I Really Didn’t Want to be Born Again

Nine hundred and fifty-one, a male best friend who is occasionally considerate

Going to the hotel?

Zheng Guanti was stunned for a moment, then shook his head: I didn't bring my ID card.

Tch, who are you looking down on?

Chen Hansheng said as he dragged his best friend Zheng out: Do I still need my ID card when staying in a hotel at my level? Being a secretary is just a job?

Then be careful of being seen by reporters. Aren't you going to be a contemporary 'Su Wu Shepherd'?

Zheng Guanti held on to the bedside table and refused to let go.

So what if I see it, I'm shameless anyway!

Chen Hansheng simply opened Zheng's best friend's hands and said with a sneer: Brother Ti, you have exposed that you don't read history. Although Su Wu was imprisoned for 19 years, it did not affect his ability to marry and have children in the Huns. I'll give it a damn. What’s a room?”

No! No! I'm going to scream!

Best friend Zheng was almost carried out of the room by Chen Hansheng.

You screamed!

Chen Hansheng said provocatively: No one will pay attention to you even if you shout at me. On the contrary, the more you shout, the more excited I become!

Scumbag, I'm actually not ready yet!

Zheng Guanti had no choice but to finally tell the truth.


Only then did Chen Hansheng stop his movements: Then what tricks did you play just now? We have known each other for so long, do you really think you can hide it?


Best friend Zheng couldn't help laughing: I didn't expect you to see it!

Zheng Guanti was able to rebuild Xiaomi Electronics on the ruins of the new century, and step by step operate Xiaomi mobile phones to the second position in China, and became the first mobile phone manufacturer to open an offline flagship store. She is definitely the kind of person who can compete with Chen Hansheng. woman.

So after Chen Hansheng broke into the bedroom, best friend Zheng briefly evaluated the difference in force value between the two parties, and immediately said that she had the intention of being a scumbag, probably to stabilize Chen Hansheng;

Then he said that there was another girl's scent in the bedroom, and he was going to play the emotional card to calm Chen Hansheng's restless desires.

Fortunately, Chen Hansheng, a scumbag, is also experienced and broke the situation directly by booking a hotel room.

Hold your wallet.

Chen Hansheng picked up Zheng's best friend's LV Xiaokun bag: You will pay for the room and Durex tonight!


Zheng Guanti spat and was about to return to the bedroom, but the door was already locked by Chen Hansheng.


Listening to the sounds coming from outside, Qin Ying in the next bedroom shivered. Although she could hear clearly, she didn't even dare to be curious, for fear of breaking into the private affairs of the two bosses, Director Chen and Director Zheng.

Qin Ying, you have to remember that you are now P6. If you want to be promoted to P7, you have to do more, talk less, and learn to be blind and deaf...

Tan Ying was warning herself when suddenly there was a dong dong dong knock on the door.

Director Chen should have asked me to book a hotel.

Tan Ying made a guess in his mind.

Sure enough, after opening the door, Chen Hansheng said lightly: Get ready, I'll be out in a while.

Qin Ying abides by the principle of don't ask too many questions and always listens to the big boss's orders. After packing up her passport and other things, she quietly glanced at Zheng Guanti in the descending elevator.

The famous and beautiful CEO seemed a little melancholy, her thumbs crossed and twirling, revealing a hint of uneasiness.

Director Zheng must be really unprepared.

Qin Ying thought silently: Director Chen is really in a hurry, it would be nice to wait a little longer.

Although there is a big gap in social status between Qin Ying and Zheng Guanti, as both women, she seems to be able to feel that

Director Zheng is now in a state of I don't want to agree, but I can't find any reason to refuse.

Qin Ying analyzed from a female perspective that it might be more appropriate if the big boss could let Director Zheng go this time.

Because judging from the look on Director Zheng's face, she would not be able to escape sooner or later.


Tan Ying curled his lips. At this moment, the man was like a thinking animal.


The elevator door slowly opened, but as soon as Qin Ying walked out, she realized something was wrong. It turned out that Chen Hansheng did not stop at the second floor as before, and then took the fire escape and exited through the back door.

This time he actually stopped directly at the main entrance on the first floor and took off his mask and hat.

Dr. Chen······

Qin Ying just wanted to remind him that there would be reporters ambushing him ahead.

But it was still too late. I could only hear the sound of click, click, click taking pictures, and the flashlights lit up one after another in the shadow of the trees in the apartment garden.

It's over!

Qin Ying felt a chill in her heart. The whereabouts of the big boss were exposed. If domestic public opinion knew that Director Chen and Director Zheng had gone to a hotel to book a room, wouldn't it be a big deal?

