I Really Didn’t Want to be Born Again

One thousand and fifty-five, the day before receiving the certificate, the campus love came to a com


Professor Sun did not refuse, or she also wanted to see what kind of medicine Chen Hansheng was selling in his gourd. She nodded and said, I also want to hear what other legal difficulties Guoke Electronics is encountering now.


Chen Hansheng smiled. It seemed that the name Pizza Hut in Gangneung had reached Professor Sun's ears. However, a large enterprise of this size must have certain privileges in the region. This is what all legal practitioners know. Explicit unspoken rules.

Therefore, Guoke Electronics had no problems at all. Chen Hansheng just wanted to find a reason to ask Professor Sun what she and Xiao Yuer planned to do next, and when they would return to China.

However, in the study room, Chen Hansheng did not ask directly. He first made a cup of hot tea for Professor Sun Biyu and said with a smile: How are Sister Wu and Tangtang doing recently? I'm too busy recently and don't have time. Go care.

Wu Yimin, the daughter of Professor Sun Biyu, had a difficult life when she returned to China after her divorce, and she even had to live in her mother's house;

Not to mention Sun Tangtang, who has no academic qualifications and is not very fluent in the language. Sometimes he even works part-time to earn some pocket money.

Wu Yimin once asked her mother to help find ways to make money, but she was rejected.

First of all, Professor Sun is aloof and unwilling to use his connections to seek such a thing;

Second, Sun Biyu and Sun Tangtang have no professional skills at all, and Professor Sun doesn’t know what they can do;

Third, the old lady also has some savings. Although she doesn't like Sun Tangtang's pair of blue eyes, raising her is not a big problem.

Professor Sun has a clean mind and a proud life, but there are bad people among the masses. Chen Hansheng has so many resources at his disposal, and he has made reasonable arrangements for Wu Yimin and Sun Tangtang according to their wishes.

Wu Yimin opened an English training institution, and Sun Tangtang became the star of a program on Jianye TV. She usually didn't need to say anything, but when she occasionally spoke, she was quite popular with the audience because of her beautiful mixed-race appearance and poor Chinese. .

Professor Sun knew that there was nothing he could do to stop it. First of all, Wu Yimin and Sun Tangtang would not listen at all. After Wu Yimin had money, she took her daughter and moved out of the professor building of Dongda University.

Secondly, this arrangement is really good, and it fully reflects the only remaining advantages and characteristics of Wu Yimin and Sun Tangtang. They are indeed big businessmen who started their business in college and started from scratch.

Chen Hansheng suddenly mentioned now that he didn't have time to care, but reminded Professor Sun that your daughter and granddaughter are living a stable life now.

I, Chen, did my best.


Professor Sun naturally understood the subtext and asked with a sneer: Are you using them to blackmail me?

I don't think so. It's just a matter of talking about home affairs.

Chen Hansheng quickly denied it: To be honest, your position in Xiao Yu'er's heart is very important. I also respect your character and knowledge. I also want my two daughters to study with you in the future.

Chen Hansheng specially emphasized the word together.

Professor Sun Biyu raised his head, glanced at Chen Hansheng and said, I'm afraid I won't live to that age.

How is that possible? As long as you take good care of it, you will definitely live to be 150 years old.

Chen Hansheng moved out the soft chair behind the desk and said as if offering a treasure: Old lady, please try this chair. It is designed according to ergonomics. If you feel comfortable, I will buy you one...


Professor Sun interrupted calmly: I have a tough temper and am used to hard wooden chairs. Soft chairs are uncomfortable to sit on.

The old lady made a pun. Chen Hansheng seemed not to understand. He moved the chair back tiredly and said flatteringly: Then I will also listen to Professor Sun. From now on, I will not sit on soft chairs, but on wooden chairs. !”

Chen Hansheng's current appearance is particularly humble. He has lived so long and has no self-esteem except in front of his parents. When he is outside, he has always been domineering.

