I Really Didn’t Want to be Born Again

Five hundred and seventy-eight, that year, 21, at the class reunion, I was as humble as a gangster (

A large booth in this cold drink shop in the city was filled with a circle of high school classmates. Chen Hansheng pushed the door open and walked in. A dozen pairs of eyes immediately looked over.

Oh, with this posture, no wonder Wang Zibo is unwilling to take the lead, and is still a little scary.

Long time no see, long time no see.

Chen Hansheng met these eyes and walked over with a smile.

In fact, most of the classmates are known to each other, such as Xie Wanqiu, Liu Xiaomeng and Gao Jialiang, who they meet frequently.

There are also some who really can’t name each other, which means they haven’t seen each other since they graduated from high school.

However, when some male classmates saw Chen Hansheng, their expressions suddenly became complicated because they really couldn't believe that Chen Hansheng was really together with Xiao Rongyu.

Xiao Rongyu is the princess of No. 1 Middle School in Hong Kong City. She is beautiful, good at studies, has a good family background, and can also play musical instruments.

As for Chen Hansheng, his grades were below average. He used the Internet, got into fights, skipped classes, and finally passed the second-level exam in a college.

Such a boy feels so different from Xiao Rongyu's world.

But the female classmates were different. They were much more enthusiastic. Liu Xiaomeng, who was next to Xiao Rongyu, moved to the side, waved and shouted: Chen Hansheng, come here quickly, I will give you this position.

After Chen Hansheng sat down, he noticed that he and Xiao Rongyu were close to each other, and Xiao Rongyu was whispering to Chen Hansheng with a sweet look on his face, which meant that the relationship between the two was very good.

What followed was a few seconds of silence and stagnation.

This situation is very common. For example, a group of people are chatting happily, and suddenly a new friend comes over. While saying hello and saying hello, they also inadvertently terminate the topic of chatting. After sitting down again, everyone needs some time to adapt.

But soon, other girls spoke up.

Naturally, they were still curious about how Chen Hansheng chased Xiao Rongyu, and when the relationship was confirmed and so on.

It's just that those who are near the water and the towers get the moon first.

Chen Hansheng smiled and said half-seriously: When we were freshmen, Dongda University and University of Finance and Economics were from opposite schools, so we often played together, and we got together unknowingly.


Just know nonsense!

The word engage was too unpleasant. Xiao Rongyu pursed his lips and lightly hit Chen Hansheng.

Oh~ So that's it.

Everyone nodded. Gao Jialiang picked up the drink in front of him and silently took a big sip.

The wine makes me sad, tons tons tons tons tons...

Although he has a girlfriend now, and her family is quite wealthy, but how can she compare to Xiao Rongyu.

However, one thing that is better about the high school party is that there is no force to find trouble, and no one deliberately touches Chen Hansheng out of jealousy.

The parents of each other may know each other, and they can see each other without looking up. Occasionally, they pretend to be angry and curse, Chen Hansheng, you are so fucking lucky. This is almost the limit.

We are all neighbors and fellow villagers, so it is shameful to act like this.

The scene quickly became lively again. In addition, the topic did not linger around Chen Hansheng. Not many people even asked about Rockets 101.

Xiao Chen is right. Before we graduate, we rarely pay attention to each other's social resources.

Wang Zibo was a little surprised.

Although he had been dressing up carefully for a long time, he was not qualified to sit in the middle. He consciously sat on the edge of the booth, politely greeted the classmates next to him, and then politely watched the others chatting.

Only occasionally would he interrupt when talking about Jianye University of Science and Technology.


We chatted until about 4 o'clock in the afternoon, when class monitor Liu Ziyu called to convene. A group of people walked out of the cold drink shop and went to the class gathering place in groups.

The distance from the cold drink shop was not far, and Xiao Rongyu had no scruples. He held Chen Hansheng's arm affectionately, and playfully put his cold palm on Chen Hansheng's face.

This scene falls in the eyes of many boys. While they feel sad, they also pretend that nothing happened, pretending to be calm and joking with others.

Tons tons tons tons tons······

After walking to the hotel box, monitor Liu Ziyu and some classmates were already waiting here.

When everyone met, they hugged and bragged for a while. After paying their share and signing in, they began to consciously form several circles.

First of all, there is a clear distinction between boys and girls. Among girls, Xiao Rongyu is in a small circle, probably belonging to the high-looking representative group, while Liu Ziyu is a small core group, probably belonging to the public affairs management group.

The two circles are very harmonious and occasionally get together to discuss cosmetics and celebrities.

Boys also have two circles. There are only 4 or 5 people in the first circle. They wear glasses and have an elegant temperament. The content they communicate with is relatively high-end content such as postgraduate entrance examinations, projects, and state-owned enterprise offers.

