I Really Didn’t Want to be Born Again

Two hundred and four, I should be under the car, not in the car

The atmosphere in Xiali's car was suddenly a little awkward, but Chen Hansheng didn't intend to act like this.

But the ready-made car is not used, and they even ran to the street to hail a taxi, which is too pretentious.


Chen Hansheng called out.

What's wrong?

The second aunt sitting in the back row looked up at her nephew.

After I arrived at the university, I felt that I had plenty of time. It happened that the school had an activity to support college students' entrepreneurship, so I participated...

While driving, Chen Hansheng gave a brief overview of his entrepreneurial process. It took about 20 minutes from the community to the bus station, and he just finished the story at the gate of the bus station: ... Later I bought a small car to travel, so I ran my business like this. Also more convenient.

Oh, you tell aunt these things, do you think that I won't criticize you?

The second aunt turned Chen Hansheng's ear: When I was young, I helped you with your homework. If you made a mistake, I would turn your ear. There are first, second, and third grades, remember?


Chen Hansheng said honestly.

The second aunt exerted a little force on her hands: This time, I will directly switch to the third gear to remind you that although you can make money now, you must not miss your homework. If you learn mathematics, physics and chemistry well, you will not be afraid to travel all over the world.

Understood the second aunt.

Chen Hansheng touched his ear and said.

Also, if you have nothing to do, call your parents. They are old and you are the only son. Even if you just talk about what the school cafeteria cooked today, they will happily talk about it for a long time.


After sending off the second aunt, Chen Hansheng saw Chen Zhaojun and Liang Meijuan sitting on the sofa with their chests crossed when they returned home.

Chen Hansheng knew what was going on, he bought the car quietly without notifying them, and the couple were unhappy.

I'm going back to school. I have class tomorrow. I'm going to preview my homework in the library tonight.

Chen Hansheng immediately picked up his bag and prepared to leave.


Liang Meijuan was furious: As long as you can go to preview your homework, you can get 12 points in the high math test? We don't understand what you do in school now. You don't study, and you still fall in love everywhere. A car worth more than 100,000 yuan is not worth it. I bought it after discussing it, Chen Hansheng, you want to fight for independence!

No way, only my mother is good in this world, I am not willing to be independent.

While coaxing Liang Meijuan, Chen Hansheng took the opportunity to change his shoes.

But after changing the shoes, he rushed downstairs immediately: Mom and Dad, I'm leaving first, I'll give you a message when I get back to school.

The house that was bustling yesterday suddenly quieted down, especially after Chen Hansheng left, Liang Meijuan felt empty in her heart, as if something was missing.

I said don't ask, don't ask, at least wait until he has finished his lunch, but you pushed me to ask, but this dog slipped faster than anyone else.

When Liang Meijuan got angry, she shifted all the responsibility to Chen Zhaojun.

Lao Chen was also very wronged. You were the only one talking about it from the beginning to the end. How could I be the one to take the blame in the end?

After Chen Hansheng went downstairs, he went to pick up Wang Zibo first, and then called Xiao Rongyu to get ready.

Xiao Chen, I'm so sleepy, I'm still sleeping.

Xiao Yu'er's voice was full of laziness, rubbing his eyes and acting like a baby with Chen Hansheng.

Chen Hansheng was embarrassed to say that he escaped, so he found a reason: Hurry up and get up, there will be a surprise for you soon.

Hearing that there was a surprise, Xiao Yuer regained his energy immediately, washed up, changed clothes, had breakfast and lunch, and then went downstairs.

Chen Hansheng's words are really useful now. We asked her to leave after lunch, but she said that Chen Hansheng was already waiting below.

Xiao Hongwei and Lu Yuqing stood in front of the window, watching their beautiful daughter quickly open the co-pilot and sit on it, Xiao Hongwei said sourly.

Old Xiao, you must be firm in your will. Don't beg your daughter a few words at that time, and you will agree to their relationship just because you are soft-hearted.

Lu Yuqing warned Xiao Hongwei: There is no 10 million, they will always be just classmates!

