I Really Didn’t Want to be Born Again

Two hundred and forty-four, a baby is a baby, a baby is a baby

You are a good person?

When Chen Hansheng heard this comment, he immediately became unconvinced: Classmate Bian, why are you still swearing? I didn't offend you.

Bian Shishi was stunned for a moment: I didn't scold you, I was complimenting you.

No, you are just scolding me. Chen Hansheng also insisted.

Shishi, don't pay attention to him!

Xiao Rongyu thought Chen Hansheng was teasing him again: This kind of person can't stand praise, so you can just be a bad guy for the rest of your life.

It's better to be a bad guy than a good guy...

After dinner, Xiao Yuer and Bian Shishi returned to Dongda University, and Chen Hansheng took Nie Xiaoyu back to the Finance Academy.

Nie Xiaoyu knew that Chen Hansheng must have something to say, but of course she was also confused.

At first, Chen Hansheng did not move because the roads in the urban area were too congested and Chen Hansheng had to concentrate on driving. However, after passing Hanzhong Gate, the car entered the boundary of Jiangling District. The road suddenly became much smoother and there were not so many high-rise buildings on the roadside.

Xiao Yu.

As expected, Chen Hansheng suddenly shouted.

Nie Xiaoyu, who was in the back row, sat up straight with a start: I'm here.

What are your thoughts on Rockets 101 after graduation? Chen Hansheng asked.

The average monthly income for an ordinary second-level graduate from the School of Finance and Economics will not exceed 2,500. Nie Xiaoyu's current part-time income per month is around 3,000, and he is still very popular.

So as long as Nie Xiaoyu is not stupid, he will probably continue to follow Chen Hansheng.

Nie Xiaoyu thought for a while: Then it depends on what position Minister Chen will assign to me.

How about a secretary or assistant?

Chen Hansheng glanced at her in the rearview mirror.


Nie Xiaoyu was stunned for a moment. The current reputation of secretaries was not very good. Although she knew that it would be safe to be Chen Hansheng's secretary.

Probably the appearance does not reach that minimum standard line.

Chen Hansheng seemed to be able to understand Nie Xiaoyu's thoughts and explained: This secretary is not the kind of secretary who serves tea and pours water. In fact, he can also be called an administrative manager. He has great power and of course has a lot of responsibility, so you should also know about my personal affairs. one time.

Minister Chen, tell me.

After hearing this story, you won't be able to run away from this secretary.

You tell me first, and I'll listen.

Okay, let me talk about this girl first.

Chen Hansheng held the steering wheel with one hand and clicked the lighter twice with the other hand. He finally lit the cigarette. After opening the window, he slowly spit out a mouthful of white mist, which instantly dispersed under the influence of the wind.

Xiao Rongyu and I are both from Hong Kong City. We have known each other for many years, and our parents are also familiar with each other. I like her quite a lot, and she probably likes me too.

Chen Hansheng put his left hand holding the cigarette on the car window and said slowly.

Nie Xiaoyu didn't think so: I think Xiao Rongyu should like you very much. The way he looks at you is like Shen You...

It's almost like Shen Youchu, but Shen Youchu is more reserved. You can't find it without careful observation.

Nie Xiaoyu paused, and finally said it directly.

Chen Hansheng smiled: Speaking of Shen Youchu, what do you think her life would be like now if she hadn't met me?

Nie Xiaoyu thought about it seriously and said honestly: I don't know. Anyway, she and I probably don't know each other. Shen Youchu is too low-key, and she is so good-looking.


Chen Hansheng was silent for a while, then suddenly said: If these two girls and I are constantly involved, will you continue to work for me?

Nie Xiaoyu had already expected it, but after Chen Hansheng personally proved it, he was still a little unbelievable: I know you like to joke and tease girls, but you don't seem to have any feelings. I thought you were only sincere to Shen Youchu... ···”

No need to talk about this moral nonsense.

Chen Hansheng interrupted directly: I just want to hear your opinions on work.

Nie Xiaoyu looked at the receding streetlights on both sides of the road, her eyes flashing with reflected light: I don't know, maybe, maybe not. I'm a girl, and I'm always willing to think about things from a girl's perspective.

Then I'll give you a time limit.

Chen Hansheng flicked the cigarette butt away and slowly closed the car window: After Rocket 101 officially establishes the company, if you still can't accept it, then take the initiative to submit a letter of resignation. For the sake of working together, I will not withhold your salary. .”

