I Really Didn’t Want to be Born Again

Nine hundred and seventy-six. The most satisfying thing in the world is to have two daughters.

There is a big difference between Jianye in December and Jianye in October.

Autumn has just begun in Jianye in October, and the vines clinging to the Ming city walls are slowly withering;

However, the maple leaves on Qixia Mountain gradually became more gorgeous, fiery red like a dream, dazzling and intense against the blue bricks and white walls;

There are also the golden ginkgo leaves of Linggu Temple. Looking from a distance, it seems like a golden palette has been knocked over.


Autumn in Jianye can be seen everywhere. You don’t need to travel through mountains and rivers to feel the various charms of the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties. However, such beautiful scenery only lasts for two months. Winter has already entered Jianye in December.

All the colorful colors of autumn have disappeared. In the cold air, in the expectation that it may snow at any time, and in the slogans of Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Jianye shows another kind of heaviness and liveliness.

October to December flies by in the blink of an eye, and most people's lives remain the same. The same goes for the city of Jianye. If there are any small changes, it is in the liveliest downtown area of ​​Xinjiekou, Guoke Electronics The lifestyle store is open.

Lifestyle store was still a very new term in 2006. In addition to the electronic products that Guoke relies on for its finished products, there are also many daily necessities.

It looks a lot like a supermarket, but all the products here carry the K?? mark. Some economic experts describe Guoke Electronics as selling corporate philosophy, which is the most advanced sales strategy.

Ordinary people don't understand these nonsense. In short, everyone likes this kind of brightly lit shopping mall - lively, down-to-earth, and looking festive.

Young college couple also like to hang out here and buy some cost-effective small items to show off their status as shell fans.

This lifestyle store was very lively when it opened. Director Chen invited many business friends to come over, including Director Zheng from Xiaomi Electronics, Director Cheng from Shenzhen Tong Express, and Director Sun from Hengrui Pharmaceutical...

The most important thing is that Jay Chou and Mayday have become the image spokespersons of the Guohu Series, which has attracted many young people to join the Huohu fans.

In addition, Guoke’s new factory in Shanghai has also been officially put into production. Guoke Kuaibo, Guoke Community, and Guoke Cloud have also grown into leading products with both good reputation and practicality. Faced with such a high-spirited development trend, Chen Dong was said to be very happy and gave several incentives and allowances.

What only confuses the employees is that the amount of the subsidy is either 600 or 660 each time. They don't know whether this means Six-Six Dashun or whether it has other special meanings.

Dong Secretary Nie Xiaoyu naturally understood, but she did not dare to say anything.

What is also certain is that Director Chen has definitely entered Hurun's wealth list, and it is said that he is ranked relatively high, but he himself does not care and even refused Hurun's charity dinner, but will participate in high-profile activities organized by government departments.


In an apartment with five bedrooms and three living rooms near Purple Mountain, although the weather outside is a bit cold and gloomy, the indoor temperature is just right thanks to the air conditioning and heating, and some random news is shown on the TV.

There was a young woman in her 20s in the living room. She took off her down jacket because she was too hot. Under the thin and tight knitted sweater, she had a charming body. Occasionally when she raised her head and bent over, she often exposed her sexy collarbones on her shoulders and neck.

But she didn't care at all, she just teased a cute baby.

Call Auntie.

Zipei calls her aunt.

Baby, why are you so stupid?


She smiled and gave the baby a mua kiss on the face.

The baby is about 2 months old, and his tiny body is placed in a crib.

The chubby little face is white and tender, especially the eyes are as shiny as black grapes.

She just looked a little silly. She was obviously kissed, and it took her a while to react. Then she turned her head and stared at the aunt without crying or fussing.

What are you looking at? I want to kiss you again.

As a result, the other side of the baby's face was mua again.

This time, the baby's expression finally changed, his little mouth bulged into an O shape, and he spit out a bubble with a pop sound.


When this woman with a coquettish smile was about to kiss her again, Hu Linyu couldn't help but come out to stop her: Shang Yanyan, please stop tossing the baby like this, she's drooling.

It turns out that this apartment is where Shen Youchu lives. As for the baby, it is undoubtedly the daughter of Chen Hansheng and Shen Youchu - the little fool.

As for the woman who has been troubling the little fool, she is actually Shang Yanyan.

I like it too much.

Shang Yanyan was also a little embarrassed.

Who doesn't like babies that are so cute?

Hu Linyu murmured and went to tease the little fool himself.

It can be said that the love-hate entanglement between Hu Linyu and Shang Yanyan started in their freshman year. At that time, they were both young and energetic, and they did not hide their dislike of each other.

Hu Linyu felt that Shang Yanyan, with her dyed hair and heavy makeup, looked too coquettish like a college student;

Shang Yanyan felt that Hu Linyu was vulgar and irritable, and had no feminine charm at all.

Originally, after graduation, the two of them were supposed to be in a state of never contacting each other again, but one day in November, Shang Yanyan suddenly wanted to visit her home, and the key was that Chen Hansheng agreed.

Shang Yanyan liked the little fool at the first sight. She often left the coffee shop to Xiaochi and came to accompany the little fool herself.

