If you compare this battle to an essay, then the fall of the dome is a milestone event, which brings the abrupt end of the article to an abrupt end.

The people inside can see the outside with the naked eye, but cannot receive the slightest information. They can only barely capture it through the soldier's visual observation and the optical monitor (traditional camera).

On earth, optical images can provide sufficient combat reference as auxiliary information on the battlefield.

However, when the battlefield environment is enlarged into space, when the battlefield is as long as hundreds of thousands of millions, or even hundreds of millions of kilometers, the optical picture completely loses its reference.

In the pure video footage, after the first soldier hit the dome, the fleet outside fell into a brief panic.

The panic lasted for approximately 2.7 seconds.

In these 2.7 seconds, the fleet in a district was seriously injured.

Although these seven thousand prismatic ships do not have blade beetles, the number of other sub-small combat units is still quite large, and blade beetles from other areas are also quickly gathering here.

After the arrival of the dome, the strategy of the compound eye suddenly changed. Instead of trying to recapture the DX1819 cruiser, the team focused on quickly clearing the fleet and torrent team members that were locked outside the dome.

The battleship formation is changing rapidly, moving from other areas to one area, forming a tendency to encircle the remaining troops.

There is no hope of surviving the First Division Fleet and the Torrent Commando soldiers who are still out.

Although Levi Klinsmann adjusted quickly after suddenly losing the assistance of the command, and quickly integrated the troops and began to try to break through, but this has no meaning.

Can't escape, struggle is nothing more than being able to hold on for a while.

Massive analysis reports are flying in like snow flakes, mostly about the dome.

One of the most prominent reports comes from the Academy of Sciences.

After the appearance of the dome, the rules of the triple space have been changed.

The connection between the original three-dimensional space and the curvature subspace has been severed, and the ubiquitous gravitational lines in the original universe have been cut off, and there is no stable gravitational line curvature subspace.

And even light cannot reach the "speed of light" in a vacuum.

This means that human ships in the shadow galaxy cannot enter the curvature motion.

Chen Feng was not surprised by this.

After looking at the external photographic image for a moment, he silently turned his face away, not wanting to look at the image in front of him.

At this moment, he received a new important message in his personal information.

This is a report on the sun dome.

The initial content of the message was only one piece. Thirty minutes ago, the sun dome was still in the distant Orton galaxy, assisting the cruiser to clean up the Orton galaxy, a battleable for all people.

But after Chen Feng arrived in the shadow galaxy, the dome suddenly disappeared.

The distance between the Orton Galaxy and the Shadow Galaxy is two thousand light years, indicating that the dome spans a distance of 2000 light years in half an hour.

This exposed the terrible "flying" speed of the dome, which was 35.04 million times the speed of light.

Humans have tested the flight speed of the dome many times before, but the calculation results are different, sometimes 500 times, sometimes 1500 times, and sometimes millions or even tens of millions.

Since the data source is not directly tested, but based on the distance and time difference to reverse the data, this data is not accurate.

For example, sometimes people with compound eyes will retract the dome and wait for a while before putting it on again.

Now the ultimate speed of the dome has finally been measured, which is terrible, but not necessarily bad news.

Chen Feng recalled the battle in the last timeline.

At that time, the judgment of the Proxima Fleet was actually inaccurate.

The solar dome did not arrive at the neighboring galaxy four light-years away when the solar system disappeared, with an error of about 0.06 seconds.

However, in the human situation at that time, no one cared about the 0.06 second time difference, and only regarded it as an instant transfer.

At a terrifying speed of 35.04 million times the speed of light, a distance of only 4 light years is meaningless.

But if you zoom in to 2,000 light years, the distance will make sense.

Because in this half an hour, Chen Feng completed the feat of holding a cruiser.

If the dome could really teleport, there would be no such prismatic ship under his feet now.

This greatly inspired Chen Feng's spirit.

Since joining the war, Chen Feng has been uncovering the mystery of fly eyes.

He even killed more than one fly's eye with his own hands, but neither he nor the human scientists in multiple timelines knew nothing about the dome, a higher-level method controlled by the fly's eye, and would still be because of its mystery. And fear.

But from now on, what Chen Feng continued to tear apart was not just the veil of the fly's eye. Human beings exchanged their vast territory for the ultimate speed of exposure of the dome.

Now humans have calculated at least one parameter related to the dome-flight speed.

This is a qualitative change.

This proves that no matter how fast the dome is, it must follow the rules of cosmic space. If you cannot completely ignore the distance, you will not be able to jump out of the scope of the triple space theory.

This proves that the dome is still a creation of civilization, not a "weapon of God."

The DX1819 Prism is flying in from outside.

According to the scheduled plan, DX1819 will eventually dock on the sunny side of Venus.

Along the way, Chen Feng received a new message from a fleet outside.

The first fleet used optical signals and, before being completely destroyed, triggered the cannon to send a Morse code to the people inside.

The people inside decompiled Morse code and compiled complete information.

