I Really Didn’t Want to be Born Again

Two hundred and ten, you have a chance when you are drunk

Then I'm more honored. I hope your girlfriend won't be jealous. Kong Jing smiled slightly.

Chen Hansheng's current status is not enough, nor is his age. For Kong Jing, who is used to seeing men in various ways when socializing, she doesn't take Chen Hansheng's words to heart.

Unless it is expressed by the Mr. Chen who was in his thirties and had a successful career.

The current atmosphere is also good. Outside the park is the bustling city of Shanghai, which is full of luxury and luxury. Inside the park is a crowd of leisurely strollers. The late autumn wind blows the sycamore leaves gently swaying, and from time to time, a piece falls, slowly floating on the cobblestone path.

Not far away, some aunts are practicing dancing in uniforms. Now square dancing is not as popular as it will be in the future. Those who have free time to dance after meals are usually employees of work units or families with a good economic foundation.

From a side view, the popularization and promotion of square dance actually shows that the national economy and living conditions are still improving. After all, you can only think about exercise when you are full.

Auntie, let's buy a bunch of flowers.

Suddenly a little girl about 10 years old ran over with a basket of flowers and said.

Kong Jing waved her hand, she was past that age, Chen Hansheng explained to the little girl: It's raining outside, it's hard for us to walk with flowers.

The little girl raised her head, the moon was in the sky, and the stars were densely covered, she pouted and said: There is still a moon, so why is it raining?

Chen Hansheng smiled: Obviously there is only a sister, how can there be an aunt?

The little flower seller reacted quickly and immediately caught up with Kong Jing: Sister, can I buy a bunch of flowers?

Kong Jing glared at Chen Hansheng, and Chen Hansheng smiled and pretended not to see it. In the end, she could only spend 2 yuan to buy a bunch of flowers.

I didn't expect you to be able to speak beautiful words.

Kong Jing handed the flowers to Chen Hansheng: I'll see you off, I'll bring them to my female classmates in college when I go back.

This kind of behavior is very in line with Kong Jing's experience. If it was Xiao Yu'er's age, Chen Hansheng might have bought all the flowers just now for the sake of Bomei, and then knelt down on one knee and gave them to Xiao Yu'er in front of everyone.

But for Kong Jing, it would be too naive to do that. She doesn't need these flowers, and she looks down on this kind of behavior, so Chen Hansheng doesn't even want to pay 2 yuan.

Which school did Miss Jing graduate from?

From Yuedong Finance College.

The one in the Dragon Cave?

You know this too?

Oh, my high school classmate took the exam there.

The two chatted easily about the topic of school, and Kong Jing was full of nostalgia: After leaving the campus, I realized that compared with the complicated society, the school is a pure land. I really want to go back to college at the age of 18, or You can do business on campus.

Unfortunately, this is just a luxury wish.

Kong Jing said quietly.

Chen Hansheng smiled: As long as you think about it, nothing is impossible.

Kong Jing thought Chen Hansheng was comforting herself, shook her head and walked back to the hotel.

The second and third days were similar. Meetings were held during the day, and Kong Jing socialized at night. Then Chen Hansheng waited downstairs with warm milk, and accompanied Kong Jing to sober up in the park.

Strange to say, these days Chen Hansheng doesn't talk about the express delivery market in Xianlin University Town at all. Sometimes he would rather have nothing to say, and he just quietly walks with him, not talking about business at all.

But the more this happened, the relationship between him and Kong Jing became more and more harmonious.

At the end of the meeting on the fourth day, Kong Jing suddenly said to Chen Hansheng: A few days ago, you could use the meeting as an excuse, but now that the meeting is over, the reason for not drinking is probably useless. Tonight may be a tough battle. If you Be by my side when you have time.

It's free. Chen Hansheng said.

It is estimated that Kong Jing, who was drunk last time, was sent home, and coupled with the recent closeness, the young lady Kong already trusted Chen Hansheng more in her heart.

I heard from Lao Zhong before that you can drink a lot, maybe you should come forward and help me block two glasses.

I listen to Sister Jing's greeting.