She is also really attentive. Every time she comes to take care of her baby, in order to prevent chemicals from harming the baby, she doesn't put on lipstick or foundation, and she basically leaves the country without makeup.

This is really not easy for Shang Yanyan, who likes to put on makeup. For this reason, Hu Linyu feels that Shang Yanyan is barely manageable.

Chen Zipei, why are you so stupid?

Hu Linyu put the baby's little hand in his mouth and said lovingly: She doesn't cry when she's hungry, and she doesn't cry when she wets the bed. She's so much like her mother. She's always afraid of causing trouble to others.

The name of the little fool Chen Zipei was decided by his grandfather Chen Zhaojun. There are not many illiterates here, and everyone basically knows that it comes from The Book of Songs?? Zheng Feng:

Green Zijin, Youyouwoxin. Even if I don't go, will Zi Ning have no heir?

Qingqingzi wears it, and I think about it for a long time. Even if I don't go, Zi Ning won't come?

So if my guess is correct, the little fool should also have a sister named Chen Zijin, and she is Xiao Rongyu's daughter.

This is a secret that everyone knows, but no one will tell.

It's better to be like mom.

Shang Yanyan also looked at the baby and said, After all, mommy is beautiful.


Hu Linyu nodded. On the day when the little fool was born on National Day, everyone was nervous. On the one hand, they were worried about accidents, and on the other hand, they were worried about looking like their father.

Fortunately, God bless him. The little fool is like a copy of Shen Youchu. Not to mention his personality, he also has the same pair of peach blossom eyes.

According to the latest news from this station, the Shanghai Asian Bankers Summit was successfully held this morning. The theme of this summit is how to find opportunities in adversity and seek development in change. Through expanding opening up and empowering technological innovation, we will promote The industry is stable and developing healthily. Alibaba CEO Ma Dong, Sohu CEO Zhang Dong, Guoke CEO Chen Dong and other entrepreneurs attended...

This was just an ordinary piece of news, and the camera only glanced at the Chinese entrepreneur. But Shang Yanyan heard it, picked up the little fool and said with a smile: Baby, who was that just now? Is it dad? Dad is on TV...

The little idiot was held in his arms and teased, but her expression was always blank, she looked at Shang Yanyan quietly, and blew bubbles from time to time.

She's only two months old.

Hu Linyu shook his head and said: My eyes can't see clearly now. Let's talk about Chen Hansheng...

Xiao Hu looked at the TV. Chen Hansheng did appear on the TV, but he was laughing and bragging with an entrepreneur. Judging from the shape of his mouth, it should be caotamade.

You're a father and you still say dirty things like that.

Hu Linyu spat, and then shouted loudly: Youchu, come out quickly and breastfeed your daughter.

Not long after, a tall figure walked out of the bedroom. Shang Yanyan's figure was already good enough, but the curves of this figure were even more prominent.

It's just that she never seemed to care about this. She was wearing a hand-knitted black sweater. Her long, slightly curly hair was tied up with an ordinary rubber band and rested softly on her shoulders. When she raised her head, she saw a gentle and beautiful face that should have been charming. Her peach blossom eyes are clear and peaceful, this is Shen Youchu, the mother of the little fool.

After seeing her daughter, Shen Youchu's eyes became gentler, as if a warm spring water was flowing. This was the love that only belonged to a mother.

Probably every man wants to marry Shen Youchu and have children.

Shang Yanyan thought silently.

After Shen Youchu took the baby from Shang Yanyan, he probably smelled his mother's breath. The little fool who had been in a daze was reluctant to move. He raised his short and fat little arms with all his strength and used such a little little With his fist, he tightly grasped the hair hanging down from Shen Youchu's temples.

What an angel.

Probably due to infection, Shang Yanyan's eyes were also filled with smiles.

The corners of Hu Linyu's mouth moved. She wanted to say this just now, but she swallowed it down.

She didn't want to say the same thing as Shang Yanyan.

Let's eat~

At this time, the sliding door of the kitchen opened, and Liang Meijuan and Dong'er came from the kitchen carrying hot dishes.

Queen Mother Liang was naturally overjoyed when she saw her granddaughter. She was thinking about her two granddaughters now, and they were more important than anything else.


The happiness on Liang Meijuan's face was about to fly, and her actions became even more rude. She first kissed the baby's forehead, face, arms, and even the fleshy little butt.

This is probably how the elderly love their babies, and they really don’t dislike them at all.

The little fool felt a sudden cold on his buttocks, and couldn't help but push his butt into his mother's arms and shrink back. This move caused Empress Dowager Liang to kiss her a few more times, and then she said to Shen Youchu: Come and eat after feeding. .”

I got it, Mom~

Shen Youchu responded meekly, and then walked into the bedroom with his daughter in his arms.


Liang Meijuan sighed when she saw it: What a little fool and a little fool. Mother and daughter are so stupid together.

Empress Dowager Liang had completely forgotten that sometimes she was actually cute and naive in the eyes of her husband and son.


Shanghai, the venue of the Asian Bankers Summit.

