I Really Didn’t Want to be Born Again

Five hundred and forty-two, Chen Hansheng becomes increasingly unreliable

As the saying goes, Everyone fights for a breath, and a Buddha receives a stick of incense.

Hong Shiyong had no intention of going to court with Guoker Electronics at first. He just heard that a new electronics factory had opened next door. His colleagues were enemies in the past. When he inquired about it, he found that the construction layout of the two companies was almost the same.

The drawings of New Century are from the hands of Hong Kong designers. Regardless of their level of quality, it is obvious that Guoke Electronics has plagiarized them.

Even if he plagiarized, he still had a very tough attitude, tearing up the lawyer's letter in an insulting manner, and the district leader's harmony approach. He also had to face Zheng Guanti's delay and difficulties at work.

So Lao Hong has been very depressed recently, and he is considering whether to seek help from the Zheng family's resources in mainland China to vent his anger.

As for the Rongsheng Law Firm in Xinjiekou, Hong Shiyong didn't take it seriously. If Guoke Electronics tore out two lawyer's letters in a row, wouldn't it dare to tear up a third one?

In the evening, when Chen Hansheng and Xiao Rongyu were chatting on the phone, Xiao Rongyu heard that Chen Hansheng was soliciting business for the law firm, so he kissed her Mua on the phone, immediately opened his notebook, and pulled Bian Shishi over to listen.

This was the first case of Rong Sheng Law Firm and the first business in his life. Xiao Rongyu was highly focused.

Don't be so nervous.

Chen Hansheng knew what was going on best. He didn't even bother to explain: I want to play cards. What is the specific reason? The company will send someone to discuss it tomorrow.

Xiao Chen, you will be there too.

A casual conversation exposed Xiao Rongyu's dependence.


Chen Hansheng is sure.

That's good. I won't talk to you anymore. I want to contact Senior Sister Gao Wen and Senior Sister Li Na to tell them the good news.

Xiao Rongyu said happily.

Xiao Yu'er is not short of money, Xiao Hongwei and Lu Yuqing can support her for a lifetime, but the law firm is her career ideal, and she also has the responsibility of being a director of a law firm.

Senior sisters Gao Wen and Li Na need to consider their living costs in Jianye during the long process of cross-border litigation.

Professor Sun's subsidy is not a long-term solution. Self-reliance is the only way. However, the four girls without any social resources are not good at finding business.

But fortunately, little pretty boy Chen Hansheng has this ability.

After hanging up the phone, Chen Hansheng walked back to the dormitory. Jin Yangming seemed to have discovered something very interesting. He pointed at the intranet forum of the University of Finance and Economics and said: Fourth brother, Junior Sister Luo has been defending you with an indignant and fierce tone. Those... No one dared to reply.”

Chen Hansheng pulled the mouse and flipped through it, and found that this was really the case.

Luo Xuan replied to almost every post about Vice Chairman Chen eating soft rice. Some of them were obviously just joking, so Luo Xuan also wanted to severely criticize them.


Chen Hansheng was a little sore, Xiao Rongyu couldn't see it, Shen Youchu wasn't very good at computers, and Shang Yanyan knew she was rich and wouldn't believe the rumors about Land Rover and soft rice.

But I forgot that there is another Luo Xuan who can access the Caida intranet, has a very stubborn temper, and is very vindictive. She really replied to those posts without forgetting them, and her aggressive look was very scary.

The consequences of this,

That is, the turmoil had gradually subsided, but it suddenly stirred up again for her.

Can't stand it.

Chen Hansheng walked to the balcony and contacted Luo Xuan: Why are you paying attention to those posts?

Senior Brother Chen, they are insulting you.

Unexpectedly, Luo Xuan became even more angry: Let me tell you, some people's registration IDs use their own class and name. I have written them down in a small book. I can take revenge on them anytime!

Retaliation, my roommate would make fun of it on BBS.

Chen Hansheng said helplessly: Besides, such evil taste is so fun. Why am I willing to eat soft rice?

That won't work, I feel depressed!

Luo Xuan doesn't feel that she is wrong.


Chen Hansheng didn't want to argue. Luo Xuan had such a personality, so falling in love with her always felt suffocating, so he directly pressed the call button.


Hearing the busy signal on the phone, Luo Xuan looked at the densely recorded IDs in the small book. She felt aggrieved and dissatisfied.

It's not impossible to eat soft rice. Why should I only eat soft rice from Shen Youchu? Can I be full if I have big breasts?


The next morning, Xiao Rongyu and Bian Shishi got up at around 6 o'clock. They were so excited that they couldn't sleep all night. After the lights were turned off in the dormitory, they lay on the bed and chatted a lot through text messages.

About the present, about the future... Although there is no result in the confusion, it still satisfies the expectation in my heart.

After freshening up, the two asked for leave from their morning teacher, then ran to the cafeteria to have breakfast, laughing all the way to the bus stop at the Dongdaemun Gate.

Many Dongdong students found out that Xiao Rongyu was the school beauty. If they knew her, they would come up to say hello. If they didn't know her, they would look at her sideways, looking at the pear dimples on Xiao Rongyu's cheeks, her pink and moist lips that shone in the morning sun, and her bright and natural smile when chatting. smile.

She's so beautiful. It's a pity that she has a boyfriend.

