I Really Didn’t Want to be Born Again

One thousand and twenty-seven, Chen Zijin’s first “mama”

Latest website: After returning to the riverside apartment, Grandpa Xiao Hongwei helped Xiao Yu'er take a bath. Lu Yuqing looked at the time and guessed that it should be around 7 a.m. in the United States. Xiao Yu'er should have gotten up, so he sent a message Text message passed.

Lu Yuqing: My daughter, are you awake?

Xiao Rongyu: I'm awake now. Is there something wrong with the baby?

Xiao Rongyu replied almost instantly. In addition to showing that she cared about her daughter, she also explained that she probably hadn't slept all night.


Lu Yuqing called Xiao Yu'er directly instead of sending slow text messages. When the call was connected, he immediately said: Did you not sleep last night?

It's okay~

Xiao Rongyu's voice was muffled: Maybe I'm not used to it, I can't sleep.

Don't worry about Zijin.

Lu Yuqing naturally knew that Xiao Yuer just missed her daughter. She said distressedly: Chen Zijin is very good now. Grandpa is helping her take a bath. Did you hear the noise in the bathroom? She is more lively than you were when you were a child.

Lu Yuqing deliberately walked to the bathroom door, and sure enough, Xiao Rongyu immediately heard the sound of his daughter slapping the water bang bang bang and Lao Xiao's helpless scolding.

Hurry up and sit down, or you're going to get a spanking.

Flash the water again, grandpa's hair is wet!

Grandpa will wear this suit for the meeting tomorrow. Close your eyes quickly and grandpa will help you flush.


But Xiao Xiaoyu'er is not afraid of grandpa at all, and sometimes even shouts Oh loudly to talk back, which shows that he is in a very happy mood.

How about it, I didn't lie to you.

Lu Yuqing asked with a smile, after having a baby at home, it will really be a lot more lively.

It's just too naughty.

Xiao Rongyu's tone also lost the dullness just now: You all can't bear to care about her, so you can't even take a bath.

It's good for children to make noise.

We will continue the video in a moment.

Lu Yuqing walked back to the bedroom and tried her best to say some positive news: I went to buy clothes for Chen Zijin this morning. When the salesperson saw our little fish, they all came over to hug and pet them. They all said they were so cute. Even babies can become child models.”


Xiao Yu'er smiled happily. Although she knew that this was a method used by salespersons to sell clothes, it was just the trick for people shopping.

When I was a freshman, in order to sell two down jackets, a salesperson in a shopping mall insisted that she and Chen Hansheng looked like couple outfits, so she bought them too.

After buying it, I discovered that a girl from the University of Finance and Economics across the street also had one.

There's more.

Lu Yuqing didn't know what Xiao Yu'er was thinking, so he continued: Your dad has helped you get a new ID card and will send it to you tomorrow. Maybe you can return to China before the 20th.

number 20······

Xiao Rongyu hesitated for a moment, today was only the 13th. If it were the 20th, there would still be seven days, and the fastest would be the 20th. How could the little fish eat breast milk in the meantime?

Mom, did you hire a wet nurse during the day?

Xiao Rongyu suddenly asked.

Please... please, please, but I'm not very satisfied.

Lu Yuqing knew that this topic could not be avoided, so he simply told all the inappropriate things about Wei Hongyan, and finally said frankly: So we went to find Shen Youchu again, and we just came back from her.

After Xiao Rongyu heard the news, the other end of the phone suddenly fell silent. It wasn't until Lu Yuqing called out a few words uneasily that Xiao Yuer sighed softly: I understand.

Lu Yuqing felt a little guilty at first, so she said angrily: Actually, Wei Hongyan is okay, but I have too many problems. Whose milk is not milk? No matter which wet nurse I find tomorrow, even if she is lame and mute, my mother will I must agree!”

Lu Yuqing's time was sage time because Chen Zijin was full now and she was very tough in everything she said.

This can be compared to how every time a boy watches a pornographic film, he always secretly swears that this is the last time, and even designs the word quit porn as a mobile phone screen saver to remind himself.

As a result, the next time I am impulsive, it will be the same as it should be, and the traditional craftsmanship cannot be lost.

It's okay. I'll just feed Chen Zipei one more time.

Xiao Rongyu understood his mother very well and had a severe mysophobia. In addition, Wei Hongyan had bad habits and was also talking nonsense, so Lu Yuqing refused.

However, this situation should be in the minority, and today is relatively rushed. A more suitable candidate should be found in the future.

But until you find the right person...

Xiao Rongyu suddenly felt a little irritable. She felt that something was uncontrollably biased towards Chen Hansheng. Fortunately, Chen Zijin had finished taking a shower at this time and wrapped a small package and delivered it to Lu Yuqing.

Xiao Rongyu helped his mother apply for QQ and sent it to Lu Yuqing. Not long after the video was connected, Xiao Rongyu finally saw Chen Zijin who had just finished taking a shower.

Strictly speaking, this was the first serious video between mother and daughter. Chen Zijin saw his familiar mother appear on the computer screen. Her big eyes were full of doubts, and she stared blankly at the camera.

This is mom, call me mom.

Lu Yuqing coaxed her granddaughter.

The little fish stared at it for a while. The baby didn't know that its mother was thousands of miles away and was being held down by its cruel father. The little fish stretched out his chubby hand towards the computer, asking for a hug from his mother.


Chen Zijin unconsciously said baby talk, and one syllable seemed to be very similar to ma. Lu Yuqing immediately shouted excitedly: Xiao Yu'er, did you hear it? The baby will call mother. Lao Xiao, come here quickly. , Zijin called his mother...

Xiao Hongwei ran over immediately, but under the gaze of his grandparents, Xiao Xiaoyuer stopped talking and just mumbled some other syllables inarticulately.

Don't yell.

Lao Xiao said: How old is Chen Zijin? What he says is unconscious.

In the normal development of a baby, the baby will make guttural sounds at 2 months, babbling and laughing at 3 to 4 months, single sounds at 5 to 6 months, and double sounds unconsciously at 7 to 9 months. Like mom and dad.

This month, Xiao Yu'er is just unconsciously speaking monosyllables. It is estimated that it will take three months to truly call mommy.

It was already July at that time, and it was also the season when flowers were falling all over the ground.

But this has moved Xiao Rongyu to tears. Only a mother can know what that mom means to herself.

After chatting for another half hour, Chen Zijin yawned, and Xiao Rongyu reluctantly said goodbye to his parents and daughter. Then he wiped his tears, took a deep breath, and opened the curtains with a swish.

The sun shines through the glass and fills the floor. It's another bright morning. Liang Meijuan got up very early. She was walking in the yard with her granddaughter in her arms.

Chen Zipei lay quietly on her grandma's shoulder. Looking from a distance, she thought she was asleep. In fact, the little idiot was just pouting and spitting bubbles.

Is this Shen Youchu's daughter?

Xiao Rongyu was so excited when he arrived in the United States yesterday that he didn't even have time to observe Chen Zipei carefully. Now that he has looked at it for a while, he found that the mother and daughter really look alike.

When Shen Youchu was feeding the little fish.

A thought suddenly flashed through Xiao Rongyu's mind: Will she think of me?


(Sorry for being a little late, please give me a monthly pass, thank you all.)

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