I Really Didn’t Want to be Born Again

Six hundred and twenty-eight, if you can’t beat me, then we’ll stick together

Shen Youchu knew Huang Hui, who seemed to be Wang Zibo's ex-girlfriend, but Chen Hansheng never admitted this relationship.

As for Ye Qi, she was very unfamiliar, but Shen Youchu didn't like to inquire about gossip, so he took Chen Hansheng's hot pot smell jacket and went to the bathroom.

Chen Hansheng and Hu Linyu looked at each other in the bedroom.

Chen Hansheng was the first to speak out: Secretary Hu, why don't you leave?

You're not leaving either.

Hu Linyu asked back not to be outdone.

Chen Hansheng sneered, pointed to the ground and said, This is the house I bought.

What about the house you bought?

Xiao Hu was actually more arrogant than Chen Hansheng: I will sleep here tonight, with Shen Youchu and Aning in my arms. I know you can sleep in the future, but can you sleep before graduation?

Ho ho...

Chen Hansheng poked his head in and saw that Shen Youchu was still washing his coat in the bathroom. Then he lowered his voice and said, How about we make another bet. I bet that I will definitely be able to sleep before graduation. Do you want to place a bet?

When Chen Hansheng said this, he suppressed all his smiles and looked more serious than when he just talked about 55 million.

Hu Linyu's heart skipped a beat, he twitched the corner of his mouth twice, and finally said: Rogue, who bets you this!

Huh, don't you dare anymore.

Chen Hansheng snorted triumphantly and walked out to return to Caida.

When passing the bathroom door, Chen Hansheng pointed at the washing machine and asked loudly: Shen Youchu, are you stupid? Why don't you use a washing machine?

It's just a piece of clothing.

Shen Youchu was a little nervous when he was questioned, so he answered honestly: There is no need for a washing machine, it is a waste of water.


Chen Hansheng nodded: My mother likes you like this, just wait.

Oh~what are you waiting for?

Shen Youchu asked stupidly.

But Chen Hansheng had already gone downstairs, and Hu Linyu came over. She first closed the security door with a bang, and then said viciously: Wait until he sleeps with you!


On his way back to Caida, Chen Hansheng called Xiao Rongyu again, but she still didn't answer.

Sent a message, but no reply.

Chen Hansheng knew that Xiao Yuer was still angry, but the purpose of this message was not to apologize, but to let her know that she had not forgotten.

After returning to the dormitory, the atmosphere in 602 was still so relaxed. People were playing games, playing games, reading martial arts novels... Everyone was accustomed to Chen Hansheng's sudden disappearance and appearance. .

On the one hand, Chen Hansheng has been like this before, on the other hand, this is the second semester of his junior year, and as long as it's not too much, the dormitory aunts won't care about it anymore.

Fourth brother, the sun is nice these days. I'll help you dry the quilt.

Li Zhennan came over and said.

hold head high.

Chen Hansheng nodded to express his thanks and looked at Li Zhennan. As the senior year approached, the most uneasy person in the dormitory was Li Zhennan.

Because Yang Shichao, Dai Zhenyou and Guo Shaoqiang are all planning to return to their hometowns to develop. This is not only the request of their parents, but also their original intention.

Jin Yangming is a native of Jianye, and he will definitely stay in Jianye in the future; as for Chen Hansheng, no one will worry about his future development.

Only Li Zhennan, because she is in love, must consider the existence of the other party when planning the future, but her girlfriends are not in the same place.

If he stays in Jianye, Li Zhennan is worried about not finding a suitable job; if he returns to eastern Guangdong, he and his girlfriend will have to face a long-distance relationship.


Chen Hansheng smiled and threw a cigarette over: Do you have the feeling that the love between children and other things really affects the world?


Li Zhennan smiled bitterly.

The few remaining people in the dormitory all giggled, and even the sound of Dai Zhenyou turning the pages of the book became cheerful.

Gangneung District is still charming at night. This kind of suburb with a university town will slowly become quiet after 12 o'clock in the morning. Except for the occasional group of drunk young people who are noisy passing by at the intersection, they are probably from a certain university. Student Union dinner event.

Or a few Internet-addicted teenagers ran out of the Internet cafe and hurried back to school.

Even the policemen on patrol were bored. They saw few people along the way. It was only when passing through Industrial Avenue that they saw two brightly lit electronics factories.

Looking at each other across the shore in the deep night, the feeling of opposites is very obvious.

