I Really Didn’t Want to be Born Again

One thousand and sixty-one, Luo Xuan: Don’t think about it, these are just cold medicines

The night I received the small desk lamp, it was dead of night, the oldest mother-in-law had fallen asleep, and the growing little Aning had finished drinking milk and rested, but Shen Youchu's bedroom was quite lively.

In addition to herself, there were Hu Linyu, Chen Lan, and Xiao Xiaoyuer.

Secretary Hu's house in Jinling Royal Garden has not been renovated, so even if she moves to a villa, she will probably have to live there for a while.

Not to mention Chen Lan, since the school leaders knew that she was Guoke Chen's sister, they would not deduct her credits even if she skipped classes.

After all, the Medical University is located in Gangneung, so I am keeping a bit of a thin face now so that I can still say hello to Chen Hansheng when I meet him in the future.

The reason why Xiao Xiaoyu'er didn't fall asleep was simpler. She had just finished feeding and was not sleepy. Three adults surrounded her, talking and looking after her.

In fact, Hu Linyu and Chen Lan were mainly chatting. Shen Youchu occasionally responded, and she paid more attention to Chen Zijin.

The baby is eight and a half months old, and she can already sit up straight, but her body movements are still clumsy, and the toys in her hand often fall on the bed with a splat sound.

Every time at this time, Shen Youchu would pick it up and hand it over gently.


Chen Zijin has a deep dependence on Shen Youchu. She will suddenly raise her head and smile sweetly at her mom.

Shen Youchu would also bend his eyes in response. Under the dim light, there was a hazy and beautiful blush at the end of his eyes.

This was a very heartwarming scene, but neither Chen Lan nor Hu Linyu noticed it. They were both concentrating on discussing another topic.

So, the desk lamp was specially sent by Sister Xiao Yu'er?

Chen Lan stared at the lamp and asked in surprise.

Chen Lan is as much of a thief as her brother. In front of Shen Youchu, she never calls Xiao Rongyu sister-in-law, only Sister Xiaoyu'er.

For the same reason, when she was on the phone with Xiao Rongyu, she would not call Shen Youchu sister-in-law, only sister Youchu.

As for the situation of Xiao Rongyu and Shen Youchu coexisting, the eldest princess feels that it is still quite difficult to realize, so she has not considered it yet.


Hu Linyu nodded and said, I will analyze.

Xiao Rongyu should be conveying a kind of kindness.

In fact, none of these three people know the true origin of the small table lamp, but Xiao Rongyu is willing to return what he took away. After careful consideration, there is a lot of meaning in it.

Perhaps, as the Hulin saying goes, this is sending a signal of reconciliation;

Or perhaps it was to thank Shen Youchu for taking care of Chen Zijin in the past two months;

Perhaps it was a response, because Chen Zijin called Mom and Shen Youchu agreed...

No matter what, it's a good thing for my brother.

Chen Lan thought secretly.

After a while, Chen Zijin rubbed his groggy eyes with his little hands, stretched out his little arms towards Shen Youchu, and shouted vaguely: ma~ma~

Since Chen Zijin learned this word a few days ago, she often calls it out in daily life. However, because Shen Youchu is the only one who can respond, slowly, Chen Zijin will only call Shen Youchu this way.

This is the process of recognition of the baby, and she will gradually develop a subconscious mind-it turns out that this person is the mother.

Shen Youchu knew that the baby was sleepy, so he held her in his arms and coaxed her gently. Hu Linyu and Chen Lan also lowered their conversation voices.

When I was a child, I had this feeling. When I wanted to sleep, if there were adults whispering around me, I would not feel noisy. Instead, I would feel an inexplicable sense of security.

Especially mom's arms are as comfortable as ever, and the small lamp on the bedside table, the light is soft and not dazzling, just like the caring eyes of another mother.


At noon the next day, Chen Hansheng drove over after handling the company's affairs. He spent very little time with his eldest daughter during this period, so he wanted to get close to Chen Zijin whenever he had free time.

However, both Shen Youchu and Hu Linyu went out because the Jiangling District People's Court accepted the Milk Tea Shop Infringement Case lawsuit and has now entered the review process, and they have some information to submit.

