The little secretary is not in a relationship now, and she basically devotes her little personal time to the paper man, so she is very easy to coax, and just touching her head can calm her down.

Minister Chen, don't forget that you have an interview the day after tomorrow. Take a look at the interview outline when you have time.

Before Chen Hansheng left, Nie Xiaoyu dutifully reminded him.

I know, I know.

Chen Hansheng waved his hand and said, with the strong launch of the second-generation Guoke mobile phone, many interviews, speeches, meetings... all kinds of invitations have basically never stopped.

However, Director Chen's coffee status has improved now, and ordinary TV stations can no longer invite him. Of course, those who are friends like Senior Sister Ye Qiye are another matter.

The person who is coming to interview tomorrow is a column team of CCTV. After all, it is a TV station in the capital. There may be some connection behind it. Even a Pizza Hut in Jiangling like Chen Hansheng will not refuse casually.

He drove out of the factory gate and soon arrived at Tianjingshan Community. He promised Queen Mother Liang in the morning that he would come over in the evening.

This community is still so lively, especially as summer approaches, more and more neighbors come down for a walk and enjoy the cool air after dinner. After Chen Hansheng drove into the community, he had to move slowly with double flashes, because some children like Run with the car.

After going upstairs, the TV, sofa and dining table in the living room are actually basically unchanged, but the atmosphere is much cooler.

In the past, there was little Aning, Dong'er, and Teacher Hu who was noisy all day long. Now there is only the Empress Dowager Liang and a nanny from Hong Kong.

Liang Meijuan went to visit a daughter-in-law every other day. Although Chen Hansheng arranged a special car, Chen Hansheng was still afraid that his mother would be tired, so he specially found a nanny from Hong Kong.

Why did he want to find someone from Hong Kong City? Chen Hansheng thought that the language in a place was relatively similar, and he could occasionally accompany Empress Dowager Liang to relieve her boredom.

Although Chen Hansheng is emotionally involved with women, he is also really filial.

Hello, Director Chen.

Auntie Ye, the nanny, saw Chen Hansheng coming and said hello in dialect.


Chen Hansheng was originally smiling, but after seeing Aunt Ye, he responded with a stern face.

Aunt Ye, who was in her early forties, found that Chen Hansheng's reaction was a bit dull, and she wiped her palms on her apron twice helplessly.

Chen Hansheng's identity was not kept secret from her. It is said that this young man's assets are one of the richest in Hong Kong City. His parents are also officials in Hong Kong City and he has many relatives and friends. In short, he is a very powerful person.

Aunt Ye is not familiar with Chen Hansheng yet, so she is quite nervous and afraid.

Liang Meijuan, who was in the bedroom, heard the noise. She would not be polite to her biological son. She wrinkled her nose and sniffed around Chen Hansheng.


Chen Hansheng's heart moved. He slept at Shang Yanyan's house yesterday, and today he went back to Jianye with Shang Yanyan? It was inevitable that he would be contaminated by Shang Yanyan's perfume.

Shen Youchu never wears perfume, and Xiao Rongyu doesn't use these cosmetics when she is pregnant. Chen Lan occasionally sprays a little, but it can't be so strong? Liang Meijuan has already imagined Chen Hansheng cuddling with a coquettish woman last night.

What I said before, don't make any mistakes!

Empress Dowager Liang raised her fist and hit Chen Hansheng hard on the shoulder: Look at the smell on your clothes, Chen Hansheng, are you just idle? I haven't beaten you for a few days, are you so virtuous again?

Chen Hansheng couldn't explain it. He wanted to say that Shang Yanyan's parents were still at home? He just had a sleep last night? He probably would have suffered a lot more.

So he simply put his arms around his mother's shoulders and said carelessly: I was wondering if I could leave you idle, so I'll bring it over to you to stretch your muscles.

Chen Hansheng, why are you so thick-skinned?

Faced with a son who was unable to get enough food and salt, Liang Meijuan didn't seem to have much to do.

During the meal, Chen Hansheng was still not very enthusiastic about Aunt Ye. Liang Meijuan noticed it and praised the nanny's skills twice.

After dinner, Chen Hansheng accompanied Queen Mother Liang for a walk downstairs. As Liang Meijuan walked, she talked about the current situation of her two daughters-in-law. Because there was no interruption from Chen Hansheng, their emotions were basically relatively stable at the moment.

The time of Shen Youchu's pregnancy was also found out. It was probably around the beginning of January, and Xiao Rongyu's was on Christmas Eve last year. In this way, the two babies were born at almost the same time.

Do you know another gender?

Chen Hansheng asked.

Originally, obstetricians and gynecologists were not allowed to disclose the baby's gender, mainly because they were worried that some parents would prefer boys over girls or girls over boys. Although this kind of gender discrimination has been reduced a lot now, doctors still won't disclose it directly.

