I Really Didn’t Want to be Born Again

Five hundred and forty-nine, give time 1 minute, wait for the past to pass, let the beginning begin

Rooms 501 and 502 of the Motel Hotel in Jiangling District are occupied respectively by Huang Biao, the director of the Blu-ray Electronic LCD Screen Manufacturing Factory, and Wang Xiaodong, the sales manager.

The two were related. After dinner, they realized it was still early, so they sat in the room chatting.

Wang Xiaodong was not yet thirty years old, when he was at his most energetic. While smoking, he complained to the factory director: Mr. Hong in the new century is so arrogant. He doesn't even greet you after business discussions or even a meal. There is nothing like that in Hong Kong. Don’t you understand the ways of the world?”

It's okay to understand.

Huang Biao looked at the animal world on TV and replied: It's just that we don't have enough status and he is too lazy to spend more time.

Have you seen the beautiful Mr. Zheng today?

Wang Xiaodong continued to ask: I heard that she was in charge before the new century. Mr. Hong succeeded in his struggle for power. The current electronics factory is named Hong.

Where did you hear the news?

Factory director Huang Biao is in his forties and knows more information: In the new century, the surname will always be Zheng, and Hong Shiyong is just a spokesperson.

Actually, it doesn't matter what your last name is.

Wang Xiaodong looked at the heavy snow outside, his silhouette reflected on the glass of the window, and said quietly: In their eyes, we are just an insignificant supply chain.

Huang Biao flicked the white ashes of his cigarette and said nothing. He wanted to be respected and make money. How can there be such a good thing in the world.

Dong dong dong.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

Huang Biao thought it was a hotel attendant, but after opening it, he found it was not.

There was a young man standing at the door. He was only wearing a knitted sweater and a down jacket in this weather. The down jacket was still open, with a familiar smile on his face. He nodded and said hello: Is this Mr. Huang from Lantian?

Who are you?

Huang Biao thought for a while and determined that he didn't know the other party.

Wang Xiaodong heard the movement at the door and saw that the young man was tall and had a mischievous look on his face. Worried that something had happened, he walked over and stood side by side with Huang Biao.

I am Chen Hansheng from Guoker Electronics. I am a poor boss.

The young man laughed and stretched out his hand: Nice to meet you.

Today we went to New Century for a meeting, and we passed by a construction site that was under construction.

Wang Xiaodong whispered: I asked later and found out that it was Guoke Electronics. It is said that it is also a major manufacturer of electronic products.

Huang Biao nodded, indicating that he knew what he knew. He stretched out his hand and shook Chen Hansheng: I didn't expect the boss of Guoke Electronics to be so young. The New 81 Chinese website is updated the fastest. Mobile version: https:/

There was a strong suspicion in this sentence, but Chen Hansheng had a way. He waved and shouted: Brother Kai, it's your turn to appear.

Anyone else?

Huang Biao and Wang Xiaodong looked at each other, but this was a familiar face. He was actually Li Xiaokai, the deputy director of New Century Electronics Factory, whom he had just met at the venue in the afternoon.

This is a big shot, the main leader in charge of technology in the new century, but why he hangs out with the boss of Guoke and visits him privately, there must be something going on.

After Li Xiaokai greeted them, Huang Biao and Wang Xiaodong confirmed Chen Hansheng's identity.

Chen Hansheng looked at the time: It's just under 8 o'clock now. I heard that Hong Shiyong didn't arrange a dinner. I arranged a table at the Jinling Hotel. Will Mr. Huang appreciate it?

Jinling Hotel is a five-star hotel.

Wang Xiaodong's eyes moved.

Thank you, Mr. Chen. We have already eaten.

However, Huang Biao felt that it was not that simple. He was worried about unnecessary complications, so he still refused.

What are Mr. Huang worried about?

Chen Hansheng smiled: I just want to order a batch of LCD screens from Blu-ray. Do you want to do business?

That's it.

Huang Biao thought for a moment, his eyes wandered around the faces of Chen Hansheng and Li Xiaokai, and finally nodded and said, Thank you very much.

After leaving the hotel room and going downstairs, Chen Hansheng drove the car over and motioned for Huang Biao and Wang Xiaodong to get in the car.

Land Rover.

After Wang Xiaodong got in the car, he took out his mobile phone and sent Huang Biao a message: This car is very expensive.

Huang Biao: Xiaodong, what do you think their purpose is?

Wang Xiaodong: Isn’t Guoke planning to order display screens?