Nie Xiaoyu nodded silently. After the window was closed, the car suddenly became warm. She couldn't help but ask again: Then will you be responsible for Shen Youchu in the future? She is really kind and has a pure heart without any impurities.

of course.

Chen Hansheng turned his head: So, are you on Shen Youchu's side?

Nie Xiaoyu said hmm.

Chen Hansheng smiled: My mother is like this too. My father seems to like Xiao Rongyu more, which is very interesting.

Nie Xiaoyu pouted: I think this will be very tiring and not interesting at all.

Chen Hansheng stopped talking to her. It didn't take long for Xiao Xiali to arrive at the entrance of the financial institution. Before Nie Xiaoyu got off the car, she complained: Why did you tell me this? I feel like my outlook on life has been violently impacted.

Because you are going to open up the express delivery market at Dongda University. With Xiao Yu'er's personality, she will definitely get involved. Then I won't be able to hide it anymore. Chen Hansheng replied frankly.

Nie Xiaoyu was stunned for a moment: Did you decide to tell me in advance because you couldn't hide it anymore?

if not.

There was no guilt on Chen Hansheng's face: In addition, if you become my assistant in the future, you must maintain a middle-of-the-road attitude. You can no longer clearly support anyone, because the only one you can support is me.

Nie Xiaoyu's face began to tangle: Will you get mixed up in the future? You will be called by the wrong name.

Seeing Nie Xiaoyu like this, Chen Hansheng joked again: How could they get mixed up? A wife is a wife, a lover is a lover, a girlfriend is a girlfriend, a baby is a baby, and a baby is a baby. These are all different.

Holy shit!

Nie Xiaoyu cursed loudly: You are too scumbag!

Good night, no need to thank me for bringing it back for you.

Chen Hansheng waved goodbye.


Today, Xiao Yu'er is undoubtedly happy because Chen Hansheng took her to eat, chat, and go shopping, which satisfied her beautiful definition of love;

Wang Zibo was sad, and Huang Hui still didn't seem to recognize herself, but she said that she was a good person, which seemed to be good news;

Nie Xiaoyu was devastated. She felt that the story of the TV series had come alive to her, and even more so.

Wife is wife, lover is lover, girlfriend is girlfriend, baby is baby, baby is baby...

Listen, is this human talk?

Chen Hansheng felt nothing and even wanted to make a phone call out of boredom.

Hey, Mom.


Mom, what's your attitude? Be careful next time and I won't hit you.

Hey, let's blacklist each other as soon as possible, so that I can live longer and save you two father and son from being angry to death.

This was the beginning of a daily phone call between Chen Hansheng and his biological mother Liang Meijuan. Of course, in the end, Chen Hansheng gave in first and asked some family trivial matters with a smile. Liang Meijuan's voice was always very impatient, as if she was about to hang up the phone at any moment.

It wasn't until Chen Hansheng was about to hang up that Liang Meijuan asked about the business: What did Xiao Yuer's father say? Do you have an explanation?

Chen Hansheng sighed: I explained it that morning, but unfortunately I was interrupted by Xiao Yu'er. I didn't want to say it anymore. A good horse never turns back.

What's wrong with a good horse and a bad horse? You're just too lazy. What should we do next? Liang Meijuan asked on the phone.

Chen Hansheng was silent for a moment, and then his voice started to fluctuate again: Mom, what are you talking about? It's raining heavily here and the signal is not good. Hang up first... beep beep beep.

That bitch hung up on me again!

Liang Meijuan cursed and went to the kitchen to wash the dishes. She happened to see Chen Zhaojun watching the weather forecast for Sudong Province on the sofa, and asked casually: Is it raining heavily in Jianye?

Chen Zhaojun was very surprised: It hasn't rained in Jianye these days. There is sun during the day and stars at night. It's just that the temperature is low.


Liang Meijuan nodded silently, and then started to get angry without warning.

How many times have I told you, can you please stop putting your feet on the sofa? I don't want you to wipe them if they get dirty, right?


You are not allowed to smoke at home anymore, the whole house will stink!


I ride a bicycle all day long and wander around. Chen Hansheng's ruffian spirit is something he learned from you!


Lao Chen was a little confused at first, but he soon realized that Liang Meijuan was angry with Chen Hansheng on the phone and used herself as a punching bag again.

How many years have passed, why am I always the one getting hurt?


(224 and 235 are out. Please go take a look and understand some of the plots clearly.)


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