I Really Didn’t Want to be Born Again

Five hundred and fifteen, Princess Zheng’s double life

What? Does this mean we should go back?

Li Xiaokai and several loyal Zheng Party high-level officials looked at each other.

They are not fools. If they go back like this, it basically means that this MP4 and repeater project meeting has been aborted.

Mr. Zheng...

Someone's mouth moved, and they wanted to say something.

Why don't you leave?

Zheng Guanti tapped the porcelain bowl with the spoon: Are you going to steal my soup?

After talking about this, several die-hard Zheng Party members left the office dejectedly.

Xiao Zheng, is there no problem?

Liang Meijuan seemed to be aware of the termination of the meeting, and it seemed to have something to do with the pot of soup.

No problem at all.

Zheng Guanti swallowed a mouthful of soup and closed her eyes as if savoring it slowly. Her long eyelashes trembled slightly. After a while, she said with satisfaction: It's been a long time since I had such a delicious soup.

Hey, I just dealt with it blindly. Chen Hansheng has always disliked my cooking.

Liang Meijuan was a little embarrassed and said modestly: The chefs in your family are much better at cooking than my aunt.

It's different. Auntie cooked this specially for me.

Zheng Guanti said gently.

Jiang Yunyun quietly raised her head. This was the first time she saw Mr. Zheng in this state.

Zheng Guanti drank the two bowls of soup at noon with the most attention. He also chatted with Liang Meijuan about home affairs as usual, but when Liang Meijuan left, Zheng Guanti asked one more question this time.

Auntie, will you come over tonight?

Liang Meijuan turned her head and said in a very affirmative tone: You must come here!

Okay, I'll wait for you~

Zheng Guanti saw Liang Meijuan downstairs for the first time, saw Liang Meijuan to the factory gate for the first time, and watched this verbose middle-aged woman stroll away for the first time.

When this scene fell into the eyes of others, Zhang Weilei was filled with jealousy and said to Liang Xiaohai: Brother Hai, let's not talk about how powerful Chen Hansheng is. Even his mother is so powerful. You will be prosperous in the future.

It's nothing. Brother Hai, I have never relied on connections to do anything since I was a child.

Liang Xiaohai was also happy, and he could hardly hide the fake smile on his face. He even took out a cigarette and shouted: Come on, come on, smoke.

Chen Hansheng has been a faithful dog since he was a child. Liang Xiaohai is a little afraid of him, but the third aunt is a sharp-tongued person. When the time comes, she can say a few kind words, and Mr. Zheng will be happy. He seems to be able to think about the position of workshop director.

However, as Jiang Yunyun's personal secretary, she felt that it was not just the deep feelings and relationships.

With Mr. Zheng's approach, she seemed to have taken off some of her shackles and faced Liang Meijuan simply as a junior.

What is your identity?

There was a clue in Jiang Yunyun's mind, looming, and she was a little unsure.

After Liang Meijuan left, Zheng Guanti turned around and returned to the office. Jiang Yunyun hurriedly trotted to follow, lowering his head and apologizing sincerely: I'm sorry, Mr. Zheng, I was negligent in this matter and did not seriously verify whether Aunt Liang would come over today... ···”

Do not blame you.

Zheng Guanti waved his hand and interrupted: I will give you a task now. It will be completed within an hour. You can be my full-time secretary from now on.


Happiness came so suddenly that Jiang Yunyun didn't even react.

No punishment, but reward?

Can I still be a full-time secretary for my idol?

I have to take over the hotpot at the Daoshan Mountain!

Mr. Zheng, I promise to complete the mission!

Jiang Yunyun didn't even ask anything.

The most serious thing is to stab Hong Shiyong twice.

Even so, I gritted my teeth and did it!

There is an American sitcom called Friends. It seems that the latest season has been released. Please go online and download it for me.

But surprisingly, Zheng Guandi's mission was very simple. It was so simple that Jiang Yunyun thought she had heard wrong. She even asked stupidly: No problem, but what mission are you talking about, Mr. Zheng?

Download Friends.

That's it?


In the afternoon, the weather that had been gloomy for a long time finally started to rain, but it was not the storm as imagined, just light and thin filaments. The raindrops fell on the glass window in an orderly manner, forming a thick curtain of water.

In Zheng Guanti's office, the strong smell of coffee spreads everywhere, the heating and air conditioner blows whirring, and from time to time there is a burst of laughter of goose goose~.

Xiao Yun.

Zheng Guanti suddenly shouted: Make me some more coffee.


Jiang Yunyun walked in quickly and saw the boss who was lazily leaning on the chair, his hair was a little disheveled, and his feet were on the table regardless of his appearance.

When had Mr. Zheng ever been in this state?

