On September 13, 2009, the Gulou Campus of Ye Hohai University was built.

Take a break!

stand at attention!

Turn left! Walk in unison

Under the scorching sun, military training slogans were heard on campus. Looking around, there were freshmen wearing camouflage uniforms everywhere. Their young faces had long been tanned, and their bodies were covered by the bloated military training uniforms. Their eyes were filled with laughter. The longing for college life has weakened a lot.

Of course, there must be one or two girls in such a large group of freshmen. They are very beautiful to begin with. Their wheat-colored skin adds another kind of healthy beauty. Occasionally, when they take off their training caps, their long hair hangs down. Scattered around the waist, even the sweat is mixed with the fragrance of shower gel.

Well, this is also the taste of youth!

These girls have already attracted much attention during their military training. Boys with some talents always create opportunities to perform basketball, guitar, singing and other talents in front of them.

Boys who don’t have any special skills, but are socially awesome, can also talk, make fun, and show off themselves in front of them.

However, most boys are still relatively shy. They are too embarrassed to strike up a conversation and can only glance at them secretly in the military training queue. If girls notice, the boys will immediately turn their heads and pretend not to care.

Dr. Chen's eyes are like radar. If you follow your line of sight, you will definitely find the beautiful sister.

On a boulevard outside the playground, a man and a woman were wearing sunglasses, and the woman was teasing her companion.

Brother Ti, you are so jealous for no reason.

The man adjusted his sunglasses and said with a smile: These little girls can't compare to you in terms of temperament and appearance.

Tch, I have more time to get rid of your jealousy.

Zheng Guanti, the chairman of Xiaomi Electronics who was wearing expensive brand names and was over 1.7 meters tall, spat, then walked forward quickly, taking away the parasol at the same time.

Damn, a woman's face really changes at a moment's notice.

A certain scumbag shrugged his shoulders in the sun, and finally had no choice but to chase after him.

The man and woman were Chen Hansheng and Zheng Guanti, and they came to visit Kong Jing.

About last year, after Wang Zibo and Bian Shishi got married, Kong Jing, then the second-in-command of Guoke Electronics, said at a public event that she would accept an appointment from the School of Economics and Management of Hohai University to become a visiting professor.

This news did not cause much sensation, because Kong Jing did not say that he would leave Guoke Electronics. In fact, this was just a wording to stabilize the stock price. The executives on the Guoke board of directors all understood that this elegant man who once participated in the founding of Guoke Group Sister Yu represents the mature woman on the other side of the nutshell. She is really no longer responsible for specific affairs.

Just like she had always expected, she lived the life she wanted.

However, this is a great enhancement of the teaching staff of Hohai University. Let’s not talk about Kong Jing’s huge network of connections and rich shopping experience. After she started teaching, she was often visited by well-known celebrities.

For people like Chen Hansheng and Zheng Guanti, this is not their first time coming to Hohai University.


In a lecture theater in the west building of the teaching building, Chen Hansheng opened the back door familiarly. The classroom of 300 people was already full, and there were many students standing in the corridor, leaning on the wall, or even sitting on the ground, bustling with people. It seemed a bit chaotic, but everyone listened carefully to the teacher's teaching.

Professor Kong's lectures are still interesting. I can really learn a lot.

Of course, Professor Kong actually manages a listed company. He is not like some teachers who always focus on three things in class: read pp., ask classmates to read pp., and leave 20 minutes to brag about their experiences while studying abroad.

Yes, yes, there are also those who brag about their own children. I really admire them.

Hearing the students' whispered comments about their teachers, Chen Hansheng and Zheng Guanti smiled at each other. With Sister Kong Yu's ability, let alone a visiting professor, she was more than enough to be the dean of the School of Economics and Management.

Kong Jing in front has noticed the visit of two old friends.

Smiling and nodding, the students discovered that two giant crocodiles appeared in the classroom.

This is a real financial giant, the founders of Guoke Electronics and Xiaomi Electronics. They are all among the top 50 richest people in China's Hurun List. Director Chen is also a frequent visitor to the top ten.

There were bursts of cheers in the classroom, but it was obviously not the first time that Chen Hansheng and Zheng Guanti had arrived, so the fluctuations caused gradually subsided, with only the click-click-click light of the mobile phone light.

