I Really Didn’t Want to be Born Again

Nine hundred and ninety-four, the

Shen Youchu's apartment is adjacent to Zijin Mountain, with a very wide view, and the sparse sun spots in winter pass through the glass windows and fall warmly on the wooden floor.

In the master bedroom, Shen Youchu sat by the bed, quietly watching the phone screen.

She didn't care why Xiao Rongyu had her own mobile phone number, because Shen Youchu could also get Xiao Rongyu's contact information if she wanted it.


There was the sound of the anti-theft door being opened in the living room, and then Mo Ke said happily after seeing the little fool: Oh, what are you doing, baby, spitting bubbles again, did you turn over today...

Xiaoxiaohanbao has been over four months and has yet to learn how to turn over. In contrast, my sister can turn over independently in just over three months.

After the hospital examination, there was no physical problem. Seeing the chief physician's hesitant expression, everyone understood that the main reason was that the baby himself was too naive.

Mom, let's find out where mother is...

This should be Mo Ke picking up Chen Zipei, teasing her while looking for her mother.

Mo's second mother is now more and more like a grandmother, and she really loves Chen Zipei. Such a professor-level official with an elegant temperament, a habit of vegetarianism, and a strong spiritual obsession can patiently change the baby's diaper.

This shows that Chen Zipei in Mo Ke's heart has surpassed the habits and beliefs she has always insisted on.

It turns out that mom is sending text messages, so don't bother her...

Seeing Shen Youchu at the door of the bedroom, Mo Ke hugged the little boy affectionately and left.

Mo Ke thought that Shen Youchu was just sending ordinary text messages, so she didn't care. She didn't know how this text message touched Shen Youchu, especially the name Xiao Rongyu.

The first time I saw Xiao Rongyu was in my freshman year, when Chen Hansheng was isolated in the factory in the new century, Shen Youchu knew that there was such a beautiful and proud girl beside him.

Later, under Chen Hansheng's explanation and cover-up, the name Xiao Rongyu was gradually forgotten from life.

Occasionally, inadvertently recalling it, Shen Youchu would only stare at the glowing red sunset in the sky, blinking her peach blossom eyes slowly.

The second time I saw Xiao Rongyu, she was already a senior at that time, she cried and took away the small desk lamp.

Shen Youchu thought, maybe that small table lamp is very important to Xiao Rongyu.

The third time I didn't see Xiao Rongyu, but her good friend Bian Shishi came over, and Bian Shishi told herself that Xiao Rongyu was pregnant, and the child's father was Chen Hansheng.

For Shen Youchu at that moment, the world fell, she was sad, sad, and collapsed... But she never hated anyone, she just felt that she needed to quit, because Xiao Rongyu had a baby.

And then... I got pregnant too.

Shen Youchu never thought of killing the child, and even Hu Linyu knew this, so Xiao Hu never persuaded her. After her daughter was born, Shen Youchu did not prevent Chen Hansheng from meeting the baby, because they were the real father and daughter.

But for the relationship between herself and Chen Hansheng, Shen Youchu has no expectations, the little boy like an angel can make up for all her regrets.

The past is like an old movie, skipping frame by frame in my mind, Shen Youchu thought for a long time, and finally replied to the message.

Shen Youchu: Is there anything important?


Xiao Rongyu quickly replied to the message, and the two communicated like this.

Xiao Rongyu: There is only one specific thing. On the night of New Year's Eve, where should Uncle Chen and Aunt Liang spend their lives? I think they will be in a dilemma, so I want to communicate with you.

The question is true,

Even if the theory of a bowl of water is flat is thoroughly studied, Chen Zhaojun and Liang Meijuan still have to face it.

Mom and Dad...

Shen Youchu just wanted to type Mom and Dad can be anywhere, but later felt that it was inappropriate. Chen Zhaojun and Liang Meijuan were his Mom and Dad, but they were also Xiao Rongyu's Mom and Dad.

I don't know if Xiao Rongyu also encountered such a problem when he sent the message just now, so he changed it to Uncle Chen and Aunt Liang.

Therefore, Shen Youchu also changed his title.

Shen Youchu: It doesn't matter where Uncle Chen and Aunt Liang are, I have no objection.

Xiao Rongyu: That's how it is. Uncle Chen and Aunt Liang will stay with you on the night of New Year's Eve, and come to my place on the morning of the first day of the Lunar New Year. This is the last reunion during the Spring Festival. I hope everyone can be happy.

Shen Youchu frowned, Xiao Rongyu's message seemed to contain a difference.


Maybe it was because of kindness, or maybe it was because of other reasons, Shen Youchu still asked: What's wrong with you?

Xiao Rongyu: I plan to go abroad after the next year and take Xiao Xiaoyu with me. This is also the reason why I want to meet you, because I suddenly remembered that we have never communicated before.

Not long after, Shen Youchu replied with only one word:



Chen Hansheng was completely unaware of the meeting and communication between Xiao Rongyu and Shen Youchu this time, and he was still going to Xiaomi Electronics Factory to see off Zheng Guanti.

