I Really Didn’t Want to be Born Again

Nine hundred and thirty-eight, the situation is very complicated, junior sister dares to love

Qin Ying's knock on the door also woke up Huang Xiaoxia and Luo Xuan, mother and daughter. They were wearing plaid pajamas, rubbing their groggy eyes, and standing blankly in the living room.

Huang Xiaoxia's brows were still a little nervous. This was probably related to her divorce experience. Divorced women were most afraid of late-night phone calls or knocks on the door.

Chen Hansheng felt a little sorry. He didn't expect to frighten the elders. He asked Tan Ying in a deep voice: What's going on?

Just a moment.

Qin Ying ran back to the room to get the computer. Luo Xuan walked slowly to Chen Hansheng with her long messy hair and shouted in a daze: Senior Brother Chen...


Chen Hansheng responded carelessly, and then pinched Luo Xuan's face like a gangster: Go and change your clothes first. A male colleague will be here soon.

hold head high.

Luo Xuan obediently walked back to the room to change clothes. Huang Xiaoxia saw Chen Hansheng in such a relaxed state, and the tight muscles on his face slowly relaxed, and she also went back to the bedroom to change clothes.

After Aunt Huang and the junior sister left, Chen Hansheng's expression suddenly changed. He put his hands on his hips and spat in a low voice: You fucking idiot, what happened again?

With so many calls from senior executives, it was obviously a problem with Guoke Electronics.

Director Chen.

At this time, Qin Ying brought the computer over, and what was displayed on the screen was the Guoke community's web page.

Of course this is not the point, the point is a post with a video.

In the video, Chen Hansheng, Cui Zhifeng, Qin Ying, and two members of Guoke Electronics were first restrained by several young men in suits at the airport. Not long after, uniformed police officers came over and took them back for interrogation. room.

The frame rate of mobile phone cameras nowadays is not high, and there are also chaotic noises at the airport. The person who took the video is still exclaiming: Why was Director Chen detained at the airport? Did he commit something?

damn it·····

Chen Hansheng turned to Qin Ying: Isn't this what happened at the airport at noon?


Qin Ying wiped the fine sweat on her nose: Judging from the picture, it should have been taken by Chinese tourists or international students. It is said that this video first appeared in the QQ group, but the source can no longer be traced, and it has now been transferred to On interactive platforms such as Tieba, Tianya, and Maopu, news came from the Internet Department, and during the day, some media also planned to report on this video.”


Chen Hansheng stared at the computer and nodded slightly. It was not the video itself that attracted his attention. The comments below were even more exaggerated.

This kind of half-length video without beginning or end is very easy to mislead netizens, especially the narration of the passerby who shot the video saying Did he commit something? Even the Guoke community has comments similar to this:

A: You won’t be caught stealing things in Korea, right? Logically speaking, Director Chen is so rich, so that’s not the case.

B: The police showed up. I think it’s not necessarily stealing, but maybe more egregious behavior.

C: It’s a bit unbelievable. I just bought the second-generation Guoke 2 mobile phone with my girlfriend as a couple. If this is the case, I will return it tomorrow.


The Guoke community is still considered a stronghold. The people here are basically all fans of Huoke or Guoke Kuaibo. Even if some of the messages are excessive, most netizens still believe that Chen Hansheng thinks it is impossible for him to break the law abroad.

However, the comments made on other interactive platforms can be said to be limitless and even vicious.

Chen Hansheng himself is a very topical young entrepreneur. There are many groups who like and dislike him. Now the black fans finally found an opportunity and started to comment and smear him.

The most exaggerated thing is that the conflict between Chen Hansheng and Zhou Xiao, the deputy director of the External Relations Department, was revealed when he was a freshman. In the end, an accurate conclusion was drawn - this person has a traitor in his head and will cause trouble!


Chen Hansheng couldn't help but laugh.

These idiots are really good at spreading rumors.

Dr. Chen······

Tan Ying asked softly from the side.

This is not an ordinary call, it also contains the meaning of inquiry. Tan Ying wants to know the big boss's mental state after seeing these negative news and whether he can handle affairs soberly. These are skills that a personal secretary must master.

Chen Hansheng glanced at Qin Ying, nodded and said, I'm fine.

Tan Ying said hmm and said nothing more.

Chen Hansheng was flipping through the comments and thinking about how to deal with it. Huang Xiaoxia and Luo Xuan changed their clothes and walked out, and saw Chen Hansheng sitting in front of the computer with a frown.

It's just 5 o'clock in the morning. It's still dark outside, and there are no lights in the living room. The fluorescent light from the computer screen is reflected on Chen Hansheng's face. His eyes reveal hesitation and hesitation, and occasionally there is a hint of ruthlessness and ferocity, as if A beast about to hunt in the night.

In fact, this matter is not difficult to deal with. Guoke Network Department has another video.

In that video, former Samsung consultant Zheng Baoxu insulted the Chinese and threatened to detain Guoke employees in South Korea. Chen Hansheng stood up righteously, preferring not to buy a 2 billion deal to safeguard the reputation of his motherland.

If this video is released and the two videos are linked together, the situation will be basically clear - it turns out that Director Chen did not break the law, but was too tough and offended the senior management of Samsung, so he was forcibly detained at the airport. That’s it.

In this way, all rumors will be disproven, and Chen Hansheng's reputation will be improved.

But the reality is not that simple. After the video was released, it didn’t matter if the 2 billion was gone. The Samsung brand basically exploded in China. I guess Lee Kun-hee and Lee Jae-yong felt the same way about killing Chen Hansheng.

Especially now that he is in South Korea, Chen Hansheng must not only consider the development of his company, but also consider the safety of himself and those around him.

How can I not offend Samsung to death, gain a huge reputation, and also benefit Guoke?

Chen Hansheng thought greedily that this matter might escalate into a compromise between countries.

In this complicated situation, Chen Hansheng is the captain of Guoke Electronics. While he is cautious, he also needs to be bold and high-profile. Only by combining the two can we successfully navigate the stormy waves or undercurrents.


Luo Xuan felt the depressing atmosphere in the living room, and was about to go up to comfort Senior Brother Chen, but was pulled back by Huang Xiaoxia, who shook her head to signal not to disturb him.

Ding dong~

A crisp doorbell broke the silence in the room, and Cui Zhifeng, who was staying at the Shilla Hotel, took a taxi.

Lao Cui was also woken up by his colleagues in Jianye in the middle of the night. When he heard about the situation, he immediately realized the seriousness and complexity and immediately contacted Tan Ying. He needed to report to Director Chen in person.

After opening the door, Cui Zhifeng found that there were two strangers in the apartment. Needless to say, they must be very close to Director Chen. Cui Zhifeng nodded politely and greeted them.

This is an elder from my hometown.

Chen Hansheng pointed at Huang Xiaoxia to introduce, and then looked at Luo Xuan: This is... um... a junior sister of mine...

I'm your girlfriend!

Before Chen Hansheng could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Luo Xuan confidently.


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