They may hint more tactfully. If it is a girl, the ultrasound doctor will say, The baby must be very beautiful in a skirt. If it is a boy, the ultrasound doctor will say, He will be very naughty when he grows up.

A family like Chen Hansheng's would definitely not favor sons over daughters. Professor Gao from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Provincial First People's Hospital who came to examine Xiao Rongyu asked Chen Hansheng: Dr. Chen, do you want a daughter or a son in the future?

She must be my daughter.

Chen Hansheng said without hesitation at that time.

Professor Gao laughed and said nothing. It was not until she was leaving that she whispered to Chen Hansheng: Dr. Chen is more lucky and his wishes always come true.

This hint was already obvious, but before Professor Gao confirmed it, everyone knew it was Xiao Xiaoyuer.

Because too many people dream about it, and I don’t know why. It seems that if someone in the family is pregnant, the blood relatives always dream about the baby.

Xiao Hongwei, Lu Yuqing, Chen Zhaojun, and Liang Meijuan all had similar dreams, that is, after the little fish was born, everyone held her in their arms.

Scientifically speaking, this is probably Think about it during the day and dream about it at night. However, the strange thing is that the gender of the baby in the dream is the gender in reality, and there are few mistakes.

Xiao Xiao Yu'er's identity was confirmed, so Chen Hansheng also wanted to know whether the other one was Xiao Yingjun or Xiao Youchu.

I originally wanted to keep it a bit mysterious and didn't rush to ask the doctor.

Liang Meijuan said with a smile: But today my mother-in-law told me that she dreamed of a little girl who was as beautiful as her mother, but also a bit silly.

Even though Empress Dowager Liang said silly, in fact, she could not hide her fondness between her eyebrows.

What are you afraid of? Her father is Chen Hansheng. Who dares to bully her?

So Liang Meijuan was very happy, because in her grandmother's heart, these were the twin sisters born in 2006.

I learned the news this morning, and I couldn't hold back my tears with excitement.

When Queen Mother Liang said this, she couldn't help scolding Chen Hansheng again: I called you and you fooled around with other women again. My lungs almost exploded with anger.

Calm down, calm down.

Chen Hansheng said with a grin. His mind had fast forwarded to three years later. He was holding a little fish in his left hand and a little fool in his right hand. The two girls, one sweet and the other cute, were calling daddy with a milky voice. .

Don't enjoy yourself.

Liang Meijuan glanced at her son, threw cold water and said: Let's first find a way to deal with Xiao Yu'er's hostility towards You Chu. I'm always worried now that in order to stay away from this complicated relationship, Xiao Yu'er will take Xiao Yu'er with her in the future. Xiaoyuer goes to America.”

I don't have any solution now.

Chen Hansheng said very bachelorly: We can only take a look before talking.

Let's see and then talk...

Liang Meijuan mocked her son: What's the use of you?

Chen Hansheng shrugged his shoulders and did not argue with his mother.

When Chen Hansheng was about to leave after the walk, Liang Meijuan suddenly asked: Are you not satisfied with Xiaoye?


Chen Hansheng was stunned for a moment: No way.

I think you have a cold attitude towards her.

Liang Meijuan said: Actually, Xiaoye can still do it. She cooks, cleans, and helps make soup. Otherwise, I will be exhausted. So you should smile more at others. Xiaoye is a little reserved. If you pull a face, she will probably be scared. .”

This, I understand.

Chen Hansheng laughed twice. Empress Dowager Liang was just a sharp-tongued person. She couldn't bear to be bullied and had a sense of justice deep in her bones.

Mom, you don't understand. Aunt Ye has just come to work and hasn't done any in-depth inspection before.

Chen Hansheng explained: So I'll be tougher on her, and you'll be gentler on her, so that Aunt Ye will be afraid of me and won't have any bad intentions, but will get close to you unknowingly, which will make it easier for you to direct her to do things.

“That’s the balance in management.”

Chen Hansheng put his hands on his hips and said: You should also read more books at ordinary times. Don't think that you will stop studying when you retire. If not, I can enroll you in a university for the elderly. If your grades are too poor, the teacher will call to find your children...


After a crisp sound, Chen Hansheng's nonsense stopped abruptly. After a while, he grimaced, rubbed the back of his head and drove away.


The next day, Chen Hansheng was interviewed by CCTV Financial Channel in his office.

In fact, Chen Hansheng is no stranger to this channel. As long as the domestic mobile phone industry is mentioned now, Guoker Electronics is an unavoidable research object, not to mention the news of Rocket 101's bankruptcy. In fact, it is in the Entrepreneur column of the financial channel Exposed.

But today is another column called Dialogue. The host is a young man in his thirties, with a handsome appearance and a magnetic voice.

