In 2010, autumn entered in October.

The temperature in this season is between cool and cold. Therefore, due to the differences in people's physical constitution, the clothing on the street is also polarized. Some people wear short-sleeves and some wear sweaters. They have to keep each other in mind when passing by. He cursed two hundred and five.

But the scenery is really beautiful. The plane trees all over the city are dyed with a gentle halo of yellow. The ginkgo leaves of Jiming Temple are scattered all over the ground. The most beautiful thing is the maple leaves of Qixia Mountain, which casually decorate the late autumn of the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties. flavor.

Gangneung University Town, 1206 Cafe.

This cafe, opened in 2005, has inexplicably become a century-old shop in Jianye, attracting many young people to come and check in.

There are many reasons, such as:

Chen Hansheng, the founder of Guoke Electronics, often comes over to sit and sit;

Zheng Guanti, the founder of Xiaomi Electronics, will also come here to have a cup of coffee;

There are also some of their friends, most of whom are well-known entrepreneurs in the industry. These people who can influence the economic development of the region, every time they come, they will increase the reputation of the cafe and improve the quality of the cafe. ·····

In addition, there is another most important reason. There is a beautiful proprietress in 1206 Cafe who doesn’t like to work, is coquettish and lazy, and likes to wear cardamom-colored nails. This is probably the key!

At this moment, the proprietress was also in the store. She was wearing a loose off-white sweater. It was so loose that whenever she raised her arms, a piece of snow-white skin would be pulled out of her neck. There was a piece of snow-white skin on her sexy collarbone. Fantastic black straps.

She wears a pair of tight jeans on her lower body, her round butt forms a graceful upward arc, her slender waist is firm and manageable, her slender and shapely calves are wearing a pair of black high-heeled shoes, her hair is rose red, and her hair is burning. Enthusiasm is overwhelming all the way, making people feel charming and coquettish.

Almost all the eyes of the men in the cafe were focused on her.

However, the landlady was accustomed to these looks. She was concentrating on talking to a pair of brothers and sisters, and from the look on the landlady's face, it seemed that she had some unexplained ambiguous feelings with her brother.

Because every time the landlady stood up to pour coffee, she would always deliberately bend down to face her brother. Through the semicircular gap in the neckline of the sweater, it seemed that the looming ravine could be seen in the depths. Even men were already very familiar with the body of the landlady. , and still feel my mouth is dry.


crucial moment,

The brother suddenly slapped his sister in the face, and he used this method to divert his attention.

Why... why did you beat me?

My sister was hit for no reason, and she covered her head in confusion.

Just drink coffee, why are you stirring it with a straw over there? Chen Lan, can you please stop being so disgusting!

My brother is still very clever and found a good reason at the last minute.

Damn! Can you blame me?

My younger sister is not someone to be bullied either. She retorted on the spot: You guys are teasing me with your eyes here, why don't you let me, who is bored, stir coffee to kill time... Oops, beat me again!

Before my sister could finish her words, she was hit on the head again. Her eyelids were very flexible, and she knew that she was no match for her brother on her own without her eldest aunt, so she simply cursed while continuing to play with her mobile phone with her head down.


The elder brother coughed to cover up his slight embarrassment, looked at the bleak sky outside and said, It's almost November in the blink of an eye. Time flies so fast.

This was originally a nonsense sentence to connect the previous and the next, just to start the next topic, but the proprietress looked through the glass window at the fallen leaves blown up by the autumn wind on the ground, and this scene seemed to touch her.

It's really fast.

The boss lady nodded: I still remember the scene when I first met the squad leader during the military training in 2002, including those sworn promises that followed.

The man was startled for a moment, because he talked too much about his sworn promise, so he almost forgot about it.

However, you cannot take the initiative to ask at this time, lest you expose the forgotten fact, but the man is very experienced. He smiled confidently and nodded, as if he could indeed remember it, and calmly resolved this small crisis.

