I Really Didn’t Want to be Born Again

7. Act according to Lao Tzu's face

Damn it, cheating on eating and drinking actually met someone's own father.

After returning home, Chen Hansheng couldn't help complaining. Chen Zhaojun and Liang Meijuan had already gone to work, and the kitchen was clean without any smell of oily smoke.

My old lady is also a ruthless person, she won't serve if she says she won't serve.

Chen Hansheng planned to take a shower first, and then get a good night's sleep. He used to be busy from opening his eyes to closing them, but now he has hard-won leisure time due to his rebirth. Of course, he should enjoy it.

This sleep lasted until 10:30 in the morning, and the rapid ringing of the phone woke Chen Hansheng from his sleep.

In the dream, Chen Hansheng was still in 2019, and when he opened his eyes, it was the scorching summer of 2002.

Who is it?

Chen Hansheng walked to the phone and picked up the receiver.

Your mother!

Liang Meijuan said unceremoniously: Our family went to grandma's for dinner at noon. After you go to college, you will have fewer chances to meet each other. You should go and see more before you leave.


Chen Hansheng hung up the phone, and sat on the edge of the bed blankly, firstly to get up, and secondly, to recall the family situation of his grandparents.

Thinking about it, Chen Hansheng laughed to himself: How come Gou Ri is like Duoshe in an online novel, and he has to slowly merge his memory, but I have been myself for seventeen years before and after, so how the hell is this account calculated?


Chen Hansheng's grandmother lives in the countryside, his grandfather is a primary school teacher, and his grandmother is a housewife who has to fiddle with a few acres of land. Chen Hansheng's grandparents passed away early, so he and his grandparents are very close.

After taking the bus for half an hour, Chen Hansheng arrived at the house of his grandparents. This place will become a development zone in the future, but now it is shaded by green trees. As far as the eye can see, there are large golden ears of wheat, and the scorching summer wind blows through , 哗啦啦 is the sound of the wind blowing the wheat waves.

Grandpa, grandma, get some water to drink.

As usual, Chen Hansheng yelled and pushed the door open to enter the small farmyard. There were quite a few people in the main room, the uncle's family, the second uncle's family, and the second aunt's family were all there, and everyone was eating watermelon.

Look, the college students are here.

The second aunt said with a smile.

Chen Hansheng smiled hehe, several cousins ​​of the two uncles and second aunt's family were not admitted to college, others can mention the word college student, but Chen Hansheng himself would deliberately avoid it, and would not even reveal his interest in college life. expectations.

He picked up the watermelon and ate it. He didn't care about the red fruit juice dripping on his body. The second aunt laughed when he saw it: I'm a college student, and I still eat like Zhu Bajie.

After killing a few pieces of watermelon in full view, Chen Hansheng wiped his mouth, burped loudly and said, Where is grandma?

Drying grain on the grain field behind the house. Grandpa replied, smoking dry tobacco.

On such a hot day, the old man is so stubborn, Chen Hansheng sighed inwardly, stood up and said, I'll go and see.

Don't go.

The second uncle said: We won't be able to call back when we go, and she won't want to come back if she doesn't fiddle with the food comfortably.

That's because I didn't go. My grandson may be more important than my son.

Chen Hansheng said with a smile, picked up a broken straw hat from the ground, ignored the smell of sweat and rice husks, put it on his head casually, and walked towards the grain farm against the roiling heat wave.

The room was quiet for a while, and the grandfather smoked two puffs of dry cigarettes, and said slowly: The son of the third family, this character can be enjoyed anywhere, and he is an undergraduate student, and he will have great achievements in the future.

Liang Meijuan was the third child at home, and her eldest aunt had a normal relationship with Liang Meijuan's sister-in-law. She curled her lips and said, That means better grades, just study hard.

Grandpa smiled, knocked on the pipe and said nothing.

He is an old teacher, and he doesn't just look at the scores when he observes students. Chen Hansheng has been sophisticated and open-minded in his work since he was a child, and he also has a bit of unrestrained wildness.

