I Really Didn’t Want to be Born Again

Nine hundred and eighty six, be your own banker

Tsinghua University is located on Shuangqing Road, Haidian District. Huang Liqian is as familiar with it as he was back at his alma mater. As he walked, he explained that this is the Tsinghua Gate, this is the auditorium, and this is the sundial...

Chen Hansheng looked at Lao Huang's enthusiastic look and asked jokingly: The School of Computer Science at Tsinghua University didn't invite you to be a visiting professor?


Huang Liqian shook his head, but he quickly added: Fudan has invited me.

Never heard of it.

Chen Hansheng thought for a while, and under normal circumstances, this kind of situation needs to be reported to the company.

Because I refused.

Lao Huang smiled honestly: I am wholeheartedly waiting for the invitation from Tsinghua University.


Chen Hansheng spat, even his alma mater rejected him, what a fucking adulterer.

However, when wandering around the university, Mr. Huang told an interesting story, and everyone finally understood why Mr. Huang was so worried about Tsinghua University.

Many years ago, when Lao Huang first came to Tsinghua University, he got lost because the campus was so big that he couldn't get out very late at night. It rained heavily, and in the end he had to run under a laboratory building to take shelter. .

The rain was getting heavier and heavier. Huang Liqian was young at the time and was too embarrassed to ask for directions from passing classmates.

Just when I was hesitant and anxious, a woman wearing a floral skirt seemed to see my embarrassment.

When Huang Liqian recalled it, even his expression became gentle: She took the initiative to come over and asked, classmate, are you lost?

I quickly said yes.

Lao Huang smiled sheepishly: Later, she sent me out of the school with an umbrella. On the way, she asked me which school I was from. I answered Fudan University, and she said that was okay...

When we get to the door.

Huang Liqian said: I mustered up the courage to ask, senior sister, which class of Tsinghua University are you from?

This kind of story is always attractive. Everyone listens attentively and expects a happy ending in their hearts.

Anyone who sees this message can receive cash. Method: Follow the WeChat public account.

But Chen Hansheng felt strange that Huang Liqian's lover did not seem to have graduated from Tsinghua University.

I was in the first year of graduate school at the time, and I was thinking that if the age difference was not big, then I would ask her for her QQ number, but...

When talking about this, Lao Huang suddenly sighed. At such a critical moment, everyone couldn't help but frown.

It turns out she said she was a lecturer at Tsinghua University, not a student.

Huang Liqian smiled bitterly: After I heard that this was a teacher, I didn't dare to ask for QQ anymore. As a result, after all these years, I can only remember that floral skirt in the rain...


The story ended here. The storyteller felt melancholy, and the people listening to the story felt that they still had something to say. They all criticized Lao Huang for not being satisfied enough. What happened to the teacher?

Only if you are brave, the teacher will take maternity leave!

There is no cost to talk. If you really put yourself in someone else's shoes, perhaps only Chen Hansheng would dare to ask for QQ in that situation.

However, because of Huang Liqian's incident, the distance between them suddenly narrowed, because everyone discovered that senior executives with an annual salary of tens of millions, in fact, sometimes cannot get love.

As a result, the young assistants in the general manager's office all talked about their regrets. Zheng Guanti listened for a while and suddenly asked Chen Hansheng: Where is Director Chen, do you have any regrets after all these years?


Chen Hansheng nodded.

The group immediately fell silent,

There are not many opportunities to hear Director Chen's secrets.

That night in Korea.

Chen Hansheng said seriously: I should have gone to the hotel. I still regret it when I think about it.


Everyone looked at each other, and what did Director Chen mean by Korea, hotel, sleep?

They thought Director Zheng would understand, but they found that she also looked confused.

Only Zheng’s best friend’s personal secretary still discovered something was wrong with her boss.

Although Director Zheng also pretended to be puzzled, there were actually two blushes under the hair on his temples.


We walked around Tsinghua University until after 6 o'clock. During this period, many friends contacted Chen Hansheng and Zheng Guanti and expressed their intention to treat them, but they all found excuses to shirk them.

In the evening, people from the two companies came to Quanjude to eat roast duck, then took photos at Shengqi Square, and finally returned to the hotel in twos and threes, each preparing materials for tomorrow's meeting.

The next morning, in the large conference room of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Chen Hansheng met with leading companies in the electronic manufacturing industry and e-commerce industry in each province.

Of course, in the minds of others, Guoke Chen is also the overlord, and his seat is placed at the front.

It has to be said that the most powerful enterprises in the conference room are those from the capital. Sohu, Lenovo, Baidu, 360... including JD.com in the future, these all started from Zhongguancun and are the original Beijing Circle .

Relatively speaking, in Sudong Province, apart from Guoke and Xiaomi, only Suning can barely compete. Little Swan, which focuses on washing machines, can no longer board the big ship of the New World;

There are not many companies in central Zhejiang Province. Except for Alibaba, the others are two or three big fish and small fish;

In the Pearl River Delta region, there are suddenly more giants, including Tencent, Huawei, Gree, Midea...

However, not all companies in one place are united. According to the information Chen Hansheng knows, whether it is in the Beijing circle or the Pearl River Delta circle, in fact, there are fierce internal conflicts, and they will even win over other companies to strengthen their own strength.

This is already the third one.

Zheng Guanti walked up to Chen Hansheng and opened his hand with three business cards: The meeting has not started yet, but three people have already come to me, hoping that Xiaomi will cooperate with them to achieve a strong alliance of capital.

How did you reply?

Chen Hansheng curled his lips and asked.

I said Xiaomi is just a new company.

Best friend Zheng smiled slyly: I'm not even the leader in Jianye, you might as well ask Guoke Chen, he is the boss now.

No wonder...

Chen Hansheng took out a stack of business cards from his pocket, about a dozen of them.


Zheng Guanti said gloatingly: What are you going to do, fight alone or in a group?

The Shen Tongcheng German Army came to me before and asked me to join their camp.

Chen Hansheng did not answer, but instead talked about a previous incident: Originally, Lao Cheng wanted to be the boss himself, but now due to business reasons, Shentong and Alibaba are very close, and they are considered to be in their line.


Chen Hansheng added: The relationship between Guoke and Tengxun is also good. Now there is still cooperation in QQ space, and they have also extended an olive branch to me.


Zheng Guanti looked at Chen Hansheng, waiting for his opinion.

Actually, I don't want to join either side.

Chen Hansheng bit his lip: Let's just use Guoke and Xiaomi as the basis, and rely on the talent resources of universities such as Jianye, Hucheng, and the University of Science and Technology of China to slowly increase our strength.

Zheng Guanti nodded. It seemed that Chen Hansheng was not ready to intervene in the struggle between the Er Ma, Sohu and NetEase, Jinshan and 360 and other capital circles, and planned to be his own banker.

This has its own pros and cons, but there is one thing that Zheng’s girlfriend doesn’t quite understand: “The University of Science and Technology of China is from Anhui, right. Can they agree to serve as Guoke’s talent reserve center?”

You don't understand this.

Chen Hansheng smiled: Jianye is nominally the provincial capital of Eastern Jiangsu, but in fact it is the provincial capital of Anhui. Anhui fellows may not like Hefei, but they definitely like Jianye.


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