I Really Didn’t Want to be Born Again

Six hundred and twenty-six, it’s not that easy to be a scumbag

“Du, du, du…”

At around 10 o'clock in the evening, Chen Hansheng, who lived in the boys' dormitory of Jianye University of Technology, called Xiao Rongyu, but no one answered after two consecutive calls.

It stands to reason that it shouldn't be.

Chen Hansheng felt a little strange when he heard the busy signal on his phone.

Maybe take a shower.

Wang Zibo pouted: I just don't receive it occasionally. As for being so nervous, let's take a look at the ordering system of the milk tea shop first.

Chen Hansheng once gave Wang Zibo a task, which was to design an ordering and cashier system for the Meet milk tea shop.

This system is not difficult. If it is just a single store, Wang Zibo and his roommate, a boy majoring in computer engineering, can complete it alone.

The team has been testing for so long mainly for the stability of all stores after they are connected to the Internet.

Xiao Chen, look.

Wang Zibo explained the operation process to Chen Hansheng: If a customer wants a mango milkshake, the clerk only needs to click the mango milkshake label on the computer screen with the mouse, and the printer will print out a ticket. The customer can take the ticket and Get milk tea anytime.”

Currently, the system only has ordering, cashiering and information storage functions. If you want the entire store to have network interaction, routine maintenance will be required because the platform may crash...

Wang Zibo is the most confident at this time. Firstly, this is a field of knowledge that he is familiar with. Secondly, there are no girls around who he likes. When he plays with boys, he basically doesn't twist his butt.

Xiao Chen, are you sick?

As Wang Zibo was talking, he suddenly cursed: Why are you always staring at my butt?


Chen Hansheng smiled hehe and went to the balcony to smoke: Don't tell me these things, just tell Hu Linyu and Feng Gui when you have time. Do you still have enough funds?

That's enough, there's still a lot left. Wang Zibo replied.

Chen Hansheng gave Wang Zibo 20,000 yuan in the early stage as research funding for the ordering system. Wang Zibo has not used 5,000 yuan until now.

The labor force for students in school is really cheap. Many times, roommates help out for free. Talking about “labor fees” seems too outrageous to everyone.

You can invite them out for a barbecue or something when you have time.

Chen Hansheng turned to look at Wang Zibo's roommate: I'm embarrassed to accept money, so you can't be stingy. If you're short of money, just say something. If I'm not in Jianye, you can contact Shen Youchu.


Wang Zibo nodded, feeling very emotional in his heart. When he and Huang Hui were in love, Xiao Chen repeatedly emphasized that Huang Hui should not be allowed to approach Rocket 101's cash register, and he was very tight.

However, after Huang Hui left, Chen Hansheng didn't care where the money was spent. This shows that his best friend will always trust him, but he just doesn't trust Huang Hui.

The two of them, who had been playing together since childhood, took advantage of the bright moonlight to lie on the iron railings of the balcony and chat. Sometimes they suddenly fell silent, so no one felt embarrassed.

Damn it, why didn't you answer it?

Chen Hansheng called Xiao Rongyu a third time, but still no one answered.

Are you too tired to rest?

Wang Zibo comforted him.

Are you really a big idiot? Aren't you at all sensitive to the changes in these details when we get along?

Chen Hansheng pouted: Even in normal times, Xiao Yu'er will call me for a while. Tonight I told her about the news of 55 million yuan. She must be full of problems. If she doesn't answer the phone now, let's make it clear. Something went wrong.

What...what's wrong?

Wang Zibo suddenly felt nervous.

No need to say more, your little lover must have accidentally revealed that he met Shen Youchu.

Chen Hansheng analyzed it quickly. He called Bian Shishi again and muttered: Besides this matter, there will be no other possibility.

Wang Zibo remained silent. He was also responsible for this matter. It would have been better if he had insisted on not going to the University of Finance and Economics that day.

Hey, Bian Shishi, why doesn't Xiao Yu'er answer the phone... Oh, she's resting.

Chen Hansheng said with a smile: That's okay, I just care about you. Good night.

Xiao Chen, what are you going to do now? Do you need me to accompany you to Dongda University?

Wang Zibo asked quickly.

Wang Zibo is more concerned than Chen Hansheng now because he has taken the main responsibility for this matter on himself.

