I Really Didn’t Want to be Born Again

Chapter 507: The president of the University of Finance and Economics wants to file a complaint

Chen Hansheng also didn't expect that Lao Chen would be so cowardly. In order not to make this call, he would rather turn off his phone.

Hey, being humbled like this really makes a strong man cry.

Chen Hansheng sighed and walked over to ask Liang Meijuan who was having breakfast: What are your plans today? I suggest you just sit on the sofa and watch Iron Teeth and Bronze Teeth Ji Xiaolan if you have nothing to do. This kind of life is relaxing.

Sorry, I won't take your advice.

Liang Meijuan took out a work note from her bag. Chen Hansheng looked at it and found that it was full of things that needed to be completed when he came to Jianye.

Empress Dowager Liang put a check mark on the item Meet Shen Youchu to prove that it was completed. Then she clicked on the next item and said, I want to go to your dormitory to have a look.

Isn't this good? Men and women are not close to each other. I have many roommates.

Chen Hansheng gave a friendly suggestion: How about we go to Confucius Temple?

I dont go.

Liang Meijuan refused: I have thought about it this time. I must know what you are usually busy with. Otherwise, your dad and I will often be worried for no reason.

As she spoke, she recorded her observations in her notebook.

Hansheng bought a suite in a community near the school, with three bedrooms and one living room. It is far from the city, but very close to the school.


Auntie, this is my mother. She wants to inspect the dormitory.

At the door of the men's dormitory of the University of Finance and Economics, Chen Hansheng helplessly greeted the dormitory aunt.

Is this your mother?

The dormitory aunt was reading the newspaper boredly when she heard that Chen Hansheng's mother was coming. Her first reaction was similar to Hu Linyu's, and even her second reaction was similar.

I was first surprised, then disappointed. It turned out that Chen Hansheng's mother was so ordinary. It was really different from what she had imagined.

The dormitory aunt is barely well-informed, because college students come from all kinds of families, some of whom are relatively well-off mothers. They wear mink coats, their hands and ears are full of sparkling emeralds and diamonds, and their expressions are... She was very arrogant and didn't even bother to say hello to the dormitory aunt.

There are also some students whose mothers are very simple rural people. They speak with a little flattering smile, and they probably regard the dormitory aunts as school leaders.

However, there are more parents like Chen Hansheng's mother, who look ordinary and nod and smile politely.

Hansheng's mother, hello.

If it were someone else's mother, the dormitory aunt wouldn't be very interested and would just sign and let her go. But this was Chen Hansheng's mother, and the dormitory aunt always felt like she had to say something, otherwise she would feel sorry for Chen Hansheng's status in the world.

Your Hansheng, that's amazing. The vice-chairman of the student union, a cadre of the Youth League Committee trusted by the school leaders, and even appeared in the commemorative book of the school's reform and establishment...

The dormitory aunt's level of praise was not very high. She always mentioned Chen Hansheng's old honors, but Liang Meijuan liked to hear them. She was always happy when others praised her son.

After finally getting rid of the entanglement of the dormitory aunt, both parties were actually quite surprised.

Liang Meijuan: This aunt seems to have a good sense of you. Why don't you behave well at home?

Aunty from the dormitory manager: Hansheng’s mother is almost the same as me. How did she train Chen Hansheng?

Do I lack a husband like Han Sheng’s father?

After arriving in dormitory 602, some of the silly roommates went to class, some went to the Internet cafe to play games, and there was only one Dai Zhenyou.

Lao Dai, this is my mother.

Chen Hansheng introduced casually: My roommate Dai Zhenyou.

Dai Zhenyou was shocked. He was still wrapped in a quilt and reading martial arts novels.

He wanted to sit up and say hello, but when he thought that he was only wearing an undershirt, he felt it was not appropriate, and sleeping on the bed felt very rude. In the end, he could only half-stretch himself and stammered: Ah, hello, aunt. .”

Hello, why didn't you go to class?

Liang Meijuan didn't care about Lao Dai's etiquette at all, but cared about his study.


Dai Zhenyou was stunned for a moment. In some ways, he was another Chen Hansheng. Chen Hansheng skipped classes to start a business, while Dai Zhenyou skipped classes and slept. He only made a surprise at the end of the semester and failed as few subjects as possible.

Lao Dai is very good at using his own advantages to compare the weaknesses of others. Chen Hansheng is not good at studying, so he uses test scores to compare. As long as he is better than Chen Hansheng in this aspect, he feels that the two are still on the same level.

As for Chen Hansheng's entrepreneurial experience and various honors, Lao Dai actually looked down upon him.

Dai Zhenyou doesn't know why he doesn't like him. Maybe this is the so-called mysterious self-confidence.

Mom, he is sick and not feeling well.

Chen Hansheng saw Dai Zhenyou suppressing his blush and didn't know how to answer, so he lied to cover it up.

Oh, that's right.

Liang Meijuan believed it, and enthusiastically warned: Drink more hot water, get more rest, and don't catch a cold.

This is a common problem among middle-aged mothers. When they see their children's friends or roommates, they can't help but say a few words.

This is my bed, this is the balcony, this is the wardrobe...

After Chen Hansheng introduced it bit by bit, Liang Meijuan looked around and found that the ground was clean and tidy, and the arrangement of the balcony was also very organized. She was quite satisfied.

This is true. Ever since Chen Hansheng became the dormitory leader in his freshman year, the hygiene of the dormitory has been pretty good.

It would be great to go to college. The thing I regret most in my life is not going to college.

Liang Meijuan stood on the balcony and looked at the distant view of Caida and said with emotion.

In your day, if you went to college, you wouldn't look down on Lao Chen. If you didn't look down on Lao Chen, you wouldn't have me anymore.

Chen Hansheng said with a playful smile: Although I have gone to college, it is really a shame to lose a good son.

I wish you could be less angry with me.

Liang Meijuan snorted coldly.

Oddly enough, Chen Hansheng's independent character was actually cultivated by Lao Chen, so when he was a child, he was closest to Lao Chen and was more afraid of Queen Mother Liang.

It was the opposite when he grew up. He and Lao Chen were still close, and father and son would also exchange ideas on business and life, but some words were no longer suitable for discussion.

For example, whenever Lao Chen talked about emotional issues such as Shen Youchu and Xiao Rongyu, Chen Hansheng would only fool around with them.

But Liang Meijuan could take the trouble to mention it again and again. Although Chen Hansheng was also fooled, her motherhood probably brought a kind of compassion and understanding. Chen Hansheng would occasionally tell the truth.

Auntie, I went to the school doctor's office to prescribe medicine.

While mother and son were chatting, Dai Zhenyou had already quietly dressed, said hello in a decent manner and went to prescribe medicine.

Chen Hansheng grinned. Lao Dai was not sick at all, and the medicine he prescribed was naturally fake. He was not used to facing his roommate's parents, so he would rather run away and hide. He would not return to the dormitory until Queen Mother Liang left.

That young man just now was quite honest. Liang Meijuan said.

We are all honest people, including your son.

As Chen Hansheng talked, he led Liang Meijuan downstairs. Liang Meijuan took out her notebook and recorded on it: The environment in Hansheng's dormitory is good, and the roommates are also relatively honest.

Just when Chen Hansheng thought he could bring Liang Meijuan out of the University of Finance and Economics happily, the dormitory aunt stopped them: Mom Hansheng, Principal Cai and Principal Lu invite you to sit in the administration building for a while.


Liang Meijuan suddenly thought of something and asked Chen Hansheng in a low voice: What on earth have you done that is so outrageous that the president of such a busy university wants to complain to me!


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