Especially since he is now a successful entrepreneur. Even though Professor Sun knew that some of Chen Hansheng's actions were deliberately exaggerated, he was willing to bow his head for his two children, which still made him feel a little emotional.

Chen Hansheng, don't try again.

Professor Sun said slowly: I came here this time to bring Xiao Yu'er back to China.

That's it...

Chen Hansheng's face, which had been cheerful just now, suddenly felt like he was mourning for his heir. After a long time, he finally uttered a difficult voice from his throat: I know.

I don't believe it.

Professor Sun curled his lips and asked: Didn't you expect that I would come over? Didn't you prepare any measures?


Chen Hansheng said in a low voice: Your status is too noble, I dare not show any disrespect to you.

This was probably an immersive performance. He was obviously planning to find connections to delay Xiao Rongyu's return, but Chen Hansheng still exuded such helpless sadness, which once made Professor Sun wonder what he had done wrong.

Both are Chen Hansheng's biological daughters. From his perspective, he hopes that the two sisters can grow up together.

The arrogant old professor, who was cold on the outside and hot on the inside, was thinking secretly in his heart.

Old lady, it's time for you to go back.

Chen Hansheng raised his head, as if this way the tears would not flow freely: I'll let you leave on a private jet.

Professor Sun did not answer, but asked: When did you originally plan to let Xiao Yu'er and Chen Zipei leave.

What's the use of asking these now...

Chen Hansheng said sadly: It doesn't matter if I tell you, Chen Zipei will call mother one day.


Old Professor Sun understood. She somewhat understood Chen Hansheng's thoughts. Now the relationship between Xiao Yu'er and Chen Zipei could not be separated. When Chen Zipei called Mom, the mother and daughter were really locked up. .

Chen Zipei is now seven and a half months old. A normal baby can be called mom at eight months, but this baby is a bit naive. I don't know how long it took for her to be willing to speak.


Professor Sun Biyu took a long breath, stood up and said: I guess you don't have any legal issues that need consultation. My attitude is already obvious. I am here to take Xiao Yu'er back to China. You should be prepared!

After the old professor finished speaking, he left the study. Chen Hansheng was left alone wondering why the old lady was not moved at all by his performance which was already deeply rooted in the hearts of the people!

Could it be that too much force caused some flaws?

Chen Hansheng was puzzled. Of course he didn't know that although Professor Sun said he wanted to take Xiao Yu'er back to China, he did not give a specific incident.

It might be tomorrow, it might be the day after tomorrow, or it might be after the little fool calls Mom.


However, Chen Hansheng did not dare to be careless. When he was detained in South Korea, he had a relationship with the leadership of the embassy in South Korea. Coupled with his current status, he contacted the leadership of the embassy in the United States within two days.

After he made arrangements, Chen Hansheng discovered that Xiao Yu'er and Professor Sun were a little strange, because they did not take new ID cards to apply for visas and passports, and the pace of life was still the same as before.

During the day, I would take Chen Zipei out for a walk, or discuss some academic issues at home. At night, I would video chat with Jianye, and then sleep peacefully with my little fool.

If Xiao Yuer packed her things and planned to return to China, Chen Hansheng might be more accepting. After all, he had been prepared. But when she suddenly did nothing, Chen Hansheng became worried.

Did they guess my method of finding the embassy?

For several days, Chen Hansheng had been making suspicious guesses. When the 19th, domestic time, was Xiao Xiaoyu'er's 8-month birthday.

According to past habits, Shen Youchu bought Chen Zijin a small cake to celebrate. Lu Yuqing also carried Chen Zijin, who was wearing a birthday hat, to the computer so that Xiao Rongyu could feel the atmosphere through video.

Happy birthday, baby.

Xiao Rongyu looked at her eight-month-old daughter, and she felt particularly sad. It turned out that she had been away for almost two months by accident.

My younger sister, Xiao Xiaohanbao, is still taking the cute route and feels that she is growing up slowly, but my sister, Xiao Xiaoyuer, has changed from cute to pretty.

