I Really Didn’t Want to be Born Again

Six hundred and forty-five, over this mountain, there are banknotes in front of you

This third-party investigation team is not in a state of complete non-communication. On the morning of April 6, under the coordination of the Jiangling District Government, a short meeting was convened with the persons in charge of Guoke and New Century.

Kong Jing participated in Guoke, and Hong Shiyong participated in New Century. Although they were quarreling with each other behind their backs, when they met at the venue, the two of them still exchanged a few words of polite politeness.

What's going on? Manager Kong feels a little haggard lately. Is he under too much work pressure?

Hong Shiyong smiled like a fat Maitreya and said with great concern: A beautiful lady like you must pay more attention to taking care of herself.

It's inevitable to feel haggard.

Kong Jing smiled: After all, it is not easy to get Guoke from scratch to where we are today. We have indeed put in a lot of energy. Of course, we should be most grateful to Mr. Hong and New Century for their strong support.

Hong Shiyong choked. He originally wanted to ridicule Kong Jing. After all, Guoke was in trouble recently.

Unexpectedly, Kong Jing's backhand was a sarcasm. Guoke's growth is really inseparable from all kinds of support in the new century, although it is not Hong Shiyong's true wish.

Manager Kong, there is reincarnation in the way of heaven, no one will be spared by heaven.

Hong Shiyong's face sank: Don't think that just a blue light can strangle the throat of the new century. We have found a replacement and are researching it as soon as possible.

Really? Congratulations to Mr. Hong.

Kong Jing said expressionlessly: But I will also forward that sentence to you. God will reincarnate and forgive no one. Although the nutshell is useless, it is still within the scope of commercial competition. You involve third-party forces. Come in, then don’t blame us for not having any limits in what we do.”

Huh, let's wait and see!

Hong Shiyong dropped a word and walked into the conference room with his head raised.

To be honest, Hong Shiyong was really a little panicked. Guoke was a completely rogue company, and there were countless dirty tricks behind it.

The top priority is to quickly make your own MP4, use the good relationship between New Century and distributors to give priority to sales, and leave the fruit shell far behind.

In fact, Kong Jing was not much better. This kind of confrontation was meant to bluff people, so the tone should not be weak.

It didn't take long for the investigation team to arrive. The team leader, Xie Tianxin, was in his sixties, with a serious face, gray hair, and a serious smile.

This kind of meeting is just like the freshman orientation meeting. The leaders of the school always speak happily first, and it is the student representative's turn to speak last.

So first, the district leader of Jiangling gave a welcome speech. He kept talking for more than twenty minutes. It was not until Xie Tianxin's eyebrows were twisted like twists that the district leader gave up the microphone.

Team Leader Xie’s speech was clean and crisp, and the Communist Party only emphasized three points.

First, this investigation is not about the person. New Century and I have never known each other, and Guoke and I have never had any disputes. It is just about responsibility.

Secondly, Guoke is not allowed to sell MP4 until there is no definite result, and New Century is not allowed to sell it either.

When Hong Shiyong heard this, he glanced at Kong Jing quite proudly.

If New Century cannot be sold, it is because the product is not produced well;

The shells cannot be sold, so we can only worry.

Third, it's about discipline!

When Xie Tianxin mentioned this, her voice suddenly became louder: During this investigation, we will not attend any banquets, nor do we want to meet any guests in private. I hope everyone can abide by this agreement, and hope that it will not be difficult for each other, Thank you for your cooperation.”

Team Leader Xie's attitude is to set a tone. He hopes to conduct it in a fair and just environment, and also hopes not to be interfered with.

This concludes my speech. Do you have any questions?

Xie Tianxin glanced at it and said, If there is no doubt,

Next we will enter two factories to collect evidence. We hope that Manager Hong and Manager Kong will actively cooperate...

Hello, Team Leader Xie, I have a question.

Kong Jing spoke. She came here with questions.

Xie Tianxin raised his head: Mr. Kong, please speak.

Suppose during the investigation, no evidence is found that Guoke plagiarized New Century.

Kong Jing asked: Can we release the husk out of customs in advance? Because we have accumulated a lot of products, and every day we wait, the husk will lose one more day.