Huang Biao: If it is just business dealings, then they are the fathers. Have you ever seen a father treat his son to dinner? There must be something fishy.

Wang Xiaodong: What are you afraid of? We won’t lose even in 2 vs. 2, unless that Chen Hansheng can play 1 vs. 2.

Looking at this posture, if there was a fight, Li Xiaokai would be ignored.

However, nothing happened along the way. The four of them chatted casually and soon arrived at the Jinling Hotel in the center of Jianye.

A five-star hotel is naturally of high quality, with a magnificent lobby, a faint fragrance in the air, and all the waiters serving you with a smile.

Wang Zibo, who had been waiting in the box, saw Chen Hansheng coming, stood up and whispered: Xiao Chen, I'll go back to school first.

Did you have meal?

Chen Hansheng asked.

Wang Zibo shook his head: No, the price here is too expensive. I just go back to the cafeteria and eat a bowl of noodles.

Then why are you leaving?

Chen Hansheng pointed to the chair: Let's go after eating.

Wang Zibo hesitated: Will it disturb you and talk to others?


Chen Hansheng patted Wang Zibo on the shoulder: I still need your help with something. Okay.

Wang Zibo stayed after hearing that he needed help. He knew that there was a big gap between him and Chen Hansheng in all aspects, and he was also wondering what could help his best friend.

During the meal, Huang Biao had been waiting for Chen Hansheng's request, but he seemed to have forgotten about it and was just chatting about the development of the domestic electronics industry.

It was only after 9 o'clock after dinner, and Chen Hansheng warmly invited Huang Biao and Wang Xiaodong to relax for a while.

Forget it, it's too troublesome for Mr. Chen.

Huang Biao refused again. The more enthusiastic Chen Hansheng was, the less practical Huang Biao felt.

It's no trouble, you're right next to me. I still have something to say.

Chen Hansheng pointed at Yingtai Shuihui, put his arm around Huang Biao's shoulders and walked over.

Li Xiaokai left quietly. He knew what was in Shuihui, but he was not very interested.

Chen Hansheng nodded in agreement. Li Xiaokai didn't like this tone, but there were many people who liked it.

Wang Xiaodong is a salesperson who runs the market. He knows these things very well, and there is some expectation in his eyes. Of course, he has a good impression of Chen Hansheng.

Chen Hansheng had already made a reservation. He reported his name as Jin Yangming at the front desk and received the sign. The waiter opened a secret door and led Chen Hansheng and the others downstairs.

Wang Zibo had been to this kind of place before, but he went upstairs and didn't know what the scene was like below. His heart was beating a little hard, but when he saw such a narrow staircase, he felt a little disappointed.

That's it?

Wang Zibo muttered silently: The decoration is too bad.

However, after actually arriving at the bottom of the building, Wang Zibo couldn't help but want to praise, You can always trust Chen Hansheng!

Looking around, rows of high-end chandeliers are shining brightly. The tiles on the floor are already very clean. From time to time, the cleaning lady is mopping the floor. Various bronzes are placed on both sides of the corridor. Although they are fakes, they still have a somewhat majestic atmosphere.

From time to time, young girls wearing high-akimbo cheongsam and 8cm high heels pass by them with a smile, and they will bow politely.

Wang Zibo looked at them quietly and found that every one of them was quite beautiful. He felt a little embarrassed, but he couldn't control his eyes, so every time he raised his head, he had to check to see if anyone was paying attention to him.

Not to mention Wang Xiaodong, compared to the places he has been to before, the boss of Guoke tonight has really spent a lot of money.

At this time, the minister downstairs came over and looked at the cards in his hand. He smiled and led Chen Hansheng to a separate box, which had a sauna, a hot spring, and a shower.

After the four men soaked in the gududu hot spring, Chen Hansheng rolled his neck and said: Mr. Huang, I know that New Century has ordered 2 million yuan of goods from you. The deadline is the end of April 2005. I I want to make a small request to you.

any request?

Huang Biao thought to himself that it was finally here, this was the most important drama tonight.

The shipment you sent to New Century has been delayed until April 30.

The white mist above the hot spring was so thick that Huang Biao couldn't see Chen Hansheng's expression clearly, and could only hear his voice: This will not violate the contract you signed with New Century.


Huang Biao was startled. Wasn't this deliberately treacherous?

Generally speaking, suppliers only ship goods in advance, and how can they deliberately delay shipment until the deadline?