As for why it is the court of Gangneung District, it is because Meet Milk Tea Shop originated in Gangneung University Town and its registered place is also in Gangneung.

Chen Hansheng has not participated so far. If he intervenes in the Jiangling District lawsuit, there will be no suspense. How can he write a chapter of Xiao Rongyu helps Shen Youchu win the lawsuit that ends successfully.

However, after Shen Youchu left, out of curiosity and feedback from Wang Zibo and others, Chen Hansheng still planned to go to the Meet You Milk Tea Shop for a walk.

Go for a walk?

Chen Hansheng patted his sister's head and prepared to pull her along.

Chen Lan didn't go to class today. She lay lazily on the sofa and watched the American TV series The Big Bang Theory on her Guoke MP4.

In a blink of an eye, A-Lan is almost in her third year of college. She is now an old student and knows very well which classes can and cannot be skipped in college.

Want to go shopping?

Chen Lan suddenly became interested.

Please have a cup of milk tea.

Chen Hansheng said with a smile.


Chen Lan was not interested in this. Just when she was about to lie down again, she suddenly remembered a question and hurried over to change her shoes to keep up.

However, they made a little noise when they opened the door. The little fish who was taking a lunch break suddenly sat up, pulled the railing of the crib, stared in the direction of the security door and shouted: Oh!

She seemed quite angry and seemed to be blaming her father and aunt, why didn't you take me with you when you went out?

Grandma Lu Yuqing came over and said with a frown: I know that Chen Zijin is very sensitive to the sound of opening the door, so I can't pay more attention.

Mom, I thought she was asleep.

Chen Hansheng smiled and apologized: How about I take the baby out for a walk, otherwise she must have just made a fuss at home.

Lu Yuqing thought it was just a walk in a nearby park, so he didn't stop him. He first put on a coat and a little hat for his precious granddaughter, and then warned: You can't be too spoiled by Chen Zijin, and you can't want to go home just because she's crying. I have always obeyed without any limit.”


Chen Hansheng neither refused nor agreed.

Lu Yuqing sighed. She felt that when Xiao Yu'er came back, she would definitely advise her to be a strict mother.

Lu Yuqing's educational philosophy is this. No matter which parent is the parent, there must be someone to scare the child. Even a domineering person like Chen Hansheng, seeing Liang Meijuan is like a mouse seeing a cat.

After going downstairs, Chen Lan asked about the past and present life of the small desk lamp. This was what she was curious about.

Chen Hansheng didn't hide anything. While driving, he told the story of that Christmas.

Chen Lan was dumbfounded when he heard this. He curled his lips and praised and said: Brother, your thinking is also different from ordinary people. You can actually pass on the gift from Sister-in-law Xiao Yu'er to Sister-in-law You Chu. No wonder Xiao Yu was so surprised when the boat capsized. My son-in-law wants to take away the lamp.

Isn't it changed now?

Chen Hansheng also sighed with emotion: Probably, this is when the clouds finally break and the sun finally shines.

It has been a year and a half since the Shura Field broke out. During this period, Chen Hansheng's career has triple-jumped, and some familiar people have also left.

For example, three of the roommates who have been together for four years have returned to their hometowns to pursue careers, and some, such as Huang Hui, have left forever. Looking back now, it really feels like the world has changed.

While the brother and sister were chatting, Xiao Xiaoyuer sat on her aunt's lap and looked curiously at the high-rise buildings and busy traffic outside the window.

When passing through Xinjiekou, the giant LED screens in various shopping malls are all themed advertisements for the Bingdi Lotus third-generation mobile phone of Guoke. Not far away is the offline lifestyle store of Guoke.

However, Chen Zijin was not interested in these own properties. Instead, when she passed a construction site and saw a familiar excavator, she suddenly turned to look at her father, as excited as if she had discovered a new world.

You are a little fool.

Chen Lan took a bite of her niece's cheek: What's so good about an excavator? You are a little princess in a nutshell. Now you have to learn to focus on the limited edition Barbie dolls. In the future, you will study luxury goods. Anyway, your father's money I can’t spend all my money...”

