I Really Didn’t Want to be Born Again

Seventy-nine, the first person left behind

It was about 6:00 when Chen Hansheng returned to school. The twilight of early winter fell very early. The self-study classrooms in Building F were brightly lit, and looked like a glazed pagoda from a distance.

However, Entrepreneurship Base 102 is directly pitch-black, and 101 is only lit by an incandescent lamp, which is dim in the chaotic winter night.

Chen Hansheng walked into 101 frowning, and saw Shen Youchu sitting directly under the incandescent lamp, reciting with a book in one hand, and breathing with the other hand to his mouth.

The dim light shrouded Shen Youchu's pitiful, helpless, and weak appearance.

The early winter in Jianye is dry and cold. 101 has a large area, and the whole house is transparent when the cold wind blows. How can it not be cold?

Crack, crack, crack

Chen Hansheng directly turned on all the lights in 101, Shen Youchu was startled by the sudden bright lights, she turned her head and saw that it was Chen Hansheng, her beautiful peach eyes flashed a trace of peace.

However, Chen Hansheng's complexion was not very good. After Shen Youchu noticed it, he stood up anxiously: You, you've been drinking, then I'll go get some hot water.

There are boiling water rooms in the teaching buildings. Chen Hansheng ignored him and asked instead, Why don't you turn on the lights and don't use the electric heaters.

I'm alone in the room, I'm not afraid of the cold.

Shen Youchu explained in a low voice.

I know you want to save money, but you don't really need it.

Chen Hansheng directly took out the electric heater, and after pressing the switch, it didn't take long for the heat wave to surround his body.

come over.

Chen Hansheng pointed to the stool next to him.

Shen Youchu moved over in small steps, looked at Chen Hansheng's face first, and then sat down slowly.

Hold out your hand.

Chen Hansheng said with a bluff.

Shen Youchu was a little hesitant, there were often students on bicycles passing by outside.

Chen Hansheng stared: Stand out!

Oh, oh, don't be angry, okay?

Shen Youchu said softly.

I'm not angry now, you stretch out your hand.

Chen Hansheng's tone became impatient.

Stretch, which hand to stretch out?

Chen Hansheng almost laughed angrily, and finally said with a sigh: Both hands are needed.

Shen Youchu stretched out two small hands in front of Chen Hansheng, Chen Hansheng grasped them, it was really cold.

It's not cold yet.

Chen Hansheng glanced at Shen Youchu.

Shen Youchu lowered her head and did not speak, the red light from the electric heater hit the pretty side face, making her round and fair chin flushed red.

After rubbing for a while, Shen Youchu's hands finally warmed up, and Chen Hansheng said: Don't think about saving electricity in the future. When the weather is cold, students will feel a sense of trust in their hearts when they see the bright 101. The promotion of our 101 is even more important. favorable.

Shen Youchu didn't understand these principles, the habit she developed from childhood made her used to only turning on one light, and she was even more reluctant to use the electric heater.

Chen Hansheng brought his notebook again: I'll teach you how to use an excel form, and record the data on the computer later.


Shen Youchu nodded obediently.

Turning on Xiao Rongyu's laptop, Chen Hansheng glanced at the desktop. They were all common programs, such as QQ, Qianqianjingting, and some study files.

I didn't expect Xiao Yu'er's elective course to be business law.

Seeing the elective course content of business law, Chen Hansheng immediately realized that Xiao Rongyu should learn it for himself.

There were also two private documents on the desktop, Family Birthday and an unnamed word document, which Chen Hansheng skipped if he was not interested.

Shen Youchu has zero computer foundation. After teaching simple excel several times, he is still not very good at it. Chen Hansheng had no choice but to knock on Shen Youchu.

so stupid.

Shen Youchu remained silent.

After knocking, Chen Hansheng felt a little regretful again: Does it hurt?

Shen Youchu turned her head with tears in her eyes.

Brain, my skull hurts a bit.


He taught until about 7 o'clock, and Chen Hansheng was ready to go out. He was going to conduct a classroom promotion with the second team of part-time college students tonight.

At the entrance of the teaching building in Building A, Chen Hansheng gave another routine encouragement, and Xu Mengzhu from the External Relations Department was also in this team.

At the beginning, the team members were quite confident, but when it came to the actual publicity, the difficulty factor was far beyond imagination.

Because college students who study in the classroom may not be able to find a place in the library, nor do they want to read in the dormitory. They are essentially hardworking and do not want to be disturbed.

So, as soon as Chen Hansheng entered the first classroom, before he could speak, a girl frowning immediately packed her books and left the classroom.

Boom, boom, boom.

The voice of the girl tidying up the books was deliberately loud, obviously with resentment.

Those part-time college students were a little dazed, and they all focused their attention on Chen Hansheng.

Chen Hansheng didn't seem to notice it, and walked up to the podium with a calm face: Hi everyone, let me take a minute, we are part-time college students in Building F 101, and today I would like to introduce our express delivery business to you...

The introduction took about a minute, but it seemed like an hour to the members of the second team, because almost no students in the classroom looked up, and some even covered their ears.

However, in such an environment, Chen Hansheng still finished his speech calmly, and then took out the leaflets and handed them out one by one.

Student, you can take a look when you have time. 101 Express is in the school, very convenient.

Most of the students just nodded indifferently, and some didn't respond at all. Chen Hansheng put the flyer on the table and walked to the next one.

In the entire classroom, only one girl accepted the flyer with a smile.

Still an acquaintance.

Minister Qi, you are here too.

Chen Hansheng whispered hello.

Qi Wei, head of the external relations department, is also studying in class.

Qi Wei flipped through the flyer: I've heard that you are working on these things in 101.

College life is too boring, just find something to do.

Chen Hansheng smiled: Minister Qi is welcome to guide the work.

He beckoned and called Xu Mengzhu over again. Xu Mengzhu was usually quite able to speak, but this time he was very restrained.

Without chatting, Chen Hansheng was about to leave: At least half of the classrooms in Building A will be taken down tonight, and I'm going to run away.

Qi Wei nodded: Go and do your work, give me a few more leaflets, and I'll go back to the dormitory and yell.

After coming out of the first classroom, Chen Hansheng was about to go to the next classroom, when Xu Mengzhu suddenly said, Mr. Chen, I don't want to run to the classroom anymore.

Chen Hansheng thought it was Qi Wei's reason, so he comforted him: It's okay, Minister Qi won't care about this, the student union is the student union, and a part-time job is a part-time job.


Xu Mengzhu said in embarrassment: Before I felt that I was not afraid of anything, but seeing the indifferent reactions in the classroom, I found it difficult to speak to them.

Have you considered?

Xu Mengzhu's words have already reached this point, and Chen Hansheng doesn't want to persuade him anymore. Of course, there are also reasons why Xu Mengzhu is not very important in the team.

In all fairness, it is indeed more difficult to advertise in a classroom than in a dormitory, because the students in the classroom are all strangers, and roommates can influence each other anyway.

However, the boundary between success and failure is not very clear in many cases. In a situation like tonight, Xu Mengzhu can break through himself if he persists. If he fails to make it through, it means standing still.

Her retreat also led to other people, originally a team of 6 people, Chen Hansheng also saw the timid mood from the eyes of the other two students.

Then you go back first, rest early when it's cold.

Chen Hansheng said to Xu Mengzhu, and then pushed open the door of the next classroom.

Xu Mengzhu stood there for a while, she had a premonition that leaving this time might be leaving forever.

Jin Yong Heroes, Mu Nianci pass.


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