The proprietress of this 1206 Cafe is naturally Shang Yanyan, and the only man who can be served by Shang Yanyan is Chen Hansheng, and his sister is the attendant Chen Lan.

Time is just passing by...

Chen Lan was also attracted by this topic and came over and said: The two little girls are four years old this year. Their calves run so fast that I almost couldn't catch them outside. Brother, please send them to kindergarten quickly. I despise them...

Needless to say, the two little girls are Chen Zijin and Chen Zipei, Chen Hansheng's precious daughters.

In fact, Chen Lan just pretended to dislike her. Apart from her grandparents, father and two mothers, she was the aunt who spent the most time with her. If she really had to be sent to kindergarten next year, Chen Lan would definitely rush to pick her up from school.

My daughter, her legs are as long as mine, so she can run fast.

Chen Hansheng boasted habitually, but suddenly he remembered something, and hit his sister Chen Lan again: I went back from the entertainment yesterday, and my mother said that you bit them all to tears. Is this true?

Because Chen Zijin grabbed my hair while I was sleeping!

Chen Lan was also unconvinced and argued loudly: Why should she be the only one to bully me? So I took a bite of Chen Zijin's little ass.

What about Chen Zipei?

Chen Hansheng knew that his eldest daughter was lively and a little naughty, but the younger daughter had always been naive and it was impossible for her to grab her aunt's hair.

Chen Zipei...

Chen Lan curled her lips and said, She has more meat on her butt than my sister. Although she didn't offend me, I couldn't help but take a bite...

Excuse me, Chen Lan! You bully my daughter, you are getting more and more judgmental these days!

Chen Hansheng wiped his sleeves. It was normal for the brother and sister to quarrel and fight. After so many years, even Shang Yanyan had become accustomed to it. She shook her head and picked up her phone, ready to check the news and ignore them.

Just when Chen Lan was about to be taught, she suddenly pointed at the door of the cafe, struggled and shouted: Brother, Sister-in-law Xuan is here!

What? Junior sister...

Accompanied by the gentle sound of the wind chime when the door opened, a figure walked in.

She is about 24 or 25 years old, but because her skin color is too fair, she looks a little younger than her real age, and her temperament is colder.

However, her facial features are very beautiful, with a high nose bridge and delicate red lips. Especially her eyes are very similar to the popular Korean style. She has big eyes with single eyelids, and the upper eyelids are very thin, so the pupils are large and bright, and the ends of the eyes are upward. , professing a strong character attribute.

She wears light makeup, and compared to the cafe proprietress who wears heavy makeup, the difference is like ice and fire.

After she entered the cafe, she first glanced around with an expressionless expression, staying briefly on the coquettish Shang Yanyan, and then she saw Chen Lan, with a smile on her lips. When she moved to Chen Hansheng, that smile A smile overflowed from his cold face.

How do you know I'm here, little junior sister?

After Chen Hansheng confirmed his identity, he thought for a few seconds and suddenly looked at Chen Lan.

Brother, you guessed it right, I betrayed you again...

Chen Lan's tone was weak, but actually she didn't feel guilty at all: Sister-in-law Xuan really gave me too much...

Remember this account first!

Chen Hansheng glared at his younger sister, then changed his face, stood up with a smile, and said to Luo Xuan: Hoho~, we were just talking about you...


Luo Xuan responded noncommittally, and then sat down next to Shang Yanyan, facing Chen Hansheng.

The smile is still happy, but it has a little more meaning.

Luo Xuan went to Hong Kong to study for a master's degree in psychology in 2007. After graduating in 2009, she originally planned to return to Jianye to work. However, she encountered strong opposition from her mother, Huang Xiaoxia, who hoped that she could continue to study for a Ph.D.

Because if we return to Jianye, can we still escape Chen Hansheng's devil's claws?

But Chen Hansheng already had two daughters. Sometimes Liang Meijuan took her two granddaughters to Huang Xiaoxia's house to check in. Huang Xiaoxia was both envious and sad.