These are the boys who passed the 985 exam that year. It is obvious that they have a slight sense of superiority.

Although whenever their classmates greeted them, the 985 top students responded very politely, then adjusted their glasses frames and continued to talk about these high-end topics.

The other circle is more diaosi, with more people, more smokers, and a look of everyone understands on their faces, and occasionally bursts of laughter. This is the driving group at a class reunion. .

Chen Hansheng and Wang Zibo were also mixed in, and the atmosphere here was warm, unlike the 985 circle that was dull.

Some boys pointed at Chen Hansheng angrily and complained: Old Chen, why can you chase Xiao Rongyu? This is too much!

They seemed to be pretending, and even took away Chen Hansheng's Chinese cigarettes angrily, while Chen Hansheng was laughing and laughing and didn't care.

However, much of the truth is said in a joking manner.


The first climax of the party was the arrival of class teacher Xu Wen. His appearance caused a sensation in the audience, with everyone clapping and screaming.

It's strange to say that at the party during the summer after high school graduation, Lao Xu was actually not so popular. However, after everyone had been in college for three or four years, they seemed to suddenly become more friendly to their former class teacher, and all the past memories and unpleasantness had disappeared. .


While Chen Hansheng applauded, he even shouted and whistled.

Lao Xu still had the same Mediterranean hairstyle, smiling and waving to all his classmates.

Just like in high school, class monitor Liu Ziyu walked over to greet Lao Xu, and Lao Xu followed Liu Ziyu to the girls' circle.

When he was understanding everyone's current situation, he was suddenly tapped on the shoulder. When he turned around, he saw a tall figure with an unbridled smile on his face.

Hey, you kid!

Lao Xu smiled and took out the cigarette powder and gave it to Chen Hansheng. He was a heavy smoker and would not say he was concerned about the presence of girls.

These are all my disciples. In reality, there are not so many pretentious things to do.

Lao Xu pointed at Chen Hansheng and praised: Everyone is doing well, but you are the one who surprised me the most. Firstly, you fell in love with Xiao Rongyu, and secondly, you started a business and appeared on the TV station. Hansheng did not take the ordinary path.

Lao Xu is a middle-aged man. He doesn't look at problems superficially. At the same time, he also knows that good academic performance and well-off are not the same.

Chen Hansheng has taken a different approach and does not judge heroes based on their achievements. It is really possible to find his own path in the future.

They are all trivial matters, not worth mentioning.

Chen Hansheng smoked and boasted, which caused the other girls to yell and accuse him. It was a trivial matter to catch up with the princess of Hong Kong City No. 1 Middle School.

Seeing Xu Wen finish a cigarette quickly and was about to take out a second cigarette, Chen Hansheng stopped him and said, Old Xu, please be careful. Be careful of getting lung cancer in the future.

Xu Wenzhen died of lung cancer, and Chen Hansheng didn't want to see this happen anyway.

Oddly enough, if someone else said something like you have lung cancer, it would always be inappropriate, but when someone like Chen Hansheng said it, Lao Xu took it as a joke.

“I can’t quit but I can’t quit.”

Lao Xu shook his head and sighed: What can I do?

For a middle-aged smoker like you, you should get an X-ray every year.

Chen Hansheng reminded: I don't believe your chest won't feel tight.

Yes, I do, but I don't take it to heart...

Before Lao Xu finished speaking, suddenly there was another burst of cheers in the hotel box.

This cheer was louder than before. Chen Hansheng took a look and saw that it was Zhou Wei from his class who was admitted to Tsinghua University.

If we all feel a little close to the students from the 985 universities, then we have complete respect and admiration for these super academics who are in the top 50 in the province in college entrance examination scores.

Monitor Liu Ziyu walked up excitedly and said loudly: The pride of our class is here, the pride of Gangcheng No. 1 Middle School is here.


There was another round of applause in the box, this was indeed true.

If the previous applause for Lao Xu was a bit joking, this time everyone applauded sincerely.

Even Xu Wen left Chen Hansheng behind and took the initiative to go up and say hello.

Tsinghua University and Yanda University, these two universities are not something you can get into with hard work, they also require a certain amount of learning talent. The reason why Hong Kong City No. 1 Middle School can maintain the dignity of a prestigious school is not only the high undergraduate rate, but also the Dozens of students who are admitted to Tsinghua University every year are supporting the show.

Sometimes the principal of Gangcheng No. 1 Middle School goes out for a meeting, and everyone starts asking, How many Tsinghua-Yanda universities did your school get admitted to this year?

This is the hard target and face. As for why Old Xu likes Zhou Wei, it is said that after Zhou Xueba’s results came out, Xu Wen, as the class teacher, received an additional 10,000 yuan in annual performance scholarships.

Zhou Xueba didn't talk much and was a little thin. He just nodded at everyone and silently walked to the 985 circle.

