I Really Didn’t Want to be Born Again

One thousand and thirty-three. Two months later, Xiao Xiaoyuer regarded Shen Youchu as her biologica

Latest website: This night passed in a hurry, but everyone's mood is different.

Bai Yu was so excited that she couldn't sleep. She had thoughts of committing suicide during the day. Unexpectedly, not only had all the problems been solved, but her future work had been settled.

In fact, all this should be thanked to Aunt Lu. If it weren't for her coincidental care, how could Mr. Chen have such targeted poverty alleviation.

When thinking of Lu Yuqing, Bai Yu still had a flash of guilt, but looking at her daughter sleeping beside her, she quickly comforted herself with the excuse This is someone else's family matter, and I shouldn't have interfered.

Chen Hansheng was naturally very proud, because he knew very well that finding a wet nurse was a very energy-consuming task. After repeated failures, Xiao Xiaoyuer could still be stable with Shen Youchu. After consuming breast milk, the father-in-law and mother-in-law will definitely feel a sense of mental exhaustion.

What Chen Hansheng is doing now is to wear down their patience bit by bit, amplify these feelings of fatigue, and let them slowly accept the fact that Chen Zijin and Shen Youchu are close.

As for Lu Yuqing's feelings, it was one of deep guilt.

This was the third time that Chen Zijin asked Shen Youchu for help. Lu Yuqing felt that he had betrayed his daughter's trust, and at the same time he also felt an inexplicable irritation.

In fact, she cannot be entirely blamed for these three times. The first time was because Xiao Xiaoyuer was hungry and crying in the middle of the night and couldn't find any other breast milk. Chen Zhaojun was there to add fuel to the fire, so she found Shen Youchu;

The second time was because Wei Hongyan said the wrong thing and her own conditions were not very good. Of course, it also had something to do with Lu Yuqing's too high vision;

The third time was purely an accident. Who would have thought that Bao Jing had no milk at all.

But no matter what, Shen Youchu always fed Chen Zijin, and Xiao Rongyu had to pay it back again.

Lu Yuqing didn't know how to explain it, so he simply stopped making video calls that night and told Xiao Yu'er the whole thing via text message.

Xiao Rongyu didn't blame her. She knew that her parents must be looking for a wet nurse seriously, but there were just some twists and turns.

However, if the twisting continues, some feelings will really become uncontrollable.

Xiao Rongyu didn't tell her mother that she couldn't bear to watch Chen Hansheng bullying the little fool, so she quietly pulled off the tissue paper taped to the baby's forehead.


The next morning, after Lu Yuqing got up, she changed her granddaughter's diaper, fed her complementary food, and ate some breakfast. She immediately contacted Bai Yu to know the results of the physical examination.

Lu Yuqing was too embarrassed to video chat with her daughter last night. She was just waiting to completely solve this problem today and planned to take Bai Yu to see Xiao Yuer together.

But what surprised Lu Yuqing was that when he called around 9 a.m., no one answered Bai Yu's side.

At first, Lu Yuqing thought Bai Yu hadn't gotten up. Half an hour later, Lu Yuqing called again, but still no one answered.

Xiaobai doesn't look like a lazy woman?

Lu Yuqing muttered that she was still a little worried for some reason, so when she called at 10 o'clock, she also sent a text message.

Lu Yuqing: Xiaobai, are you up? Are you okay over there?


After a while, Bai Yu replied to the text message.

Bai Yu: Hello Aunt Lu, everything is normal here, I'm just embarrassed to face you. Because I don’t plan to breastfeed your granddaughter. The reason is very complicated and cannot be explained clearly in one or two sentences. Anyway, I'm really sorry and thank you very much. I sincerely wish Aunt Lu good health and your granddaughter growing up happily. Goodbye.

what does it mean?

Lu Yuqing read the text message and dialed it quickly. This time, no one answered, but the phone was turned off.

Why are you so irresponsible!

If Lu Yuqing hadn't been well-educated, she would have really scolded her. Why did she regret what she had agreed to do yesterday just after sleeping?

Could it be that Bai Yu raised the money for the operation?

Or maybe Bai Yu's family knew about it and didn't allow it?

I also plan to introduce her to a job!


Various thoughts were swirling in Lu Yuqing's mind. At this time, she didn't realize that Chen Hansheng had intervened. She just felt that she was very unlucky. She finally found a nanny who met all the conditions, but she regretted it at the last moment.

Old Xiao...

Lu Yuqing called her husband again, first to express her grievances, and secondly to discuss what to do next.

She had no reason to refuse?

After Xiao Hongwei heard this, he sighed and said, I thought that Bai Yu would be fine. Plus, there is an important meeting in the city today, so I didn't continue asking through connections.

Didn't you continue asking?

Lu Yuqing frowned: Old Xiao, are you a little slack because Shen Youchu helps with breastfeeding?

How can it be······

Xiao Hongwei subconsciously wanted to refute, but after thinking about it seriously, he fell silent again.