Those big, watery eyes are like clear water when they are focused, and like stars when they are flashing. Every time they flicker, the long eyelashes tremble up and down like small fans, and there are sweet little pear dimples on both sides of the cheeks.

Chen Zijin also likes to laugh, and his smile is as sweet as his mother's. Grandma Lu Yuqing loves her to the core, but she is also wondering why Xiao Yu'er hasn't returned to China yet?

Taking advantage of this video, Lu Yuqing asked: Professor Sun will arrive on the 16th. Today is the 19th. Have you not completed the procedures over there?

Well... it's being processed.

Xiao Rongyu didn't dare to tell the truth because it must be difficult for her mother to understand that she actually had feelings for Shen Youchu's daughter and planned to take her back to China with her.

Why is the efficiency so slow?

Lu Yuqing frowned and said: I observed Shen Youchu's attitude. She almost regarded Xiao Xiaoyu'er as her own daughter. Moreover, the baby suddenly called mother today, but it was called unconsciously, and Shen Youchu didn't hear it... ···”

Listening to what Lu Yuqing meant, she was quite worried that Shen Youchu would hear Chen Zijin's first mom.


The corner of Xiao Rongyu's mouth moved. She wanted to tell her mother that since Shen Youchu could regard Chen Zijin as her daughter, then if she thought about it in another person's shoes, she would also regard Chen Zipei as her daughter.

What's wrong?

Lu Yuqing asked.

······there is nothing.

Xiao Rongyu thought for a while, but in the end he didn't confess his feelings. He just said, Call Shen Youchu over. I have something to tell her about the infringement of the milk tea shop.

Because Chen Hansheng did not intervene, the owner of Meet You Milk Tea Shop did not take Hu Linyu and Feng Gui seriously. Even though Xiao Hu had appealed to the court, the other party was still enjoying the popularity and market of Meet You Milk Tea Shop.

What the boss doesn't know is that given Chen Hansheng's ruthlessness, every day he is happy now means he will have to eat in jail for another day when the general accounts are being settled.

After Shen Youchu came over with a pen and paper, under Xiao Rongyu's guidance, he wrote down the materials that needed to be prepared for the lawsuit. However, so far, Xiao Rongyu has still not expressed his intention to help with the lawsuit, although Chen Hansheng has hinted many times.

Boom boom boom...

As soon as Xiao Rongyu ended the call with Shen Youchu, Chen Hansheng knocked on the door and came in. However, he did not speak and leaned against the door frame without making a sound.

Chen Hansheng couldn't hold it anymore. Xiao Yu'er didn't go to the embassy to get a new passport. What was she thinking? Even if she was planning to smuggle back to China, she had to give her some clues.

However, Chen Hansheng remained silent, while Xiao Rongyu was more patient. She just turned her head and glanced at this most familiar stranger, and then prepared pajamas for the little fool as if no one else was around. She would give the baby a bath later.

when are you going back to China?

After a brief silence, Chen Hansheng asked.

What's wrong?

Xiao Rongyu asked calmly with a cold face.

Set a time and I can help you arrange a private jet.

Chen Hansheng told a lie. He had no intention of letting Xiao Yuer go back.


Unexpectedly, Xiao Rongyu didn't fall into the trap at all.

Chen Hansheng encountered a soft nail, but this was not the first time. He had been rejected many times during this period, so he had to find another way to communicate.

I'll tell you a secret.

Chen Hansheng said: If you think the value is high enough, then tell me your plans and let's make an exchange.

Xiao Rongyu remained silent. Everyone knew that Chen Hansheng had many ideas, and if he exchanged ideas with him, he would usually suffer the loss.

However, this time, in order to show that he was not playing tricks, Chen Hansheng took the initiative and said: Wang Zibo and Bian Shishi will receive their certificates tomorrow.


Upon hearing the news, Xiao Rongyu suddenly turned his head and looked at Chen Hansheng blankly.

If you don't believe it...

