I Really Didn’t Want to be Born Again

One thousand and forty-two, a conversation between father and son

After sending messages to his sister Chen Lan, Chen Hansheng put down his cell phone sadly. His father-in-law and mother-in-law were already sharpening their knives. He could only take a day or two at most. Every time he stretched his head or shrank, he would need a knife.

But if Lao Xiao really wants to take action, the situation seems inappropriate.

Chen Hansheng thought about it for a while and decided to call his father.

Lao Chen learned from Empress Dowager Liang that his son had returned to China, and thought he was sleeping to adjust to the jet lag, so he just sent a text message to confirm that Chen Hansheng had landed safely and left him alone.

However, Lao Chen was not in Jianye at this time. He returned to Hong Kong last month to complete the relevant signing procedures for internal retirement. In fact, there was no need to be in such a hurry because the Organization Department had specifically said that everything would be done at the convenience of veteran comrades and senior cadres. Lord.

Even if it is a weekend, the organizational department can still go back and work overtime.

For such a powerful unit to be so polite must have received instructions from the city's top leaders. Naturally, those top leaders looked at Chen Hansheng's face.

First, we hope that Guoke Electronics can return to its hometown to invest and improve GDP and political performance;

The second is to hope to deepen the personal relationship with Guoke Chen.

Because some leaders’ children do not pursue official careers and have no talent for business, many of them return to work in China after studying abroad. Guoke, Huawei, Alibaba, Tencent... these have high growth ceilings, sufficient technological content, and have Large private companies with a certain social status are very popular.

But even so, Chen Zhaojun still returned to the port city. Even after the formalities were completed, he did not return to Jianye immediately.

Because Lu Yuqing, Shen Youchu, and Chen Zijin get along well with each other. Although the relationship is a bit strange, it is indeed relatively harmonious.

In order not to ruin the atmosphere, Lao Chen simply stayed in the port city, except when he missed his eldest granddaughter, and then asked the driver of Guoke Electronics to pick him up and take a look.


After the phone rang a few times, Chen Zhaojun answered the call: Hello~

Hello is still a gentle second tone. In fact, at Chen's age, more people answer the phone with an accented fourth tone.

Dad, what are you doing?

Chen Hansheng asked.

This is probably a normal start for parents and children on the phone, and they can ask what the other person is doing without any hesitation.

Watering the flowers.

Chen Zhaojun didn't feel that such a question was abrupt, and replied slowly: Your Aunt Xia didn't even know how to take care of the plants when she was cleaning the house before. Many of the potted plants on the balcony have dried up.

When Chen Zhaojun and Liang Meijuan went to Jianye to take care of their granddaughter, they left a copy of their home key with their neighbor across the street, the fat aunt who was very chatty and gossipy and also made lotus root sandwich for Chen Hansheng.

These are old neighbors who have been together for many years, so there is no problem in doing so. Aunt Xia will often help clean them, but she misses the potted plants on the balcony.

Your life is quite free now.

Chen Hansheng said with a smile: After I stop working to raise flowers and plants, I go to the Calligraphy Association to play chess and drink tea. Those old colleagues must be envious of me.

They don't envy my current status, they just envy me for having a son who is doing big business.

There was some emotion in Chen Zhaojun's tone: When you were studying in the past, others called you 'the son of Chen Hansheng from the district government'. Now that I go out, others introduce me as 'the father of Chen Hansheng in the shell'. Social labels are always coming. The change.

That means I got some results.

Chen Hansheng said: When I reach your age in the future, I also hope that others will introduce, 'This is Chen Zijin or Chen Zipei's father.'

The father and son chatted for a while, and the atmosphere became much warmer. After a while, Chen Hansheng made it clear about his concerns and said that he did not want to be lectured by his father-in-law.

At first, Chen Zhaojun didn't mind very much: You have been beaten by your mother so many times. It doesn't matter if you let Lao Xiao hit you twice. If the physical pain can be dealt with, it is still acceptable.