This is what many boys are thinking about.

It didn't take long for the No. 46 bus to arrive. It was very fast from Dongda to Xinjiekou. It only took 20 minutes due to traffic jam. If there was no traffic jam, it would have taken more than ten minutes.

After the two girls went down, Bian Shishi asked: Xiao Yu'er, when will you learn to drive? We will have to visit customers on the spot in the future.

This is not something I can decide.

Xiao Yu'er pouted and said, The key is with Xiao Chen, and he is so lazy.

As Xiao Rongyu said this, he called Chen Hansheng on his mobile phone: Hey, you haven't gotten up yet... you're still in bed. Chen Zhu, you are such a pig!

Arriving at the office on the 18th floor of the International Trade Center, Xiao Rongyu discovered that Gao Wen and Li Na were already sitting in the conference room, each holding a notebook in their hands.

It seems that Senior Sister Gao and the others also attach great importance to it.

Xiao Rongyu and Zhang Hao also came to the conference room.

When Junior Brother Chen introduced this case, he didn't talk about the specific nature?

Gao Wen picked up the pen and planned to make some preparations in advance.

Xiao Chen didn't say anything. We'll see when he says it.

Xiao Rongyu shook his head.

Is this perfunctory?

Gao Wen thought for a while and continued to ask: What about Junior Brother Chen? When will he arrive?

Still in bed, I've already urged you.

Xiao Yu'er stuck out her cute tongue and said sheepishly.

All right.

Gao Wen was a little discouraged.

In fact, Gao Wen and Li Na have higher expectations. First of all, their family conditions are not as good as Xiao Rongyu's. Secondly, Gao Wen is about to graduate with a doctorate, and their status is different from Xiao Rongyu and Bian Shishi, who are still in their third year of college.

Junior brother Chen is always so generous.

Gao Wen shook his head silently. It seemed that Chen Hansheng did not listen to his loyal advice, otherwise he should have arrived early and actively dealt with the law firm's first case.

Is Chen Hansheng so confident that Rongsheng Law Firm will win?

Since no one is here.

Gao Wen sighed: Let's discuss the commission first, but it shouldn't be too high. After all, this is the first case, so just give it a try.

I sat there bored like this until 9:30. During this period, Xiao Rongyu called several times. Chen Hansheng answered the phone at first, but in the end he turned off his phone because it was too troublesome.

Bastard Chen Zhu, you hung up on me on purpose and waited for me...

Looking at Xiao Yu'er gnashing her teeth, Bian Shishi smiled, but Gao Wen and Li Na's hearts sank more and more. Seeing Chen Hansheng's behavior, they both felt that it was not reliable.


At this time, there were footsteps outside the door and Chen Hansheng's voice: Here we are, this is Rong Sheng Law Firm...

The four golden flowers in the conference room heard the commotion and came out to greet them at the same time. Standing outside were Chen Hansheng and a young man in a suit.

Shen Mingliang, secretary to the general manager of New Century Electronics Factory, is very valued by Lao Hong.

Chen Hansheng introduced each other: This is Xiao Rongyu, director of the law firm, and these are Gao Wen, Li Na, and Bian Shishi.

When Shen Mingliang came over, Chen Hansheng briefly mentioned it in the car, but Shen Mingliang thought they were four female lawyers wearing 800-degree glasses, but he didn't expect the reality to be so unexpected.

The four girls have different temperaments and are radiant. Even though Shen Mingliang is married, his face still turns red unconsciously.

Old Shen, be natural.

Chen Hansheng patted Shen Mingliang on the shoulder: Let's talk business first.

Yes, yes, let's talk business first.

Shen Mingliang adjusted his breathing. He was the secretary personally selected by Hong Shiyong. His overall quality was acceptable and he quickly returned to normal.

He and the other three girls could all look at each other normally, except for the most beautiful director of the law firm.

Although Director Xiao was young, her eyes were confident and proud, and she was sweet and beautiful. Shen Mingliang was too embarrassed to look at her more, so she carefully introduced the disputes between New Century Electronics and Guoke Electronics.

Chen Hansheng was sitting on his back on a chair, playing with a lighter in his hand. Suddenly, he accidentally dropped it on the conference table with a clack sound, and everyone was startled.

Xiao Rongyu glared at him, grabbed the lighter and put it in his pocket. He handed over his cute pink hello kitty cup, indicating that he would drink water if he was bored.

Chen Hansheng curled his lips, adjusted his sitting position and glanced at Shen Mingliang for introduction.

... In short, the situation is like this. Guoke Electronics is an unruly company. It doesn't blame others when it makes mistakes, and the district leaders don't want to get involved.

Shen Mingliang said: We, Mr. Hong, have three requirements. First, Guoke Electronics must change the construction plan and not plagiarize it; secondly, Guoke Electronics must have a dedicated person to apologize; thirdly, Guoke Electronics must compensate for mental losses. The money actually doesn't matter. , mainly the first two points.”

Is it so difficult?

The Jinhuas looked at each other. They didn't expect this case to be so complicated, especially Guoke Electronics. Not only was it powerful, but it also had a strong temper. They actually tore up the lawyer's letter without any scruples.

Gao Wen even smiled bitterly, why is Junior Brother Chen becoming more and more unreliable? With the current strength of the law firm, can it get involved in this kind of case?


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