I Really Didn’t Want to be Born Again

Five hundred and ninety-three, Aunt Zheng was so angry that she fainted

Seeing this scene, Hong Shiyong turned his head and pretended not to see it.

When Aunt Zheng wanted to quit the security guard in the morning, Hong Shiyong didn't agree very much. No matter how fierce his fight with Zheng Guanti was, he would not anger these low-level employees.

They don't take sides, they just want to make a living.

However, Aunt Zheng's will to kill chickens to scare monkeys was very strong, and Hong Shiyong did not want to cause conflicts because of a security guard, so he had no objection.

I just didn't expect the slap in the face to come so quickly. I just kicked someone out in the morning, and now they are stopping you.

Of course, Hong Shiyong couldn't laugh, because this also exposed the fact that Guoke was very concerned about all the resources in the new century. This was not a serious way to run a business at all!

It is a collection of all kinds of deception, robbery, and shamelessness. New Century is just unfortunate enough to be chosen as a target.

Mr. Zheng, although you fired me unreasonably.

Security guard Xiaozhuang raised his head and said, But I can't deliberately stop you for this reason, because I am a good employee.

After he finished speaking, he picked up the walkie-talkie and reported, leaving Aunt Zheng's face red and blue. Unexpectedly, she was sarcastic by a little security guard, and she was delivered to her door.


Aunt Zheng took a deep breath and forced herself not to care about what a little security guard said.

This time, Aunt Zheng is going to talk to the person in charge of Guoke. Li Xiaokai, Cao Jiande and Cui Zhifeng were all former executives of New Century. They just jumped over and maliciously diverted more than 200 people from New Century. Isn't Guoke going to give an explanation on the matter of skilled workers?

Not long after, the management of Guoke came over, and it was actually Kong Jing and her assistant Wen Ling who came to the door to greet them in person.

This is Kong Jing, the general manager of Guoke. According to Guoke's organizational structure, she should have a higher position than the factory director.

Hong Shiyong introduced that he had met Kong Jing once before and was deeply impressed by this graceful and charming young woman with flowers and letters.

This is Mr. Zheng, I'm sorry. A guest just came over and we are having a meeting in the conference room.

Kong Jing took the initiative to reach out and nodded to Hong Shiyong.

Oh, hello, Mr. Kong.

Hearing what Hong Shiyong said, Aunt Zheng didn't put on airs and politely touched her hand.

Although Guoke's methods are shady, it is still a large factory with an area of ​​480 acres. It now has about 200 skilled workers, so its strength must be respected.

In addition, the general manager, Kong Jing, has a slim figure, a dignified smile that is not vulgar, and a calmness that reflects experience in her eyes. This temperament is very common among female corporate executives.

People like Kong Jing are not suitable to be entrepreneurs because they are not cunning and ruthless enough. Certain qualities of Chen Hansheng and Zheng Guanti are standard for entrepreneurs.

However, Kong Jing's strengths lie in her conscientiousness and responsibility, as well as her unique female attentiveness and prudence.

If business is compared to a game, Chen Hansheng must be a particularly promiscuous ADC shooter, and Kong Yujie is an assistant who adds blood and inserts eyes to ensure that Chen Hansheng's output is maximized.

Since you have guests, let's come again next time.

Aunt Zheng didn't want to force it.

It's okay. In fact, they are all acquaintances.

Kong Jing asked the doorman to open the door and invited Aunt Zheng and Hong Shiyong to come in: They are guests now, but they will not be tomorrow.

What's the meaning?

Aunt Zheng didn't understand: Today I am a guest, but tomorrow I will not be. Do you think I am the host?

When Hong Shiyong heard this, his heart suddenly moved, and he thought of something inexplicably.

Damn it, you won't do it so quickly!


The Nutshell Factory is still dusty, which means that the construction period is not over yet, and visual inspection should be soon, because the canteen, dormitories and production plants have been put into use.

However, after Aunt Zheng entered the husk, she suddenly felt a sense of déjà vu.

Why, at first glance, it looks almost the same as the New Century, except that the floor is a little lower.

Aunt Zheng turned her head and glanced at Hong Shiyong.

Hong Shiyong didn't speak, he just nodded first and then shook his head.

Although Hong Shiyong didn't speak, Aunt Zheng understood the meaning of these two actions.

Nodding means: Yes, they are plagiarizing!

Shaking his head means: Even though it is plagiarism, there is nothing you can do about it!

It's too much!

Aunt Zheng felt a surge of anger in her heart.

Poaching management, poaching skilled workers, even small security guards, forget it, after all, everyone has the right to choose, but if you even copy the factory layout, is there any law for this kind of operation? Is there any royal law? Is there justice?

Simply, just poach the boss of New Century!

Mr. Zheng.

