I Really Didn’t Want to be Born Again

Six hundred and forty-eight, a person like Chen Hansheng is a mother if she has breasts.

When Guoke lifted the ban, it actually meant that the sales ban in New Century was also lifted.

After Aunt Zheng heard the news, she hurried over to ask about the specific situation.

The conference room was packed with management, and everyone was discussing this matter in a mess. This MP4 speed battle has been full of twists and turns.

First, New Century was the first to pass the product stability test, and when it was about to go into mass production, it was discovered that the screen supplier had been bribed by Guoke.

Then, just as Guoke MP4 was about to hit the market, the New Century shook people and the official investigation team came down.

After such a commotion in the end, Hong Shiyong thought it might be a draw, and the two sides were back on the same starting line again.

But Guoke had no intention of following this script. He actually took out the starting gun from his trouser pocket, gave himself the order, and ran away.

New Century was still puzzled and even wanted to appeal to the referee: Are you fucking blind? Guoke is cheating again. I, New Century, am an obedient baby!

Hong Shiyong sat on the soft sofa, turning a blind eye to the hustle and bustle around him. He just kept breathing smoke, with a thoughtful look on his face and a little doubt.

It wasn't until he saw Aunt Zheng that he moved his shoulders and said, I don't know what's going on, but Guoke suddenly sells MP4. We haven't mass-produced it here yet, at least until the 15th.


Aunt Zheng nodded, but the corners of her mouth moved but she said nothing.

In front of other management, Aunt Zheng didn't want to reveal too many negative emotions.

But in her heart, Aunt Zheng became more and more disappointed with Hong Shiyong.

From the beginning, she felt that Hong Shiyong was too persistent in the MP4 project, but Hong Shiyong's original intention was to revitalize and revitalize the New Century Electronics Factory, so Aunt Zheng still supported it.

Later, he was tricked by Guokake. Fortunately, the Zheng family took action and was able to save the situation and even gain a slight advantage.

Unexpectedly, Guoke tried another trick this time, and the reason is still unknown at the critical moment.

I can only say that this person's abilities are too mediocre.

Aunt Zheng thought silently, and after a while asked: Lao Hong, what are you going to do next?

The top priority is to solve the problem first, and then slowly divide responsibilities after it stabilizes.


Hong Shiyong took a long breath, dusted off the cigarette ashes on his pants and said: I have two questions about this matter that I don't understand. One is why the investigation team suddenly came out with the results, which is not in line with the norm; the other is that Guoke has not been publicized. , and there are no offline channels, how do you plan to sell it?

New Century has a foundation and accumulation, and has a good relationship with stores and shopping malls across the country. However, Guoke has never paid attention to it before. It is only now that it is ready to contact these distributors. It seems that it is too late for this temporary fix.

Distributors will not choose Guoke just because Guoke ships the goods a few days in advance. They will choose to cooperate with whoever can make them money.

Don't think about the first thing. Now that the conclusion has been drawn, it is reasonable and legal.

Aunt Zheng shook her head and said: The second thing will soon come to light. Then we will know the sales channels of Guoke.


Hong Shiyong sat up straight, called the head of the production and R\u0026D department over and said, Now start increasing the overtime subsidy for your department. Mr. Zheng and I want to see the finished machine with qualified quality as soon as possible.

The person in charge of the production and R\u0026D department responded calmly. The current situation in the new century is the same as when Nutshell suddenly faced a ban on sales.

It seemed like there was nothing I could do but wait.

The only difference is that Guoke Chen Hansheng is completely able to take charge of the situation, whether in good times or bad.


Faced with the pressure from Guoke, the atmosphere in the New Century factory became tense again. Even ordinary workers Liang Xiaohai and his girlfriend Tang Ping felt it.

“Why don’t you damn Guokhu not go out of business?”

In the cafeteria of the New Century, Tang Ping cursed angrily: Sometimes something happens every now and then. The key is that we will also be affected, and the team will have to work overtime again at night.

It seems different this time.

Liang Xiaohai looked around, then lowered his voice and said: Those workers at Guoke all said that our factory will be in trouble this time, because the MP4s of the two companies are too similar, so in the end only one will be left on the market.

That must be the new century.

Tang Ping said confidently: Anyway, I'm just waiting. After Guoke goes bankrupt and these pieces of garbage have no support, will they cry for their parents again and find relationships again to enter the new century?