Chen Hansheng just didn't hear this sentence, otherwise he would have been moved and cried: Auntie, you are too considerate, why don't you tell me everything in my heart.


After Xiao Yu'er got into the car, he saw a bag of snacks on the co-pilot, and they were all his favorites. The sweet dimple appeared again: This surprise is good, I like it very much.

Chen Hansheng smiled: It's more than that.

more than?

Xiao Yu'er turned his head to look, and there was only Wang Zibo in the back seat, so he wasn't surprised.

Chen Hansheng didn't answer, he didn't go directly on the Jiangang Expressway, but turned to the edge of a wasteland in the suburbs, where there were only some weeds.

What's this?

After getting out of the car, Xiao Rongyu was a little puzzled.

Remember my QQ avatar?

Chen Hansheng said with a smile, when Xiao Rongyu transferred to Xianning campus, in order to save his relationship, Chen Hansheng went to the rapeseed field that Xiao Yuer had mentioned, took a photo and changed his profile picture.

Xiao Rongyu understood instantly, his eyes were full of surprise: Xiao Chen, is this the rapeseed field?

Chen Hansheng nodded: However, the rape blossoms only bloom in summer, so you can't see them now.

It's okay, I can imagine.

Xiao Yu'er walked a few steps forward with a smile, stretched out his hands and stood on the ridge of the field, closed his eyes and imagined how beautiful it would be if there were golden rapeseed flowers all over the mountains and fields.

Chen Hansheng didn't follow, and leaned on the car hood to smoke with Wang Zibo.

Wang Zibo curled his lips: What's so interesting about a wasteland.

I feel the same way.

Chen Hansheng let out a puff of smoke leisurely: I came here once when we were separated, and I didn't even dare to look at it. Now that I think about it, isn't this a wasteland? Even if it is full of rapeseed flowers next year, it's just a vegetable field.

Then what are you doing here?

Wang Zibo didn't understand: It's full of weeds now, look at the hammer.

Chen Hansheng glanced at Wang Zibo: So if you don't understand women, I don't think it has anything to do with being unattractive. Xiao Yu'er thinks it's commemorative.

In this way, she will feel that I value her and can remember what she said. This kind of trivial matter does not cost money or effort. In short, it is only the effort of smoking a cigarette. Why not do it?

Chen Hansheng asked back.

At this time, Xiao Yu'er said loudly: Xiao Chen, I felt like the rape blossoms were in full bloom just now, it's so beautiful.

What a coincidence, I feel it too.

Chen Hansheng immediately responded loudly: I also saw bees and butterflies dancing up and down, so charming.

Xiao Yu'er laughed happily when he heard this, and the crisp voice reached the ears of the two boys in the autumn wind, and they could all feel the joy from the bottom of their hearts.

Well, am I right?

Chen Hansheng glanced at Wang Zibo proudly.

Wang Zibo didn't want to talk about it, so he went back to the car and silently picked up Solving 50% of Life's Problems and flipped through it.

Xiao Yu'er would not hide her mood, she walked back to Chen Hansheng with a smile, Chen Hansheng carefully tightened her collar a little: It's windy, don't catch a cold.

Xiao Chen, thank you for the surprise.

Xiao Yuer said shyly but seriously.

Chen Hansheng held her hand: Just as long as you are happy, I am only happy because you are happy.

In the car, Wang Zibo watched the two of them gaze at each other with affection, especially when they were still holding hands, not to mention how uncomfortable it was, because I was the only one who was always sad.

After Chen Hansheng got into the car, he finally noticed that Wang Zibo's face was not very good-looking: Zibo, are you okay, why are you crying?

Who is going to cry, what are you talking about, hurry up and drive!

Wang Zibo muttered.

Chen Hansheng said with a smile: It's okay to be in a bad mood, just play a song to make you happy.

After pressing the audio system in the car, Adu's hoarse and magnetic voice slowly flowed in the car.

I hid in the car, holding champagne, want to give you, birthday surprise;

You are getting closer and closer, there are two voices, I was caught off guard, so I just stood there;

I should be under the car;

should not be in the car;

see how sweet you are;


Two lines of tears silently flowed down Zibo's face.

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