I Really Didn’t Want to be Born Again

581. The secretly developed Guoke Electronics

The next day was the sixth day of the first lunar month, and college students generally started school after the Lantern Festival. The first thing they did after opening their eyes was to think about where to go to a party with their friends to check in. However, Chen Hansheng was already driving away early in the morning while Liang Meijuan was nagging her. Leaving Hong Kong City.

Arriving in Jianye around 11 noon, there are now more and more vehicles in the city. Unlike on New Year’s Eve, Zhongshan South Road in Xinjiekou was empty.

However, after arriving at Gangneung University Town, there was still a feeling of being sparsely populated. Except for the Catch All Internet cafe, Yiwu Commodity City was basically closed.

In this kind of suburb developed on the basis of universities, the summer vacation is better, but the winter vacation is too deserted.

At the door of the office on Tianyuan East Road, a white Passat was parked steadily, which meant that the charming young mature woman Kong Jing was already waiting here.

In fact, not only Kong Jing arrived, but Nie Xiaoyu and Wen Ling also all reworked.

The little secretary here is the hardest worker. Unlike Wen Ling, she has graduated. Nie Xiaoyu is still a college student. She made two rounds of phone calls during the winter vacation and rushed back to Jianye early to work.

I didn’t have time to attend the class reunion, and I also missed the class president boyfriend I once had a crush on.

So, after Chen Hansheng stepped into the office, he took out three red envelopes from his pocket with a smile. Kong Jing and Wen Ling both accepted them politely. Only Nie Xiaoyu snorted and said firmly Thank you!

What's wrong~

Chen Hansheng pretended not to know the reason and looked at Kong Jing and Wen Ling: Did you make Xiaoyu angry?

Kong Jing and Wen Ling smiled and shook their heads.

They don't, it's mainly the boss!

Nie Xiaoyu shook her neat short hair: The boss is so inconsiderate. He arranged so many tasks during the Spring Festival and doesn't care about his subordinates at all!

Chen Hansheng scratched his head: Who said that? It's so irresponsible.

Does Minister Chen care about his subordinates?

Nie Xiaoyu asked angrily.


I mean······

Chen Hansheng rubbed his chin and looked like he was thinking: Who told you this secret? How can I exploit you in the future?

Nie Xiaoyu:······

Just when the little secretary was about to have a fit, Chen Hansheng took out another big red envelope from his pocket and stuffed it into Nie Xiaoyu's hand with a smile: In order to appease my lovely little secretary, I have to pay a bribe.

Nie Xiaoyu felt the thickness and estimated it to be more than 1,000 yuan, so he reluctantly forgave his boss.

Kong Jing and Wen Ling both smiled and watched the interaction between Chen Hansheng and Nie Xiaoyu. Kong Jing was worth over a million, was older than Nie Xiaoyu, and the nature of his job was completely different, so he didn't have any feelings.

Although Wen Ling was envious, she knew that this was the result of Nie Xiaoyu's hard work.

When Chen Hansheng's career started, Nie Xiaoyu has been his right-hand man. Not only did he endure hardships, he probably also received a lot of scolding. The little girl shed countless tears.

Now, the little secretary has finally gained Chen Hansheng's complete trust. She may have more secrets than Kong Jing. In addition, she is often seen hanging out with Shen Youchu in school.

Tsk, Qi Qi, the little secretary, has penetrated into the boss’s life from the inside out.

Let's eat first.

Chen Hansheng looked at the time: Let's go to Xinjiekou to have a New Year's dinner and talk while eating.

Do you want to call Director Cao?

Kong Jing asked.

Need not.

Chen Hansheng shook his head: Now is an important time to hollow out the New Century. It would not be good for me to stand up directly. If he is smart enough, he should be able to detect something from the clues.

Kong Jing nodded: I thought you were going to have a meeting to discuss important matters.

Things are indeed important, but important meetings don't have to be crowded, and meetings with many people are not important.

Chen Hansheng and Kong Jing said: For another example, to solve big problems, you can only hold a small meeting, with just a few key people joining together; to solve small problems, you need to hold a general meeting, which is also called anti-aircraft cannons to swat mosquitoes. The thunder is loud and the raindrops are light, but the main force is It serves as a warning.”

