I Really Didn’t Want to be Born Again

Thank you letters and condolences in March

It’s time to thank readers for their support again, but before the text, Lao Liu first wants to deeply remember the martyrs and compatriots who sacrificed their lives in this epidemic.

Lao Liuzhen is not a formalist or has a strong desire to survive, but simply admires me. Because of my work relationship, I can be considered a semi-participant in the joint prevention work of this new crown epidemic.

Many familiar book friends should know that Lao Liu started working on the third day of the Lunar New Year. At that stage, he was actually very busy and stressed, mainly because he faced the fear of the unknown.

At that time, there were many rumors, and no one could tell which ones were true and which ones were false. New cases were doubling every day, and emergencies emerged one after another...

Looking back now, I suddenly feel like thousands of sails are passing by the side of the sunken boat, and thousands of trees are springing in front of the diseased trees.

Lao Liu doesn’t know how many authors from Qidian have had this kind of real experience. I can reproduce it with everyone.

In the second year of junior high school, a notice was sent out in the WeChat group of the unit that all students in the third year of junior high school would return to work, and those who asked for leave must explain their reasons.

I returned to the office in the third year of junior high school, held a brief meeting, implemented tasks, and assigned responsibilities to people... There was no great slogan, but I entered the joint defense work in a confused state.

Because I am not in the medical field, although I am busy, I am not deeply involved in the front line, so I can only call it semi-participation.

However, because Lao Liu has personal experience, he can infer the truest state of mind of the doctors and nurses who have been staying at various hospitals in Wuhan when the epidemic occurred.

The pressure on that group of people is absolutely, absolutely, absolutely the greatest, because they are in the hardest-hit area, facing material shortages, increasing cases, and the entire province is closed... To exaggerate, they can't even see the future. They insist on for a month.

One month!

Finally, rescue teams from other provinces across the country arrived.

Maybe everyone doesn’t understand it deeply, so Lao Liu will talk about his thoughts at the time.

1. If I am unfortunately infected, I will rest. Guangdong has abundant medical resources, so I don’t have to worry about my life. It’s just that there may be any sequelae to my body that will be troublesome;

2. I am worthy of the salary paid to me by the country and worthy of the books I have read for so many years;

3. Tell your parents the cell phone power-on password, which is originally a secret;

4. Can the ward be coded?

5. Look, if my sisters come together,

How should I arrange staggering? (This article is intended to be obscene, please skip it)

This is what Lao Liu, who was semi-participating, thought. Among the doctors and nurses in the hardest-hit areas, many of them must have had an emotional breakdown during their one-month stay.

At that time, there really was no need to talk about lofty ideals. There were only three things left for them. One was the responsibility of the white coat, the other was the inertia of the mind, and the third was the strength of the Chinese people.

So when we organized donations a while ago, Lao Liu actually donated in three waves.

One wave is from the work unit, and the other is from party members. In both waves, old people cannot donate too much, because no matter where you are, the money you donate must be particular.

For example, if the director donated 1,000 yuan and I donated 2,000 yuan, I might be transferred tomorrow because I stepped into the office with my left foot first.

However, Lao Liu privately donated a little more in his own name out of gratitude to the doctors and nurses who were actually scared but stayed in Wuhan because of their responsibility.

To put it simply, because I have experienced it, I understand their hardship and greatness.

Secondly, Lao Liu wishes all readers to take care of themselves. Wash your hands frequently and drink more hot water is really not a straight man's saying, it is a healthy living habit.

Finally, let’s talk about the main text. Here are three spoilers.

1. The secretary will not accept it.

Nie Xiaoyu, the sassy secretary who has a straightforward personality and dares to criticize others, Nie Xiaoyu who is often scolded to tears, and Nie Xiaoyu who is cute and cute, she will not be accepted.

Because some readers left comments, Lao Liu directly spoiled the story. Although her fate and that of Minister Chen were intertwined, it would not involve emotions, which would change the flavor.

2. Luo Xuan helps solve the Shura field.

emmmm... Let's put it this way, if Shura Field breaks out, there will be many people who will be uncomfortable, including Chen Hansheng, Baobao, Bai Yueguang, Wang Zibo, Bian Shishi, Hu Linyu, etc., but the happiest person will definitely be Luo Xuan.

How could any lovely reader think that Luo Xuan would help solve the Shura field?

Do you really think that Junior Sister Luo is an obedient tool?

If something happened to Shura Field, she would just buy all the firecrackers and fireworks in Hong Kong City and play with them.

3. Bian Shishi or Shen Ruyi likes Chen Zha.

This will never happen, it becomes a nonsense article.

Lao Liu spent so much effort and painstaking efforts in depicting the vivid characters. I think they should have their own lives.

This is also the difference between I Really Don't Want to Be Reborn and other novels. The supporting characters do not all serve the protagonist. They have their own real thoughts and are not dispensable paper characters.

I think of a reader's comment on Zhihu: The biggest feature of this book is that the characterization and plot stand up to scrutiny, and it is not the kind of mindless writing.

In fact, Lao Liu has already said that after finishing this book, everyone can re-read it several times, and it is not the kind of book that will be thrown away after reading.

Hey, why did I mention the word water? But since I mentioned it, let's talk about the rhythm issue again.

A while ago, readers with fan status often asked Lao Liu about rhythm and why he still hasn't opened Shura Field.

I would like to add a sentence here. Lao Liuzhen will read and reply to any comments raised by fans. Sometimes he is slow to reply. Firstly, he is busy with work, and secondly, he has not thought about how to answer.

