I Really Didn’t Want to be Born Again

Five hundred and thirty-five, raising your head is hell, lowering your head is also hell

On the way from the International Trade Center to the Jinling Hotel, Wang Zibo kept his head down. Only when Xiao Hongwei and Lu Yuqing asked questions, he quickly answered.

Now Wang Zibo really wants to beat Chen Hansheng to death. These are Xiao Yu'er's parents. She should sit here and suffer.

But there is no way, he sometimes reacts slowly, especially like just now, when everyone was about to rush to the Jinling Hotel, Chen Hansheng was forced into the Chevrolet for no apparent reason.

Unlike the regular questions and answers in the Chevrolet, there was a lot of laughter in the Land Rover.

Bian Shishi is always teasing Xiao Rongyu: The law firm is Chen Hansheng's betrothal gift, and the Land Rover is your family's dowry. Why don't you get married tonight? You don't even need to find bridesmaids. Senior Sister Gao, Senior Sister Li and I are all ready-made .”

I agree with this. It's best to go directly to the bridal chamber.

Chen Hansheng agreed with a smile.

Seeing Xiao Rongyu's shy and proud look, Gao Wen felt envious.

I have a good family, a smooth career, and good looks. The only shortcoming is that my boyfriend is decadent and a scoundrel?

If you think about it this way, that's really what happened.

Compared with Xiao Rongyu, who is 100% sure to become famous, Chen Hansheng now has a bankrupt business, a second degree in school, and drives a luxury car given by his father-in-law without blushing at all. He also likes to open the car window at traffic lights and thinks he is cool. Whistle.

He looked like he could eat soft food with peace of mind.

Chen Hansheng, Xiao Yu'er will appear in the newspapers tomorrow and even appear on TV.

Gao Wen patted Chen Hansheng's backrest: Are you feeling stressed?

What pressure do I have? Chen Hansheng still didn't understand.

Xiao Yu'er is so beautiful. In the past, she was only famous in Dongda and Xianning campuses. But once it is publicized, many people will know about Xiao Rongyu, the campus beauty of Dongda.

Gao Wen explained: Perhaps many people want to get close to Xiao Yuer under the guise of legal consultation.

Wow, when Senior Sister Gao said this, I really felt a sense of crisis.

Chen Hansheng smacked his lips: What can we do?

So, you have to be nicer to me.

Xiao Yu'er reached out and pinched Chen Hansheng's earlobe: Don't forget to call me every day, come over and have dinner with me when you have time, and don't chat with other girls...

I can do all of this.

Chen Hansheng said fiercely: In addition, the threshold of law firms must be raised. We will not accept orders with less than 50,000 yuan. This will screen out a large number of people.

Seeing Chen Hansheng and Xiao Rongyuhun's indifferent expressions, Gao Wen sighed deeply. In fact, she was just reminding them tactfully, but Chen Hansheng didn't seem to understand.

Strong women and weak men have been the outcome of breakups since ancient times. During the Rockets 101 era, only Chen Hansheng, who was worth millions, could be worthy of Xiao Rongyu now.

Gao Wen glanced at Li Na. They were older and had experienced pure love in college. Only now that they were exposed to society did they realize the cruelty of reality.

The two of them want to go together. In the future, the gap between Chen Hansheng and Xiao Rongyu will only get wider and wider, and they may break up.


After arriving at the Jinling Hotel, Chen Hansheng didn't know that he was a bit pathetic in the eyes of others, and he even yelled at Wang Zibo to carry the brochures.

Staff from the Jianye Lawyers Association also came to help. Professor Sun Biyu is the honorary president of this association, so the Lawyers Association was helping with the venue arrangements and sign-in at the Jinling Hotel.

As for the funds, it is said that a wealthy student of Mrs. Sun took the initiative to pay for all the expenses of the press conference because he could not support his mentor on the spot.

Little fish.

In the venue, Professor Sun saw Xiao Rongyu, waved amiably and said, Let me introduce you to some senior brothers and sisters.

This is Liu Rong from the Procuratorate, this is Zhao Gang from the Justice Bureau, this is Xu Yi who teaches at the university, and this is Han Lihui, the editor-in-chief of the newspaper...

Basically, they are all political and business celebrities who are somewhat famous in the Jianye legal industry.

The senior brothers and sisters were very polite to this young junior sister, especially the vice president of the Lawyers Association named Liang Zhiyuan, who was not over 30 years old and was considered a young talent. .

