I Really Didn’t Want to be Born Again

One thousand and sixty-seven, back to China~

Is there a problem?

Xiao Rongyu asked, and Chen Hansheng woke up from his trance with his clear and cold voice.


Chen Hansheng opened his mouth and finally answered the question: Why do you have a high ponytail?


Xiao Rongyu glanced at Chen Hansheng, this person is really interesting. He was the one who always wished he had a high ponytail, but now he really has it tied up. He is the one who has the most problems.

is it not OK?

Xiao Rongyu blinked his bright eyes and asked.

Okay, okay, of course!

Chen Hansheng said quickly: This is the most suitable!

In fact, with Xiao Rongyu's figure and appearance, she is very beautiful no matter what hairstyle she wears, but the high ponytail has become a symbol for her.

Since that tragic Shura scene, no matter it is the most familiar stranger Chen Hansheng, the dearest parents, or the best friend Bian Shishi, everyone rarely sees the high ponytail Xiao Rongyu again.

Everyone can see that she is deliberately avoiding it. Of course, it is not just the high ponytail that she is avoiding, but also the memories about someone.

Today she suddenly tied her hair again. What does this mean?

Thank you~

Facing Chen Hansheng's praise, Xiao Rongyu calmly thanked him. This was also the way the two got along with each other in the United States.

Chen Hansheng tried every means to get close to her, but Xiao Yuer shunned and rejected them all. Before the atmosphere solidified, Chen Hansheng told the reason why he knocked on the door: I want to see my daughter. After she cried last night, I spent the whole night They all blame themselves.”


Xiao Rongyu understood that this should be the reason why Chen Hansheng was so haggard, but she did not stop him and silently made way.

In fact, whether it was Shen Youchu or Xiao Rongyu, they never prohibited Chen Hansheng from seeing the baby. After all, he was the biological father, and the blood relationship was always continuous.

Before entering the door, Chen Hansheng paused again and said sincerely again: Really, the high ponytail really suits you.

Facing Chen Hansheng's bright eyes, Xiao Rongyu did not respond.


Chen Hansheng sighed, shook his head and walked to the bed.

He originally wanted to test why there was such a sudden change, but he didn't expect that Xiao Yu'er concealed it very well, but his own performance almost revealed it.

However, when the two of them passed each other and Xiao Rongyu turned her back to Chen Hansheng, she suddenly raised her white neck and let out a soft hum.

During this period, I and Shen Youchu shed so many tears, and often woke up and the pillow towel was half wet. How could I forgive this man so easily.


The heavy curtains were drawn in the bedroom, and a faint light filtered through the cracks. The air was filled with a faint fragrance and the smell of milk.

The fragrance belongs to Xiao Rongyu. It seems that every girl's room has this smell, but the intensity is different.

For example, Shen Youchu's bedroom is filled with the fragrance of open valley, Xiao Rongyu is filled with refreshing fragrance, and Shang Yanyan is filled with hot and strong fragrance...

Chen Hansheng originally thought it was quite tempting, but one time when he was with Shen Youchu, he accidentally entered Teacher Hu's bedroom. Unexpectedly, there was also the smell of shampoo, and he immediately felt that this thing was not so attractive.

As for the smell of milk, it comes from the little fool. She has not been completely weaned yet. Chen Hansheng squatted down and stared at his little daughter affectionately.

Chen Zipei hasn't woken up yet, but because her little peach blossom eyes are big and bright, even when she closes her eyes, there seems to be a gap that is not closed tightly. However, the baby's mouth is very small, really like the cherry mouth described in the book. At the moment of opening and closing, Chen Hansheng can still see his daughter's two small baby teeth.

Obviously you are only more than nine months old, but I have already begun to worry that you and your sister are growing up too fast...

Chen Hansheng said to himself.

This is the ambivalent mentality of the old father. He wants his daughter to grow up as soon as possible.

I also hope that time can slow down a little and I can spend more time with you.

Xiao Rongyu stood behind her, her delicate melon face no longer had a cold expression, her brows and eyes were full of happiness, but when Chen Hansheng turned her head occasionally, she lowered her neck silently, not wanting this man to pry into her innermost thoughts. practical thinker.

Little Yu'er, get ready to eat...

At this time, Liang Meijuan's voice came from outside. Queen Mother Liang was a hard-working mother-in-law and a mother-in-law who loved her daughter-in-law.


Seeing that the door was ajar, Liang Meijuan opened the door curiously and came in. However, when she saw Chen Hansheng in the room, she was stunned at first.