Hong Shiyong heard this and said cut disdainfully.

Don’t others know that they don’t know that Guoke has not yet completed the second round of stability testing and has not entered the mass production process? There is a ridiculous accumulation of products!

Kong Jing, a woman who looked gentle and charming, actually learned how to use misfortune to exert pressure.

Will do!

Xie Tianxin said with certainty: Once we find that there is no evidence, we will release it as soon as possible.


After the meeting, Kong Jing returned to her office on Tianyuan East Road and reported the specific contents to Chen Hansheng.

I understand. Sister Jing, please go back to the factory and continue to watch. By the way, you can cooperate with the investigation team.

Chen Hansheng put his feet up on his desk and flipped through his computer emails carelessly.

how about you?

Kong Jing asked: Are you going to watch someone play chess later? If not, just go shopping with your girlfriend. Anyway, now I can only wait.

If you're not in the mood, who should I accompany you?

Chen Hansheng shook his head impatiently.


Kong Jing thought she heard it wrong. Does her girlfriend have anyone else to accompany her?

I mean······

Chen Hansheng also reacted and sat upright calmly: At this moment, I am not in the mood to accompany anyone. I feel most at ease only if I am with Guoke.


Only then did Kong Jing smile: Then please make it clear, I almost misunderstood, so let's go back to the factory first.

Hoho, hoho, hoho~

Chen Hansheng gave it to Sister Kong Yu with a dry smile.


In the afternoon, the investigation team indeed entered the Guoke Electronics Factory to collect relevant evidence. They did not deliberately create difficulties in their attitude, just as team leader Xie Tianxin emphasized, they were impartial.

In the evening, the investigation team did not even eat in Guoke's canteen. It is said that the five of them ate several cages of soup dumplings on the street.

The next day, April 7, Guoke MP4 finally passed the second round of stability testing.

Originally, according to the plan, this was the time to harvest the fruits of victory, because the fruit shell would be ready for mass production after two rounds of stability testing.

Kong Jing and Li Xiaokai came over with the latest MP4 products and found that Chen Hansheng was indeed hanging out with Zhong Jiancheng and the others again.


Kong Jing shook her head helplessly. She didn't urge him, she just walked behind Chen Hansheng and watched silently.

The people gathered here are all Zhong Jiancheng's couriers. They are very familiar with Chen Hansheng. After all, Chen Hansheng was also a part-time college student under Zhong Jiancheng at that time, so it seems that it doesn't matter if everyone brags and drinks beer together.

However, Kong Jing used to be Zhong Jiancheng's leader, with an elegant and charming temperament. When she stopped here, these people subconsciously became very restrained.

No more playing, no more playing.

After the veteran Zhong Jiancheng discovered this situation, he shouted to drive Chen Hansheng away: You always regret your moves, hurry up and give up your position.

Fuck you, who here doesn't regret playing.

Chen Hansheng was not happy anymore.

You're not leaving, are you?

Zhong Jiancheng did not hesitate to drive away the others. In the end, only Chen Hansheng, who was sitting, and Kong Jing, who was standing, were left standing by the chess table, looking at each other alone.

Some couriers felt guilty and quietly said to Zhong Jiancheng: Zhong, Chen Hansheng often squats here and plays here recently. He seems to have something on his mind, so let us play with him for a while. After all, he is his brother.

Bah, bah, bah, aren't I smarter than you?

Zhong Jiancheng was chewing betel nut, spitting out the dregs and cursing: When Chen Hansheng came to me three years ago and blocked the door of the office and asked to be the general agent of the University of Finance and Economics, I knew that this piece of shit was not simple. You can only see that he has recently been There is a problem, but can you tell that he no longer frowns today?

What do you mean?

The courier was stunned.

I guess chess is somewhat inspiring. Chen Hansheng may have figured out a way, so let's not waste his and Kong Jing's time.

Zhong Jiancheng lit a cigarette, took a few puffs and said with emotion: It's really a combination of betel nuts and cigarettes. It's so powerful. When I was doing Rocket 101 these days, I never saw him having such difficulties.

As the old saying goes, the greater the difficulty, the greater the benefit. If Chen Hansheng gets over it this time, I don't know how much money he will make.


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