He saw Xiao Rongyu's appearance clearly, his eyes flashed with admiration, and when he handed over his business card, he praised: You are indeed the school beauty of our Dongda University. Senior brother, I wish I could go to school a few years later, so maybe I still have a chance.

Gao Wen thought to herself, even though she didn't go to the press conference, she was already being remembered.

If Senior Brother Liang was a few years behind in going to school, he would be our role model at that time.

Xiao Rongyu smiled and said, I will definitely let my boyfriend learn more from you.

After she finished speaking, she pointed at Chen Hansheng and said, My boyfriend Chen Hansheng is a junior at the University of Finance and Economics.

Xiao Rongyu has a boyfriend?

Liang Zhiyuan felt comfortable listening to the first half of the sentence, but the twist in the second half was really unexpected.

This was a public occasion, and Xiao Rongyu announced it without any hesitation, which shows how much she likes this boyfriend.

This is my parents, Professor Sun.

Xiao Rongyu introduced his parents to Sun Biyu again.

Both Xiao Hongwei and Lu Yuqing have seen the world. Although they are almost 50 years old, they are Daniel Wu of Hong Kong after all, and they are still very magnanimous in their actions.

When Lao Xiao shook hands and exchanged greetings with those people, Chen Hansheng found that Liang Zhiyuan had been looking at him beside him.

I am also familiar with the University of Finance and Economics. They once wanted to invite me to become a teacher in the law department.

Liang Zhiyuan coughed and said slightly proudly: But I rejected him. Is Junior Brother Chen also studying law?

No, I'm from the School of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Chen Hansheng lowered his voice quietly: Besides, the current relationship between Xiao Rongyu and I is actually not sure, but when she said this, I can't directly refute it.

After Chen Hansheng finished speaking, he gave a you understand look, turned around and went out to help.


Liang Zhiyuan thought about what this meant. He felt quite embarrassed when his tone sounded like he was Xiao Rongyu's boyfriend.

Is he the son of a big boss from the municipal or provincial party committee?

Liang Zhiyuan couldn't help but fell into deep thought.


At 2:30 p.m., the press conference was held on time.

Professor Sun's own appeal, coupled with the support of his disciples and disciples, filled the venue of more than 200 people.

Some reporters simply stood up and slapped their hands at the rostrum with their DSLRs in hand.

Sitting on the rostrum were Professor Sun, Xiao Rongyu, Professor Sun's daughter Wu Yimin, President of the Jianye Law Association Yang Yanhui, and Director Zhao Gang of the Bureau of Justice.

This arrangement is still in place, with both parties involved, official affirmation, and private forces such as associations.

My name is Sun Biyu. I am currently a teacher at Tunghai University Law School and an ordinary mother.

The gray-haired Professor Sun spoke to the microphone and the media in a humble and sincere tone, but his momentum was overwhelming and sonorous.

...I used to hate my daughter very much. Why didn't she listen to her father and I? At that time, we chose many outstanding marriage partners, including military officers, professors, and entrepreneurs, but she insisted on marrying For an American, it would take many years.

As Mrs. Sun spoke, she couldn't help but feel her true feelings: When my wife passed away, she only came back in a hurry to pay her respects and then left. Every New Year's Eve, although many students invite me to the festival, I am always worried. What if she comes back suddenly and can’t find a home? I have a granddaughter whom I didn’t meet for the first time until she was 16 years old...

Old professors like Sun Biyu disdain to talk about clichés and empty words. They talk straightforwardly and discuss things as they happen, but they can easily move people's hearts.

If she lives a happy life, then that's it. But in the end, she didn't say anything about the divorce, but she actually left the house. This is really bullying. Sometimes I dream about my dead husband, and he just sheds tears and doesn't speak. .”


Professor Sun slammed the table hard: I knew he was unwilling!!!

The messy conference room is very quiet now. Many reporters had already thought of the headline. This is the first marriage lawsuit involving foreign countries in China. With Professor Sun's identity, the hype is enough.

But after listening to what Professor Sun said, and Wu Yimin who couldn't stop crying, everyone thought it would be better to explore it from the perspective of mother.

Professor Sun is great, fighting for the self-esteem and rights of Chinese women who marry foreigners, but the greatest thing about her is that she is a mother.

Because not everyone can marry outside, but everyone has a mother.

Xiao Rongyu wiped Wu Yimin's tears here, and helped the old lady soothe her emotions over there. Coupled with her delicate oval face and pear dimples, she had already been caught in the camera.

“There needs to be a carrier when it comes to lawsuits.”

