I Really Didn’t Want to be Born Again

Four hundred and sixty-six, you shouldn’t be discriminated against if you have money.

What does he mean?

Shi Zhengdong slapped the table angrily. This reason was too bullying: It is a hooligan behavior for boys to not wear clothes in the dormitory. If girls don't wear clothes in the dormitory, if boys see it, is it still a boy who is acting like a hooligan?

Yes, this is Chen Hansheng's logic.

Ge Hongru nodded aggrievedly.

Shi Zhengdong was a little annoyed: Why don't you resist this unreasonable approach?

Several people in Dormitory 319 fell silent for a moment, including some students from the Chinese Academy of Education who were watching the excitement.

After a while, Xu Manping said dullly: We resisted, and we were afraid of being retaliated against.


Shi Zhengdong thought it was funny: Aren't you rich? Each of you has millions in your family, and you keep bragging about knowing all kinds of big shots. Why don't you even have the courage to resist? Chen Hansheng is already bankrupt!

Teacher Shi.

Finally, Ge Hongru, who had been targeted, spoke: We are not afraid of ordinary people, and we are not even convinced by each other, but we really don't want to provoke Chen Hansheng anymore. Unless we can kill him, even if he is fired, we They are all worried that he will come back for revenge.

I've figured it out in the past two days. It's okay for us to bully ordinary classmates.

When Xu Manping saw that Ge Hongru had spoken out, he simply showed off his cards: But even if Chen Hansheng has no money, he is still Chen Hansheng. If it is convenient for you, Mr. Shi, please pass a message to us. From now on in the University of Finance and Economics, he will follow his Yangguan Road. Let’s walk on our single-plank bridge and stop provoking each other.”

After listening to these students, Shi Zhengdong felt that they were cunning.

This kind of cunning is not cleverness, but a kind of self-protection of the rich. When they find that they can't do anything to the other party, they can actually drop their dignity and negotiate peace.


Shi Zhengdong suddenly remembered a saying, the poor are afraid of the unruly, the unruly are afraid of the dumb, and the dumb are afraid of losing their lives.

However, when Shi Zhengdong conveyed this information to Chen Hansheng, Chen Hansheng's temper was as bad as ever: It's so fucking funny. What qualifications do they have to talk about Yangguandao and Single-plank Bridge? If they are not convinced, they will drop out of school. No one will stop them.

Shi Zhengdong was choked and almost couldn't breathe: Are you being unreasonable?

Chen Hansheng?

If you don't tell me, what can you do to me?

Before hanging up the phone, Chen Hansheng also reminded: BBS is not a place outside the law. Please remind the brothers to be careful in their words and deeds. Otherwise, if something goes wrong, don't come to me.

Shi Zhengdong naturally knew who posted the post attacking Chen Hansheng on the University of Finance and Economics forum. He originally thought that Chen Hansheng's bankruptcy would be no problem, so he pretended not to know.

Unexpectedly, Chen Hansheng was writing down the notes one by one. Now is the time to pay off the debt.

Shi Zhengdong didn't understand why Chen Hansheng was still so arrogant now. Can the school still support him?


In order to quell this problem as soon as possible, Shi Zhengdong approached Lu Gongchao, one of the few school leaders in the University of Finance and Economics who could instruct Chen Hansheng.

Principal Lu, I think this conflict should not be exacerbated.

Shi Zhengdong said seriously: The students of the National Education Academy have some money, but they cannot be discriminated against by Chen Hansheng because of this.

After listening to the report, Lu Gongchao looked calm and a little serious, leaning on his back chair and thinking silently.

Shi Zhengdong was a little uneasy. Judging from Lu Gongchao's reaction, it seemed that there were some things he didn't know.

Zhengdong's comprehensive ability is very good and he is also quite responsible.

Lu Gongchao unexpectedly did not mention this matter, but instead commented on his subordinates.

However, Shi Zhengdong knew as soon as he heard this beginning that it was not a second. This was obviously a turning sentence, and the words after but were the key point.


Lu Gongchao said slowly: Some teachers and students have reported to me that Zhengdong is too arbitrary on certain things. Being decisive is a good thing, but it cannot be arbitrary. There is a clever balance between the two. Zhengdong should be more and Yue. Ping study.”

Although Lao Yu is used to it, but when it comes to dealing with student work, especially college students who have grown up with adult thinking, the way of forcing cows to drink water is outdated.

Lu Gongchao looked at Shi Zhengdong: Do you know what I mean by this?

I know.

Shi Zhengdong nodded: I once forced students to move to dormitories, which caused a bad impact on the school.

Lu Gongchao shook his head: This is just one of them, including the treatment of special students like Chen Hansheng. Before you came to the University of Finance and Economics, I had never heard of him having irreconcilable conflicts with other teachers.