Damn it, no wonder you can't catch up with Bian Shishi. You have to learn to put yourself in someone else's shoes and figure out the psychological changes of girls.

Chen Hansheng shook his head: If I apologize in a lowly manner now, Xiao Yu'er will definitely think that I am guilty and unreasonable. This attitude will last longer, and other accidents may happen.

So I just pretended to be stupid and didn't know anything. Then I sent her a message tomorrow night and said I was busy with the Guoke business.

Chen Hansheng put away his mobile phone: The more you care about this kind of thing, the more you want to explain it. The result is that it will only become darker and darker. If you deal with it coldly, this storm will be over for the time being.

It seems right.

Wang Zibo thought about it and realized something.

If this happened to him, he would definitely keep calling and texting to apologize, and would even run downstairs to the girls' dormitory to ask for forgiveness.

This is a typical form of self-deception, as if the girls would just meet each other and the matter would be resolved, but in fact it will only lead to a bigger quarrel.

It's better to pretend to be confused and never admit it as long as you don't confront him head-on.


When Wang Zibo got up the next morning, he ran to class. Around noon, he received a message from Chen Hansheng asking him to bring back some lunch.

Wang Zibo was surprised: Why are you still in the dormitory? I thought you were rich.

We can't go back now.

Chen Hansheng explained calmly: Shen Youchu is also coming to pick up the plane. I deliberately delayed the date she told her by one day and one hour, so I have to go to the airport again in the evening.


Wang Zibo was stunned. He knew that Chen Hansheng was leaving a day late when he went to the United States, but he didn't expect that he would do this again when he came back.

I feel tired just listening to it, and only an energetic personality like Xiao Chen can adapt to it.

Wang Zibo sighed. He simply stopped attending class and returned to the dormitory with two portions of chicken drumstick rice.

Sure enough, Chen Hansheng was sitting in front of the computer, flipping through the MP4 production progress sent by Kong Jing and Li Xiaokai.

What time will you go to the airport?

Wang Zibo asked.

In the afternoon, I still have things to take care of after dinner.

Chen Hansheng said: Don't let anything slip when you go to the law firm.


After Wang Zibo finished eating, he lay down on the table to rest for a while, and then went to the classroom again.

In the afternoon, Chen Hansheng got dressed, put on his bag and headed to Lukou Airport, preparing to act like he had just gotten off the plane again.

The normal landing time of the flight was 5:30. Chen Hansheng told Shen Youchu that the time was 6:30. He originally planned to take a leisurely ride, just in time to wait until Shen Youchu showed up.

But I didn't expect that as soon as I walked into the international T2 terminal, I saw four familiar figures standing at the pick-up gate from a distance.

Shen Youchu, Hu Linyu, and the young couple Feng Gui and Shen Ruyi.


Chen Hansheng looked at his watch, it's only 5 o'clock, what are you doing so early?

Feng Gui had sharp eyes, and he actually caught a glimpse of Chen Hansheng while looking around. He pointed excitedly, and soon all four people came over.


Chen Hansheng took a deep breath. What he originally wanted to avoid was now impossible. He had to face the strong wind calmly.

Seeing Shen Youchu and Hu Linyu getting closer and closer, and Hu Linyu's open-mouthed expression, it is estimated that her first words must be Didn't you land at 6:30? Why did you arrive at 5 o'clock?

So the moment they met, just when Secretary Hu was about to ask his question, Chen Hansheng spoke first.

Hey, how did you know the flight landed early?


Hu Linyu blinked his eyes, held his breath for a long time and abruptly changed the question sentence into a question sentence.

Will the plane arrive early too?

Of course. Have you ever flown an international flight before?

Chen Hansheng asked rhetorically.

Secretary Hu choked again. She had never even taken a domestic flight.

Apart from Chen Hansheng, the only person here who has flown is Shen Youchu, but how could she doubt Chen Hansheng if she had nothing to do.

Let's go.

Chen Hansheng took Shen Youchu's little hand, thinking that he was about to cover up the past.

The famous detective Hu Conan is online again.

Chen Hansheng, why do you smell like hot pot?

Hu Linyu came over and smelled it: Is there also Dai Mei hot pot in the United States?


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