Liang Xiaohai also feels that the new century has a greater chance of winning. In fact, they have no understanding of the struggle above and can only make random analyzes and guesses based on hearsay.

Unlike these assembly line workers, Hong Shiyong had no appetite at all. According to the intelligence transmitted, all the production lines of Guoke Electronics were started, and MP4s were packaged one after another.

In the early hours of the morning, the brightly lit factory building next door also verified this.

What the hell, how do you plan to sell the Nutshell? If you keep producing like this, aren't you afraid of accumulating surplus?

Hong Shiyong was thinking tangledly.

The next morning, Hong Shiyong appeared in the office with dark circles under his eyes. He had a sleepless night last night, thinking over and over again about all the possibilities in the future.

Suddenly, secretary Shen Mingliang knocked on the door hurriedly and came in: Mr. Hong, I saw the nut shell.

Where did you see the nut shell?

Hong Shiyong stood up and asked.

I saw Guoke MP4 online. Maybe their main sales channel is not offline malls at all.

Shen Mingliang pointed to his seat: Can you come with me to have a look?

Hong Shiyong came to Shen Mingliang's seat confused and anxious, and sure enough he saw the MP4 picture of Guoke on an Internet page.

This picture has been modified to look more exquisite than the physical sample. There is also a line of small artistic words at the bottom: Nutshell, born for enjoyment.

This page is called QQ Zone.

Shen Mingliang said next to him: This is a QQ service just launched by Tencent today. You can upload photos, logs, and interact with friends... It is also very simple to activate, as long as you have a QQ number.

Hong Shiyong is from Hong Kong. He does not have QQ and is more accustomed to using email and MSN.

Are many people using this thing? Hong Shiyong asked.

Shen Mingliang nodded.

Hong Shiyong walked to the administrative office without saying a word and asked loudly: If any of you have QQ, please raise your hand.

The clerks looked at each other, and finally all raised their hands, including the office director who was in his forties.

Can you play this too?

Hong Shiyong frowned and said to the office director.

I don't play, but work requires it.

The office director pointed to the QQ dialog box: This will make work and communication more convenient.

That's it.

Hong Shiyong took a few glances and found that the popularity of QQ was exaggerated just from the usage rate of administrative offices.

In this way, Guoke actually does publicity, but it is not in the traditional sense of billboards, inviting celebrities, TV sales, etc.

As for the effect, Hong Shiyong still has a question mark in his mind.

In fact, this is normal, because even Tencent itself is not sure about the future influence of QQ Space.

Hong Shiyong, who returned to the manager's office, was a little anxious because he couldn't understand Guoke's trick at all. Not long after, the dong dong dong knock on the door came again, and it was Secretary Shen Mingliang again.

Mr. Hong, I heard from a junior student at Jianye Normal University that Guoke MP4 was sold in the school, and the price is 899 yuan.


Hong Shiyong was shocked. There was no distributor for Guoke. How did it appear on the university campus?

Deep penetration.

Shen Mingliang explained: Shenzhen Rocket 101, which is the campus express for college students under Shenzhen Express, covers almost all domestic universities. Guoke probably cooperates with Shenzhen. They bypass those traditional stores and directly deliver Products are delivered to college students.”

This news was very shocking to Hong Shiyong, because the target audience of New Century MP4 is also these young students.

Also, besides.

Shen Mingliang hesitated for a moment, then added: Rocket 101 was previously a company founded by Chen Hansheng, but it was later sold to Shentong after poor management...

You contact him now.

Speaking of Chen Hansheng, Hong Shiyong suddenly remembered that he hadn't seen this man for several days. He always liked to join in the fun.

Shen Mingliang took out his mobile phone and called Chen Hansheng. There was noisy and busy people on the other end of the phone.

Hey, Junior Brother Chen, where are you?

Shen Mingliang said: Mr. Hong wants to see you... You are not free, so what are you doing... What? Caida's Rocket 101 business is so good, you are helping Selling Guoke MP4?”


Shen Mingliang suddenly wanted to curse: You are an employee of New Century. Why are you helping to sell Guoke products? Don't you know that the two companies are competitors?

never mind.

Hong Shiyong heard everything. He waved his hand and said, This kind of person is a mother if he has money. Let's go to the University of Finance and Economics. I want to see how good this business is!


(One more chapter tonight.)

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