Director Chen, Director Zheng

An eye-catching boy had already stood up to give up his seat. Chen Hansheng was not polite and patted the boy on the shoulder with a smile: I see you have amazing bones and extraordinary talent. If you have the opportunity to work overtime at Guoke or Xiaomi in the future.


There were envious exclamations from nearby. In the job market for fresh graduates, the R of Guoke and Xiaomi has always been competed for. If you can enter the core departments of these two companies, making millions a year will be rare. It's normal.

After Chen Hansheng and Zheng Guanti sat down, he clearly felt that the classmates around him were a little uncomfortable, especially the sophomore girl next to him. She was already very embarrassed with her hands tied.


Chen Hansheng noticed it and immediately said with concern: Don't be afraid, I'm not a good person anyway.

After saying this, the already nervous girl started to tremble even more.

Best friend Zheng shook her head beside her, tied up her shiny and smooth brown hair, and listened carefully to Kong Jing's class.

The theme of this class is the final form of the development of domestic private enterprises.

On the pp and blackboards, Kong Jing listed the leaders in several domestic industries, such as Guohu, Alibaba, Tencent, and Huawei. She analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of these companies, including areas that need improvement in the future. .

Zheng Guanti took a few glances and found that they were basically correct.

Not many teachers in universities dare to analyze it openly.

Zheng Guanti thought silently, but Kong Jing must be qualified.

Just now, we have made it clear that the final form of the development of domestic private enterprises is not who has more assets, but who can provide more services to ordinary people, so that its prospects will be broader. The following is a free discussion Time, do you have any questions?”

Wearing a white shirt with rolled-up sleeves and loose wide-leg pants, Sister Kong Yu, with her long hair tied behind her head, told the students her unique understanding.

Commonly known as dry goods.

The students did not know that some of the conclusions were actually speculations made after the overall analysis by the Guoke board of directors and the Guoke think tank. Although they did not need to be kept confidential, they were very valuable and meaningful.

Professor Kong.

During the free discussion, a girl stood up and asked: In the next ten years, which of the private enterprises you listed will become the top private enterprise.

Not listed on the market, Huawei.

Kong Jing answered simply and without any hint of confusion: On the market, it's a nutshell.


The students in the lecture theater all looked at Chen Hansheng.

However, everyone understands quite well that Professor Kong is the second-in-command of Guoke, so he naturally works towards the other side of his own company. Various products under Guoke are developing very well, and they are truly convenient for people’s daily needs, and their acceptance is very high. High, it seems possible to come out on top.

Professor Kong.

Another boy wearing glasses raised his hand: I am a computer science student, and Alibaba's Alipay has been integrated into our daily lives. Will Guoke intend to enter the financial circle in the future?


Kong Jing was stunned for a moment. She naturally knew the future layout strategy of Guoke Electronics, but this issue seemed to involve a confidentiality clause. Only one person in Guoke could ignore these things.

Kong Jing looked at Chen Hansheng, and everyone's eyes also turned around, focusing on Chen Hansheng's face.


Chen Hansheng pondered for a moment, and when he stood up, his face showed a rare seriousness: Guoke will be involved in many fields in the future, but there are two areas that he will not touch, one is real estate, and the other is finance.


Before Chen Hansheng could finish his words, some students couldn't help interrupting him. Real estate has been the most profitable industry in recent years, as well as finance. How much did stocks rise during the Olympic Games last year?

Because these are important weapons of the country.

Chen Hansheng coughed: From my perspective, I support state control, so as not to shake the foundation of society.


The students in the classroom gave a burst of responses that seemed to understand, but also seemed not to understand. At this time, the music after class sounded, and the students reluctantly left.

Kong Jing had no classes in the afternoon. She took Chen Hansheng and Zheng Guanti back to the dormitory in the school. Originally, she could not get a house as a visiting professor, but the day after Kong Jing came to register, a set of keys to a quiet and tidy new house came to her. Handed over.

A friend sent me a tea set a few days ago. I haven't used it yet. It's just a good time for you to try it together.

After entering the house, Kong Jing took out a set of finely crafted white porcelain tea sets. She was originally a woman with a bit of a petty bourgeoisie, and now this leisurely life of teaching, drinking tea, and listening to music really satisfied her.

How is the company lately?

While Kong Jing was making tea, she asked about the company affairs of Guoke and Xiaomi. This was inevitable. After all, Chen Hansheng's reply to Kong Jing was agree to be a part-time university professor, not agree to resign.