Faced with Chen Lan's nonsense, Xiao Xiaoyuer couldn't understand it at all, so he just hugged his aunt and chewed it. In the end, both of their faces were covered with sticky saliva.

Chen Hansheng ignored the mischief of his sister and daughter. He drove the Porsche to a stop near the Confucius Temple and stopped it.

No way!

Chen Lan said in disbelief: Brother, you really don't want to take me shopping, do you? Oh my god, did the sun come out in the west today?

Let's go shopping and check out that milk tea shop.

Chen Hansheng also wore a peaked cap and oversized sunglasses to cover his face. Without careful identification, you really wouldn't be able to tell that this is Guohuo Chen.


Chen Lan knew what her brother was thinking. Riding on the popularity of Meet You Milk Tea and with some cost investment behind it, Chen Lan has easily shared it with the Jianye market that Shen Youchu, Hu Linyu and Feng Gui have been running for several years, and even opened it. There are several branches.

The largest branch is in Confucius Temple. When Chen Hansheng walked to the door of the milk tea shop, he found that there were still many people queuing up.

Doesn't it look like our milk tea shop?

Chen Lan asked with a pout.


Chen Hansheng responded with a smile: I can't say they are completely similar, I can only say they are exactly the same.

The owner of this restaurant really has something, even if he plagiarizes the name, logo, and decoration style, the most exaggerated thing is that he even copied the menu from beginning to end.

Chen Hansheng observed for a while, and then carried his daughter to a wicker chair under a sun umbrella. There was a lot of traffic in the Confucius Temple, and there were several people sitting at one table.

Chen Hansheng was not recognized. Instead, he was a pretty and cute little fish who was very lovable. There was a girl at the same table who kept making faces at her.

Chen Zijin is also very considerate. She is always in a good mood when she comes out to play. She dances happily when others tease her in such a friendly way.

Chen Zijin looks very much like his biological mother Xiao Rongyu. When he smiles, he has two little pear dimples. It is really sweet and cute. The little sister liked it even more after seeing it. She took out a bag of fruit candies from her bag and handed it over: The baby is so beautiful. Now, can she eat sweets?

Chen Hansheng now has the mentality of an old father. He was overjoyed when someone liked his girl, so he refused politely: She is less than nine months old and can't eat hard food. Chen Zijin thanks sister... ·”

Chen Hansheng guided his daughter to speak. Unfortunately, Xiao Yuer's vocabulary is very small now, so she just said: Mom!

This sentence made the young lady blush. The tourists at the table all laughed. Chen Hansheng was also very pleased. This girl really did not raise her in vain. She helped her father pick up girls before she could even walk.

Taking advantage of the familiar atmosphere, Chen Hansheng asked: How are the drinks in this milk tea shop? Is it worth buying one?

Don't buy it!

The young lady complained unceremoniously: I found out that Jianye's 'Meet Milk Tea' tastes very good only after reading the comments on the Guoker community. I bought a cup while visiting this time, but I was really disappointed. I was almost ready to go to the community to crack down on counterfeiting. , and then I realized that this restaurant is actually the 'Meet You Milk Tea', and I fainted. The appearance is exactly the same. It's really easy to be deceived if you don't pay attention.

In fact, they just have the same appearance. The paper cup of Meet You milk tea has a great texture and feels very comfortable in the hand; the paper cup of Meet You milk tea is as thin as plastic tin foil, and the cutting of corners is very obvious.

This is just to deceive you foreigners.

There was a young man in his twenties or eighty years old at the table. He should be working or studying in Jianye. He said with a look of disdain: None of us come here to buy milk tea. It tastes terrible and expensive. The real milk tea is in Xinjie. There is a main store in Kou, and the taste there is authentic.”

never mind.

The young lady shook her head and said, I'm too lazy to run any more errands, but if this continues, sooner or later the reputation of Met Milk Tea Shop will be affected.

Already preparing to file a lawsuit...

The young man must be an understanding brother. He heard some news from hearsay, especially when there were two beauties at the table, so he couldn't help but show off.

If Chen Lan didn't speak up, or to those who didn't understand her nature, she would definitely be classified as a comely little beauty.

I have a friend who works in the Jianye judicial system...