Shi Zhengdong lowered his head. In fact, he didn't want to have a dispute with Chen Hansheng. The two of them seemed to have incompatible magnetic fields.

When Chen Hansheng was rich, Shi Zhengdong felt that students like Chen Hansheng were too arrogant;

When Chen Hansheng had no money, Shi Zhengdong felt that Chen Hansheng was not worthy of being arrogant.

In short, there is no reason to dislike someone.

Yu Yueping, Teacher Xiaoguan, Guo Zhongyun, the counselor of the second class of public administration, and even Lao Sun from the security department all spoke very highly of Chen Hansheng.

Lu Gongchao reminded: Chen Hansheng also has a lot of influence among students. Some girls even treat him as a hero. Please handle your relationship with Chen Hansheng carefully.

Shi Zhengdong was not a fool. He now understood that although Principal Lu said it tactfully, he was still on Chen Hansheng's side.

In fact, Shi Zhengdong really wanted to ask the reason, but seeing the deep eyes on Lu Gongchao's face, Shi Zhengdong finally didn't dare to ask.

I will communicate with Chen Hansheng again when I go back and try to solve this problem.

The exchange that Shi Zhengdong is talking about is probably the students who led the provocation from the Chinese Academy of Education to admit their mistakes. This is a bit difficult. If the students' resistance is relatively high, Shi Zhengdong will consider whether to alarm their parents.

Just now, Principal Cai came to discuss something with me.

Before Shi Zhengdong left, Lu Gongchao spoke again: He suggested leasing the empty room in the stadium directly to the milk tea shop and signing a contract between the two parties.


Shi Zhengdong didn't react at first, thinking that Cai Qinong was about to retire, why would he pay attention to such a small thing?

After returning to the office, he sat on a chair and thought over and over again, and then he understood what Principal Lu meant.

Originally, Caida and the milk tea shop only signed an agreement, without the binding effect of a formal contract. Caida could take back the room at any time.

However, after the formal contract is signed, regardless of whether Cai Qinong is the principal or not, at least during the contract period, the vacant room will always belong to the milk tea shop.

Before Cai Qinong retired, he sold a small favor to Chen Hansheng.

If Ge Hongru doesn't agree to apologize, I'll call him a parent.

Shi Zhengdong silently made up his mind.

School leaders seem to be more supportive of Chen Hansheng than before. When Rockets 101 was at its peak, Principal Cai never mentioned formally signing the contract; after Chen Hansheng went bankrupt, Principal Cai seemed to be more concerned than before.

So damn weird!


But what’s even more strange is that overnight, no one on the BBS forum stopped posting messages to criticize Chen Hansheng.

Even Guan Shuman felt a little uncomfortable looking at the refreshing layout.

After Chen Hansheng's gossip news disappeared, now only normal and boring silly posts are left.

for example:

The female classmate in red dress in the second cafeteria today, I want to get to know you;


If you find a way to pass the CET-6 test, you will be rewarded with a lot of money;


Senior brother level 01 is back to see you, hello fellow juniors and sisters;


Hey, it's all trivial.

Guan Shuman suddenly began to miss the secret joy of deleting the post after reading the gossip a while ago.

However, at the same time, dormitory 319 of the National Education Academy, which had been targeted, finally disappeared from the broadcast station news.

Externally, it seems that both parties have given in and jointly maintained a harmonious and stable campus environment;

Internally, whoever is apologizing has a strong conscience.


This is over. I thought you were going to go to war with the National Education Academy!

After Shang Yanyan finished today's campus broadcast, some people said, The excitement is not too big.

They gave in. Shi Zhengdong also said that this was Principal Lu's instruction. I want to give Old Lu face.

Chen Hansheng shrugged his shoulders: Hurry up, the hot pot in the Second Canteen is about to be taken away.

Shang Yanyan, the director of the radio station, had been helping a little in the past two days, and Chen Hansheng came over to treat her to lunch.

I'm coming.

Shang Yanyan packed up and stood up, holding Chen Hansheng's arm happily: Now you and my father are both bankrupt. We are in the same boat. How about you take pity on me and cheat on me?

It was noon now, and there was no one around, so Chen Hansheng didn't break free.

However, while sniffing Shang Yanyan's strong perfume, he refused without hesitation: Forget it, it only takes three minutes to make instant noodles. With my current economic level, it will take you three years to make instant noodles.

When the two of them walked to the first floor, Chen Hansheng suddenly took his arm out of Shang Yanyan's arms, put his hands in his pockets and walked ahead, as if he was deliberately keeping a little distance.

Shang Yanyan smiled silently, her eyes a little sad.



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