There is a Yiwu Commodity Center near Jiangling University City. The things here are cheap and affordable, and there are Internet cafes, billiard rooms, restaurants, coffee shops, and rows of hotels, which can basically meet the one-stop needs of college students for eating, entertainment, and sleeping. .

Chen Hansheng and his group didn't take the car either. They walked to the food stall street bragging. Immediately, a waiter greeted him loudly: Student, our beer is discounted. Do you want to try it?

All the boys in the same class looked at Chen Hansheng, after all, he was the leader, and Chen Hansheng looked at Guo Zhongyun, who was the boss worthy of flattery.

Guo Zhongyun shook his head: This Kung Pao Chicken tastes bad, and I have diarrhea after eating it. Let's go to another one.

Chen Hansheng smiled inwardly. Lao Guo has been a college counselor for so many years, no matter which class activities he will be recruited, he is really the one who knows which food stalls around the school are delicious.

Following Guo Zhongyun to the selected restaurant, 27 boys sat at three tables, and the proprietress came over and said, Mr. Guo, this is your new student.

Guo Zhongyun nodded, and then told him familiarly: The food is still the old rules, pay attention to cleanliness and hygiene.

Mr. Guo, don't worry, what wine do you want to drink?

This time, Lao Guo was questioned. He just said that he would not drink alcohol, but it is impossible not to drink on this occasion. When he was hesitating in his heart, Chen Hansheng said loudly next to him: Every table has a case of beer, how much? Refund the less and make up, and take it if there is not enough, first give us some peanuts.

With Chen Hansheng coming forward to smooth things over, Guo Zhongyun could continue to maintain the majesty of the teacher. He nodded and said: Then listen to Han Sheng, one box per table, and there must be no more.

Some people actually don't want to drink, they just want to meet the counselor and classmates, but they can't say anything when the counselor agrees with Chen Hansheng's opinion.

At the beginning, the tables were deserted, but when the beer and hot dishes were served, the atmosphere changed immediately.

There are not many things that boys in college can compete with. The family conditions are the same, the facial features are the same, the speed of changing girlfriends is also the same, and the last thing is the amount of alcohol.

Now everyone can't see each other's family conditions, and their looks are not as handsome as Wu Yanzu's, and they can't even talk about changing girlfriends when they just started school.

Therefore, drinking capacity is an important criterion for testing and measuring the status of a male dormitory, and many people started drinking with all their strength.

Counselor Guo Zhongyun has a good capacity for alcohol, and he also firmly believes that the quality of wine depends on character. While eating, he waited for his classmates to toast, while paying attention to the students in the class.

Some people really can't drink. For example, Li Zhennan, who looks like a good boy at first glance, will feel homesick with tears in his eyes after drinking two glasses of beer;

Some people can drink a little, but they like to steal and play tricks. For example, Jin Yangming, he obviously has half a catty, but he insists on pretending that he only has three or two.

There are also quite a few people who drink freely. Yang Shichao, Guo Shaoqiang, and Chen Hansheng all drink at least one and a half catties.

However, the performance of these students who can drink is also different.

Yang Shichao and Guo Shaoqiang, these two bastards, relying on their good drinking capacity, specifically looking for students who can't drink to clink glasses. Whenever someone vomits, they will happily shout.

They are used to using don't drink, do you look down on me as an excuse, making it impossible for others not to drink, even Jin Yangming and Li Zhennan in a dormitory did not escape, one vomited and the other fell asleep.

Chen Hansheng also made a toast, but he clinked glasses with his classmates who were poor drinkers. He just touched it and it was over, and he never forced it;

He aimed at classmates like Yang Shichao who could drink a lot and love to make a fuss.

Lao Yang, what's the matter with you, you're so stupid. If Qingdao doesn't fall, I won't fall. If the snowflakes don't fall, I won't fall. Where are you going?

When Chen Hansheng picked up the sixth glass of wine in a row,

Yang Shichao couldn't hold it anymore, and his tongue started to tie up: Dog, dog, Chen Hansheng, I, I can see that, you are here tonight just to feed me.

After saying boom, Yang Shichao buried his head and fell asleep.

Another one was brought down, and Chen Hansheng turned to Guo Shaoqiang again: Come here, Shaoqiang, let's talk about our ideals in life.