Zheng’s best friend’s mother has entered the family tree this year, so she will return to Hong Kong out of reason and reason. In addition, Mr. Zheng has probably been in the past few months, which is a situation where he has seen less.

When passing by 1206 Cafe Flower House, Chen Hansheng glanced subconsciously, the door was locked tightly, but a notice was posted stating the opening time next year.

Both Shang Yanyan and Xiaochi have returned to Shanghai City. After Shang Furong went through that bankruptcy, he has become especially cherishing family relationship. According to Shang Yanyan's description, the VIP membership card of Laoshang Bathing Center has been gathering dust for a long time.

As for the relationship between Shang Yanyan and Chen Hansheng, the shrewd Shang Furong seemed to have guessed it, but he didn't ask because Shang Yanyan's current living conditions were more satisfied than ever before.

Because she doesn't need anything, she doesn't even feel confused anymore, she just thinks about making computer videos with Shen Youchu all day long, looking at the stupid little fool.

At the gate of Xiaomi Electronics Factory, Chen Hansheng met Zheng Guanti.

Boudoir Zheng is wearing a high-end black windbreaker, her boots are wrapped around her slender legs, her brown hair is shining in the sun, and she is wearing gradient sunglasses on her face, looking very fashionable.

Jiang Yunyun was still standing beside her, it seemed that this little secretary was going back to Hong Kong too.

Hard work Mr. Chen~

Seeing the Porsche slowly approaching, Jiang Yunyun said with a smile while loading the luggage on it: I am actually able to let Mr. Chen be the driver. I am under the credit of the boss.

Jiang Yunyun is a personal secretary. The relationship between her and Zheng Guanti is almost the same as the relationship between Nie Xiaoyu and Chen Hansheng, so Jiang Yunyun may have realized that something should have happened between the two bosses.

This is not surprising at all, there is no real girlfriend relationship between men and women, the so-called boat of pure friendship between opposite sexes, in the end there are only two possibilities.

Either upgrade, or sink to the bottom.

Obviously, Mr. Chen and Mr. Zheng should have been upgraded, but they handled it very well, and the surface is still the same as usual.

Which executive in your company is on duty this year?

After getting into the car, Zheng Guanti asked.

Old Cao, who else could it be?

Chen Hansheng replied.


Zheng Guanti nodded unsurprisingly. In fact, there is no need to ask more about the hard work and dirty work in Guoke Electronics. Basically, Cao Jiande is on top.

Send red envelopes to everyone! Now go to the WeChat public account to receive red envelopes.

On the other hand, Lao Cao is also familiar with many businesses. He participated in the preparation of the old factory and was independently responsible for the new factory in Qingpu District, Shanghai.

After Guoke goes public, more in-depth institutional reforms should be carried out. At that time, the positions of CEO, COO will probably be set up. The CEO is originally the position of Kong Jing, but she seems to prefer to retreat to the second line.

When the fruit shell is on the market, my burden will be completed. I hope to teach in a university.

I don't know when it started, but Kong Jing often said this sentence.

Kong Jing resigned from Shentong Express at the beginning, and she wanted to be a cook in college as a joke, and was later invited out by Chen Hansheng's Three Visits to the Thatched Cottage, but she still yearned for the environment in the ivory tower.

Of course, if she goes to university again, she will definitely not be a cook. Many economic schools of 985 and 211 universities are willing to hire her as an honorary professor.

After Kong Jing retired to the second line, her shares will not be small. She can get a lot of dividends every year, and at the same time, she can do what she likes.

Chen Hansheng felt that he couldn't force him to stay any longer. Sister Kong Yu had done his best, and after he and her were no longer subordinates, he might get along more comfortably.

Therefore, Lao Cao is the spare tire cultivated by Chen Hansheng.

What does spare tire mean? To put it simply, if Kong Jing quits, Cao Jiande is expected to take over as CEO;

If Kong Jing changes her mind at that time and still hopes to enjoy the lights and appreciation in front of the screen, then Lao Cao can only be wronged and continue to be the prince.

Chen Hansheng and Zheng Guanti came to Lukou Airport chatting like this. When they were at the security checkpoint, Chen Hansheng opened his arms and said, Safe journey, happy new year.

This meant a hug, and Boudoir Zheng didn't refuse, but after the polite hug, Zheng Guanti took out a few banknotes from his wallet and handed them to Chen Hansheng with a smile: As I said, there is only money exchange between us, and this is a tip for the hug.


Chen Hansheng accepted it unceremoniously: Thank you Zheng Dong!


Zheng Guanti pulled the sunglasses up to the bridge of her nose, revealing a pair of beautiful and mischievous eyes. She gave Chen Hansheng a charming look, then pushed the sunglasses up again, and walked into the airport gracefully.

Tsk tsk~

Chen Hansheng couldn't help smacking his lips. After that night, Zheng's best friend seemed to have developed the attribute of style.


Returning to the Jiangbian apartment from the airport, it happened that Lao Chen had just arrived, and he was happily teasing Xiao Xiaoyuer, and he didn't want to talk to his son at all.

