I Really Didn’t Want to be Born Again

Nine hundred and sixty-seven, Chen Hansheng's

I really don’t want to be reborn. Text Volume 967, Chen Hansheng’s “Life at the Muzzle” “Hmph! Pretending to be like a little sheep in front of Professor Sun will only intimidate this cute little secretary like me!”

Faced with the threat of the unscrupulous boss, although Nie Xiaoyu was very dissatisfied, she could only run downstairs aggrievedly.

Of course, Chen Hansheng did not forget to find the slippers hidden under the chair and asked the secretary to take them back to the car to avoid being discovered the next morning.

When he was alone in the corridor again, Chen Hansheng quietly approached the ward to listen to what was said inside.

Han Sheng was so frightened tonight that he didn't even notice that his clothes were on inside out.

And Meijuan, you mother, why don't you pay attention at all?

Chen Hansheng has lost all his shoes. The hospital is different from other places. There may be discarded needles and other things there.


Mother-in-law Lu Yuqing was nagging and even complained about Liang Meijuan.


This was the bewildered voice of Empress Dowager Liang. She must have remembered that Chen Hansheng's clothes were not worn inside out and his shoes were not lost. What was her mother-in-law talking about?

Look, you haven't noticed it until now.

Lu Yuqing could only remind helplessly: Although the birth of little fish is very important, you should also pay more attention. If you had known, I would not have said anything tonight. Everyone is so careless.


After a while, Queen Mother Liang responded naively.

From beginning to end, the two mothers were not communicating on the same channel.


Chen Hansheng covered his mouth and snickered outside. Not long after, Nie Xiaoyu came up carrying sneakers, followed by a panting Wang Zibo.

Nie Xiaoyu said it's not a big problem,

Wang Zibo patted Chen Hansheng on the shoulder and comforted: You don't have to worry.

That's not what I'm worried about.

Chen Hansheng shook his head. Lao Xiao will also be there tomorrow morning. He has been surrounded by the Xiaoyu Party in dire straits and his discomfort is comparable to social death.

But so what, you have to face the sins you have done no matter what.

Wang Zibo knew that it was inconvenient for him to enter the ward, so he simply stayed outside to accompany Chen Hansheng. Soon, Xiao Yuer's body could no longer hold up and he was a little sleepy and ready to rest. Doctors and nurses also came out one after another.

In fact, the doctors and nurses were notified early. The person taking care of Ms. Xiao Rongyu this time was not only the director of Rongsheng Law Firm, but also had a very strong relationship behind her.

There is Sun Biyu, an old professor who receives a national subsidy, and the famous Guoke Chen.

In fact, everyone knows very well about the father of the child who is about to be born.

Chen Hansheng smiled and greeted the chief physician and deputy chief physician. The chief physicians in tertiary hospitals are basically professors. They are also older and speak slowly and well.

The nurses are younger, and some are still fans of Huoke. They are very curious about meeting Chen Hansheng, the founder of Guoke Electronics.

After a brief exchange of greetings and exchanges, the nurse also thoughtfully arranged a place for the escorts to stay tonight. When they left, Chen Hansheng winked at Nie Xiaoyu, and the little secretary quietly carried a briefcase. Keep up.

If it were two years ago, Wang Zibo would have asked stupidly: What did Nie Xiaoyu do?

But now he understood that Nie Xiaoyu was going to hand out a red envelope.

Xiao Chen, can I go and help you?

Wang Zibo looked at Nie Xiaoyu and seemed to have difficulty lifting it.

are you crazy!

Unexpectedly, he was scolded again. Chen Hansheng explained impatiently: For giving red envelopes, of course, the fewer people, the better. If you and Xiaoyu go there, those who receive the gifts will feel stressed, you know? ?”

So it will still be like this.

Wang Zibo thought about it and felt that it made sense. After thinking about these human relationships in life, he felt that this should be the case.

But if no one helps to figure it out, it is very likely that the error will continue.

Ten minutes later, Nie Xiaoyu came back jumping. Judging from the lightness of her steps, it was clear that all the money had been scattered.

You didn't forget to warn me.

Chen Hansheng asked.

I didn't forget.

Nie Xiaoyu tilted her head and said: The professor specifically guarantees that the nurses who can work in the senior cadre building have all been March 8th red flag bearers in the department, and their political discipline is absolutely trustworthy.