Kong Jing is still a member of the Guoke Department.

It's still a bit busy because we have to deal with Apple.

Zheng Guanti picked up the tea cup and took a sip, closing his eyes and enjoying the fragrance of the tea.

Kong Jing nodded. This was the plan that Guoke and Xiaomi had made long ago. They were going to give the menacing pp a head-on blow. The three of them were chatting like this. The white sun outside the window was scorching the earth, and the indoor air conditioner was whirring. Blowing whoosh, the tea leaves rolled up and down in the glass teacup. The rich tea aroma mixed with the dense heat deeply soothed the busy mind.

How about Zijin and Zipei?

Naturally, the topic turned from work to life, and Kong Jing mentioned Chen Hansheng's two daughters.


When talking about Apple just now, Chen Hansheng's expression flashed with ferocity and disdain from time to time, but when he mentioned the little fish and the little fool, the big gangster suddenly became gentle.

They are both three years old. They can talk and understand everything now. The older one is a bit noisy and often wants to go out for walks. The younger one is still naive and can fall asleep even sitting down. Once, My mom took them to the park.”

As long as he talks about his precious daughter, the scumbag will become a chatterbox. He is eager to share his daughter's interesting stories with others. At this time, Guo Ke Chen is probably the most unpretentious time.

Neither Kong Jing nor Zheng Guanti interrupted, and kept listening to Chen Hansheng's chatter, occasionally adding a few words of encouragement to Chen Hansheng's talk, until Nie Xiaoyu called: Minister Chen, we have arranged to have dinner with the provincial leaders tonight, where are you? ?”

Hey, it's already four o'clock.

Chen Hansheng looked at the time and realized that an hour had passed.

I have to withdraw, I have an event I can't refuse.

Chen Hansheng stood up and said.

Then you leave quickly.

Best friend Zheng played the opposite tune as always: I can finally talk to Sister Jing about topics between women.

You two are really cool

Chen Hansheng originally wanted to retort, but suddenly found that Zheng Guanti and Kong Jing seemed to have a slight similarity.

However, these two people have different personalities, backgrounds and experiences. What similarities can they have?

Chen Hansheng only realized Yu Jie's attributes when he was going down the stairs. It turned out that Zheng's best friend had also reached the age of Yu Jie.

When she first met Zheng Guanti, she was already 24. Now six years later, Brother Ti is already 30.

Time flies so damn fast

Chen Hansheng smacked his lips and plunged into the scorching September sun.

After Chen Hansheng left, the conversation between Zheng Guanti and Kong Jing continued.

In the past, Zheng Guanti had no friends in Jianye. She had a job, a male best friend, and a secretary, so she didn't seem to need friends at all. But as she gets closer to 30, Zheng Guanti feels more and more that having a friend like Kong Jing actually means... fine.

She doesn't want to get married, and neither does Kong Jing.

She didn't want to get involved in Chen Hansheng's complicated emotions, and Kong Jing also wanted to stay away.

She can't live without Chen Hansheng, and Kong Jing seems to also


Another pot of tea was boiling, and Kong Jing picked it up and filled it for the two of them, while talking about topics between women.

The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming soon, and I'm thinking about whether to go back to my hometown.

Kong Jing said softly.

Uncles and aunties shouldn't be urging you to get married.

Zheng Guanti looked at Kong Jing. He was 30 years old, but Kong Jing was already 35. However, she was well-maintained and the university teaching environment was very relaxed, so she looked young.

They don't push me anymore, but there will always be nagging.

Kong Jing said self-deprecatingly: After all, in Chaoshan, there are very few women over 25 who are not married. I am simply a freak.

Generally speaking, if Kong Jing was still working in Guoke, Zheng Guanti would probably comfort her like this: You are already successful and famous, so you don't need to care about those opinions.

However, with the current relationship between the two of them, Zheng Guanti dispensed with the politeness and said what was in his heart: After all, you still have a nagging family. My parents don't care about me at all. For so many years in Jianye, every time I get sick, He is the only one who stays with me.

There is no doubt that he is Chen Hansheng.


Kong Jing smiled: That's not bad. If your parents suddenly come to find you, they may bring up a lot of things in the Hong Kong family, and you may be even more irritated. Besides, except for Director Chen, every time during the holidays, Liang Auntie will invite you over.

That's true.