Hong Shiyong, the current helmsman of New Century, has not rested yet. He is looking at Guoke Electronics through the glass window, holding a cigarette between two fingers, and his frown seems to be filled with great pressure.

Unlike Chen Hansheng's insistence on keeping his word in Guoke, Hong Shiyong needs to balance many political forces in the new century, including the influence left by the Emperor Zheng Guanti, and the opinions of the new emperor aunt.

Even the management team that helped him bring down Zheng Guanti, many of them were not comprehensive enough, but they couldn't fire them now. After all, the factory was already in turmoil.


Lao Hong was a little envious of his neighbor. Although Guoke was just established last year, he traveled lightly and had almost no burdens.

Mr. Hong.

Secretary Shen Mingliang walked in with a cup of strong tea: You should pay attention to rest.

Hong Shiyong picked up the porcelain cup, took a few sips, and suddenly asked: Xiao Shen, what do you think is the situation between us and Guoke?

On the face of it, it's seven to three.

Shen Mingliang is a personal secretary, just like Nie Xiaoyu is to Chen Hansheng, Jiang Yunyun is to Zheng Guanti, and his loyalty to the boss is absolutely no problem.


Hong Shiyong nodded.

So far, New Century's MP4 has undergone the second round of testing, and the first round of testing of Guoke has not yet ended.

In terms of sales channels, although Guoke poached Cui Zhifeng, the original sales manager of New Century, the distributors below are all businessmen, and they will not follow Cui Zhifeng because of Cui Zhifeng.

Whoever can make everyone make money will have their products sold by distributors.

In addition, New Century has spent part of its money on publicity, and billboards have been hung at Xinjiekou in the city center. Guoke is still indifferent.

On the surface, it looks like it's more than 73.

Hong Shiyong suddenly made a turn: But based on past experience, Guoke will definitely not be beaten passively like this. It has many dirty tricks behind its back. I am just wondering now, how does Guoke find its own distributor?

In 2005, shopping in physical stores was still the most popular. Online shopping methods such as Taobao have not yet been fully accepted. Shopping malls are still the largest terminal sales.

However, according to my understanding, Guoke seems to have no contact with these channels.

Without a distributor.

Shen Mingliang was also wondering: How can we get cheap MP4s into the hands of young people?

Hey, I can't tell the reality of the situation, but it's still a fierce battle.

Hong Shiyong flicked the cigarette butt, and the sparks drew an arc in the air, like a starting gun signal, announcing that this intrigue game had officially entered a fever pitch.


The next morning, Chen Hansheng got up and drove Nie Xiaoyu to the Shenzhen Tong headquarters in Shanghai to discuss business.

Since Shenzhen Tong packaged and acquired Rocket 101, the domestic express delivery industry has shown a different layout. Although it is still not as good as Shunfeng, Yuantong and Zhongtong have been far behind.

Actually, I don't want to come more at all.

When he went upstairs, Chen Hansheng looked heartbroken: Every time I see Cheng Dejun, I feel that Rocket 101 was sold cheaply.

I think so too.

The little secretary also agreed with this view: When I heard that it was sold for 55 million, I thought that Minister Chen was trying to rip off porcelain, but now it seems that it is really too little. Rocket 101 has become a big brand in the hands of Shenzhen Tong. .

No, Rocket 101 now has a wider coverage, covering all domestic universities and colleges, making it the first choice for college students to send mail.

There's nothing we can do about it. Rocket 101 will only depreciate more and more in our hands. Only with large express delivery companies can it fulfill its social functions.

Chen Hansheng touched his chest: I can only be regarded as Rocket 101's biological mother. Halfway through feeding, I found that my milk was insufficient. I had no choice but to give the child to 36E Shentong to raise...

Damn it, Minister Chen, please be normal.

Nie Xiaoyu quickly interrupted: Two female Shentong employees walked over just now and kept staring at you.

What are you afraid of? Anyway, I don't mind.

Chen Hansheng shrugged his shoulders.

But I'm thin-skinned.

The little secretary said sadly.


Han Sheng is here.

When Shenzhen Tong Chairman Cheng Dejun saw Chen Hansheng, he came over to shake hands politely: Long time no see, you look different every day.

Director Cheng, last year you moved up many places on the Hurun Rich List.

Chen Hansheng gave a thumbs up: I hope you will make it into the top 50.

Shunfeng Wang Wei can do it, but I can't.

Cheng Dejun waved his hand modestly: Actually, it's only a matter of time before Han is promoted to the list.

What's the use of being on the list.

Chen Hansheng curled his lips: We can't have two wives, so let's talk about business.