She has to go back to the office to work overtime at night, and is a very busy woman during the day. Her current leisurely look seems to be more like a homely demeanor.

Jiang Yunyun felt that the line in his mind became clearer, but he was not sure yet.

Go quickly.

Zheng Guanti glanced at her and urged with a smile.

Jiang Yunyun didn't dare to talk nonsense and hurriedly made a cup of coffee for her boss. She had just successfully completed the downloading task of Friends and had been promoted to a full-time secretary.

I may need to take a rest later.

Zheng Guanti ordered: Anyway, you must come and knock on the door at 6 o'clock.

Jiang Yunyun nodded, Mr. Zheng never took a nap before.

However, the boss must be listened to. At six o'clock in the afternoon, Jiang Yunyun gently opened the door and found Zheng Guanti on the phone.

It's raining a little outside, so I'd better pick him up. The car is very fast... You don't need it, so be sure to pay attention to your safety.

Zheng Guanti hung up her phone, shook her head and said, Aunt Liang is too stubborn. She insists on taking the bus here. I'll pick her up at the door.

The security guards at the gate were smoking and chatting in boredom. When they saw the boss coming, they all stood up and saluted cautiously.

Zheng Guanti seemed not to be seen, and only Jiang Yunyun waved his hand to signal them to be silent and not to disturb the boss.

At this time, Zheng Guanti was holding an umbrella with one hand and putting the other hand in the pocket of his long windbreaker, staring silently at the misty drizzle in the sky.

Tick tock!

Occasionally, rainwater fell on the ground, splashing a little dust on Zheng Guanti's high heels, but she didn't notice it at all, or she didn't mind at all.

Letting the cold wind ruffle the hem of his clothes, his expression was calm and demure.

This is Zheng Guanti, the princess in distress.

Although she is not as beautiful as Shen Youchu, nor as sweet as Xiao Rongyu, she also has her own style.

Chic and independent, beautiful and intelligent, ambitious and skillful but also principled.

Jiang Yunyun was almost fascinated by what he saw. It would be great if he were a man. He had all the means to seduce his boss, but he was just a little secretary.


Zheng Guanti smiled, revealing a row of neat white teeth.

Jiang Yunyun raised his head, and a familiar middle-aged woman appeared at the bus stop not far away.

After Empress Dowager Liang came closer, she happily raised her lunch box and said, Deng Deng Deng Deng, guess what soup Auntie made for you tonight?

“Chayote and pork cartilage soup?”



That's not right either.

Then I won't guess, unless you let me smell it.

No, I won't give you a drink if you can't guess...


Jiang Yunyun stood behind, watching his boss holding an umbrella and hugging Liang Meijuan's shoulders intimately. The two walked and talked and laughed all the way.

This harmonious and loving scene made Jiang Yunyun want to cry inexplicably.

Tonight, Empress Dowager Liang cooked the Shenling Atractylodes Spleen Soup. After Zheng Guanti finished drinking it, she chatted with Liang Meijuan for a while as usual.

This time the topic was more in-depth. Liang Meijuan talked about Lao Chen's work and Chen Hansheng's previous naughty experience.

In fact, Zheng Guanti is not very interested in these trivial matters, but she misses this atmosphere and cherishes Liang Meijuan's insular attitude.

The time came to 9 o'clock again, and when Liang Meijuan was about to leave again, Zheng Guanti asked again: Will you come again at noon tomorrow?

You must come here!

Empress Dowager Liang was still as certain as ever.

Okay, I'll continue to wait for you~

Zheng Guanti smiled particularly brightly.

But the next day, the gentle drizzle suddenly turned into a torrential rain, and big water droplets crackled on the umbrella. Zheng Guanti started calling at 11 o'clock to remind Queen Mother Liang not to come over again.

What are you afraid of with this little rain?

Liang Meijuan insisted stubbornly: Auntie is not yet 50 years old.

Zheng Guanti was worried. She had been waiting at the door since 11:30. Her face was not as calm and calm as yesterday, and she was looking at the bus stop anxiously.

However, at 12 o'clock, Liang Meijuan did not appear on the platform.

I called Liang Meijuan, but no one answered.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and time passed by minute by minute, 12:01, 12:02, 12:03...

Every second that passed, Zheng Guanti became more worried. She seemed to have never been so worried about someone before.

At 12:05, she decisively called Chen Hansheng.

How is auntie?

Zheng Guanti blurted out.

Hey, how did you know that my mother fell down? Fortunately, it's not a big problem.

Chen Hansheng on the phone was very helpless: My mom, she just loves me so much. How can college students nowadays lack nutrition? She even cooked a pot of soup and gave it to me. It's really a toss-up!


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