Kong Jing smiled and said nothing more, but when they started to get on the bus, the three female compatriots planned to squeeze into the back row, and probably did not want to sit in the front row, so as not to cause misunderstanding.

Finally, Chen Hansheng said helplessly: Although there is no problem with three people in the back row, why bother? Sister Jing, please sit in the front.

When Kong Jing heard the order, she didn't refuse pretentiously. She sat down in the passenger seat elegantly and dignifiedly, and let out a soft sigh of comfort.

Oh, it turns out that no matter whether it is a man or a woman, they will moan unconsciously when they first get into the car.

After stepping on the accelerator, Chen Hansheng set off from Tianyuan East Road. However, while waiting for the traffic light near Yiwu Commodity Floor, Nie Xiaoyu, who was sitting in the back, patted Chen Hansheng on the shoulder unnoticeably and coughed.

Chen Hansheng turned around, Nie Xiaoyu raised his eyebrows and looked out the window.

It turned out that Shen Youchu, Dong'er and Aning had just walked over.

They were probably returning from the market, carrying a lot of vegetables in their hands. Aning probably wanted to share the housework, as there was a convenience bag hanging on each of his little arms.

Shen Youchu loves his sister very much, so he only puts a small egg in the bag. Little Aning staggers when he walks, and the egg shakes too, which makes Shen Youchu worry and protect her several times.

Seeing such a loving scene, Chen Hansheng couldn't help but smile.

This was not easy to notice, but Sister Yu's perception was very strong. Kong Jing glanced at Chen Hansheng curiously, and also looked out the window curiously.

There doesn't seem to be anything funny about two adults and a child.

Sister Kong Yu only knew Xiao Rongyu, but she didn't know the existence of Shen Youchu. She and Wen Ling had been traveling outside for so long, and because of habit and professional ethics, she never inquired about the personal situation of any of her colleagues.

If you knew that Chen Hansheng was in two different situations, it would probably be another round of brainstorming.


In a Western restaurant in Xinjiekou, four people discussed the following arrangements. Two days ago, Nie Xiaoyu and Wen Ling followed Chen Hansheng's request and re-typed the list of assembly line operators between the ages of 30 and 40 at the New Century Electronics Factory. .

Darling, this time is amazing. Originally, only 50 people agreed to give it a try after the new year, but now the number has suddenly increased to about 200.

Too strange.

Nie Xiaoyu was very puzzled: Why do they seem to have softened their tone after a new year, and they still call me to ask if I want to recruit people?

There's nothing strange about this. It seems like you've been away from the masses for too long.

While cutting the steak, Chen Hansheng answered the secretary's question: Those who are between thirty and forty years old have an elder above them and a small one below, who are the breadwinners of the family. During the New Year, we should honor the elders on both sides and at the same time provide for the children. I have New Year's money, and I have no other hobbies when visiting relatives, so I can only play cards and mahjong, and then I lose a little more.

After this year, my wallet has shrunk seriously.

Chen Hansheng said with a smile: Now the salary in Guoke is high, and it is next door to the New Century. The surrounding environment is not unfamiliar. You would be a fool if you don't make this money. Sister Jing will have to keep an eye on the construction progress of the canteen and dormitory. At least after the Lantern Festival, we can We can barely solve the food and housing problem for these 200 assembly line employees.

It's not a big problem.

Kong Jing thought for a while: But I am short of people now, I am short of trustworthy administrative clerks.

Take Qiu Anping and Zhang Mingrong back. Contact them now and they'll be there in the evening.

Chen Hansheng immediately said: Senior Sister Qiu's situation is more complicated. I will talk to her personally.

The meal lasted for more than two hours, and basically all the activities between now and the Lantern Festival were arranged. Chen Hansheng planned to go to the Blu-ray Electronic LCD Screen Manufacturing Factory in Taizhou tomorrow.

This was an important part of the plot to deceive Hong Shiyong. Chen Hansheng had to personally inspect it to make sure there was nothing wrong with it.

After everything is ready, when Hong Shiyong comes back from Hong Kong, it is guaranteed to be a series of operations.

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