What I envy is that the two babies are so cute. They are soft and waxy in their arms. Who doesn’t like that?

What's sad is that I don't know when I will see my grandson or granddaughter.

However, despite Huang Xiaoxia's objections, Luo Xuan still wanted to return to Jianye, so when the mother and daughter had differences of opinion, the ball was eventually thrown to Chen Hansheng.

Chen Hansheng hesitated at that time, not because he was worried that Luo Xuan would cause a second Shura field after returning to Jianye, but because he had the idea in his heart that before Chen Zijin and Chen Zipei went to kindergarten, his life rhythm should be as stable as possible.

Just when Chen Hansheng was trying to persuade him, Luo Xuan saw his hesitation and took the initiative to study for a Ph.D. This move not only surprised Chen Hansheng, but also made her younger sister, who was already a master of psychology, suddenly feel incomprehensible a feeling of.

In fact, not only Chen Hansheng has this kind of thought, but those who knew Luo Xuan in the past now have similar thoughts.

Shang Yanyan was no exception. Back then, she and Luo Xuan were in the Finance and Economics Student Union, and they often bumped into each other during meetings. At that time, Luo Xuan was like a child, with all the joy, anger, sorrow and joy written on her face, especially towards Chen Hansheng. Possession is even more naked.

Now, as a postdoc in psychology, she has not only learned to hide her emotions, but seems to be able to read other people's thoughts.

What do you want to drink? I'll make you a drink.

Shang Yanyan was still very knowledgeable and planned to leave space for Chen Hansheng and Luo Xuan. As for Chen Lan's words, she relied on her thick skin and insisted on staying to listen to the gossip.

Lanshan, thank you, Senior Sister Shang.

Luo Xuan replied politely.

You're welcome.

Shang Yanyan left with a smile, but when she was about to reach the bar, she couldn't help but turn around and look over. Luo Xuan's side face reflected the cold autumn wind outside the window, and she seemed to be hiding something.

Chen Hansheng was also aware of this, but he would not ask directly, Is there anything going on when you suddenly come back to Jianye?

Although they were words of concern, they sounded a bit unfamiliar, especially since he had just been to Hong Kong last month. If he spoke like this, it would appear that he was too careless and did not notice anything unusual.

Therefore, at this time, you should change your approach and ask questions step by step.

How's it going? Is the PhD program hard?

Chen Hansheng asked.

Oh, not bad.

Luo Xuan turned her gaze back from the window, resting her chin on her hand and looking at Chen Hansheng. Only when facing Senior Brother Chen, she was still the same little Junior Sister.

What do you mean okay?

Chen Hansheng continued chatting: Is the depression course difficult?

When Luo Xuan was studying for her Ph.D., she needed to choose related topics. Chen Hansheng asked her to focus on the topic of depression because in a few years, more and more people may suffer from this disease.

In fact, in 2010, everyone did not have a deep understanding of depression. Both Luo Haiping and Huang Xiaoxia felt very puzzled. From the perspective of these elderly adults, how could there be any depression in the world? They should go to bed when they were in a bad mood. Once you sleep, nothing will happen the next day.

But this was Chen Hansheng's suggestion. Although he was a scumbag, his vision and ability were top-notch. In addition, Luo Xuan obeyed Chen Hansheng's words, so she chose this research direction.

It's not difficult.

Luo Xuan shook her head. She didn't seem to be very interested in chatting.


Next to him is Chen Lan, who will never be silent: Will many people really suffer from depression in the future? Why do I feel that I have nothing to do with this thing in my life?

A heartless person like you will definitely not be depressed.

Chen Hansheng insulted his sister, then thought about it and said: Even in the future, some people are not really depressed, they are really miserable...

You also said that I was heartless and that your mouth was worse than mine. Sister-in-law Xuan, don't you think so?