When she noticed Xiao Rongyu's high ponytail, Liang Meijuan was stunned again.


Chen Hansheng said nothing, Xiao Rongyu said hello softly.


Empress Dowager Liang agreed calmly, then patted Xiao Yu'er's arm and said, You go and wash up first, and you'll have dinner later.

Xiao Rongyu obeyed and went to the bathroom. When the sound of water flow started to sound, Liang Meijuan pushed Chen Hansheng's shoulder, the question in her eyes was obvious.

Don't ask me, I don't know either.

Chen Hansheng shook his head and replied.

You don't know either?

Empress Dowager Liang rolled her eyes at her son and muttered: You know how to eat and eat all day long, what use do you need?

It's Chen Lan who eats all day long.

Chen Hansheng retorted dissatisfiedly.


The eldest princess Chen Lan has a body shape that does not gain weight, so when she was in Jianye, her life was eating, drinking, playing and shopping. It was a very typical college student life, and she even had a famous motto:

Today’s tasks: study (0/1), eat enough (7/3).

However, it was not so easy after coming to the United States, because Empress Dowager Liang would not cook noodles for her no matter what time she got up, like Shen Youchu did. Therefore, in order not to go hungry, Chen Lan could only eat three normal meals with everyone.

However, when Chen Lan came to the dining room sleepily and saw the appearance of Xiao Yuer's sister-in-law, she immediately lost her sleepiness.


Chen Lan happily sat down next to Xiao Rongyu and reached out to stroke the long-lost high ponytail.

Chen Lan didn't know the reason, but she would always remember in her mind that when she was just in college, it was this little fishy sister-in-law with a high ponytail who took her to eat in the streets and alleys of Jianye.

There is also the always gentle sister-in-law Youchu, who obviously doesn’t like to go out, but she is worried that she will not adapt to college life, so she always visits the Medical University every week.

It seems like these things happened yesterday. I didn't expect that I would be a junior in the blink of an eye.

Alan, how late did you stay up last night?

Xiao Rongyu also knew Chen Lan's habit of staying up late.

About three o'clock.

Chen Lan leaned intimately on Xiao Rongyu's shoulder and said dullly: Staying up late is really addictive. Every time I watch an episode of variety shows, I have to mentally calculate how long I can sleep if I close my eyes now. The result is From being able to sleep for 8 hours to sleeping for 6 hours, and then procrastinating until I can only sleep for 5 hours...I am really not self-disciplined.

You know that too.

Xiao Rongyu smiled. She had experienced this before. She patted Chen Lan on the back and said, Hurry up and brush your teeth and wash your face. I'll peel an egg for you.

Thank you sister-in-law!

Chen Lan gave Xiao Rongyu a mua kiss, which was probably why she was liked by her sisters-in-law. After all, spoiled sisters-in-law are the best ones.


During breakfast, not surprisingly, everyone's eyes were focused on Xiao Rongyu. Chen Hansheng observed Professor Sun's expression and found out that she didn't know the reason why the closed disciple wore a high ponytail.

Soon Chen Zipei also woke up. Xiao Rongyu took her out as usual. Everyone was teasing the baby with smiles. Grandma Liang Meijuan also got up to prepare complementary food.


Chen Lan held her niece's chubby little feet and said casually: Call aunt~

Chen Hansheng didn't take it seriously at first, because Empress Dowager Liang and Chen Lan liked to teach Chen Zipei how to call people when they had nothing to do. It's just that the little fool was slow to speak. Recently, he has made some progress, but he only opened his mouth and finally held it back. go back.

However, this time, Chen Zipei stared at her aunt for a while, and suddenly shouted in a low voice: Mom~

Chen Zipei's voice was actually very small, still a soft and cute voice, but the whole villa fell silent instantly, and even Chen Lan, who had been noisy, stopped talking.

Dong dong dong...

Grandma Liang Meijuan trotted back to the dining room from the kitchen and asked in surprise: Did Chen Zipei speak?

Liang Meijuan missed the two months when her eldest granddaughter Chen Zijin was babbling and learning languages, so she naturally didn’t want to miss her younger granddaughter again.

However, Chen Zipei saw that the elders' attention was focused on her, and she was a little scared. She turned around and threw herself into mom's arms, leaving only her little butt outside.

The baby will call mommy.

In the end, Xiao Rongyu personally confirmed the matter.


Queen Mother Liang asked.

At this time, Chen Hansheng felt that Xiao Yuer's peripheral vision glanced at her, and she continued: She screamed suddenly before going to bed last night. I didn't expect it at the time, but it was almost time...