After the two shook hands and exchanged greetings, the entourage was about to turn on the camera when the host suddenly waved his hand: Wait a minute, Director Chen and I will talk about home affairs.

This is also relatively common. It is inevitable that people will be unfamiliar when meeting for the first time. Chatting about everyday things can enhance the relationship and lay a good atmosphere for the formal interview.

Chen Hansheng can also be regarded as the little expert interviewed, and he knows that such steps are very common.

Director Chen.

The host spoke first, speaking in beautiful Mandarin: I don't know if you have known me before. I have conducted exclusive interviews with many leaders in the international business community, economic academia and politics, including the founder of Microsoft. Bill Gates, Royal Dutch Shell Chairman Thomas Stuart, International Monetary Fund President Kohler, Nobel laureate in economics Fogel... and I have become very good friends with them.

what does this mean?

Chen Hansheng was a little puzzled, thinking that this person was quite crazy. He had agreed to talk about some common things, but it turned out that he had just blown it.

But after all, he was a guest from the capital. Chen Hansheng didn't understand the other party's intentions for a while, so he still smiled and replied: I hope we can become good friends in the future.

It's definitely possible.

The host nodded confidently and then told some celebrity anecdotes from the interview.

There was a sentence that impressed Chen Hansheng very deeply, and he didn't know what the topic was. He suddenly said: As a very good friend of mine, former President of the United States Clinton said...

Chen Hansheng's eyes changed, and he stared at the other person for a long time. The host thought he had shocked Chen Hansheng, and looked a little proud of himself.

He and Chen Hansheng were sitting on different sofas, but now they deliberately moved closer and whispered: Dr. Chen, I also have some good friends at Samsung in South Korea. Occasionally when eating, I heard them say some regrets and consequences. The shells compete...


Chen Hansheng finally understood that this guy turned out to be a lobbyist, probably helping Samsung convey some attitudes in the name of interviews.

Since the mobile phone explosion crisis, Samsung's stock has plummeted, and its product sales in China have also plummeted. The market they exited has been taken over by domestic and foreign mobile phones such as Nokia, Motorola, Guoke, Bird, and Haier.

Because Guoke Electronics has just launched its second-generation mobile phone, it has invaded the most severely. If we use the consequence theory to judge backwards, Guoke Electronics is the mastermind behind the scenes.

However, Guoke has various amulet blessings in China. Samsung really has no way to deal with this rogue company, and it is also worried that if the fight continues, Chen Hansheng will use some destructive tricks.

That's, what do you have in mind?

Chen Hansheng did not answer, but asked with a smile.

I think both sides lose in fighting, but both sides benefit in peace.

The host was waiting to explain his theory and immediately said: Samsung is a world-renowned company, and Guoke is also the leading electronic product manufacturer in China. You should have huge space for cooperation. As the saying goes, you can't know each other without fighting. The two companies should sit down and sit down. Come down and make friends.”

In fact, Chen Hansheng never thought about fighting Samsung. At the beginning of the year, he decided on a strategy to frighten Samsung first and let them take the initiative to seek peace, so that he could take the initiative in future negotiations.

Now seeing that Samsung has this intention and even chose the megaphone just right, Chen Hansheng also gave a true and false response: It's okay to make peace, but you have to compensate for the loss of the shell, otherwise let's continue fighting!

Okay, I will help persuade you.

The host's purpose has been achieved, but he has no control over the specific negotiation method.

Next is the formal interview time. These are all outlined and there is no difficulty.

After the interview, Chen Hansheng invited the host to have a sumptuous lunch. After the entertainment, the secretary who went to the dinner with him frowned and said: Minister Chen, this person is so good at boasting. He can be the president of any country when he opens his mouth and shuts up. It's true. Is it that powerful?”

Just a fool.

Chen Hansheng chuckled: He has no strength at all, but if he jumps repeatedly between various capitals, he will fall sooner or later.

Nie Xiaoyu pursed her lips: Then you still had a great time chatting with him.

It's different.

Chen Hansheng gave an example: In the Sudong Provincial Entrepreneurs Association, there are many bosses that I don't like, but it doesn't stop everyone from drinking and bragging.

After the Dialogue program was broadcast, it didn't take long for Samsung to send an invitation letter, solemnly inviting Mr. Chen Hansheng, chairman of Guoke Electronics, to Samsung headquarters to discuss cooperation matters.

Going to South Korea?

Chen Hansheng's first reaction was not about the company's business problems, but about the paranoid junior sister.

If only I knew I was a father.

Chen Hansheng silently thought about it. With Luo Xuan's personality, what would she do?


(I'm sorry for being late. I have to practice again later. Lao Liu knows that everyone is a little sad after losing the game, so let Junior Sister Luo come out to comfort her.)

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