Hong Shiyong saw that Aunt Zheng's face was not very good. After thinking about it, he reminded her: You are not in good health. Don't get angry. You might encounter something even more irritating later.

whats the matter?

Just as Aunt Zheng was about to ask more clearly, Kong Jing had already walked to a simply built conference room and said a little embarrassedly: The conditions are simple, Mr. Zheng and Mr. Hong don't mind.

It doesn't matter······

Aunt Zheng was about to say a polite word or two, but when she raised her head, she was confused for a moment.

How should I put it, when she was just walking on the road, she just felt as if she was in the new century.

But after seeing the figures in the conference room, Aunt Zheng was sure that this was the new century!

In the afternoon, many of the executives who had just been dismissed were actually here, with smiles on their faces, as if they had finally met in victory.

Mr. Zheng, Mr. Zheng.

Finally, Aunt Zheng came to her senses after being reminded by Hong Shiyong, who had foreseen it.

Manager Kong.

Although Aunt Zheng had been forcing herself to calm down, her voice could not help but tremble a little. She even forgot to be polite and actually pointed at Kong Jing with her finger and said, Please give me a reasonable explanation for this situation.

No wonder Kong Jing just said that today she is a guest, but tomorrow she will not be, and her relationship will be official tomorrow.

In fact, Hong Shiyong's feeling is even more obvious. Aunt Zheng only held one factory meeting, and many people didn't recognize it yet. But Hong Shiyong has been in the new century for so long, and every executive is familiar with it.

This is Li Xiaokai, that is Cao Jiande, below is Cui Zhifeng, and Xu Yuemei, who was just dismissed...

This is not the management of Guoke, they are copying the new century!


Everyone in the conference room was talking and laughing, but after seeing Aunt Zheng and Hong Shiyong, it gradually became quiet. Maybe everyone was a little embarrassed.

This kind of embarrassment is unavoidable after all, but the sooner we meet, the sooner we can tear off the last fig leaf. The next time we meet, we will be business competitors who truly distinguish between superiority and inferiority, and decide life and death.

Mr. Zheng, Mr. Hong.

Kong Jing walked aside to avoid Aunt Zheng's fingers.

Because of this rude move, Sister Kong Yu also put away her apparent enthusiasm: This is a normal flow of corporate personnel. I have nothing to explain, and I have no obligation to explain it to you two.

No explanation?

Aunt Zheng's eyes widened. Half of the New Century management team came over, but they only said it was normal staff flow?

You are committing a crime, do you understand?

Aunt Zheng locked her eyes on Kong Jing and said deeply: If this were in Hong Kong, you would pay everything!

Why is it so fierce!

Nie Xiaoyu pushed the chair away and came over. The little secretary was still in college. She was young and angry, and she was always around the lawless Chen Hansheng. She didn't know what it meant to be afraid.

This is not Hong Kong.

Nie Xiaoyu snorted coldly: This is Jianye Jiangling. You didn't even understand the rules, and you said harsh words when you came up. We have a meeting, please leave?

Manager Kong, is this how you control your subordinates?

Aunt Zheng didn't know who Nie Xiaoyu was and thought she was just a clerk serving tea and water. She looked at Kong Jing and asked, When we are talking, anyone can interrupt at will?

Xiao Yu is not an ordinary person.

Kong Jing said calmly: This is the full-time secretary of our big boss. Is there any problem with interrupting?

Aunt Zheng choked for a moment, the big boss's full-time secretary, how important is this position.

At least in this conference room, Nie Xiaoyu's words are more effective than more than half of the management.

Nie Xiaoyu raised her head proudly. Currently, there are only three people who can dispatch little secretaries anytime and anywhere without any reason.

It's a pity that one is naive and kind, and although the other is a bit arrogant, he can't boss around. Only the unscrupulous boss will let the little secretary take the blame.


Hong Shiyong originally did not intend to express his opinion. As early as in the previous dispute, Guoke had shown the temperament of a rogue enterprise. Although the current situation was tense, he was already prepared.

To deal with this kind of company, it will not be afraid of anything except head-on confrontation with fists.

We can only rely on p4 to leave this rogue company far behind.

Hong Shiyong thought silently, and suddenly felt that something was wrong.

p4? Hong Shiyong seemed to have seen p4 just now. He took a closer look and saw that the projector in this conference room was playing several common p4s, such as Samsung, Sony, Patriot, and the domestic Tsinghua Unisplendour that had just been launched. Wait! Hong Shiyong couldn't help but shouted: Guoke also wants to produce p4? That's right. Kong Jing smiled lightly: This is decided by the big boss, and these are his original words When we got together, we didn’t know what to do at first, but then we learned that P4 was going to be produced in the new century, and Guoke suddenly had an idea.”Hong Shiyong was stunned for a long time, and he was full of swear words. When I came out, I heard someone behind me yelling in panic, Mr. Zheng, Mr. Zheng, are you okay...

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