Chen Lan talked to Luo Xuan eagerly, but Luo Xuan just smiled, then stood up and walked to the cafe bar, leaving only a brother and sister looking at each other.

Sister-in-law Xuan, something must be wrong!

After a while, Chen Lan said firmly.

You still need to draw conclusions?

Chen Hansheng watched Luo Xuan disappear behind the bar and fell into deep thought.


At the bar, Shang Yanyan was mixing coffee herself, when someone suddenly walked in.


Shang Yanyan turned around and found that it was not her good friend Xiaochi, but Luo Xuan.

The coffee will be ready in a moment.

Shang Yanyan pursed her lips and spoke to the coffee machine that was grinding.

Not in a hurry.

Luo Xuan folded her arms and stared at the coffee machine silently, her eyes calm and clear.

Shang Yanyan was a little uncomfortable. She and Luo Xuan had not been close to each other before, and now because of Chen Hansheng, she felt a little embarrassed when they were alone. Fortunately, the coffee machine made a slight noise of bang, bang, bang when it stirred, and it was still The sound of music in the hall can temporarily dilute this vague embarrassment.

What will Junior Sister Luo do after she graduates with her PhD?

In the end, Shang Yanyan found a topic that was not painful, and tried to make the relationship as relaxed as possible.

The cafe business is so good, Senior Sister Shang's life is so relaxed and comfortable, and she can often see the man she likes...

Luo Xuan blinked and said half-truthfully: It's really enviable. Why don't I come back and help Senior Sister Shang sell coffee.

Hoho~, Junior Sister Luo is more humorous than before.

Shang Yanyan smiled, raised her head and met Luo Xuan's eyes.

There seemed to be a lot of meaning in Luo Xuan's eyes, including teasing, jealousy, a sinister character, and a reluctance to admit defeat for an unfulfilled wish.

But these were only fleeting and were quickly hidden again.

Junior Sister Luo~

Shang Yanyan sighed: You have grown up a lot since you were in college.

Well, Senior Brother Chen and my mother said the same thing.

Luo Xuan did not deny it.

Growing up... is actually very difficult.

Shang Yanyan probably recalled the memory of being rescued by a man one night, and said with emotion: Sometimes it's very long, sometimes it's just a moment. Maybe it's at a certain point where I cry the most sadly. night.

I'm not······

Luo Ran was silent for a while, and then said calmly: I suddenly grew up that night when I couldn't hold back from crying.

Shang Yanyan was stunned for a moment after hearing this. The night when she couldn't hold back her tears seemed to be more torturous than the night when she cried the most.

Because of the monitor.


Shang Yanyan took a breath, lowered her head and started to mix the coffee. Luo Xuan still stood there. After a while, Shang Yanyan suddenly asked: You should not only come back this time to see him, right? , the monitor seems to have just been to Hong Kong last month.

I know.

Luo Xuan spoke in a relaxed tone: He even slept in my apartment, and then...

As expected.

Shang Yanyan thought to herself that this was not unexpected.


Luo Xuan's tone was still relaxed: I didn't come to see my aunt this month...


Shang Yanyan was startled and almost stopped holding the porcelain cup in her hand. She naturally knew the meaning of aunt is not here, but she still had to confirm it subconsciously: You, you, you... ·”

Shang Yanyan was a little confused when she spoke, but Luo Xuan admitted it straight away, and there was even a hint of pride in her tone: I'm pregnant.

Shang Yanyan suddenly became quiet. Even the coffee machine that had been stirring stopped working at some point. The atmosphere in the bar was a bit strange.

Senior Sister Shang, aren't you happy for me?

After a while, Luo Xuan spoke and broke the calm.


Shang Yanyan bit her lip. She knew all about Luo Xuan's past.

When Luo Xuan learned that Chen Hansheng had a daughter, she impulsively planned to jump off the building.

Such a crazy and paranoid person has now delved into psychology. Who could have predicted what kind of things she could do?

