At 4:30 the next morning, Chen Hansheng woke up suddenly, and it was difficult to really fall asleep when something was on his mind. The roommates had different postures, and there were all those who grind their teeth, fart, and talk in sleep.

A group of idiots.

Chen Hansheng scolded, but he got out of bed quietly, without even turning on the light. After washing in the dark, he picked up his suitcase and went out.

The sky outside is still dark, and Jianye in early November is considered to be late autumn, and white air can be emitted when talking in the morning.

After coming downstairs, Chen Hansheng saw two locks hanging on the glass of the dormitory, and the aunt on duty hadn't gotten up yet.

Auntie, please open the door.

Chen Hansheng knocked on the duty room, and after a while, the aunt in a thick padded jacket came out yawning: Where are you going so early?

My dad bought a lottery ticket and won 5 million yuan, so he told me to go home and stop studying.

Chen Hansheng said with a smile.


The aunt was also happy: If you bring another daughter-in-law back, they will all be alive at once.

Chen Hansheng is not only the head of the dormitory, but he often had to visit the dormitory from door to door when promoting Rocket 101. Chen Hansheng occasionally bought some fruit to bribe the aunt on duty, and the relationship between them was good.

It was still early, and the stars and the moon in the sky were still clearly visible. There was no one on the school road, only street lights that were on every ten meters.

This is Gangneung at 4:30 in the morning. It is the same as Los Angeles at 4:00 in the morning. It belongs only to hardworking people.

While Chen Hansheng was bragging to himself, he ran to the parking lot with a strong body, and Xiao Xiali drove away from the financial institution quietly with low beams on.

It takes an hour during the day to go from Caiyuan to Kong Jing's residential area, but there is no traffic jam at this point, and it takes 40 minutes to arrive. There are only cleaners in orange on the side of the road silently cleaning the city.

Chen Hansheng had sent the drunk Kong Jing home before, so he found the way, and he dialed the phone when he got downstairs: Sister Jing, are you up yet?

Kong Jing quickly answered, with a little surprise in her voice: Han Sheng, what are you doing calling me so early, and we can talk about it when I come back.

Why come back to talk.

Chen Hansheng said with a smile, I'm downstairs at your house right now.


Kong Jing was obviously taken aback, she was still smeared with facial cleanser, and she walked to the window before she could wash it off, and she saw Chen Hansheng with a cigarette in his mouth, his hands in his arms, jumping up and down to keep out the cold.

What are you doing downstairs in my house?

Kong Jing did not suspect that Chen Hansheng had any bad intentions. After all, he was drunk before, and Chen Hansheng was still very honest, and his character was still trustworthy.

If you go to Shanghai for a meeting, it's okay for me to give the driver. The master of your company will let him have a good rest. Don't trouble him so early. Chen Hansheng persuaded.

Kong Jing couldn't help laughing. Don't look at Chen Hansheng's awe-inspiring righteousness. In fact, the company's master is the duty and responsibility of the company. Chen Hansheng is stealing someone's job.

No, you still have to go to class, besides, the company's driver should be here soon.

Kong Jing didn't agree: I'll treat you to breakfast later, and then you hurry back to school.

While the two were talking, another car came downstairs. Kong Jing said, Look, our company's car is here.

Kong Jing was embarrassed to make people wait so long, so she put on light makeup in a hurry, and just opened the door with her suitcase, she found Chen Hansheng leaning on the stairs.

Sister Jing, I'm here to help.

Without saying a word, Chen Hansheng enthusiastically picked up the suitcase.

Kong Jing didn't stop her, but when she got downstairs, she realized that the company's car had disappeared.

Where are people?

Kong Jing was puzzled, she thought the driver had gone to have breakfast.

Chen Hansheng smiled hehe, and directly put Kong Jing's luggage into Xiali's car: I fooled him away.

Flicker away?

Kong Jing hurriedly took out her mobile phone and dialed it, the driver was also very wronged: Manager Kong, that young man said he was sent by the company headquarters to be responsible for guaranteeing your travel plan, and he could tell you your specific position, so... ...

So you believe it.

Kong Jing said helplessly: Then can't you call to confirm?

The driver fell silent and glanced at the two packs of Zhonghua that Chen Hansheng had just delivered.

Kong Jing was transferred to Jianye at the beginning of the year, but on the ground in Jianye there are Liu Zhizhou, the deputy general manager of Shentong Company, and Chang Xiaoping, the general manager of Sudong Province. She, the general manager of Jianye City, is often ignored.

In particular, Chang Xiaoping was originally the general manager of Jianye City. Although he was promoted to the general manager of Sudong Province, he was still used to reporting to him. In fact, this was equivalent to surpassing Kong Jing.

However, the management of the entire express delivery market is relatively chaotic now, and the various factions in the company are also fighting fiercely. This kind of behavior is actually acquiesced.

So even a driver would be obedient, anyway, Kong Jing couldn't drive him, especially when Chen Hansheng gave away two packs of good cigarettes just now, and driving so early was really tiring, the driver just pretended to be confused and let this drudgery out .

Kong Jing hung up the phone silently, and Chen Hansheng turned on the co-pilot with a sincere face: Sister Jing, the driver of your company has left, and it is difficult to take a taxi now, so let's just let it go, my driving skills are still good , very comfortable to sit on.”

Kong Jing stared at Chen Hansheng. No wonder this kid looked cold all the time. It turned out that he was wearing two clothes on his upper body, a white short-sleeved T-shirt and a long-sleeved denim jacket.

The denim jacket is still thin, so it looks good to wear, but it also requires style and not temperature.

Sister Jing, if you don't leave, it may be too late.

Chen Hansheng was still urging.

Let's go.

Kong Jing had no choice but to sit in the co-pilot, but also sighed in her mouth: You have the tenacity to never give up until you reach your goal, you are willing to pay, and you have the means. You have already met the basic conditions of a successful person.

Chen Hansheng replied with a smile: It's far away, and I still need seniors like Sister Jing to lead the way and give pointers.

When passing the breakfast stand, Chen Hansheng bought tofu nao and fried buns. At around 6:30 in the morning, Xiali finally got on the Jianhu Expressway.

At this time, the morning sun was shining golden light in the sky, spreading radiantly on the blue highway, and also piercing through the car window and hitting Kong Jing's face, shining the magnificent and charming face of this young mature woman.


Feeling the energy gathered by the sun, Kong Jing exhaled foul breath, and said to herself: You are looking for me so urgently, I guess it is because Jiangling University City has already been taken, and you are eager to open up new markets, right?

You can't hide anything from Miss Jing.

Chen Hansheng took the opportunity to describe in detail his plan to develop the business of Xianlin University Town.

After Kong Jing listened quietly, she lowered her eyelids and asked, Are you planning to set up a rocket 101 express company?

Chen Hansheng neither admitted nor denied, even Zhong Jiancheng could see the clues, and of course Kong Jing could also find out.

Kong Jing looked at Chen Hansheng: Do you know what the topic of this meeting in Shanghai is?

Chen Hansheng shook his head. At that time, he only wanted to communicate with Kong Jing and didn't think about other things.

The main topic of this meeting is to regulate the development of the express delivery industry and rationally eliminate unqualified and unqualified small companies.

Kong Jing looked at Chen Hansheng with some sympathy: Rocket 101 obviously has no qualifications, and there will be no place for it in the future express delivery industry.



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