Brother understand started with I have a friend. He saw that everyone seemed interested, so he continued: I heard that the owner of this 'Meet Your Milk Tea' has some connections. 'Meet Your Milk Tea' is just a business started by college students. So the results may not be ideal.”

Everything needs connections now...

After hearing this, everyone at the table felt a sigh of relief, but that was all. This world is sometimes very realistic and makes sense, but it may not always go as planned.

It didn't take long for everyone to disperse, but the young lady took one more look at Chen Hansheng before leaving.

This detail was caught by Chen Lan, and she immediately said jokingly: Brother, you are really lucky. When you go out with your children, there are still girls who are interested in you.

Your statement is very superficial.

Chen Hansheng taught him seriously: My personality charm has nothing to do with whether I have children or not. Besides, dads are also very popular nowadays.


Chen Lan made a vomiting gesture: Obviously so ordinary, but yet so confident...

Before he could finish his words, Chen Hansheng kicked him: Go and buy two cups of milk tea. I have to try it.

After waiting in line for more than ten minutes, Chen Lan came over with two glasses of signature drinks. Chen Hansheng first looked at the packaging for a while, then took a sip, and spit it out after a while.

When Chen Lan saw this, she simply stopped drinking and asked her brother how he felt: Is it so hard to swallow?

No exaggeration at all.

Chen Hansheng bared his teeth and said, The taste is so bad that even dogs don't want to drink it.

However, he ignored his daughter, Chen Zijin, who was just over eight months old. She wanted to eat everything she saw, so she tried hard to get closer and take a sip.

“Do you want to drink something even a dog doesn’t want to drink?”

Chen Hansheng couldn't help but pat her butt: Are you a puppy?


Xiao Xiaoyu'er felt like she was hit. She looked at Chen Hansheng as if she was dissatisfied with her father's actions.

You still dare to be angry?

Chen Hansheng patted his daughter's butt again.


Little Yu'er became more emotional. She jumped in Chen Hansheng's arms and stepped on her father's leg. She has gained some strength and may be able to walk in two months.

However, while the father and daughter were interacting intimately, the waiter at the milk tea shop who was clearing the table was very dissatisfied.

Sir, please watch your words.

The waiter said: Our milk tea is sold to people, not dogs.


Chen Hansheng looked at the waiter. He was extremely disgusted with this milk tea shop. The word go was already on his tongue.

Going back half a year, Chen Hansheng must have cursed directly.

Now that he has a precious daughter, he doesn't want to say bad words in front of Xiao Yu'er, so he grins and says: To be honest, I just came out after two years in prison, and I thought I would never smell the rancid food in prison again. It tastes great. I didn’t expect that your milk tea helped me find that familiar feeling again. In fact, I should thank you...

Goose goose~

Chen Lan couldn't help but laugh. Her brother was very good at hurting others.


How can the waiter's eloquence be compared to Chen Hansheng? He was immediately choked up. Moreover, Chen Hansheng looked very fierce. His tone, which was half-smiling but not smiling, and the white teeth under his sunglasses were really eye-catching.

The waiter was just a part-time worker. It was good to stand up and protect the interests of the boss. How dare he provoke such a gangster who had been in prison and left without saying a word.

Chen Hansheng sat here leisurely for half an hour, not caring whether his daughter understood or not, pointing to Wuyi Lane, Qinhuai River, Zhanyuan... just to introduce him, and finally left with Chen Zijin in his arms.

On the way back, Chen Lan asked, Brother, what are you going to do to clean up that copycat milk tea shop?

What do you mean by rectification? The Qing Dynasty has been dead for many years. There have been no lynchings in our country for a long time.

Chen Hansheng said righteously: If the other party breaks the law, the law will protect our legitimate rights and interests!


Chen Lan was very smart. She was stunned for a long time before she realized something: Are you planning to use the excuse of filing a lawsuit to find a way to involve Sister-in-law Xiao Yu'er, because Sister-in-law Xiao Yu'er is a student of Fa, so this can just Prompting the two sisters-in-law to work together, the Shura field also took the opportunity to come to an end.

After hearing this, Chen Hansheng drove for a while without saying a word, and suddenly said: Alan, I have mentioned this to you before. Do you want to think about taking over? From Princess Guoke to Wu Zetian, you It would be a shame not to be in business.”