Really, squad leader, how can you make Luo Xuan pregnant?

Luo Xuan doesn't want to declare war on Youchu and Xiao Rongyu, right?

But why did she tell me this news?


Various thoughts flooded into Shang Yanyan's mind, including complaints about Chen Hansheng and worries about Shen Youchu. After all, she still belonged to the Shen Party.

After a while, Shang Yanyan slowly calmed down. She wanted to know what Luo Xuan would do next.

Monitor, he doesn't know yet.

Shang Yanyan asked.

have no idea.

Luo Xuan shook her head: I didn't tell him.

Do you want to keep it a secret?

Shang Yanyan turned her head and glanced at Chen Hansheng, she wanted to ask for the answer.

I won't keep it a secret!

Luo Xuan wrinkled her tall nose: This is also Senior Brother Chen's child. Why does it have to grow up without a name, surname, and identity? Holding the baby away from the dispute is what Senior Sister Shen and Senior Sister Xiao do, not me, Luo Xuan character...


Seemingly sensing Shang Yanyan's worries, Luo Xuan paused and said: If I say it in a big way, Senior Brother Chen's life will definitely be disrupted, and everyone will be in a mess again. Maybe Uncle Chen and Aunt Liang will blame me for being ignorant, but I don’t really care, but I don’t want the baby to be involved in anything...

What do you mean?

Shang Yanyan breathed a sigh of relief when she heard that Luo Xuan had no intention of breaking the current situation, but she was still confused about her actions of finding him alone.

I want to integrate into Senior Brother Chen's life, like Senior Sister Shen and Senior Sister Xiao!

Luo Xuan stated her intention.

At this time, Luo Xuan is becoming more and more like the little junior sister she used to be. It seems that even though she has studied psychology, she can only hide some things on the surface. How can it be so easy to hide the desire to win and lose in her bones? changed?


However, Shang Yanyan's first reaction was that it was impossible.

Shen Youchu and Xiao Rongyu suffered so much in the Shura field and cried so hard on their pillows that they reached the current situation. Why does Luo Xuan want this position?

I know it's hard, so...

Luo Xuan probably knew how difficult this matter was, but she was very calm. After Shang Yanyan slowly accepted the news, she slowly said: So, I want to ask Senior Sister Shang to help me.

I'll help you?

Shang Yanyan was stunned for a moment, and then laughed dumbly. Is Junior Sister Luo still so good at it, or is she just so confident?

The two of them didn't have a deep friendship, but they actually asked to help her.

However, Shang Yanyan did not taunt her. She had grown up than before. Of course, she would not help. She was just a lover and had no reason to get involved in these things.


Shang Yanyan picked up the coffee machine, lowered her head and poured the mixed coffee into a porcelain cup, then handed it to Luo Xuan.

During this process, Shang Yanyan said nothing, and so did Luo Xuan.

Junior sister Luo, sit down for a moment, I'll go over there and take a look.

When Luo Xuan tasted the coffee, Shang Yanyan randomly found a reason and planned to leave the bar and stay away from this unsettling factor.

But just as she turned around, Luo Xuan's voice sounded from behind.

Senior Sister Shang, I heard that you and the squad leader actually have an agreement.

Luo Xuan's tone was neither slow nor slow, still filled with confident confidence.

Shang Yanyan turned her head. The squad leader must have forgotten about that agreement, because the content of the agreement was to help him take care of the children.

But Chen Zijin and Chen Zipei are now hot babies, and their grandparents, grandparents, and two mothers are all fighting for them. Even though I like these two chubby girls very much, I don't have the qualifications to ask Tonight Can I take them to bed?

Why are you bringing this up? Could it be...

Shang Yanyan's chest jumped suddenly, and an idea appeared in her mind.

my child······

Luo Xuan pointed to her belly: I can call you godmother, and you can stay with me as a normal person.


Shang Yanyan stopped talking, but her breathing was much heavier than before.