Thinking of the cheerful and straightforward Empress Dowager Liang, Zheng Guanti's mood instantly improved: Aunt Liang invites her every time, but I rarely agree. There are both moon and stars over there. Why would I cause trouble in the past?

Ho ho

Kong Jing couldn't help but laugh. Now everyone in Chen Hansheng's inner circle knew that Bai Yueguang was Xiao Rongyu and Baobao was Shen Youchu. They were also the mothers of Chen Hansheng's two precious daughters.

Do you want to have a child in the future?

Suddenly, Kong Jing asked such a question.


Zheng Guandi was startled for a moment, and after thinking seriously for a while, he said: I don't have this plan for the time being, and I may change my mind in two years, and I will have one by then. Anyway, you know, I don't need anyone to inherit my Xiaomi Electronics, maybe Decades later, I will give it to those two chubby girls.

The two little fat girls are Chen Zijin and Chen Zipei. If Zheng Guanti wants a child of his own, then that is the only father of the baby.

Kong Jing was a little envious, not for Zheng Guanti's generosity of spending billions of dollars, but for her open-mindedness.

Zheng Guanti was born with a free and unrestrained mentality. Even if she did not found Xiaomi Electronics, even if she was the so-called princess in distress, she did not need to worry about money.

However, she still works so hard to start a business because she really enjoys the process. When she gets tired of it, she will really give the company directly to Chen Zijin, Chen Zipei, and even Chen Lan.

This is Zheng Guanti, a man who is superb in business and free and independent in life.

I'll give you tea instead of wine.

Kong Jing raised her cup.

It's not about respecting me, it's about respecting us, the 30-year-old Royal Sister.

Zheng Guanti smiled brightly and raised the tea cup.


Two porcelain cups clinked in the air.

Zheng Guanti left after having dinner here, but before leaving, she suddenly said thoughtfully: Jing, I know you don't want to have a boyfriend, and you don't plan to get married, but sometimes when you are helpless, you can let him He came here to sit for a while.

Kong Jing's pupils condensed for a moment, then she chuckled and said, Forget it, it's the moon and the stars, so why let him come over and cause trouble.

The conversation between the two seemed to be confusing, but both parties understood it, so Zheng Guanti just smiled, waved and said, Good night!

After sending Zheng Guanti away, the living room that was bustling just now suddenly became quiet. The shouts of students during evening training could be faintly heard in the distance.

Kong Jing cleared the table and walked silently to the balcony holding a teacup. The sky was like a curtain, the moonlight was bright, the stars were twinkling, and the breeze was blowing the tea in the cup, causing ripples in circles.

Just sit for a while, nothing will happen.

Sister Kong Yu thought to herself, and took out her mobile phone with her other hand. The last text message between her and Chen Hansheng was the weather forecast he forwarded last week to remind Jianye of an upcoming heavy rain.

I heard from Zheng Guandi that besides the moon and stars, there is also a paranoid junior sister and a bad girl who runs a coffee shop.

Kong Jing curled her lips: You actually still care about me.

However, perhaps being bewitched by Zheng Guanti, her fingers still composed a text message like this:

When will you come over and sit down next time?

Oh my God!

When Kong Jing reacted, her face immediately turned red. Did she miss men so much that she actually sent such a naked seduce message?


When Kong Jing was about to delete them all, she slowly stopped and then modified the text message:

When will you have time next time, bring Zijin and Zipei over to sit down?

Then, a ding sound came out.

After completely sending it out, the phone seemed to suddenly turn into a hot stone. Kong Jing wanted to throw it away, but she was also afraid of missing any information. In fact, this was originally a common invitation between friends, but because of some With unnecessary thoughts, Kong Jing began to worry about gains and losses, like a little girl who had just fallen in love.

Why don't you take a shower first?

Just when Kong Jing decided to take a shower to survive the time of waiting for the message, her cell phone rang.


Kong Jing picked up the phone in a panic, took a few deep breaths, and pressed the unlock button.


Chen Hansheng's reply was very simple, as simple as just one word, but Kong Jing suddenly relaxed and walked into the bathroom humming a song.

Kong Jing: When next time you have time, can you bring Zi Jin and Zi Pei over to sit down?

Chen Hansheng: Okay.

Sister Yu, can’t you miss a man?

Happy birthday to Xiubao. I wish her to become more and more beautiful. This is the second chapter of the extra chapter. Please read it.

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