Shen Youchu's conditions are much better than others. It can almost be called the perfect escape route. If it weren't for Shen Youchu, Wei Hongyan, the first wet nurse, might have been accepted.

Perhaps it was precisely because of Shen Youchu's existence that Lu Yuqing had the confidence to be picky. Although he didn't want to admit it, this was the truest state of mind.

The couple calmed down and felt each other's breathing through the receiver. It wasn't until the little fish on the crib began to make a fuss, that Lu Yuqing rubbed his temples and said, You can continue searching in Hong Kong City. But let’s forget some that are obviously inappropriate, so as not to cause trouble to both of us.”


Lao Xiao responded in a deep voice. He also felt his wife's frustration. Bai Yu was like the last straw that broke the camel's back. He originally gave so many expectations, but she turned around and blocked the call. This was a big blow to Lu Yuqing. big.

I'll go to the hospital again later, and this time I'll go directly to the inpatient department.

Lu Yuqing said trying to cheer up.

Lu Yuqing had been a leader after all, and she was very good at summarizing rules. Instead of slowly asking questions in the outpatient department, it was better to bypass these procedures and go directly to the inpatient department of obstetrics and gynecology.

Those in the inpatient department were all real mothers, and inspired by Bai Yu, Lu Yuqing also found a trick. She would not disturb any young mother who was accompanied by her family, so as not to be regarded as a liar again.

On the contrary, lying alone in bed became Lu Yuqing's target.

Those who still have no one to accompany them after giving birth are basically those who have some family problems, so it is easier to coordinate.

After figuring out the clues, Lu Yuqing asked Chen Zhaojun to come over and look after Chen Zijin while he prepared to go to the hospital again.

After Lao Chen heard that Bai Yu refused to be a wet nurse, he also expressed great regret and suggested that Wang Zibo or Bian Shishi should follow him to the hospital so that if there was a special situation, he could have personal consultation.

Lu Yuqing thought it made sense, so she roped in Bian Shishi. The two consulted for a whole day in the hospital, and finally found a more suitable young mother.

I am still a graduate student, but my boyfriend outside the school did not admit that I was pregnant and ran away. The doctor said that if I aborted the pregnancy, I would not be able to have children again, so I had to give birth.

Girls dare not tell their families about this situation. Lu Yuqing walked over and said that as long as she was healthy and willing to help with breastfeeding, she was willing to pay a generous reward.

The other party has never thought about being someone else's wet nurse before. She needs to think about it before giving the answer tomorrow.

Anyway, this is still positive news, but after going back in the evening, Xiao Hongwei received a bad news. He did not find a suitable wet nurse today.

After Lu Yuqing heard this, she wanted to vent her anger with her husband, but was stopped by Chen Zhaojun.

Lao Xiao has tried his best and found two wet nurses in a row. You have to understand.

Lao Chen said gently: Unless life forces it, most women are not willing to breastfeed a stranger's child. Apart from the shyness in their hearts, their husbands may not agree.

After breaking up a middle-aged couple's quarrel, Lao Chen casually asked Bian Shishi about the graduate student.

Bian Shishi didn't think too much and introduced the real situation of the quasi-nursing nurse in detail. Chen Zhaojun kept nodding and seriously criticized the kind of men who abandoned their wives and children.

Lu Yuqing rolled his eyes beside him. The only thing worthy of commendation about Chen Hansheng was that he didn't abandon his wife and daughter.

Not only is he not irresponsible, he also intends to take on all responsibilities and give a home to all the women he loves. This would be worse than abandoning his wife and daughter!

Time to eat.

At this time, Wang Zibo, who had been busy in the kitchen, came out with several plates of home-cooked dishes.

There is no nanny in Jiangbian Apartment now. Lu Yuqing and Bian Shishi are having a hard time in the hospital today. Lao Chen has been walking downstairs with his granddaughter for several hours. Wang Zibo tries his best to come over after get off work to cook.

After eating, Lu Yuqing and Bian Shishi went to help Xiaoyu'er take a bath. Chen Zhaojun, who was watching the news, ordered Wang Zibo in a normal tone: Zibo, you type so neatly that the female graduate student Tell Han Sheng about it, if he really wants to be Chen Zijin’s wet nurse, let him thank her properly.

Okay, Uncle Chen.

Wang Zibo took out his cell phone and sent it da da da, and it didn't take long for Chen Hansheng to reply to the text message.

Chen Hansheng: Got it, I owe you two favors.

This boy.

Wang Zibo handed the phone to Chen Zhaojun and said with a smile: I just sent a text message, but Xiao Chen actually said that he owed me a favor. It's not like him to be polite.


Lao Chen also smiled, but he looked much smarter than Wang Zibo.

After Chen Zijin finished taking a bath, she danced happily in her crib. Today, she and her grandfather saw flowers and plants outside, as well as a large freighter whistling its horn by the river.