Chen Zijin's godmother is Bian Shishi, and Chen Zipei's godmother is Hu Linyu. Sometimes she looks at the two babies behind Bian Shishi and Hu Linyu, shouting godmother, godmother. Shang Yanyan wants to say if she is not envious, That's absolutely false.

This is Senior Brother Chen's child.

Luo Xuan seemed to be striking while the iron was hot: Besides, this is also a promise that Senior Brother Chen owes you.


Shang Yanyan wanted to speak, but suddenly she felt saliva clogged her throat, and couldn't help but choke.

This is the result of excessive excitement, which leads to strong adrenal secretion.


Shang Yanyan swallowed hard. She didn't agree, but she didn't refuse either. She just told the truth: Even if I help you, it's almost impossible for you to have the status of Youchu and Xiao Rongyu.

I know.

Unexpectedly, Luo Xuan was not depressed at all: Maybe it's impossible for me in this life, but it doesn't matter. As long as my baby can grow up in an environment of thousands of pamperings like Chen Zijin and Chen Zipei, that's enough. ”

Little junior sister, you...

At this moment, Shang Yanyan finally understood Luo Xuan's thoughts.

In fact, Luo Xuan never expected from the beginning that she could be on an equal footing with Shen Youchu and Xiao Rongyu. She deliberately proposed this lion's big mouth condition, which was just a way of bargaining. Her most real purpose was actually to Let the children have the same status as the two little sisters, with the company of their father and the love of their grandparents.

Is this a PhD in psychology?

Is this what it means to be strong as a mother?

Then do I want to be the godmother who comes to my door?

Shang Yanyan understands that once she accepts the title of godmother, she must take over this task, because this is her own child.

Senior Sister Shang...

Luo Xuan, who had confessed everything, looked at the stunned Shang Yanyan and shouted softly.

Don't call me Senior Sister Shang from now on, call me Sister Yan!

Shang Yanyan sniffed, with the generosity and loyalty she had when she was a little girl: You should go back to Hong Kong first, it is not suitable for you to speak first. When Youchu and Xiao Rongyu were pregnant, Hu Linyu and Bian Shishi They all play the role of 'vanguard'. Since I am the baby's godmother, it is my duty to be the vanguard!


In the lobby of 1206 Cafe, Chen Hansheng was too stunned to react when he heard the news that Luo Xuan had left without saying goodbye.

She left now? Didn't she just come back?

Chen Hansheng asked Shang Yanyan.

Yes, it is.

Shang Yanyan also looked confused: I asked you not to go find her.

Depend on!

Chen Hansheng frowned: How did I offend her again...

elder brother.

Chen Lan next to her put down her mobile phone: Sister-in-law Xuan can't get through the phone and won't reply to her messages.


Chen Hansheng was helpless. Luo Xuan often played this trick before, trying to attract his attention by disappearing on purpose, but in recent years she has rarely been so childish anymore. She didn't know why she repeated the same trick today.

It'll be fine anyway.

Chen Hansheng said confidently: She will contact me again at this time tomorrow at most. This was often the case before.


Chen Lan nodded. Among the several sisters-in-law, only Sister-in-law Xuan would do such nonsense.

But what if she doesn't contact the monitor tomorrow?

Unexpectedly, Shang Yanyan, who had no friendship with Luo Xuan, suddenly tilted her head and interjected.

how can that be possible·······

Chen Hansheng didn't quite believe it. In the past, after Luo Xuan disappeared for a day, she would definitely appear on her own initiative the next day because she missed him so much.

Okay, let's wait and see.

Shang Yanyan curled her red lips.

Chen Hansheng felt a little strange, his eyes lingered on his lover's face for a moment, and then he received a call from his subordinates for a meeting and left the cafe.

Shang Yanyan didn't say much, and just sent it to the door as usual. Not far away, on the Science and Technology Avenue in the university town, a pair of student lovers were chasing each other. The boy ran in front and shouted naughtily, Come on. , come and chase...