I would like to take this opportunity to call on everyone to watch the original version. There is a chapter saying that you should watch it. If you have nothing to do, you can still post it. There is also the voiceover of the young lady. Listen, people are group animals. Isn’t it nice to interact?

Now let’s talk about the “Shura Field” issue. In fact, Lao Liu really wants to open it immediately so that Chen Hansheng’s cool operation can be fully realized.

However, as one of the turning points and climaxes in the book, the Shura Field is a fierce collision and strangulation of all the important supporting characters in the book.

At that time, there were some who supported Shen Youchu, some who supported Xiao Rongyu, some who remained neutral, and some who were elated...

Of course, Lao Liu doesn't write about abuse. The overall style is still light and warm, with an indelible sense of reality, so rhythm and foreshadowing are very important.

Lao Liu writes in this way to ensure the desired taste, so he works hard on daily details to promote the development of the plot, while making everyone smile, or unintentionally adding strange knowledge.

In addition, there is Wang Zibo, who everyone gives hope to, and his growth is also one of the highlights.

In fact, it has been very fast. I am currently in the second semester of my junior year in the book. It is really very fast.

However, everyone still has opinions on what to do, so this month’s event is simply called “Come, come, come, I’ll give you the pen and you write.”

Under the existing plot, just like a proposition composition, you set up the cause and solution of how the Shura field occurs.

If your idea overlaps with Lao Liu's, in addition to the starting point coin reward, there will also be a title of Wind Liu Talent.

I hope you won’t be evasive when the time comes. Each and every one of you urged me hard. Now I’ll give you the pen, and there will be rewards.

Don't be timid, go straight to the line!

The final highlight is, of course, thanks

First, I would like to bow my gratitude to those genuine readers and tipping readers who support Lao Liu, as well as readers who seriously provide comments, and those readers who specifically switch to Qidian from other websites.

You are all Lao Liu's food, clothing, parents and creative motivation. Thank you very much for the genuine edition and reward support.

Second, I would like to thank the management team headed by Fengfeng, event management, discipline assistants, group administrators, chapter management, character management, etc. You have put in a lot of effort.

Third, thank you to the dubbing guys and gals for making the characters come alive.

Fourth, is the leader of the alliance last month.

Silver Alliance: An impersonal monster.

Silver Alliance: Happy things in the world.

If you didn't like it very much, you wouldn't support it so much. I bow and thank you!

Other alliance leaders:

1. CLV Orange, Orange is an old reader, this is for Xiao Yuer’s birthday, thank you for the tip;

2. Mu__Rudolf, this is also for Xiao Yuer’s birthday, thank you for the tip;

3. The late-night snack disappeared. This guy was originally a big fan of QQ reading. Later, he heard about the QQ chapter and said it was very fun, so he downloaded the QQ app to give rewards;

4. Liuli Zhuji, Xiao Liuli accumulates rewards little by little, and often posts posts to support, thank you for the rewards;

5. Huangyi-You are so outstanding. You always tell jokes in this chapter. Now you are in the management team. Thank you for the reward;

6. Jiuyou Bixue, a great nurse lady, is now Luo Xuan’s character supporter and is already in the management team. Thank you for the reward;

7. Eggplant-faced sheep, thank you very much for the tip;

8. Tang Monk doesn’t eat sweets, thank you very much for the reward;

9. Azu c. Thank you very much for the reward;

10. Don’t fight or beg, thank you very much for the reward;

11. Lao Wang next door, thank you very much for the tip;

12. No more moral integrity, thank you very much for the reward;

13. Boss Ling, dear Silver Alliance, thank you for your understanding and support in some disputes;

14. Feather 0615, thank you very much for the tip;

15. Brother among brothers, your relationship must go smoothly;

16. It’s me, Rick, thank you very much for the tip;

17. Qiao Weisheng, Xiao Qiao is also the author of Qidian, whose name is I'm Really Reborn;

18. Erwen Nian, Xiao Qiao’s girlfriend, the snacks are delicious, thank you;

19. Cool Ayuchan, thank you very much for the tip;

20. Invincible and cute, thank you very much for the reward;

21. Jin^, this is my fellow Lianyungang fellow, thank you for the tip;

22. Emperor Shimo¢Tian, ​​hold on~, thank you for the reward;

23. Nickname Bai Xiaofeng, thank you very much for the tip;

24. Mr. Dan’s left and right egg knives. Mr. Dan is a long-time reader and has been following me since the big times. Thank you for the tip;

25. Ah Hao 687. Thank you very much for the reward;

26. Stereotyped life expert, thank you very much for the tip;

27. Dawn Watcher, thank you very much for the tip;

28. Mr. An, who is in hibernation, thank you very much for the reward;

29. Wu Sheng, the super ghost, is now under my management. Thank you for the reward;

30. Hua 1937, thank you very much for the tip;

31. Tao Zhiyao, thank you very much for the tip;

32. Fat-headed fish, fat-headed fish, good luck in the college entrance examination. Compare your heart.

Thank you again. The names of your alliance leaders are all typed by hand. Some of the symbols are particularly difficult to find.

Some leaders have not joined the group, or have joined the group but have not added friends, or because they have not even chatted a few words, their understanding is not very deep. I hope to have the opportunity to communicate more in the future.

There are now 210 alliance leaders. Last month, I wanted to be modest and mentioned the last 200 alliance leaders. Unexpectedly, everyone mistakenly thought that the fourth volume was about to be completed.

From the current point of view, there must be a fifth volume.

After finishing this book, I will give special thanks to the leader again, because I was really moved when I was typing it.

Lao Liu may be slow in coding, but he must be very attentive.

Urban classic is taking off!


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