I'm not going.

Chen Lan shook her head like a rattle: I still want to be a sister forever. My parents, uncles and aunts, my stinky brother, and so many sisters-in-law will always love me. Then I will love my two little nieces and your other children in the future. Baby.

How did you know I would have other children?

Chen Hansheng glanced at his sister and asked.

That's for sure.

Chen Lan said plausibly: I don't know about other sisters-in-law, but Sister-in-law Xuan will definitely give birth, otherwise she would not be willing to do so.


Mentioning Luo Xuan, Chen Hansheng also felt a little pain in his head, but tomorrow was the 8th, so let's give her a graduation ceremony full of surprises first.


In the evening, Luo Xuan called unexpectedly. She didn't know about the little desk lamp incident between Xiao Rongyu and Shen Youchu, but she could feel that Chen Hansheng was in a good mood, so she asked curiously: Brother Chen, have you met someone? Did anything good happen?

The market forecast for the third generation of mobile phones has been very good, and it should be able to break the sales record held by the previous Guo 2, so I am quite happy.

Chen Hansheng randomly found a reason to explain. If Shen Youchu and Xiao Rongyu's Shura fields are one line, then Luo Xuan is another line.

Although Chen Hansheng can't let go of Luo Xuan, he is trying to avoid the intersection of the two lines, otherwise the peaceful life may be broken again.

That's it~

Luo Xuan had no doubts. She talked to Chen Hansheng about the preparations for tomorrow's graduation ceremony, and she also disliked the ugly bachelor's uniform. Finally, she said nonchalantly: Brother Chen, you can't come. I have no expectations for this graduation ceremony. But my parents were more excited than I was, and they even bought new clothes to attend the graduation ceremony.

Old Chen and Queen Mother Liang were similar back then.

Chen Hansheng said with a smile: Perhaps in the eyes of parents, after their children graduate from college, it means that the family development has entered another stage.


Luo Xuan snorted coldly: I don't want to care about their development. It's best if they don't care about my life.

This is the character of the junior sister, paranoid and sinister, but Chen Hansheng has adapted. The two briefly chatted for a while before ending the call, and Luo Xuan also returned to the dormitory from the balcony.

The dormitory of Hucheng University of Finance and Economics has a dormitory for six people. Graduation is about to take place, and the six girls are all neat and tidy, but the atmosphere is not normal.

It stands to reason that there are very few opportunities to meet again after leaving college, and we should cherish it even more now. Before Chen Hansheng graduated, it was a small drink every three days and a big drink every five days.

However, there is still a clear rhythm of isolation in Luo Xuan's girls' dormitory.

Luo Xuan was also one of the isolated people. She also told Chen Hansheng about this matter, but Chen Hansheng could understand it and the reason was easy to analyze.

1. Luo Xuan transferred to another school halfway through school. She and her roommate did not share the same growing experience. They usually had no common topics of conversation, so they had no basis for a relationship.

2. Transferring schools is not an easy thing, and there must be a strong relationship behind it. Everyone can’t figure out Luo Xuan’s origins, and generally they are not willing to get close to her.

3. Luo Haiping and Huang Xiaoxia bought a house in Shanghai. Luo Xuan usually drives to and from home and the dormitory. This kind of girl who is rich, beautiful, has connections behind her, and has a bad personality is a natural in the dormitory. Isolated objects.

4. Luo Xuan herself is quite disdainful of this kind of behavior, and has no intention of trying to blend in. In her opinion, as long as there is Senior Brother Chen, these are just local chickens and dogs not worth mentioning.

Fortunately, the roommates are just isolated. They are still quite wary of Luo Xuan's background. At most, they gossip behind his back.

After Luo Xuan finished the phone call and went to take a shower, a girl in the small group suddenly asked: Luo Xuan often calls a boy and calls him 'Senior Brother Chen'. Is that her boyfriend?

I don't see it.

Another girl who was sorting out her bachelor's uniform replied: If it's a boyfriend, shouldn't he be called 'husband'?

Slut, who do you think looks like you? You call me husband when you're not married.

The third girl made a joke.

However, Luo Xuan's conditions are so good.