Chen Hansheng was full of promises.


The night really did not go beyond what Kong Jing had expected. After the meeting, everyone was very excited, and the eyes of those men looking at the baijiu were shining.

Most of Kong Jing's table were the city managers of Shentong Express.

After all, greasy middle-aged men like to watch beautiful women get drunk. Even if they know that they have no chance, they always have a kind of deformed cheerfulness when they vomit on her.

The nasty jokes are one after another, and some of them are too connotative and need to be reflected for a while.

For example, the waiter served a plate of scrambled eggs with leeks, and a middle-aged bald manager glanced at it and said, Hey, my wife is happy.

The woman next door was very strange: Isn’t Taitai Le chicken essence? Why is it leeks?

The big bald head reached out and touched his head: You can ask the doctor about the efficacy of leeks. Anyway, when our family was preparing to have a child, I almost vomited from eating leeks and leek yellow.

Does it work? someone asked.

Of course.

The bald head stretched out three fingers, and said ambiguously: The triplets, my wife is also satisfied, so I call leeks Taitaile.

Everyone at the table showed a smile of I understand, and then raised their glasses to toast with this theme.

Chen Hansheng actually liked this kind of occasion very much. If it wasn't for maintaining his image in front of Kong Jing, he had been firmly suppressing the power of the prehistoric, and he almost joined the team of talking jokes.

If Taitaile is still a topic of life care, then the speed of the car below can't be controlled, and one after another is shaking their burdens, taking advantage of the wine to add to the fun.

But the women on the table are not free, especially Kong Jing, she knows everything and pretends not to understand, responding to all kinds of hints lightly, although she drank a lot, she didn't fall into the trap.

Kong Jing didn't fall into the trap, she couldn't see her embarrassment, and the men at the table were not happy. Thank you very much, I will drink it with you in a big wine glass.

Kong Jing declined with a smile: You can't just thank me alone, there were both Mr. Liu and Mr. Chang at that time, and this glass of wine can be saved for the next time we drink together.

The bald head reacted quickly, and followed Kong Jing's army: Since they are not here, then you can drink instead of them. We can drink three glasses in a row.

The people at the table clapped and booed, but Kong Jing was unmoved and insisted on drinking only one cup, and touched her bald head angrily and went back.

Seeing this scene, Chen Hansheng thought that it was impossible for Kong Jing to be very drunk tonight, at most she was a little drunk.

Just as I was thinking about it, suddenly a large group of people walked over with a crash. The leader was a middle-aged man with a sleek back, walking all the way and waving his hands in high spirits.

When Kong Jing saw him, she frowned thinly, but she also stood up with everyone and said hello: Mr. Zhou.

Mr. Zhou should have a relatively high status in Shentong. He ignored the others, and said to Kong Jing with a glass of wine: I heard that you were in Shanghai for a meeting, and I came here specially. Think about it, you are still in Jianye in September. As for research, time flies by so fast.

Chen Hansheng also recognized this Boss Zhou. Last time when Kong Jing was drunk, he was also at the scene, and he always wanted to get close to Kong Jing to take advantage of it, but fortunately, he was stopped by Liu Zhizhou.

With so many people watching, it was impossible for Kong Jing to refuse the face of the company's leaders and drink the wine in one gulp.

However, there are still many people who followed Mr. Zhou, and they all wanted to clink glasses with Kong Jing.

Kong Jing naturally quit, but it was inconvenient to get angry, so she glanced at Chen Hansheng as if asking for help.

Chen Hansheng didn't stand up right away, he deliberately waited for Kong Jing to drink a few more drinks, and when he felt that she was really going to be overwhelmed, he pushed aside the crowd and stood up.

Why wait for her to drink a few more drinks?

One is because the order of the toasts is from big to young, and the people who clinked glasses with Kong Jing in front were all senior executives of Shentong Company, and Chen Hansheng didn't want to publicly offend;

The second is that Kong Jing feels uncomfortable not drinking, how can she remember the kindness that Chen Hansheng got along with, and how can she feel more disgusted with Shentong Company;

Thirdly, you only have a chance when you are drunk.



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