When Linton came to the ward, Ji Ye was already awake. Although she was not officially out of danger yet, she seemed to be able to survive it.

"It's good if you can barely survive. Let's take this opportunity to quit the special class." Seeing Ji Ye who was so weak, Linton couldn't help but say one more thing.

"If you leave now, wouldn't you become a deserter?" Ji Ye said, "Didn't Qiu Jun leave?"

"I've already helped him open the trap, but you haven't opened it yet." Linton said, "There's no use keeping a guy who can even take half of his life if he's hit by a gun. Or maybe he can just get a civilian job." Otherwise, you will be lying down for three months, and you will have to recover for half a day when you come back."

"I...can't leave." Ji Ye said, "Unless Qiujun also leaves."

"Hey, hey, I'm not here to eat sweets." Linton held up his forehead, "Forget it, you can make your own decision. I guess all the BOSS matters have been settled before you come back. By the way, where is the devil you contracted with? Can you lend me a brush? A point?"

"Huh?" Ji Ye was stunned for a moment, "Boost points?"

"It's just a negotiation." Linton said with a smile, "It's just a very ordinary negotiation."

"Why don't your expressions look like normal negotiations?" Ji Ye is also a woman after all, and her sixth sense suddenly broke out.

"Look into my eyes, do you see this sincere look? It's just ordinary negotiation." Linton said.


About twenty minutes later, Linton returned to the hospital again. The ghost demon in Himeno's contract is actually not very powerful, and of course it cannot last for such a long time. Linton spent so much time mainly studying the situation of ghosts or souls in this world. Of course, the points given by the other party were not many, only 80,000 points.

When they came back, Kurose and Tendo had already arrived. The official approval document has been received, so I took Hayakawa Qiu and Linton with me and set off quickly.

The destination is a very secret underground laboratory-like place in the Metropolitan Police Department, or to be more precise, a dungeon. Of course, the location is not near the headquarters of the Metropolitan Police Department, but rather a suburban location, right next to a suburban prison. From the outside, it looks nothing special. It seems to be a facility attached to a prison, but in fact, the prison is attached, so that guards can be arranged here.

Through the hidden elevator, the four people descended to the dungeon below. The situation here is the same as in a prison. Each cell is separated into separate cells. However, although the corridor is very messy, the cells are made very solidly. The door of each cell is made of a very strong door, with a very complicated door lock on it, which looks a bit like a bank's treasure house.

"This is where the Metropolitan Police Department imprisons captured demons." Kurose said, leading the way. "The cells are all demons. You can find your weapons here. But signing a contract with a powerful demon requires a very miserable payment. The price, I have told you this before, you are also aware of it, right?"

"This place really looks like hell." Hayakawa Akira said as he walked. Indeed, the atmosphere in this place is quite depressing. From time to time, some sounds that do not sound like human beings can be heard from the cell next to it, which is indeed a bit scary.

"How are you talking? This is heaven." Linton next to him seemed extremely excited. As soon as he finished speaking, he pointed to the first room they passed by, which had the number 101 on it, "Inside here is What devil?"

"101, I remember it was...the frog demon." Tendo thought for a while and said.

"It is not a powerful demon. Even if you sign a contract, the power gained will not be too strong." Kurose said, "The demon we recommend is located further inside."

"Hey, you guys are going too far. It doesn't matter if people are divided into three, six or nine levels, but demons are also divided into three, six, or nine levels? Do you know that all living beings are equal, and this is all you have to realize? Why are frog demons not powerful demons? , it’s just that you don’t know how to use its power, okay? Have you heard the family motto of our Hayakawa family? There are no rubbish demons, only rubbish contractors, and I forbid you to look down on it." Linton shouted directly.

"Huh?" The three of them were stunned. They didn't know why Linton suddenly became "righteous" and whether his reaction was too big.

"Come on, open the door, let me communicate with this demon, I guarantee it will surprise you." Linton said.

"Uh...are you serious?" Kurose asked.