Chen Hansheng looked at it with his hands on his hips, and he felt quite emotional in his heart. This is a shining resume. No matter how much money he makes in the future, he may still be full of copper odor in the eyes of the world, but when he mentioned Tsinghua University and Yanda, In one word, it is a sense of admiration that arises spontaneously.

Fuck you.

Chen Hansheng took out his mobile phone, opened WAP and searched online.

We are still in the 2G era, and WAP mobile phone Internet access is the most common way. It is characterized by slower speed, higher network fees, and larger data consumption...

Usually, those wealthy people only dare to surf after purchasing a package.

Xiao Rongyu saw her boyfriend playing with his mobile phone, so she walked over and took a look curiously, and found that Chen Hansheng was concentrating on searching for a question.

“How to become a visiting professor at Tsinghua University and Yanda University?”

What kind of status do you need to be a visiting professor at Tsinghua University and Yanda University in reality?

Can the richest man in Sudong Province become a visiting professor of economics at Tsinghua University?



Xiao Yu'er couldn't help but smile.

What are you doing?

Chen Hansheng blushed, put away his phone and said, You actually peeked into my privacy.


Xiao Rongyu sipped her charming lips: Xiao Chen, why is your brain circuit different from everyone else's? We were all thinking about whether to be admitted to Tsinghua University as a graduate student, but you skipped it directly and made a roundabout way to become a graduate student at Tsinghua University. guest professor.”

Ahem, it's pretty much the same anyway.

Chen Hansheng coughed dryly, thinking that I seemed to have forgotten to search for What are the requirements for Tsinghua University's graduate studies?

They kept bragging like this until 5:30 in the evening, when Liu Ziyu asked everyone to take their seats. This high school monitor also joined the student union in college.

It seems that the class president in high school will all join the student union in college, without exception.

The host of the banquet was naturally class teacher Xu Wen. On his left was Tsinghua academic tycoon Zhou Wei, and on his right was monitor Liu Ziyu.

Next to Liu Ziyu is Xiao Rongyu, and below is Liu Xiaomeng. The position in the back is not important, everyone can sit wherever they want.

Chen Hansheng, a wealthy man who drives a Land Rover, owns land in Shanghai, and owns a 480-acre electronics factory, is unsurprisingly ignored. He and Wang Zibo sit among a group of classmates.

Next, we invite Lao Ban to say a few words.

Liu Ziyu was very knowledgeable and applauded.

The old class was Xu Wen, the head teacher. He did not refuse and stood up with a wine glass in his hand: As the saying goes, it takes three days for a scholar to see you with admiration. Now that I have been here for three years, I have discovered the fact that you have all become more handsome and beautiful. No, only Laoban and I have grown old and ugly.

The classmates all burst into good-natured laughter, and Lao Xu continued: At my age, I basically have nothing to pursue, but seeing that my former students have become mature and sensible, some are studying in the highest universities, and some have become student union cadres, Some even started their own businesses and became bosses, which is still very touching...

Hearing this sentence, many students looked at Chen Hansheng. The only one who can be described as being a boss here is Chen Hansheng.

But that’s all, I forgot about it after reading it.

...So I propose that those who can drink drink drink, and those who cannot drink drink drink. Everyone has the first drink!

After the banquet started, the atmosphere gradually changed from being reserved to being more relaxed. The junior students already knew a little about the ways of the world, and they began to toast each other.

Lao Xu is definitely the person who has been toasted the most times, and besides that, Zhou Xueba is definitely the first.

Many students walked up with wine glasses or drinks, shyly patted Zhou Wei on the shoulder, and politely drank a glass.

When college students drink, they don't say many polite words. The most common one is just Please contact me more in the future.

There were also many girls clinking glasses with Xiao Rongyu, but all they drank were Huiyuan juice.

As for the big entrepreneurial star Chen Hansheng, except for Xie Wanqiu who came over to toast, everyone else just drank.

Xiao Chen.

Wang Zibo said quietly: It's not beyond your expectation. She is beautiful, has good grades, and is a class leader. She is the focus.

Of course. Chen Hansheng shrugged.

Are you going to honor Zhou Xueba?

Wang Zibo asked.

I dont go.

Chen Hansheng shook his head: He can't give me anything. Come on, let's have a drink.

Wang Zibo nodded. If Chen Hansheng didn't go, he wouldn't go either. He picked up a wine bottle and filled it up for Chen Hansheng and himself.


Chen Hansheng was about to pour it into his stomach.


Wang Zibo stopped him: Say a few words, or write a poem.

Writing poetry.

Chen Hansheng thought for a while and grinned: On the 21st of that year, at the class reunion, I was as humble as a minions.


(Written in one go, two chapters in one, no more today, please vote.)


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