People who are dead readers are not like this.

The grain farm is actually a spacious open space in the village, which is specially reserved for processing rice husks and drying grain. Chen Hansheng's grandmother is a little old lady, who is easy to identify in the crowd.

Grandma. Chen Hansheng called out loudly.

The old lady raised her head hesitantly when she heard the familiar voice, it was indeed her grandson.

Hey, why are you here?

She put down the broom and walked over, holding Chen Hansheng's hand and introducing it loudly to other people in the valley: This is my grandson, and he is going to Jianye to study in university this year.

College students are rare in the countryside, and everyone around them stood up and looked at Chen Hansheng.

This is from the third family, the nose and eyes are exactly the same.

It's been a long time since I saw you. I'm going to go to college in a blink of an eye.

He's still as handsome as when he was a child.


Praising people in the countryside is so direct, Chen Hansheng accepted all the orders, and chatted with acquaintances with a smile: Auntie praised me for being handsome, and I didn't see you introduce Miss Xiaoyu to me.

It happened that Xiaoyu was also in the valley, she spat and said, My daughter is already three years old, I don't know how to ask my third aunt to come to our house to propose marriage earlier.

Rural people are all relatives, and Liang Meijuan is the third, so the younger generation are called three aunts. Chen Hansheng replied with a smile: It's not too late, I'll just wait for Xiaoyu's daughter.

Bah, you are so beautiful!

Sister Xiaoyu, who is round and quite charming, gave Chen Hansheng a slap, which made the surrounding villagers laugh. Everyone likes this tune during the slack season.

At this time, Chen Hansheng said to his grandmother: Go back, it's such a hot day.

The old lady shook her head: This is not good, it hasn't been dried yet.

Chen Hansheng had no choice but to take the tools from his grandmother: Then you go and watch from the side, and I will do it.

You don't understand these things, go home and watch TV.

Grandma is worried, and she also feels sorry for her grandson.

Okay, okay, why is the little old lady so stubborn.

Chen Hansheng muttered, put on his gloves and began to turn the rice. Chen Hansheng is not a student who does not work hard and does not distinguish five grains. In the past, Chen Zhaojun, who was close to his father, often urged Chen Hansheng to go back to the countryside to help.

Seeing that Chen Hansheng was doing well, the old lady persuaded him several times to no avail, so she went under the tree to enjoy the shade. After half an hour, Chen Hansheng finally finished his work, but his whole body was soaked, and he could even steam when he took off his straw hat .

After returning, Chen Zhaojun and Liang Meijuan had already arrived. Seeing her son's distressed appearance, Liang Meijuan called a basin of clear water distressedly: Come here and wash your face, little bastard, don't cry when you get tanned.

Old Chen didn't care about it at all, and smiled while blowing on the fan: It looks healthier if it's darker.

There were many people eating and the meal was lively, and they talked about the family's troubles. After the meal, grandma quietly called Chen Hansheng to the kitchen, took out a piece of cloth from her pocket, and opened it to reveal ten 100 yuan banknotes.

Grandma, what are you doing?


The old lady looked at the main room: Don't let your uncles hear, you take this money to Jianye to buy snacks.

I don't even want my parents' money, so why would I take your money?

Chen Hansheng shook his arms and was about to leave.

The old lady refused to let her go. Chen Hansheng had no choice but to take out one and put it in his pocket and said, 100 is enough, I mean.

Of course, Chen Hansheng didn't take it in vain. He spent a few days in the countryside helping out before school started.

September 1st is the official registration day. At the gate of the bus station in Hong Kong City, Wang Zibo finally waited for the figure of his friend. He immediately complained: I haven't been able to contact you these days, and I won't take me with me wherever I go. .”

But after seeing Chen Hansheng's appearance clearly, the dog Wang Zibo laughed heartlessly again: Why are you darker than me?

Smiling fart, pay attention to my face and act.

Chen Hansheng cursed, and strode onto the bus of Gangcheng-Jianye.


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