If New Century makes all other preparations and waits for the electronic LCD screen that meets the requirements to be released, Hong Shiyong will basically explode.

Huang Biao couldn't help but look around, fearing that someone from the New Age was eavesdropping.

Mr. Huang, don't be nervous.

Chen Hansheng stretched out his arm and stirred the hot spring water with a swish, swish sound: That's why I didn't say it until now. Everyone is not wearing clothes now, so you don't have to worry about me bringing a recorder or something.

Chen Hansheng seemed to see through Huang Biao's inner thoughts and comforted him.


Huang Biao slowly felt relieved. He glanced in the direction of Chen Hansheng, thinking that this young man looked like a ruffian, but he was actually thinking deeply.

Sorry, we can't agree to this request.

However, Huang Biao still refused: If we do this, we will have no business dealings with New Century in the future.

What are you afraid of?

Chen Hansheng said nonchalantly: Guoke Electronics can place an order of 3 million yuan with you. In the future, whenever there is a supply demand for electronic screens, Blu-ray will also be the first choice.

One family is worth 3 million, and the other is 2 million. The extra 1 million is not a small amount.

Can I ask, what is Mr. Chen's purpose?

Huang Biao still didn't agree, but asked Chen Hansheng instead.

It would be too much trouble to explain.

Chen Hansheng smiled: Just think of me as avenging New Century's former boss Zheng Guanti. This is easier to understand.

At this time, two tall girls wearing cheongsam walked into the bathroom. They didn't seem to see the four men in the bath. They took off their cheongsams and put on gauze-like pajamas. They walked over to say hello with a coquettish smile.


hold head high.

Chen Hansheng waved his hand: I want to say a few words first, and you will serve later.


The two girls bowed and sat further away consciously.

Wang Zibo raised his head, and the box was filled with clouds and mist. The two girls, who were over 1.65 meters tall, were walking through it, like fairies in the sky.

They are so beautiful, why do they do this kind of business?

Wang Zibo, who saw this scene for the first time, couldn't help but feel sad.

But Wang Xiaodong next to him almost had his eyes popping out. He kept staring at the two girls without seeing them, and smiled greasyly at Wang Zibo.

Wang Zibo was a little bored, but considering that Wang Xiaodong was Chen Hansheng's business partner, he reluctantly dealt with it.

Mr. Huang.

Chen Hansheng sighed: Let me tell you straight, the new century is bound to collapse. With the appearance of Li Xiaokai, can't you understand something?

One of the goals of Guoke's establishment is to cross Hong Shiyong.

Chen Hansheng said seriously: If you follow Hong Shiyong, you will only narrow the road. Guoke Electronics' 3 million order depends on whether Mr. Huang wants it or not.

Huang Biao remained silent, while Chen Hansheng lit his cigarette and waited silently for Huang Biao's decision.

After doing this, I always feel that I have failed Mr. Hong's trust.

Huang Biao said in a harsh voice.

Don't think too much. You've lost Lao Hong, but you still have us.

Chen Hansheng flicked the ashes of his cigarette: Mr. Huang, give some time, let the past pass, let the beginning begin, the road is at your feet, and the choice is in your hands.


Chen Hansheng suddenly stood up, with drops of water dripping from his body: If you agree, I will call you 3 million years ago; if you don't agree, I will treat Mr. Huang to a meal and a sauna, and we will treat him as a friend. A friend.


Chen Hansheng waved at Wang Zibo without even looking at the two girls in the corner. It was for Huang Biao and Wang Xiaodong.

Wang Zibo felt a little complicated, especially when he thought that Wang Xiaodong could actually enjoy rubbing his pussy with a girl like that. He said to Chen Hansheng in a depressed voice: Xiao Chen, what do you need my help with?

If you don't tell me, I almost forgot.

Chen Hansheng took out his mobile phone, and when the time was approaching 10 o'clock, the mobile phone rang on time.

Hey, Xiao Chen, have you drank tonight?

Xiao Rongyu's sweet voice appeared on the microphone.

I'm not drinking. I'm very good. Tonight is just a gathering of old colleagues from Rocket 101. Zi Bo is also here.

Chen Hansheng handed the phone to Wang Zibo, indicating that he would tell a lie.

Holy shit!

Wang Zibo opened his eyes wide and asked in a suppressed voice: Is this the help you mentioned?

if not?

Chen Hansheng was also puzzled: You don't really think you can help me in business, do you?

Everyone has been waiting for a long time, so I would like to apologize in full. Sorry, I will update it normally tomorrow.

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