Oh~, that's it.

After hearing this explanation, everyone suddenly realized that this should be the real reason why Xiao Yuer tied up her high ponytail.


While Xiao Rongyu and Liang Meijuan were talking, Chen Lan came over and whispered: Sister-in-law Xiao Yu'er has tied up her high ponytail again. Is she back?

Well... I'm not back.

Chen Hansheng's tone was a little complicated: But she completely accepted it.

Completely accepted...

Chen Lan chewed for a while and nodded in agreement.

The Shura Field broke out on Christmas Day in 2005. It has been 19 months since then. During this time, everyone's mentality has changed a lot.

At the beginning, Xiao Rongyu and Shen Youchu had no contact at all, and the Little Fish Party and the Shen Party were at odds with each other, not to mention Chen Hansheng, the perpetrator, who was really disliked wherever he went.

Later, with the birth of the two little sisters, there was interaction between the two mothers, but only so that the parents-in-law would not be too embarrassed during the Spring Festival.

At that time, Xiao Rongyu was planning to take Chen Zijin abroad after the new year, and Shen Youchu only hoped that Chen Zipei could grow up happily.

However, the turning point of the whole incident occurred during the process of going abroad. Chen Hansheng, who had been planning for a long time, finally seized the opportunity and carried out the appalling baby exchange incident.

Although it was shameful, Shen Youchu and Xiao Rongyu were both new mothers, and they couldn't refuse the cries of their babies. So with repeated feeding and care, Shen Youchu accepted Chen Zijin, and Xiao Rongyu also accepted Chen Zipei.

Then, Xiao Rongyu and Shen Youchu slowly let go of their knots.

Now because of the little fool's Mom, Xiao Rongyu tied up her high ponytail again. Chen Lan thought that this was her sister-in-law's return, but the deeper meaning was that Xiao Yu'er actually accepted the relationship with her in her heart. Shen Youchu's relationship with him.

Perhaps their public contact opportunities will not be frequent, but in the sovereignty handover and future care of the two little sisters, there will still be a lot of private interactions unavoidable.

Then... we are going back to China?

Chen Lan figured this out and couldn't help blurting out the question, but the sound was a bit loud, and the adults who were teasing Chen Zipei heard it.

Liang Meijuan looked at her son. Chen Hansheng had indeed said before that when Chen Zipei called Mom, it would be time to return home.

Zhu Saiwen does not express her position. She is a loyal little secretary and obeys the boss's command in everything.

Auntie Lin, the nanny, looked happy. She also missed her relatives in China.

Only Xiao Rongyu and Professor Sun looked at each other without speaking.


Chen Hansheng coughed and replied thoughtfully: Alan, as you said, you could have returned to China at any time, as if I would have stopped you before, ho ho ho, ho ho ho...

Chen Hansheng was trying to clear his name, but no one paid him any attention. Professor Sun sneered and said to Xiao Yu'er, Do you want to tell him the truth?


Xiao Rongyu shook his head and shook his lively high ponytail: It's not because of him that I stayed. My daughter needs me.


Professor Sun nodded slightly, saying girl was so natural.


The news that Xiao Rongyu was going back quickly spread back to the country. Xiao Hongwei and Lu Yuqing were naturally the happiest, and Chen Zhaojun was also very pleased. This showed that in Chen Hansheng's judgment, the incident had been resolved satisfactorily.

Bian Shishi hugged Wang Zibo happily, while classmate Shishi was also very tired during this period.

She not only had to help take care of Chen Zijin in the early stage, but also appease Lu Yuqing's emotions. In the middle stage, she also delayed the time for herself and Wang Zibo to obtain the certificates. In the later stage, she had to take charge of the milk tea shop case.

If it weren't for so many things, she would have wanted to fly to the United States.

When I pick you up, I want to buy some pastries to take to the airport.

Bian Shishi planned happily: Xiao Yu'er is in the United States and misses the delicious food here.

These are minor issues.

Wang Zibo scratched his head and said slowly: What I'm thinking is, will Shen Youchu also go to the airport that day?


Bian Shishi suddenly realized that Xiao Yu'er was back, which meant that Chen Zipei was back as well.

But if Shen Youchu came over, wouldn't they just want to meet at the airport?


(Recommend this reader's Tour Immortal. PS: This chapter is a transitional chapter, but it is indispensable. The key content of meeting can be written in the next chapter. The theme card of this book will be online tomorrow, 12 The characters in the book are all depicted in Chinese style, which Lao Liu thinks is very nice.)

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