I Really Didn’t Want to be Born Again

one hundred and ninety seven, silly

The preparations for the Autumn Games are the most interesting. Once it starts, it will be carried out according to the program. There is no free space. There are only the thoughts of competing for rankings on the sports field and the sound of the radio station broadcasting mechanically.

Chen Hansheng endured until the afternoon counselor Guo Zhongyun left the playground, and he was about to go back to the dormitory to sleep, but was stopped by Chen Tianyu.

Don't be lazy, accompany me here to brag.

Chen Tianyu is the chairman of the student union of the college, and another identity is tall, rich and handsome. It stands to reason that he is very popular among the students, and he does have one, but they are all of the opposite sex. There are a lot of fans in the financial college.

But also because of this, Chen Tianyu doesn't like girls who are pure or pretending to be pure, and Shang Yanyan's irresistible romantic aura has always attracted him.

In addition, Chen Tianyu basically has no same-sex friends in the financial institution, why?

Others are not as tall as him, not as handsome as he is, and without his money, Chen Tianyu is the president of the student union in the courtyard, so who would like to play with such a boy, wouldn't he be set off as a passer-by role?

But Chen Hansheng couldn't, Chen Tianyu always felt that Chen Hansheng looked at him with a little pitiful look.


Chen Tianyu thought that he was wrong. I have such good conditions and the girl I like is so charming. I have nothing to be pitied about.

But because of this, Chen Tianyu likes to chat with Chen Hansheng, because there is an undisguised truth.

The two sat on the steps bragging and chatting, smoking so much that their mouths were filled with the smell of smoke, and their ears were filled with the broadcast voice of Congratulations to the XX class XXX of the XX department for winning the first place.

Sometimes, Chen Hansheng would go over to cheer on students from the second class of public management in competitions.

In fact, cheering for people you know is quite a sense of participation. When the starting gun is fired, watching familiar faces running on the track, at least during the race, I really want them to win.

Driven by the atmosphere, he also screamed unconsciously, regardless of his hoarse voice.

But after the game, I felt very bored again, thinking what does this game have to do with me?

It's like shaking all over, and the world is dull.

But Chen Hansheng is the squad leader,

After shivering, I have to go up to encourage the participating athletes with a few words.

Fucking annoying.

Chen Hansheng muttered, he was going to leave Chen Tianyu and go back to the dormitory directly, but before going back, he subconsciously looked for where Shen Youchu was.

Some people in this world are very strange, they will not let you go even if they don’t love you, such as Huang Hui and Wang Zibo;

Some people are even more strange, love you and let you go.

Chen Hansheng is particularly disgusted with the second view of love. Xiao Yuer was so angry that he wanted to leave him, but Chen Hansheng tried everything to make it up, not because of the idiot I wish you happiness, but because of the phrase I wish us happiness together .

In short, he will not let Shen Youchu go, nor will he care what others think.

Shen Youchu was easy to find. Except for the athletes' competition uniforms, the playground was full of colorful clothes worn by students watching the excitement. Only Shen Youchu was dressed in clean clothes, with a book on her lap, and she was also staring blankly at Chen Hansheng.

The two looked at each other, and Shen Youchu hurriedly lowered her head.

In fact, Shen Youchu wanted to sit with Chen Hansheng very much. When he was with him, even if he didn't say anything, even if he didn't do anything, as long as he looked at the ants on the ground or the floating clouds in the sky, he would be very satisfied.

But yesterday Chen Hansheng was suddenly a little indifferent, Shen Youchu didn't know what he did wrong, and had been observing Chen Hansheng anxiously.

Hu Linyu next to her pushed her: Your boyfriend called you.

As soon as Shen Youchu raised her head, she saw Chen Hansheng smiling and waving to herself. She immediately ran over obediently, like a docile little orange cat.

Hu Linyu sighed: Some people may only fall in love once in this life. The scumbag is so lucky.

Slow down, don't fall.

Chen Hansheng watched and warned.

After Shen Youchu sat down. There was some distance between the two, and she was probably still worried about Chen Hansheng's mood, so she didn't dare to get too close.

Chen Hansheng smiled, and took the initiative to get closer: What book are you reading?


Shen Youchu took the initiative to turn the book over so that Chen Hansheng could see the name.

PubMed English Vocabulary?

Chen Hansheng blurted out: Are you thinking about taking the postgraduate entrance examination now?

He thought to himself that some things still did not deviate from the course, and Shen Youchu would still take the postgraduate entrance examination in the end.

Shen Youchu felt that Chen Hansheng's reaction was too much, and with ignorant eyes, she replied in a low voice, This is Yongshan's. She went to participate in the competition and asked me to keep it.

You are admitted to graduate school, are you planning to leave me? Many couples break up after entering graduate school.

Chen Hansheng said with a bluff.

This frightened Shen Youchu, waved his little hand and explained: No, I won't take the postgraduate entrance examination, and I won't leave you.

Knowing each other for so long, this is the first time that Shen Youchu uttered such love words. The key point is that she didn't have time to be shy, and she carefully assured Chen Hansheng: Don't be angry, I won't take the postgraduate entrance examination.

Why don't you take the test?

Chen Hansheng asked back with a smile: I'm a lazy person, maybe I'll just lie at home and play games after graduation, and I still have to rely on you to support me, the salary of graduate students is higher.

He said while pinching Shen Youchu's smooth face: I'm a salted fish at home, will you dislike me?

Shen Youchu shook his head, and said to Chen Hansheng with a serious face: No, I don't dislike it, you can take care of the children at home.


Chen Hansheng couldn't help laughing, and replied in Sichuan-Chongqing dialect: You are such a fool.

Shen Youchu didn't know what was going on, in fact, these were her sincere words, but they couldn't keep up with Chen Hansheng's thoughts.


After the sports meeting on the first day, Chen Hansheng's voice was a little hoarse, and he was about to skip going to the playground the next day, when Yu Yueping called.

What did you say to Boss Lu yesterday?

Yu Yueping was very curious on the phone: I just mentioned something about the utility room of the stadium, and he said that he called you over to ask about it when he had time. He seemed to value you.

What's strange.

Chen Hansheng said with a smile: I am a three-good student in the school, isn't there a point for this?

After hanging up the phone, he hurriedly got up, brushed his teeth and washed his face, but when changing clothes, Chen Hansheng didn't wear formal or casual clothes. Instead, he pulled Guo Shaoqiang's competition sportswear off the balcony.

Because they were all washed, Chen Hansheng put them on himself, wet his hair with tap water, and ran all the way to Lu Gongchao's office.

If it was an ordinary time, Chen Hansheng might wear formal clothes to show respect, but this is during the sports meeting, what kind of dress is the most suitable?

It must be sportswear, but formal clothes look out of place and have no student atmosphere.

Lu Gongchao's office is relatively large. After all, if compared with the administrative establishment, he, the vice president of the Finance Institute, is equivalent to the vice mayor of an ordinary prefecture-level city. Of course, the rights are one above the other.

Lao Lu is only equivalent to enjoying the deputy department-level establishment. If he wants to turn this enjoyment of XX establishment into actual resources, he must go to a temporary position.

Dean Lu.

Chen Hansheng knocked on the door.

Lu Gongchao raised his head and looked at Chen Hansheng: Didn't you delay your game?

No, I don't have a game today.

He also didn't play.



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