The next day was the 28th of New Year's Eve. Wang Zibo's father and Bian Shishi's parents came over. So far, all the families who were celebrating the New Year in Jianye had arrived.

The following process is a large group of people who have known each other for a long time, those who have just met, young and old, having dinner and gathering together, posting pairs to buy new year's goods, and it is very lively.

On the morning of the 29th of the Lunar New Year, Chen Hansheng was accompanying Xiao Xiaohanbao when he suddenly received a call from Liang Meijuan: What are you doing?

I'm begging your granddaughter to turn over.

Chen Hansheng asked annoyedly: Mom, was I so naive when I was a child, I couldn't turn over for more than 4 months, and I just knew how to spit bubbles.

What are you in a hurry for?

Empress Dowager Liang was not happy: As the old saying goes, children who turn over late will have great prospects in the future.

What about Chen Zijin?

Chen Hansheng asked: She turned over early, she turned over independently in three months.

It's a good thing.

Empress Dowager Liang was still very happy: As the old saying goes, children who turn over early have smarter heads.


Chen Hansheng thought that in the heart of his own mother, the two precious granddaughters are precious even in their hair, without any shortcomings.

Where's You Chu?

Liang Meijuan talked about the business: Xiao Yu'er just went out, and she said it would take several hours to come back, do you want to find a reason...

Chen Hansheng immediately understood that grandma wanted to see the picture of the two granddaughters holding hands again, so she said, Shen Youchu has also gone out, and I will go there now with my little fool.

What a coincidence.

Liang Meijuan said happily: Come here quickly, we must cultivate the relationship between the little sisters now, we can't let them be like mothers, never see each other.


Empress Dowager Liang was wrong this time, the two mothers did not miss each other forever, and they went out separately, in fact, they sat for a while according to the agreement.

In a dessert shop near the Jianye Library, the glass door was suddenly pushed open with a ding dong, and a cold current rushed in.

The customers in the dessert shop were frozen for a moment, and wanted to express their dissatisfaction with some disgusting modal particles, but as soon as they opened their mouths, those modal particles were swallowed immediately, because this time it was two beauties who came in.

Although one is wearing a mask, only showing his eyes; the other is wearing a fisherman hat, with his head bowed and quietly following behind, but everyone knows that this is a beautiful woman.

Both of them are over 1.68 meters tall. Even wearing bloated down jackets, they still can't stop their slender figures.

After they found a secluded place to sit down, one of them took off his mask, revealing a delicate and confident oval face;

The other took off his fisherman's hat, and seemed not used to looking up, only when he was ordering food, he had a pair of clear peach blossom eyes.


so beautiful!

The needle does not poke!

The atmosphere in the dessert shop suddenly became active. Although no one made any loud noises or moved deliberately, they could still feel it.

It was like a beautiful transfer student transferred to the class. Although everyone didn't know her and didn't dare to strike up a conversation with her, there was always a strange excitement in the class.

But if others heard their conversation, they would probably be heartbroken. It turned out that they were all mothers.


This was the first time that Shen Youchu and Xiao Rongyu sat down face to face like this, they didn't seem to know how to speak, each stirred the drinks in front of them.

After a while, Xiao Rongyu finally raised his head, starting with the child, and officially started the conversation: Your daughter is called Chen Zipei.

Zijin Zipei is obviously the scope of naming twins. Grandfather Chen Zhaojun chose such a name for his granddaughters. In addition to the beauty of its own meaning, it also contains the expectation of the younger sisters to love each other.


Shen Youchu nodded.

When Liang Meijuan used to raise her children, she would occasionally call her wrong, for example, she wanted to be called Chen Zijin, but ended up calling her Chen Zipei. In the end, Chen Hansheng gave her a way.

But Xiao Rongyu still knew that Shen Youchu also gave birth to a daughter, only a few days later than Xiao Xiaoyuer.

I didn't bring Chen Zijin here.

Xiao Rongyu said softly: I don't plan to tell my daughter in the future. She also has a younger sister. I hope her life can be simpler.


Shen Youchu, who became a mother, understood Xiao Rongyu's thoughts very well, she was silent for a while and said: I won't tell Zipei either, she has a sister.

Then the two fell into silence for a while, and at the beginning of this conversation, a cold principle was established:

Little Yuer and Little Hanbao will never meet each other.


Of course, this principle is absolutely untenable, and it even has a comic effect.

Because on a Porsche downstairs in the Jiangbian apartment, these two never meet babies are hugging and playing together.

The 5-month-old little fish seems to be teething, struggling to gnaw on his sister's fat face.

At this moment, Xiaoxiaohanbao was not calm anymore, and tried hard to push her sister away, but Xiao Taohua was tearful and pitiful.

His father, Chen Hansheng, stood beside him with a smile on his face, and occasionally made gestures about the sizes of the two daughters.

It's about the same size, and it's wrapped in a quilt, so it shouldn't be noticeable.

Chen Hansheng thought lightly.


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