Sun Biyu calmed down for a while, and her tone gradually slowed down: So my student Xiao Rongyu, who is the next generation, you can also call her Xiao Yu'er.

Professor Sun glanced at Xiao Rongyu: She and several students jointly established the 'Rong Sheng Law Firm'. I will launch this cross-border marriage lawsuit through this platform. Please support me.

After Mrs. Sun finished speaking, many people below showed knowing smiles.

It is impossible for Xiao Rongyu, an undergraduate, to stay with Professor Sun, but through this title, everyone will know the reason.

Obviously, Professor Sun likes this girl too much.

Hello everyone, my name is Xiao Rongyu.

At this time, Xiao Rongyu stood up from his seat: I am just an ordinary college student. I am very lucky to have the opportunity to study with Professor Sun. However, my experience is not enough. I hope everyone can provide criticism and urge Rongsheng Law Firm. Continuously making progress, while winning this cross-border lawsuit, we have also become the leading legal advisory team in the country...

After self-introduction, the reporters will now ask questions. These are very professional topics.

For example, the laws of different states in the United States are different, how do you deal with it; what is your expected purpose, to apologize or to get back your property...

Fortunately, Xiao Rongyu's many days of tutoring finally paid off. Sometimes he spoke English, sometimes Chinese, and he answered every question fluently.

Off the stage, Lu Yuqing looked at Xiao Rongyu's serious face. From time to time, flickering lights shone on his face, and Xiao Yu'er only frowned slightly.

At first, Lu Yuqing was still actively applauding, but then she was stunned and suddenly threw herself into her husband's arms and started crying.

Old Xiao, I feel really sad when I see such a little fish.

Lu Yuqing sobbed and said, I feel so bad for my baby daughter. We can actually take care of her for a lifetime. I don't want her to go out to work. It's really too hard.

There were some tears in Lao Xiao's eyes, but they were suppressed by him. While holding Lu Yuqing's shoulders, he comforted: My daughter has grown up. She has her own ideals. We can't trap her around us. We must respect Xiao Yuer’s choice...

Chen Hansheng sighed silently, thinking that today's press conference was simply an interpretation of maternal love.

Han Sheng.

Lu Yuqing wiped away her tears and said with her red eyes: Be nice to Xiao Yu'er in the future. Don't make her cry all the time. On her birthday this year, she thought you wouldn't come back, so she cried sadly at home.

I know Aunt Lu.

Chen Hansheng said sincerely: I will definitely take good care of her.

Believe in Xiao Yu'er, believe in Han Sheng.

Lao Xiao looked at Chen Hansheng and exhaled a long breath.


The press conference will continue for a while, and all their professional or gossip requirements must be met.

At this time, a reporter suddenly stood up.

Director Xiao, I would like to ask if the name of Rong Sheng Law Firm has any special meaning, because I found that your name also has the word 'Rong' in it.


Inexplicably, Chen Hansheng's heart tightened. He seemed to have guessed the plot below.

You observe very carefully.

Freed from professional questions, Xiao Rongyu breathed a sigh of relief. She smiled and replied: Rong Sheng means one word from each of my and my boyfriend's names. His name has 'Sheng' in it.


After hearing this, the people in the audience sighed with regret. It turns out that such a beautiful girl already has a boyfriend.

Damn it, sit down quickly, what else do you want to ask?!

Chen Hansheng stared at the reporter gently, but he kept cursing in his heart, because if he asked questions again, he might be exposed.

Although the University of Finance and Economics may not pay attention to news in the legal industry, but what if?

It turns out that Director Xiao already has a boyfriend. He should be at the scene.

Really afraid of what will happen, the reporter continued to gossip: Director Xiao, is he going to hide his beauty in the golden house, or is he going to introduce his boyfriend to make us deeply jealous?

Bang bang bang...

Chen Hansheng had no time to curse, and his heart began to beat violently.

Sure enough, after Xiao Rongyu listened to the reporter's banter, her eyes had already turned to Chen Hansheng.

At this time, should I lower my head or raise my head?

In a flash of lightning, two choices flashed through Chen Hansheng's mind.

If she deliberately looked down at the ground, with Xiao Rongyu's intelligence, she would definitely understand the intention of this action - she didn't want to show up.

However, she would also be sad because of this evasive action.

If he raised his head, if Xiao Rongyu let himself stand up, everything would be exposed.

Xiao Hongwei and Lu Yuqing beside them were looking at Chen Hansheng with smiles.

They don't understand that for Chen Hansheng, raising his head is hell, and lowering his head is also hell.


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