the corners of her mouth. Last time you came to buy a house with her, and we were discussing marriage.

The female manager said with a tone of asking for credit: In the afternoon, she and her friends came over, and I even stayed with them.

I went on a business trip in the afternoon and just returned to Jianye, so I haven't heard about it yet.

Chen Hansheng lied calmly. It should be Xiao Yu'er and Bian Shishi, so he asked calmly: What did my lover say?

She walked around the villa several times and said she wasn't going to decorate it yet.

The female manager recalled: She said that the previous decoration plan was just what she liked and may not be suitable for others.

I don't know if the others here refer to Shen Youchu.

It's decoration, that's it.

Chen Hansheng's expression was indifferent: It is inevitable that there will be some differences. I will go over and take a look.

Then I'll accompany you too.

The female manager immediately picked up the flashlight.

I'm going to walk alone.

Chen Hansheng rejected the request of the good-looking female manager. He just borrowed an umbrella and walked to the wedding room for which he had already paid a deposit.

Without decoration, the place was pitch black, and Chen Hansheng was not afraid. He wandered from the first floor to the third floor.

But wherever I go, I can remember the sweet voice of the little fish in my ears.

This is the main entrance, this is the kitchen, and this is the living room on the first floor. I want to dig a reservoir outside and raise some beautiful goldfish.

Here... this is the child's room. Senior sister said this room is the most correct type. It faces south and has plenty of sunshine in winter and shade in summer.

I also want to leave a room for Professor Sun. I can bring her here during the Spring Festival.


I'm really nothing. I personally ruined Xiao Yu'er's hope for the future.

The open and transparent convection wind was whistling by. Chen Hansheng stood in the living room on the first floor and seemed not to notice it. It was not until the sales department came to look for it that Chen Hansheng left.


On the morning of December 27, government leaders came to Guoke Electronics for an inspection. Chen Hansheng and the bosses of each department greeted him at the door.

This is a process that large companies must go through at the end of the year. Especially this time, the team is led by the executive deputy mayor of Jianye City, as well as the leaders of the National Development and Reform Commission, the Economic and Information Technology Commission, and the four teams of Jiangling District. They attach great importance to it.

This also shows that Guoke Electronics has officially changed from a famous enterprise in the district to a famous enterprise in the city.

At around 9 o'clock, two Coasters slowly stopped at the entrance of Guoker Electronics, and the leaders and accompanying secretaries and reporters got out. Chen Hansheng personally acted as the commentator. He was dressed in casual clothes. Starting from the metal logo on the door, he talked endlessly. Describe the design concept.

The leaders nodded slightly, and Chen Hansheng took them to visit the production workshop, R\u0026D workshop, warehouse and other places according to the planned route.

Chen Hansheng smiled throughout the whole process, which was nothing like the so-called foolish people on the Internet. The reporters took these real photos with a click.

After finally arriving in the conference room, the process was also constant.

First, Kong Jing made a report speech to the leadership on behalf of Guoker Electronics, showing the achievements of Guoker Electronics over the past year, such as Guoker mobile phones, Guoker Community, and Guoker MP4;

Second, the leaders spoke highly of Guoke Electronics and placed high hopes on its development next year;

Third, factory director Li Xiaokai made some requests, hoping that the government would provide more support in terms of land use, policies, and funds;

Fourth, the leaders made it clear that Mr. Chen and all employees of Guoke Electronics should rest assured that the Jianye Municipal Government will definitely protect the rapid development of private enterprises.

Fifth, after the meeting, everyone went to the canteen of Guoke Electronics and ate a simple and clean working meal. The accompanying reporters took timely photos of the leaders and Guoke managers talking and laughing.

Sixth, the visit and inspection came to an end in a peaceful atmosphere, and both guests and hosts had a great time. Relevant reports will appear on provincial and municipal TV stations tomorrow.

This is the standard process, although it is full of rules and regulations.


After the visit, Kong Jing and the secretary came over to report on their work.

The phrase I want to be quiet last night made Kong Jing's heart beat for a long time. After she realized it, she herself thought I want to be quiet was quite interesting.

There are two things.

Kong Jing said: The first thing is that the end of the year is coming, and the year-end awards and dinner parties have been arranged.

You just have to make arrangements for the dinner.

Chen Hansheng said nonchalantly: I will also follow the arrangement. The standards for the year-end bonus will be sent to my email.

The second thing.

Nie Xiaoyu took over the topic, and she let it slide first: Minister Chen, do you want to change your title from now on?

Chen Hansheng knew it well. Recently, because the business of Guoke mobile phone has been so good, the influence of the Guoke community has been growing, and there have been calls to establish a board of directors.

In fact, this is a good thing, because after the establishment of the board of directors, the responsibilities and rights of each department will be further clarified, and Chen Hansheng's burden as the chairman or chairman of the board of directors will become lighter and lighter.

How did it change?

Chen Hansheng asked knowingly: I won't be called Mr. Chen anymore. What will I call you, a nutshell?


The little secretary pouted: This is too childish, like a junior high school student.

Brother Nutshell?

No, it's so earthy.

Chief Nutshell?

No, it's like a terrorist organization.

Guohu talker?

Minister Chen, you think you are a gangster!

Nie Xiaoyu was very dissatisfied. Chairman Guoke sounded so nice.

I think Guoke is a pretty good talker.

Chen Hansheng grinned and said, Why don't we just change the name of Guoke Electronics to Guoke Club? Sister Jing will be the second best.


The little secretary looked disgusted.

Dingling bell~

Chen Hansheng was teasing his little secretary when his cell phone rang suddenly. As soon as he connected, Wang Zibo's hurried voice came: Xiao Chen, hurry up, Xiao Yu'er and Bian Shishi are going back to Hong Kong City in the afternoon.

Hey, this knife is coming after all.

Chen Hansheng took a long breath.

Just like the turning point of World War II was the Battle of Stalingrad, the turning point of Shura Field was Xiao Rongyu's return home.

Xiao Yu'er's return home means that the influence of Shura Field will spread from the individual to the family, and the plot will begin to turn.

This is unavoidable. Unless Chen Hansheng can give up on Shen Youchu, extending his head is also a knife, and shrinking his head is also a knife.

Xiao Chen, what should I do?

Wang Zibo looked even more nervous than Chen Hansheng. Of course he could think of what it meant. If it was not handled well, the Chen and Xiao families would turn from in-laws to enemies.

You have no future, why are you panicking!

Chen Hansheng scolded: Don't be impatient when something happens, Xiaoyu, bring me my cigarette, I'll light a lighter and smoke it first.


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