The general content is as follows. The Million Prism that covers the entire territory of the huge Morrowind Empire is undergoing large-scale mobilization.

Except for a small number of prismatics that continue to clean up the humans in the densely populated star regions, most of the prismatics have given up their pursuit of targets and are converging in the shadow galaxy from all directions.

Even the prismatic ships that flew out of the Orion's arm and pursued human escape ships farther in the galaxy turned around.

This shows that the compound eyes are planning to join forces.

Chen Feng nodded and said to the Quantum Communication Channel: "I see, that's fine. It seems that they won't take the initiative to open the dome to launch an attack before the number of outer ships reaches a certain limit. We can use it instead. This brief peace of mind analyzes DX1819 as much as possible to decipher the mystery of the cruiser."

According to the estimation of the command headquarters, although the opponent has learned human technology and mastered the serpentine star gate, it will take at least 28 months for the prismatics to regroup to reach the scale of more than 500,000 ships.

In addition, as more prismatic ships turn around and come to the Shadow Galaxy, the escape ships of humans outside can naturally take the opportunity to escape further, run more scattered, and the survivors can live longer.

Maybe some lucky ones can spend their old age in peace, not dying in the war, but the old dying in time.

The original 35 trillion people in the entire empire's territory have worked for a hundred years to cover the shadow galaxy and have been the bait for a hundred years. Now it is time for the shadow galaxy to be the bait for others.

In any case, Chen Feng has made tremendous progress in the ninth timeline that was unimaginable in the past.

Regardless of the merits and demerits of founding the Salvation Society, he at least bought another one or two hundred years for the entire civilization.

Unfortunately, after being blocked by the dome, the shadow galaxy can no longer communicate with the outside world, and the information blocking is even harder than the ten-layer Dyson film.

No matter what achievements the Shadow Academy of Sciences produces, or if people outside are invented again, everyone cannot communicate with each other.

There are gains and losses, Chen Feng can think about it.

The changes in the overall battle situation outside also brought more subtle effects.

Originally there were countless porter ships flying to the Shadow Galaxy at this time, but now that it has been blocked, the porters need to make new decisions.

Chen Feng speculates that some people will still know that there are tigers in the mountains and go to Hushan, while others may turn around and fly high.

Every individual is qualified to make a choice that is in line with personal judgment and is worthy of respect.

Of course the people who came still knowing that they would die were noble, but those who fled were not despicable.

They can live, one more day, and the whole civilization can survive one more day, and there is more possibility.

In the long history of mankind, there have been countless different choices made by different people in the same scene.

Diversity is one of the necessary conditions for maintaining the continuation of civilization.

The clicking sound kept ringing, it was the sound of Chen Feng's shadow-folding armor stepping on the floor.

He was walking through the channel that Fanxing had just opened for him, step by step towards the core area of ​​the cruiser.

The red dots representing the eyes of live flies are still flashing.

"I'm going to open the core cabin of the cruiser to take a look at the fly-eyes that are still alive, boy...cough cough, you can arrange for interrogators and researchers in the fields of biological sciences to respond to the cruiser as soon as possible."

He said to Tang Tianxin.

"Sage, pay attention to safety."


After a moment of silence, Tang Tianxin's voice came again: "The members of the Flood Special Forces of the Fleet in the first area have been killed, and the battle is over."

Chen Feng's footsteps paused slowly, "Okay, I see."

If he had his previous character, he might choose to speed up and rush in to smash the fly-eye carapace and the carapace.

But now he won't.

He is a human leader and will not be completely dominated by personal hatred.

Every decision he makes must follow a very realistic principle to maximize the benefits for everyone and maximize his chances of victory.

The "everyone" here includes him and his comrades in the 21st century, as well as everyone in the timeline of the present, the past, and the future.

He just wants a final victory result, everything else should be a little later.

Chen Feng was about to let Fanxing open the last door in front of him, but he never thought about it but received another message, which was sent by Ou Qinglan.

"Master Sage, Freders is dying. Our medical staff tried their best."


In the next instant, Chen Feng turned his head and ran to the side passage.

"Fanxing! Open me the passage to the outside!"

In the speed of the wind, his heart roared extremely quickly.

After more than 30 seconds, he rushed out of the prismatic ship and rushed towards the seventh area.

Before setting off, he told Xiaofu to take a rest.

But Xiaofu, who obeyed his words, repeatedly disobeyed his orders. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Chen Feng has always known that this is possible, and he is also mentally prepared.

It's just that he didn't expect to come so soon, so he didn't give himself a breather.


He completed a brand new test.

Under the dome, although hyperflexion is not possible, it can be flexed.

This was also expected, after all, Blade-Blade Mantle did it in the past, and now he just demonstrated that the Shadow Armor has the same ability as Blade Mantle.

"Freders' breath of life is quickly dissipating, should he be injected with hormone life-sustaining agents?"

"What are the side effects? What are the effects?"

"There are no side effects, it just allows the dying old person to hold on for a few more minutes."

Chen Feng: "Injection! I'll be there in a few minutes!"

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