The fourth girl sighed: Even if you are looking for a boyfriend, he should be a rich one.

This sentence caused a period of silence in the dormitory. In 2007, there were not many college students driving to school. Luo Xuan often drove a BMW and a Mercedes-Benz. When everyone was working hard to find a job or take the postgraduate entrance examination, Luo Xuan seemed to be fine. There seems to be no need to worry about the future at all.

There are six people in the dormitory, and four people form a small group. Luo Xuan is isolated, and there is only one Xiao Liu left.

In fact, this Xiao Liu is even more miserable, because she is also one of the isolated ones, and the reason is different from Luo Xuan.

Luo Xuan is a transfer student. Apart from not being familiar with her, she essentially has no conflicts with everyone. She occasionally talks nonsense.

Xiaoliu is a native of Shanghai. Because she was ignorant and openly looked down on outsiders during her freshman year, she was isolated by her roommates who did not have a Shanghai registered residence for three years until Luo Xuan transferred here.

Although Luo Xuan is also a foreigner, her conditions are very good, which barely makes up for her regional superiority in Xiao Liu's heart. In addition, they are both isolated by evil forces, so the two of them usually get along pretty well.

When the small group was discussing Luo Xuan, Xiao Liu looked at the computer without saying a word. After Luo Xuan finished taking a shower, she walked over and said, You are coming out. It was really noisy just now.


Luo Xuan asked.

Because some people have been chirping.

Xiao Liu said with a cold snort.


Luo Xuan understood and picked up the hair dryer to blow her hair, but the noise was a bit loud and she seemed very unhappy.

With Luo Xuan's character, no one else could take advantage of her except for her willingness to be tolerant to Chen Hansheng.

The four girls in the small group each stuck out their tongues, and Luo Xuan was still not easy to mess with.

Xiao Liu felt a sense of joy when he saw it, then he poked Luo Xuan's arm and said with envy: You are so white, you feel like you can reflect the light.

Luo Xuan's characteristics are white skin, beautiful single eyelids, and a paranoid temper. She was very popular when she was studying in South Korea, and she was even scouted by talent scouts.

well enough.

Luo Xuan thought to herself, so what, Brother Chen hadn't even seen her most beautiful part. She didn't want to dwell on this issue anymore, so she changed the subject and asked, Wei Rong, have you received your offer?

We received two, one from a state-owned enterprise and one from a private enterprise.

Xiao Liu was called Wei Rong. She spread her hands and said, Unfortunately, I'm not even satisfied.

Hucheng Finance is known as the No. 1 financial school in China. It is not difficult to find a job, but it is a little difficult to find a position with good location, income and development potential.

The income of state-owned enterprises is not high, and private companies have to go to Suzhou to work.

Wei Rong shrugged her shoulders: But I don't want to leave Shanghai, but just now I had the courage to submit a resume to Guoke, which happens to have a branch factory in Shanghai...

whispering sound!

At this time, there was a sound of undisguised contempt coming from the unknown bed in the dormitory.

What kind of company is Guoke Electronics?

The salary is high and benefits are good, the promotion channels are transparent, and the employees have a certain social status. These are all well-known facts. Which university graduates from Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai and Anhui would not want to join.

However, the threshold is also high. In addition to recruiting fresh graduates for technical positions, almost all financial positions require experienced employees.

Because technical positions can be slowly cultivated as reserve cadres, the more experienced financial positions are, the faster they can get started.

This is quite difficult.

Luo Xuan said calmly.

That's not certain. What if the HR over there likes it and recruits me?

Wei Rong leaned against Luo Xuan's table and picked up some trinkets to play with.

Hey, what is this?

Wei Rong saw a small box, which she thought was a newly purchased earring, but when she reached out and opened it, she found a bag of blue pills inside.


However, Luo Xuan reacted quickly. She quickly closed the box and said nonchalantly: The temperature is unstable during the season. I just prepared some cold medicine.

Oh oh oh.

Wei Rong nodded repeatedly. Of course she didn't believe it. If it was really a cold medicine, why was Luo Xuan so nervous?

Besides, will cold medicine be blue?


(Everyone has been waiting for a long time, thank you for your support!)


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