The girl chased after her hard, and also smiled and cursed: Asshole, when I catch you, you will be finished...

The young voice filled the air, but it didn't feel noisy at all. Shang Yanyan looked at it and suddenly smiled.

Summer is gone and autumn is coming, the breeze is coming, and the years are quiet and full of joy.

very nice.


However, Chen Hansheng did not feel the joy of this world. He was still a little irritated because Luo Xuan did not contact him the next afternoon as before.

Especially when he called the high-end apartment in Hong Kong, the management said that Ms. Luo had not returned, and he began to worry.

At around 2 o'clock in the evening, the Jinling Royal Garden Villa was quiet, but Chen Hansheng had insomnia. After tossing and turning, he picked up his mobile phone and checked the time, and then sighed: I knew I couldn't fall asleep, so I might as well play with my mobile phone.

Then he sat up straight and looked at the Jianye-Hong Kong flight. After knowing it in his mind, he slowly walked to a bedroom door and pushed it open without knocking.

He is the master of the house, and there is no place in the house that he cannot enter.

There was a slight sound of breathing and a faint fragrance in the bedroom. Chen Hansheng walked to the bed familiarly and looked at the three figures on the bed.

The adult woman is tall and slender. Even if she is covered with a thin blanket, her undulating figure can be seen. However, she is too conservative. She is obviously at home and has the central air conditioner turned on. Her pajamas are still long pants and long sleeves. The delicate ankles that were occasionally exposed became a dazzling whiteness in the dark bedroom.

Chen Hansheng is tender in his heart. This conservative but very attractive figure is his lover Shen Youchu. They have been together for 8 years and their children are four years old.

There are two little people beside Shen Youchu, these are Chen Zijin and Chen Zipei, Chen Hansheng's precious daughters.

The girls were sleeping peacefully. Because they were all lying sideways, the flesh on their faces was squeezed to the same side, making them look like two cute little meat buns.

But after becoming a mother, she would miss her children even when she fell asleep, so Shen Youchu woke up as soon as Chen Hansheng came closer.

The curtains were left slit, and the peach blossom eyes were still so charming under the moonlight. After Shen Youchu discovered that it was Chen Hansheng, he turned his attention to the two girls.

You go inside a little bit, I want to lie down here and sleep for a while.

The shameless man made a shameless request, but the weak Shen Hanbao did not refuse and silently moved his body.

She had refused before, but the man would stay on the bed. In order not to wake the baby, she could only bear it silently.

It has been four years since the Shura Field, and men are getting more and more demanding. From the original I will come in and see the baby and leave immediately to I want to lie here for a while, maybe it will soon be 12 It’s really hot in this month, let’s take off our clothes and go to bed.”

Shen Youchu didn't know how to deal with it, and I heard that Xiao Rongyu didn't refuse the man to sleep on the bed. Maybe both of them were waiting for the other to surrender first.

Because Chen Hansheng is the baby's father, and he loves the baby so much.

And because, no matter Shen Youchu or Xiao Rongyu, they all still love this shameless bitch in their hearts.


After Chen Hansheng lay down, he let out a contented sigh. In the past, when he was upset, he would fall asleep quickly as soon as he lay down next to Shen Youchu or Xiao Rongyu, smelling the scent of his lover and baby.

But today, it actually failed again?

What's wrong?

Chen Hansheng opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling. The reason for his insomnia was Luo Xuan. He realized that there might be something he didn't know.

However, the scumbag is also a very smart, meticulous person with almost no loopholes in his work, so he soon discovered something unusual.

Shang Yanyan!

After Luo Xuan left yesterday, some of Yanyan's actions were a bit abnormal. She must know something!

Thinking of this, Chen Hansheng quickly got out of bed, and soon the sound of a car starting came from the yard.

Shen Youchu in the bedroom also opened his eyes, with some doubts in his peach blossom eyes. He and his children were here, who was he looking for so late? If it was Xiao Rongyu, there was no need to be so anxious.