Best friend Zheng was so busy thinking about things that she didn't notice that the elevator came directly to the first floor. She was also surprised at first when faced with this unexpected situation.

However, Zheng Guanti reacted quickly. She looked up at Chen Hansheng and saw him smiling brightly and raising his arms high to greet the reporters.

This scumbag...

Best friend Zheng's eyes flickered a few times and she couldn't help but swear.

Although she scolded him as a scumbag, her face suddenly felt relaxed and relieved that she had let go of her burdens. Then she breathed out gently, and her confident and wise smile appeared again.


Under the flashing lights, Zheng Guanti, wearing pointed leather shoes, took a few steps to catch up with Chen Hansheng.

The two of them were not too far together, not too close together. They could hear each other's voices, but they didn't appear to be very close, which was in line with the image of Guoke and Xiaomi's consistent good relationship.

Thank you.

Zheng Guanti stared forward and suddenly said an inexplicable thank you.

Thank me for what I did.

Chen Hansheng pretended not to know.


If there weren't too many people here, Zheng Guanti would have wanted to kiss this scumbag.

It was obvious that Chen Hansheng didn't really want to book a room in the hotel. He finally respected Zheng Guanti's wishes, or he was very confident that best friend Zheng would not escape.

Zheng Guanti was very touched that Chen Hansheng, a ruffian, could achieve this level. In fact, it was strange to say that she and Chen Hansheng didn't know when they started to have a very unique emotion between them.

Although the man and woman are best friends on the surface, they both know in their hearts that being scumbag is inevitable.

Zheng Guandi is not an emotional person. She once thought rationally about when her bestie feelings deteriorated, but she really couldn't remember.

Perhaps over countless late-night snacks and beers, the two of them poured out their truest ideals;

Perhaps it was because he came back exhausted from Hong Kong that Chen Hansheng took himself to eat a bowl of freshly made, piping hot and warm duck blood and vermicelli soup;

Perhaps when the Hong Kong family was robbing New Century assets unreasonably, it was still Chen Hansheng who stood by to help come up with bad ideas.


There are many memories, but Chen Hansheng is always by my side.

Since it was unavoidable, Zheng Guanti had given up just now, especially when Chen Hansheng's performance was so realistic that Zheng's best friend only had one thought when she got off the elevator: Let's just have today, it's all the same anyway.

Although she regretted that it still lacked a little warmth, it would be better if it was as natural as possible.

For example, on a cold autumn day, she and Chen Hansheng ate mutton stew outside and drank some beer. After returning home drunk, everything that should happen happened in the hazy and sober emotional explosion.

By the next morning, everything was calm again, and the two were still best friends.

Zheng Guanti has no intention of getting involved in Chen Hansheng's emotional disputes. Most of her energy will always be focused on her career. She also believes that business partner is far more interesting than life partner.

As for the relationship between girlfriends and besties, Zheng Guanti has already seen through it. This is Chen Hansheng's excuse for wanting to ruin himself.

Where can there be pure friendship between men and women? Both parties are deliberately pretending to be stupid and not revealing the truth.


Zheng Guanti noticed early that Chen Hansheng did not intend to go to the hotel, but it was not until Chen Hansheng walked into a roadside restaurant that Qin Ying realized that the big boss could not sleep with Director Zheng.

Because the outside was crowded with reporters, Chen Hansheng's every move was under the spotlight. There were also two vehicles parked outside to protect Chen Hansheng from the South Korean government and the embassy.

This is Chen Hansheng's first public appearance since he was imprisoned. If it were Qin Ying before she became a secretary, she might have been dizzy and unable to keep up with Chen Hansheng's rhythm.

We obviously agreed to go to the hotel, but now we suddenly appear in public;

Forget it about appearing in public, you still have to go into a restaurant to eat.

But after becoming a secretary, after so many days of training, Tan Ying felt that a certain connection in her head was suddenly opened.

She had a strong hunch that the big boss was not doing this randomly, but must have a deep meaning.

Therefore, the string in Tan Ying's heart was always very tight. As expected, when Chen Hansheng ordered the food, he suddenly stood up and walked straight to the two protection vehicles outside.

Qin Ying immediately followed behind. Chen Hansheng walked to the vehicle representing the Korean government first. After knocking on the window, he said to the restaurant: Smita, let's have some fun together?

The three Koreans in the car looked at each other in confusion. First, Chen Hansheng's Korean was too poor; second, they only received the task of protection and no other explanation.

Fortunately, at this time, Qin Ying, who had already achieved some success in Korean, stepped in and used gestures and polite language to accurately convey the big boss's meaning.