Cheng Dejun said with a smile: It seems like you plan to marry two wives.


Chen Hansheng smiled innocently, and Nie Xiaoyu couldn't help rolling her eyes. Minister Chen was really too thick-skinned.

In fact, Guoke has already expressed its intention to cooperate with Shenzhen Tong. In view of the past friendship and Professor Sun's face, Cheng Dejun agreed to use the channels of Rocket 101 and even Shenzhen Tong to help with delivery or sales for free.

It stands to reason that such help is already a great deal of face, but Chen Hansheng wants more.

Director Cheng.

Chen Hansheng pointed at himself and said: You know me, I always talk about whatever I have. In short, I am just a college student with no eyesight. In terms of character and moral integrity...

Yeah, tell me what you think.

Cheng Dejun could hardly stand listening to it. It was not the first day that everyone had known each other.

Although Director Cheng is willing to help with free sales, the outlets below may not be careful. After all, it is free. Since it is a voluntary service, the level of concern will not be very high.

Chen Hansheng did not shy away from pointing out the loopholes in this approach. He is really a simple college student who talks about whatever he has to say.

What does Han Sheng mean?

Cheng Dejun asked in a deep voice.

My idea is that it can't be free. For every MP4 sold by Rocket 101 outlets, we can get a commission of 10 yuan.

Chen Hansheng was worried that Cheng Dejun didn't know the current prices, so he explained: 10 yuan is the daily meal cost of an ordinary college student.

This is better. Let me thank you on behalf of the brothers below.

Cheng Dejun was a little surprised. He thought Chen Hansheng was going to put forward some harsh conditions.

But, I have a small request.

Chen Hansheng continued: Since the establishment of the Guoke factory, consumption has been too great, and the capital chain is relatively tight. Can we advance the money for Shenzhen Tong's agency sales?


Cheng Dejun finally understood what Chen Hansheng had in mind.

In name, it is selling on behalf of others, but in fact it is subscribing.

Selling on behalf of others means that Guoke will ship the MP4 to Shenzhen Tong, and Rocket 101 will be sent to the following university outlets. For every unit sold, the outlet will get a commission of 10 yuan.

Subscription means that Shenzhen Tong buys these MP4s first, and then sends them to the following university outlets through Shenzhen Tong Rocket 101. For every unit sold, the outlets still get a commission of 10 yuan.

Although there is only one more program between the two, the difference is huge, which is equivalent to Shenzhen Tong taking part of the risk.

MP4s that Shentong has not sold can still be returned.

Chen Hansheng also wanted to explain: Refunding the original price of Guoke is equivalent to protecting Shenzhen Tong's income...

Han Sheng, you don't need to say anything anymore.

Cheng Dejun smiled: Let's make it simple. Shenzhen Tong will become your distributor. Rocket 101's mature outlets are direct sales channels. MP4s of other brands can only be purchased in shopping malls. Guoke MP4 schools can You can see it, and Shenzhen Tong also helped to bear part of the risk, even if it is not sold out, you can return it.”

Yes, that's what it means.

Chen Hansheng said enthusiastically: This is also a win-win cooperation model.

I don't know whether I will win in the future, but now Shentong is at a loss.

Cheng Dejun neither agreed nor refused. He stared at the hot tea on the table and thought for a while, then suddenly jumped out of the topic.

Han Sheng, do you know what the 'Sohu system' is? Cheng Dejun asked.

I know, I'll understand it as soon as I hear it.

Chen Hansheng nodded: I was originally an employee of Sohu Company, but later I jumped out and started my own business. We all classify them as Saohu Group.


Cheng Dejun nodded slightly: Hansheng is still as smart as ever. At the end of last year, I went to a Hurun Rich List party and found that they were all in a group, just like the Sohu family, NetEase family, Sina family and so on. , I didn’t expect that today’s emerging capital is well-established.”

Director Cheng, do you want me to belong to the 'Shenzhen Tong Department'?

Chen Hansheng was so smart that he immediately understood what Cheng Dejun meant.

It cannot be said that it belongs to the Shenzhen Tong Department. The control is still yours. We are just a small group that is unified and open to the outside world.

Cheng Dejun explained: After all, we cooperate so closely in the business world, and we are quite close in private. There is also the relationship with Professor Sun...

No problem, no matter who is attacking Ping'an City, our 358th Regiment will definitely help out... No.

Chen Hansheng changed it again: Whoever you want to snipe after Shenzhen Tong, I, Guoke, will definitely help.


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