The Ministry of Finance was behind the organizer of this meeting, otherwise Chen Hansheng would not have attended at all, but he also planned to leave as soon as the meeting was over.

Director Chen, what are you in a hurry for?

Several friends who knew Chen Hansheng very well did not understand that his go home honestly after the meeting style was not like that of Chairman Chen.

Everyone knows that Guoke Chen has several distinctive characteristics.

First of all, he is young. Perhaps it is for this reason that he can understand the tastes and needs of his peers and create so many products that meet the aesthetics of young people.

Guoke Kuaibo has even turned many middle-aged people into loyal users of the Guoke series. After all, Lao Se Biao does not distinguish between ages.

Secondly, he was bold and openly fought against a giant consortium like Samsung. Crucially, he succeeded. Samsung mobile phones have completely withdrawn from the mainland market, and the evil reputation of Guoke Chen has long been discussed among foreign companies.

The third is his distinctive and unruly personality. This needs no elaboration. Chen Hansheng is too lazy to hide it in public.

The fourth is to love to play.

When Chen Hansheng joined the Sudong Provincial Entrepreneurs Association, he was willing to join in the fun wherever there was a place to eat, drink, and sing. The key is that he was extremely powerful and no one else could openly dislike him.

Before today's meeting, some entrepreneurs from Shanghai had agreed that they would drink some wine and roar some more in the evening, and then find a top-notch club to soak in the hot springs and chat about the news in various circles.

As a result, Director Chen, who loves to play so much, did not participate.

What's the point of soaking in a hot spring with a bunch of old men?

Chen Hansheng grinned and said: Besides, I am doing it for everyone's good, otherwise when you take off your clothes and get into the water, you will all feel ashamed and cry.




This group of billionaires all let out a sigh of disdain, but they all understood that Chen Hansheng should return to Jianye to have something to do.


Of course Chen Hansheng has to go back to Jianye. Since the birth of his two daughters, he has felt that there is not enough time. Sometimes he really wishes that his day had 48 hours, so that he could spend more time with Xiao Yuer and Xiao Hanbao. .

The two girls have completely different personalities. The younger sister is a naive and cute type. Sometimes she wakes up from hunger and does not make any noise. She stares motionlessly at the ceiling with her dark peach blossom eyes open.

My sister is much more lively and loves to laugh. As long as she is teased a little, she can dance along with her little arms and legs.

At around 8 o'clock in the evening, when Chen Hansheng returned to the riverside apartment, he saw his grandmother Lu Yuqing holding Xiao Xiaoyu'er and gently stroking the baby's back, intending to coax her to sleep.

It's just that Xiao Xiaoyu'er was in great spirits and didn't look sleepy at all, especially when Chen Hansheng came over and probably smelled his father's scent. Xiao Xiaoyu'er also had a smile on his face, with little pears on both sides of his face. The vortex is looming, just as sweet as mother.

You're back just in time.

When Lu Yuqing saw Chen Hansheng, it was like seeing a savior, and she quickly handed the baby to Chen Hansheng: Her mother, me, and Shishi coaxed her for two hours, but Chen Zijin still doesn't sleep!

Xiao Xiaoyu'er's name was indeed Chen Zijin. When Lao Chen proposed this opinion, Xiao Rongyu did not object.

Xiao Rongyu knew that there must be a younger sister named Chen Zipei with this name. She did not object and it was after careful consideration, because she would take her daughter abroad in the next year, and her grandparents would definitely be very sad, so she simply kept the name so that the elderly could Feel more comfortable.

Chen Hansheng took his daughter with a smile and shook her in his arms for no more than 20 seconds. In short, Lu Yuqing just went to pour a glass of water. When he came back, the little fish had closed his eyes and his red cheeks showed that he slept comfortably.

It's really weird.

Lu Yuqing was puzzled. The little fish didn't like to sleep after it was born. No one could coax it. Only in the hands of its father, Chen Hansheng, could it fall asleep after just a few swings.

At first everyone thought it was Chen Hansheng's better method, but later they found out that he was really casual, but Xiao Xiaoyuer just fell into this trap, and in the end it could only be attributed to the blood relationship of biological father and biological daughter.


Chen Hansheng asked: Where is Xiao Rongyu?

I'm comforting Shishi in the bedroom.

Lu Yuqing shook his head: It seems that Zi Bo said the wrong thing again.

Chen Hansheng burst out laughing after hearing this. This pair of happy enemies had a dispute when the little fool was born because of inconsistent party ideas. As a result, they have not fully reconciled after more than two months.

Because Bian Shishi always wanted to persuade Wang Zibo to join the Little Fish Party, but Wang Zibo was a Chen Party, and the little fool was so annoying, so Wang Zibo didn't agree, so he often got angry when he disagreed.

Both of their parents are about to meet, and they are still so ignorant.

Chen Hansheng seemed to have forgotten the fuse of their conflict, and said with hatred: When will you be as sensible as me?!

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Chen Hansheng held the sleeping little Yu'er's buttocks: Let's help Uncle Zibo and Aunt Shishi resolve the conflict.


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