Chen Hansheng shrugged: You can call Bian Shishi to confirm. Tomorrow is May 20, and they plan to collect the certificate on that day.

Without saying anything, Xiao Rongyu immediately picked up his cell phone and called Bian Shishi.

The following was probably a chat between best friends. Chen Hansheng closed the door and went out. In fact, after thinking for a long time, he still felt that he should tell Xiao Yuer.

After all, Bian Shishi is her best friend, and the Shura Field will be solved sooner or later. When Xiao Rongyu returns to China, she discovers that Bian Shishi and Wang Zibo have received their certificates at some point, which is also a kind of harm to her.

However, Chen Hansheng was also a thief. He used this necessary news as an exchange to deceive Xiao Yuer.


Bian Shishi didn't receive the first call because she was ironing Wang Zibo's suit at home and had to wear formal clothes for wedding photos.

The certificate will be received tomorrow. Wang Zibo sometimes feels like he is dreaming that a boy like him can actually marry Bian Shishi, and then go from dawn to dusk.

Don't just stand there stupidly.

Bian Shishi raised her head and said to Wang Zibo who was standing in front of her: Bring the scissors, there is a thread on the cuff.


Wang Zibo trotted to get the scissors, and then continued to stay with Bian Shishi, not wanting to leave for a moment.

In fact, classmate Shishi is also very happy. She has been in a relationship for two and a half years and is getting ready to get married. From the ivory tower university campus to the chaotic secular society, those beautiful memories are all about this boy and never changed.

The only regret is that Xiao Yuer is not with me.

Let's get the certificate...

Bian Shishi asked Wang Zibo: But Chen Hansheng is not here, will you be a little disappointed?

There will still be.

Wang Zibo sighed and said: After all, after twenty years of growing up, my heart is always a little empty, but Xiao Chen is fine, he is still joking...

Wang Zibo, who was mid-sentence, suddenly closed his mouth.

Are you kidding Chen Hansheng?

Bian Shishi asked curiously. Seeing Wang Zibo's stuttering appearance, Bian Shishi added in a fierce tone: Don't lie to me!


Wang Zibo twisted his butt: Xiao Chen joked that when... I get married next time, he will come over to attend...

This guy can't spit out ivory from his dog's mouth!

Bian Shishi was so angry that she gritted her teeth.

If someone else had said this, classmate Shishi would probably fall out, but this is Chen Hansheng, and that’s how he behaves.

Moreover, Chen Hansheng should be one of the people in the world who wishes Wang Zibo happiness the most.


After a while, Bian Shishi picked up the ironed and straight suit, picked it up and said to Wang Zibo: Put it on and see if it fits you?


Wang Zibo put it on happily. Bian Shishi first helped stretch the clothes behind him, and then went to the front to adjust his shoulders. Occasionally, when he raised his head, the two people's eyes met, and they were affectionate to each other.

Thank you, thank you wife.

Wang Zibo bravely said this title.

Hmph! I won't get the certificate until tomorrow. I'm not your wife yet.

Although Bian Shishi said this, the shy expression on her face that was happy and angry already showed the joy in her heart.

After the formal attire was ready, Bian Shishi prepared to take a bath and rest, but before walking into the bathroom, Bian Shishi suddenly remembered something: Zi Bo, take your pillows and quilts to the master bedroom.


Wang Zibo thought he heard it wrong.

Forget it if you don't hear it, don't say the nice words a second time!

Bian Shishi dropped a word and hurriedly closed the frosted glass door of the bathroom.

Of course Wang Zibo heard it, but he just couldn't believe it. The two of them still slept in separate rooms, with Bian Shishi sleeping in the master bedroom and himself sleeping in the guest bedroom.

Wang Zibo respects Bian Shishi very much. Although he sometimes feels distraught after watching educational videos on Guoke Kuaibo, he always abides by etiquette.

Unexpectedly, on the eve of receiving the certificate, Bian Shishi suddenly released this restriction.

Wang Zibo was nervous and excited. He immediately took his pillow to the fragrant master bedroom, and folded the quilt neatly. He fantasized about tonight's romantic story, and his heart kept beating bang bang bang.