Chen Zipei may have been a little hot, but she suddenly screamed in her sleep. Shen Youchu's attention was immediately diverted. The two babies were everything to her.


There was no traffic in Jianye at night. Chen Hansheng arrived downstairs at Shang Yanyan's house very quickly. She didn't even take a break. It seemed she had just finished a phone call with someone.

Luo Xuan...

After seeing Shang Yanyan, as soon as Chen Hansheng spoke, his lover in sexy silk pajamas suddenly laughed out loud: I just made a bet with my junior sister, how long will it take for you to notice it? The monitor is really super smart. Let me tell you something. Things, you have to be responsible again...

Five minutes later, Chen Hansheng's speechless voice came from the room:

I will never stand up again in this life!

When I asked you to raise children in college, I thought it was just a joke. Who would have thought that it would actually come true?

Also, Wang Zibo and I told each other that Chen Zijin and Chen Zipei didn't plan to have any more children before they went to kindergarten. Now that we calculate the time, they match up perfectly!

Has my mouth been opened?


Chen Hansheng did not stay with Shang Yanyan for too long because he had already guessed where Luo Xuan was.

At 9 o'clock in the evening the next day, Hong Kong City No. 1 Middle School had just finished its evening self-study. High school students walked out of the school in groups. They were so young and so energetic, discussing NBA stars and cursing. The teacher who gave the monthly exam questions was gossiping about the campus romance he heard about...

When they smelled the aroma of egg pancakes from the roadside stall, they gathered around and debated which one was better, One Piece or Naruto by the steaming fire.

It's still comfortable in high school, but it's a pity that I have already graduated.

Chen Hansheng, wearing a hat, stood under the shadow of the tree and looked at the group of juniors with a smile.

The young people moved very quickly. After eating the egg pancakes, they quickly went back to their homes. The school gate slowly became quiet again. Occasionally, there were one or two students who came out late and rode their bicycles shivering in the autumn wind. It adds a touch of loneliness.

By around 10 o'clock, the incandescent lights in the teaching building had been extinguished, and only the dim street lights were flickering in the huge campus. Chen Hansheng did not leave. He had to wait for someone, and she must be there.

When he was in his third year of high school, that is at this point in time, Chen Hansheng met Luo Xuan while studying in the evening and was being harassed by gangsters, so there was a hero saves the beauty, but Chen Hansheng just wanted to vent his frustration after failing the mock exam. , but for Luo Xuan, the fate of her life changed.

Now that Luo Xuan is pregnant, she is not at home, not at school, and not with Chen Hansheng, so she will only be here, coming to the door of Gangcheng No. 1 Middle School every night to recall the scene when she first met Senior Brother Chen.


It was too late, and the school's security door began to slowly close. Chen Han's eyes were staring at the door for a moment.

The security doors on both sides were getting closer and closer, eight meters, six meters, four meters... Just when they were about to close, they suddenly stopped!

A figure wearing a white down jacket walked out of the school. When he saw Chen Hansheng not far away, the figure stopped.

The evening wind gradually picked up, rustling the fallen leaves. The stars were bright tonight, the moon was gentle, and the surging clouds were erratic. The two looked at each other, as if they were reunited again in a world where the smoke had cleared.

Why did you come here after two days? Aren't you afraid that I would leave with the baby too?

After getting closer, the junior sister pursed her lips and asked.


Chen Hansheng was speechless for a moment and wanted to find an explanation.

Forget it~

Luo Xuan raised her head, looked at her senior brother Chen, her eyes filled with crystal clear tears, and said aggrievedly: But I miss you so much, so I can only forgive you.


(The junior sister’s problem has also been solved, leaving some room for imagination. There are six women written in the three extra chapters, so no one will be left behind. There is also a warm extra chapter in the last chapter, and the story of Chen Hansheng and him is about to end. )

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