The Koreans in the car were hesitant after hearing this. Chen Hansheng opened the car door impatiently: Let's go! Bequick!

Now that it has come to this point, the three Koreans discussed it and decided to leave one in the car while the other two went to eat food.

After getting this done, Chen Hansheng went to invite the compatriots from the embassy.

There is nothing more to say. Everyone is very respectful to Guoke Chen. Except for one person who is also stationed in the car, everyone else has also entered the restaurant.

However, when he was at the door, Chen Hansheng suddenly stopped for a moment, turned to Qin Ying and said, You're doing well, keep working hard.

This seemingly perfunctory encouragement made Tan Ying's nose sore.

Frankly speaking, the boss, Mr. Chen, is relatively easy to serve, because he has no squeamish habits. When he is hungry at night, a bowl of instant noodles can solve the problem.

But his problem is that his temper is sometimes moody, and his thoughts jump quickly. If he can't keep up, he may be scolded.

Tan Ying knew that she couldn't compete with Nie Xiaoyu. No matter how many times Nie Xiaoyu was scolded, she didn't have to worry about being replaced; but if she tired Director Chen over and over again, she might be replaced at any time.

This is a highly valuable position, and it is also a scary position. However, Tan Ying finally won Chen Hansheng's trust with her steady, positive, careful and hard-working attitude.

In the future, she may have to take on more and more important tasks.


Now there are more people at the table. Although the Chinese and Korean languages ​​are not very fluent, the staff performing tasks are also more restrained and disciplined, so Chen Hansheng and Zheng Guanti are basically chatting.

However, after finishing the late-night snack, everyone looked at Chen Hansheng with a touch of human gentleness.

More importantly, Chen Hansheng’s move represents many positive meanings:

First, it is relatively safe in South Korea, so all shell fans in the country should rest assured;

Second, you have a good mentality and can go out for a late-night snack with friends;

Third, being generous and taking the initiative to invite Koreans to dine can also be regarded as cooling down the anti-Korean sentiment in the country. There is no need to create such strong opposition.

Fourth, this relaxed behavior of free late-night snacks sends a strong signal that there is positive progress in returning to China.


As Zheng Guanti sipped his fried rice cake, he also sighed inwardly. Chen Hansheng's every move in public now attracts a lot of attention, which shows that he has succeeded in building his reputation.

After he returns to China, he will be more than just a private entrepreneur, and will soon officially enter the ranks of big men.

To put it simply, it means sitting on the rostrum above during meetings, no one dares to turn the table when picking up food during social gatherings, and others can take it seriously when talking and bragging... If a book was written based on this experience, it could be called .

It was already 1:30 in the morning after finishing the meal, but it was still very lively outside the store. Many reporters who received the information came over. The title of tomorrow's report is probably already there:

After returning to the apartment in full view of everyone, Qin Ying returned to the bedroom consciously, thinking that the two bosses must have something to say.

However, Secretary Qin guessed wrong this time. Chen Hansheng and Zheng Guanti were both smart, and their best friends also had a tacit understanding. Chen Hansheng did not show off his thoughtfulness, and best friend Zheng did not thank Chen Hansheng for his respect.

But when Zheng Guanti was about to take a rest, Chen Hansheng leaned against the door frame and said, Next time, there will be no such opportunity.

After hearing this, Zheng Guanti looked at Chen Hansheng calmly.

Best friend Zheng's aura did not affect Chen Hansheng, and he whistled like a gangster: Brother Ti, I think you are good-looking, so I will give you a chance to sleep with me. I hope you will not be ignorant.

In the past, Zheng Guanti would have been amused, but now she was still very quiet. After a while, she suddenly stretched out her white palms to help Chen Hansheng smooth the wrinkles on his shirt chest.

Don't worry, I'll give you so many kisses, and that's just a deposit.

Zheng Guanti said in a rare gentle and sure manner.


The next day, August 10, best friend Zheng left South Korea, and it was still Chen Hansheng who said goodbye.

In the remaining days, Chen Hansheng was not alone, because people kept coming from China to see him.

In addition to business acquaintances, even Wang Zibo and Jin Yangming came over. In fact, they were not the only ones. If Shen Youchu and Xiao Rongyu were not about to have a baby, Bian Shishi and Hu Linyu would have wanted to come to South Korea to express their condolences.

On September 2, the column, which had been serializing Chen Hansheng's situation in Korea in the style of the Republic of China, suddenly changed his style. There were only four words in the column:

Many readers didn't understand it at first, but after logging into the Guoker community, they learned that after serious negotiations and negotiations, Chen Hansheng of Guoker Electronics, who was detained by Samsung in order to protect the reputation of his motherland, was finally returning to China!


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