After Bian Shishi took a shower, she also walked out with her head lowered. When the relationship between the two was about to break through, the girl was actually even more nervous.

But when she picked up the phone, she found several missed calls from Xiao Yuer.

Hey, little fish

Bian Shishi countered: I was taking a shower just now...

Wang Zibo didn't pay attention at first. These two good friends called each other every day, but this time there was something different. After a while, Bian Shishi suddenly started crying, and it seemed that Xiao Yu'er was crying too.

what happened?

Wang Zibo was a little worried, so he came closer. Bian Shishi saw Wang Zibo coming over, and she didn't hide it. She wiped her tears and continued the call:

I didn't expect Chen Hansheng to actually tell you. I originally wanted to hide it from you.


I can't catch up this year, so what about next year?


It doesn't matter, Zi Bo and I will just discuss it. Anyway, it's just to get the certificate. In fact, I don't know how happy I am that you can stay with me on days like this.


We chatted for more than 20 minutes before hanging up the phone. Bian Shishi had already wet many tissues with tears. Wang Zibo was really a good husband. He not only cleaned up the floor, but also poured a glass of hot water and handed it over.

Zi Bo.

Bian Shishi took two sips of hot water, sniffed and said, Xiao Yu'er knows about us getting the certificate, Chen Hansheng said so.


Wang Zibo nodded: I can tell, maybe Xiao Chen has his own ideas.

You trust Chen Hansheng very much.

Bian Shishi pouted: When I was chatting with Xiao Yu'er just now, she expressed that she wanted to come back to witness our receipt of the certificate. In fact, I also wanted her to be with me. After all, this is only this time in my life, and I also wanted it to be more memorable.


Wang Zibo scratched his head: Even if Xiao Yu'er buys a ticket now, she probably won't be able to catch up. Besides, Xiao Chen may not let her back.

So, I want to get the 520 certificate next year.

Bian Shishi discussed: Xiao Yu'er will definitely come back next year. Do you think this is good?


Wang Zibo said honestly: I will listen to you.

You really don't mind?

Bian Shishi asked with her red eyes open.

Will not.

Wang Zibo's dark face was full of sincerity, and his tone was still gentle: That's okay, because Xiao Chen can also participate.

Zi Bo~

Bian Shishi suddenly threw herself into Wang Zibo's arms. Wang Zibo's eyes were full of love and pity. In fact, it really didn't have any impact. He originally planned to get the certificate quietly, so delaying it for a year would make no difference.

Next year's 520, it will definitely be a happy reunion.

Wang Zibo said with a little expectation: Xiao Chen and Xiao Yu'er will accompany us to receive the certificate, and maybe the two little sisters will be there too. There is really no regret at all.

After Wang Zibo said this, Bian Shishi also looked hopeful. This year is a bit difficult, but next year will definitely be worth looking forward to!

Then let's settle it. You can take the pillow back.

Bian Shishi pointed to the neat mattress and said dullly.

Ah good······

Wang Zibo blinked dryly, and finally agreed honestly. He really liked Bian Shishi so much and had an honest personality, so he would not go against Bian Shishi's wishes at all.

But when he was bending over to pick up the pillow, the light in the master bedroom suddenly went out with a pop.

Wang Zibo's eyes couldn't adapt for a moment. When he stood up and looked for Bian Shishi, a familiar voice came: Zibo, no matter whether you are sick or healthy, whether you are poor or rich, or for any other reason, you will love me and take care of me. Me, respect me, right?”

Of course, I...

Just as Wang Zibo finished speaking, he suddenly felt that his lips were filled with warmth, like a lingering candy, as if spring had come.


(It’s a little late because I want to finish this chapter. Zi Bo is a quiet and simple person, and he doesn’t know how to say sweet words, but he is probably the happiest person in the book. I hope everyone can be like Zi Bo and welcome the new year. Come to spring full of sweet scents!)

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