Guo Shaoqiang was flustered when he saw it. Chen Hansheng was working hard. Several boys who could drink had never drunk him. Now Chen Hansheng walked without shaking and spoke clearly, obviously he hadn't reached his peak yet.

Guo Shaoqiang immediately gave up: Fourth, I think it's almost enough. We can talk about our ideals in life at any time, but we have no one to take care of our classmates when we drink too much.

Chen Hansheng looked at the clock on the wall, it was almost 1 o'clock, and he thought that Guo Shaoqiang had really been brought down, and there was no labor force to help me.

Write it down first this time, and count it together next time.

Chen Hansheng deliberately left something to intimidate Guo Shaoqiang.

Guo Zhongyun has been observing sideways. He thinks that Chen Hansheng's way of drinking is really good. It can not only maintain the lively atmosphere on the wine table, but also not bully the students who can't drink.

The most important thing is that he is also very rational when drinking, and he will leave as soon as he says.

Originally, Guo Zhongyun was going to pay the bill, but Chen Hansheng paid the bill first. Some students who didn't drink too much saw this scene and were hesitating whether to pay by the head.

But in the end Chen Hansheng didn't mention it, so they pretended not to know.

Chen Hansheng went out to find two taxis and asked Guo Shaoqiang to pick up his drunken classmates, and he walked back to school with Guo Zhongyun himself.

The moonlight was like water, and the road seemed to be plated with a layer of light silver. The two chatted casually all the way. Guo Zhongyun said that he had a young daughter, and Chen Hansheng also briefly described his family background. The current relationship is not suitable for too much chatting. deep.

However, when saying goodbye at the school gate, Guo Zhongyun took out 400 yuan and said: There is no reason for you to invite this meal. I still want to save face as a counselor.

Chen Hansheng refused at first, but finally Guo Zhongyun forced the money into Chen Hansheng's hands, turned around and went back to the teacher's dormitory.

Lao Guo is also quite interesting, the other boys thought that Chen Hansheng paid for the meal, so they left it to Chen Hansheng for nothing.

If you have a chance, why don't you bring Lao Guo to make a small fortune.

Chen Hansheng originally planned to take a walk in the school, but caught a glimpse of several couples in the shadow of the dense bushes.

In the middle of the night, apart from Xia Chan's chirping, there was also a vague moan.

It can be heard that it is deliberately suppressed, but it is even more seductive.

Damn it, can't you go to the hotel? I've listened hard.

Chen Hansheng didn't dare to go for a walk anymore. A lot of figures flashed in his head just now, and finally stayed on Xiao Rongyu. Thinking about her morning run that day, she was really in good shape.

After returning to the dormitory, everyone else was already sound asleep. Chen Hansheng took a bath in a leisurely manner before falling into a dream with memories on his pillow.

Early the next morning, Chen Hansheng was woken up by the phone ringing I would rather you be ruthless to the end and let me forget it, I would rather you be ruthless to the end and let me give up completely.

Sorry to bother you, this phone rings too loudly.

Jin Yangming apologized quickly, but there was no trace of guilt on his face.

A few of these dogs, for fear that others will not know that he has a mobile phone.

Chen Hansheng shook his head, got up from the bed and lined up to wash his face and brush his teeth, and when he was about to eat breakfast, Li Zhennan reminded him: Brother Chen, today there will be a freshman meeting on the playground, and you must wear military training uniforms.

I almost forgot, Lao Guo specially reminded me last night.

Chen Hansheng changed into an ugly and wide military training uniform, and walked in the front, with Li Zhennan closely following.

Dai Zhenyou was attracted by Jin Yangming's mobile phone, so he wanted to come to play with no spine; Yang Shichao was relieved at first, but when he saw such a pretentious Jin Yangming, he became upset again;

In short, thousands of people have thousands of faces, and each has its own splendor.

In fact, Jin Yangming has some regrets. In his heart, Dai Zhenyou is a passer-by. If Chen Hansheng can beg to play with his mobile phone, his sense of vanity will be really overwhelming.

As for why Chen Hansheng was the foil, Jin Yangming couldn't tell.

Brother Chen, why are you walking so fast?

Li Zhennan couldn't keep up.

Go early, say hello to the beauties in our class. Chen Hansheng said with a smile.

The roommate in the back thought it was right, the beauties in the Finance Institute are so famous, they have to see what babies are in their class.


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