Chen Hansheng nodded slightly, pointed to the ward next door and said, You go and take a rest. Bian Shishi is also there. I should still be here tomorrow. Remember to make arrangements for work.

Minister Chen, where are you sleeping?

The little secretary hasn't forgotten to care about her boss.

I'm simple.

Chen Hansheng grinned and said, I really don't have anywhere to live, so I'll just squeeze in the nurse's bed.


Nie Xiaoyu pointed to Xiao Yu'er's room and raised his fist as a warning.

After everyone else had rested, Chen Hansheng and Wang Zibo were no longer sleepy, and they chatted on the chairs.

Chen Hansheng said for a while that he had to think of a way to prevent Lao Xiao from scolding him; for a while he imagined that when Xiao Yuer grew up, he would give her a princess-like life.

Wang Zibo originally wanted to remind Fa Xiao again that Xiao Yu'er would probably take his daughter abroad, but when he saw the satisfied smile on Chen Hansheng's face, he still couldn't bear it and instead talked about his parents' plan to meet Bian Shishi's parents during the Spring Festival. .

The two of them talked about their own things, but no one seemed to pay attention to them, and everyone seemed to listen. This is probably the feeling between true besties.

It doesn’t matter what you say, what matters is that there is someone to share it with.

At around 7 o'clock in the morning, before leaving get off work, the deputy director on night duty came over to check on Xiao Yu'er's condition. After confirming that there was no problem, he left with peace of mind.

The doctor is very responsible.

Wang Zibo commented.

Responsibility is responsibility, but I also gave money, okay, this is earned by comparing one's feelings with one's own.

Chen Hansheng rolled his eyes and shivered.

How much did you give?

Wang Zibo asked curiously.

Ten thousand.

Chen Hansheng said.

Not much.

Wang Zibo couldn't help scratching his head: It seems pretty good to you.

“What if the unit is USD?”

Chen Hansheng said lightly.

Wang Zibo:······

Around 7:30, everyone woke up one after another, and Xiao Hongwei and Chen Zhaojun also arrived after a long journey.

Lao Xiao didn't have many taboos. After knocking on the door, he went in to visit his daughter. Lao Chen stood in the corridor and listened to his wife telling what happened last night.

After a while, Lao Xiao knew that there was nothing serious about Xiao Yu'er, so his stern expression relaxed a little. However, after walking out of the ward and seeing Chen Hansheng, his thick eyebrows frowned together again, and his hands subconsciously touched his waist.

I'm going to buy breakfast!

Chen Hansheng realized something was wrong, so he could only use this trick to temporarily avoid danger.

However, this was obviously not a long-term solution. Wang Zibo, who followed him down, couldn't think of any good solution.

After buying steamed buns, soy milk and fried dough sticks in the hospital cafeteria, Wang Zibo was about to go back when he suddenly saw Chen Hansheng eating alone.

Xiao Chen.

Wang Zibo asked blankly: Why don't you go back and eat together?

Leave me alone.

Chen Hansheng waved his hand and burped twice loudly after eating and drinking. Wang Zibo didn't know what kind of medicine Chen Hansheng was selling in his gourd at first. It wasn't until he returned to the door of the ward that he finally understood.

Because Chen Hansheng laid out breakfast for everyone, but missed his own portion.

Han Sheng, don't you want to eat?

Lu Yuqing asked in surprise.

Aunt Lu, I have no appetite.

Chen Hansheng responded in a low voice.

This time even Empress Dowager Liang was frightened. She came over and said, You didn't even sleep last night. Are you going to cultivate immortality without eating, drinking or sleeping?

I just couldn't eat it and I felt very uncomfortable.

Chen Hansheng still refused: You guys should eat quickly, everyone worked hard last night.

When he spoke, he deliberately emphasized last night, as if he was afraid that others would forget what he had experienced.


Lu Yuqing sighed, turned around and said to Lao Xiao: When Chen Hansheng came here last night, he was so anxious that he took off his shoes and walked around the hospital barefoot. You said how dangerous this was. Today he eats again How can you create such a big company without being able to put food on the table and have such a weak ability to withstand stress?

That's it.

Lao Xiao looked at Chen Hansheng who had not rested all night, could not eat breakfast, had a depressed face and dark bags under his eyes, and finally decided to wait for the birth of the little fish before slowly talking with Chen Hansheng.


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