Even if Chen Zhaojun is Chen Hansheng's father, he also feels that swapping children is too much, and even if Xiao Hongwei does it, he should be cautious. Is it really possible to exchange children at the extreme limit?

Dad, this is different.

Chen Hansheng said with a wry smile: I am my mother's biological child. Even if she breaks the broom, I will have to accompany her to buy a new one. However, if the father-in-law and son-in-law do something, there will be some estrangement. From then on, How do we get along with each other?

Chen Hansheng made it clear like this, and Chen Zhaojun also realized that it turned out that Chen Hansheng was not afraid of being beaten, but was worried about how to end the fight after the beating.

In fact, in normal family relationships, it is not uncommon for a son-in-law to have conflicts with his father-in-law, or between a son-in-law and his elder (brother-in-law). Even with Chen Zhaojun's generous character, he and Chen Hansheng's uncles only try to maintain a harmonious relationship.

After all, which company doesn’t have the problem of turning things upside down?

But no matter how big the conflict is, the bottom line is that you can't take action. Once you do, the relationship will change.

Chen Hansheng and Xiao Rongyu are both only children, so there is no possibility of conflict with their brother-in-law. However, if Lao Xiao really slaps Chen Hansheng a few times, even if Chen Hansheng doesn't take it seriously, Director Xiao will feel it after he calms down. inappropriate.

Chen Hansheng is not an ordinary person. He is worth billions now. After Guoke Network is listed, his worth will skyrocket again. However, Xiao Hongwei will retire sooner or later as he gets older.

As the disparity in status between the two becomes greater and greater, this matter will become clearer and clearer in Lao Xiao's mind.

Chen Hansheng's plan for the future is that Xiao Rongyu's family lives in Jinji Tangcheng, and Shen Youchu's family lives in Jinling Imperial Garden. Maybe there won't be any family gatherings, but Xiao Rongyu and Shen Youchu have no conflicts, and the two babies are still alive. You can read and play together, and you can live in any house.

If Lao Xiao is estranged first, he may eventually find a reason to retire in the port city and is unwilling to come to Jianye. Such an ending would be a bit unsatisfactory.

So Chen Hansheng was worried about how to reasonably avoid this situation.

Chen Zhaojun was also experienced in human relations. After he understood what was happening, he said decisively: Send a car to pick me up. I will go to Jianye to persuade Lao Xiao.


Chen Hansheng was waiting for this sentence. When he saw his father taking the initiative to take on this responsibility, he said gratefully: Dad, thank you. I have needed you to wipe my butt every time since I was a child.

There is no need for such politeness between father and son.

Old Chen smiled nonchalantly, and after the laughter stopped, he asked, Han Sheng, do you know what your mother and I are most worried about?

Chen Hansheng thought for a while: Can't Shen Youchu and Xiao Rongyu accept each other?

Old Chen shook his head: That's not right.

Chen Hansheng added: Can't Chen Zijin and Chen Zipei grow up together?

Lao Chen continued to shake his head: It's still wrong.

What is that?

Chen Hansheng himself was confused. Apart from these two issues, what else should worry his parents?

I'm afraid you're used to being wild and won't be able to settle down early.

Lao Chen sighed and said: We know your character best. Your mother can take care of your little things, but she can't take care of your big things, so we are worried that you have been playing outside but have no plans to have children. If your mother and I If you are over 60 years old and still can’t see your grandchildren, you actually feel dull and boring inside. Can you understand?”


After hearing this, Chen Hansheng was silent for a long time and said again: Thank you!

Although this thank you only has four words, it is obviously much more affectionate than before.

That's the responsibility of being a parent.

Chen Zhaojun said with a little encouragement: After Zijin and Zipei were born, we can see some of your changes. Regarding the matter of switching babies, your mother and I would definitely not agree if we knew in advance, but now it has Now that we’ve come this far, let’s just look forward to the future you mentioned.”


(Let’s write a chapter today. I haven’t been in a good state recently. I always feel it’s not appropriate to write a full list of words, so I always delete and delete. Thank you for your understanding.)

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