But what made Chen Zijin even more happy was that grandpa actually put on her coat, little hat and little socks. This was something he did every time before going downstairs.

That old Lu... I'll go there first. If you're too busy today, just rest more.

After Chen Zhaojun picked up his granddaughter, he turned to Lu Yuqing and said.


Lu Yuqing raised her head. She realized where Chen Zhaojun and Chen Zijin were going, but she had no reason to stop them. In the end, she could only mutter that she knew.

Zi Bo, please be the driver for a while.

Chen Zhaojun patted Wang Zibo on the shoulder and said.

Uncle Chen, where are you going?

So far, Wang Zibo has not reacted.

You're so stupid. Just drive if I ask you to. Why are you talking so much nonsense? Remember to pick me up later.

Bian Shishi glanced at Lu Yuqing and quickly pushed Wang Zibo out, while she stayed with Lu Yuqing.

Lu Yuqing's eyes stayed on his granddaughter until the elevator slowly went downstairs. The home without Xiao Xiaoyu'er suddenly became deserted. Lu Yuqing sat back on the sofa blankly, staring at the empty crib in silence.

Aunt Lu...

Bian Shishi could understand Lu Yuqing's mood. Who would have thought that Bai Yu would suddenly change his mind. Counting tonight, Chen Zijin had asked Shen Youchu to breastfeed for the fourth time.

If you keep feeding me, it will really become a habit.

But the matter was far more than that. Chen Zijin was not sent back after more than two hours. Lu Yuqing was naturally even more worried. She directly contacted Chen Zhaojun: Where is Xiao Xiaoyu'er?

Chen Zijin was too tired from playing downstairs this afternoon, so he fell asleep directly next to Shen Youchu.

Lao Chen explained: I didn't wake her up.

That's it...

Lu Yuqing regretted a little. She had known that we had gone together just now, but now she could only warn: Then take good care of Xiao Xiaoyu'er, and say thank you to Shen Youchu and me.

I'm not taking care of the baby.

Chen Zhaojun said: I have returned to Tianjingshan Community.


Lu Yuqing stood up with a bang: How could you leave the baby alone there? What should I do if something happens...

What could happen?

Lao Chen asked calmly: I think Chen Zijin can be taken care of better if he is by Xiao Shen's side. At least he doesn't need to go back and forth like this every day.


Lu Yuqing choked. She couldn't find a suitable wet nurse, so Xiao Xiaoyuer had to drive more than two hours back and forth every day.

Aunt Chen Lan is here too. If you really feel uneasy, you can go over and take her back now.

Chen Zhaojun said.

No, once I confirm the wet nurse tomorrow, I will go and bring Xiao Xiaoyu'er back.

Lu Yuqing hung up the phone abruptly, then sat quietly with her hands folded on her chest.

In fact, Lu Yuqing knew very well that Chen Zijin would be fine with Shen Youchu. Xiao Rongyu was detained in the United States, but Xiao Xiaoyuer didn't make too much noise. Apart from the fact that the baby was too young and didn't quite understand, the most important reason was that she I can eat and drink enough, so I don’t miss my mother.

The most important person who makes Chen Zijin fed and drunk is Shen Youchu. Now Xiao Xiaoyuer will take the initiative to hug Shen Youchu's neck when he sees him, so there is nothing to worry about.


Lu Yuqing let out a long breath and took out her cell phone to send a text message to Xiao Rongyu.

Lu Yuqing: My daughter, mom is sorry for you.

Xiao Rongyu: Are you looking for Shen Youchu to feed the baby again?

Lu Yuqing: Yes.

Xiao Rongyu: It doesn't matter. I took the initiative to feed Chen Zipei just now. She might have been hungry when she woke up in the morning, so she was noisy.


Lu Yuqing stared at the screen of his mobile phone in a daze.

A few days ago, Xiao Rongyu still adhered to the principle of once for once. If Shen Youchu didn't feed her, he wouldn't return it. Has he now reduced to the point of actively breastfeeding?


Uncle Chen is serious, why did he leave the baby with Shen Youchu?

Wang Zibo came to pick up Bian Shishi and on the way home, Bian Shishi complained: This method is really destructive, but without the baby at home, Aunt Lu is a little lost.

This was not Uncle Chen's idea.

Wang Zibo said while driving: Xiao Chen called and he asked Uncle Chen to do this. However, Xiao Chen's reason was that Aunt Lu was too tired to take care of the baby, so it is better to let Shen Youchu help raise it for a while.

for a while?

Bian Shishi was stunned: How long is a while? It will take a few days at most before Xiaoyuer's ID card can be sent to the United States. She will be back by then.

I don't know either.

Wang Zibo scratched his head: But I understand that it will take at least a month or two.

One or two months...

Bian Shishi patted her head: After taking so long, Xiao Xiaoyu'er really wants to regard Shen Youchu as his biological mother!


(Happy second day of the Lunar New Year everyone~)

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