"Is there any problem?" Linton asked.

Kurose thought for a moment, and there seemed to be no problem. After all, this time I came here to let Hayakawa Akira choose a new contract demon, and there was no rule about which demon he had to choose. Although they have already recommended it, they are not sure whether to sign it or not. After all, signing a contract with the devil is very troublesome. Sometimes he puts forward some harsh conditions. What if I really can't sign the contract? So it's really a matter of choice. So Linton said there was nothing wrong with him wanting to see more. It's just that this frog demon is really worthless. Is Linton telling the truth or looking for trouble?

Although he didn't know what was going on, Kurose didn't continue to stop him and wanted to see what Linton wanted to do. This frog demon is so weak that even if he does escape, it won't be a big deal.

Kurose quickly stepped forward, entered the password, and opened the cell door. The room was completely dark, nothing could be seen, not even a light. Just as a few people were about to enter, Linton suddenly said: "Wait a minute, I'll go in and negotiate with the other party first, you just wait."

Kurose looked at Linton strangely, but stopped. Curiosity was curiosity, so Linton didn't want them to follow him.

So Linton walked directly into the room alone and waited for dozens of seconds. Just when Kurose wanted to look inside to see why there was no movement, he suddenly heard a muffled "dong" sound, followed by a burst of There were messy sounds, and then there was the scream of an unknown beast. Yes, this is obviously the scream of something, and the scream is particularly miserable.

The three people who heard the sound wanted to go in and take a look immediately, but as soon as they stepped into the cell, Linton had already walked out.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I wrongly blamed you just now." Linton said while wiping the blood on his hands, "This guy is indeed rubbish. He is of no use. I won't choose him."

"..." Kurose looked at Linton and said nothing for a long time. Tendou next to him couldn't help but said, "Isn't it what you said that there are no rubbish demons, only rubbish contractors?"

"Sorry, I underestimated the lower limit. After all, I have no experience. Now I understand that garbage exists." Linton said, "Okay, don't look at this garbage, let's go to the next one."

As he spoke, Linton walked out of the cell door, looked directly at Cell 102 next to him, and asked, "What kind of demon is locked up here?"

To be honest, Linton's rhythm made the three of them unable to keep up. Even so, Kurose still replied: "It's not a powerful demon..."

"Huh? Are you going too far again? Have you forgotten the family motto of the Hayakawa family that I just mentioned? How can you say such things casually?" Linton said.

"Didn't the garbage you just mentioned exist?" Tendo couldn't help but say.

"Yes, garbage exists. Garbage is garbage, and devils are devils. The ones in Room 101 are garbage, not devils. Does this conflict with our family's motto?" Linton said, "Open the door. There are so many rooms here, and I have to be responsible for my nephew. It will take a lot of time to carefully select a few demons that can be defeated. Hurry up, or you won't be able to make it in one day."

"Are you preparing a room..." Before Tendou could finish his words, he was grabbed by Kurose next to him.

"I understand." Kurose said directly.

"Hey, are you just going to let him act like this?" Tendo said.

"Who knows what he wants to do? But Miss Makima didn't say anything about stopping him," Kurose said.

"Hmm..." Tendo nodded slightly, as if there was nothing he could do.

In short, the three of them understood the rhythm this time. They opened the cell door and Linton went in alone. The other three were waiting at the door. After waiting for a while, a miserable cry came from inside again, this time even worse than last time. Maybe the frog demon's vocal organ is not as big as this demon here.

After a while, Linton came out again while wiping his hands: "Trash, next."

This time, the three of them said nothing, and watched indifferently as Linton walked to cell 103 next to him. Kurose directly opened the door for Linton and repeated it again. Soon, the group of people walked all the way to Room 109. After hearing a lot of screams again, something finally changed.

"This is not bad." Linton walked to the door of the cell and said, "And the negotiations have been completed. This devil is extremely generous. He only needs two hairs and is willing to contribute all his power to you. I think this contract is not bad. of."

The three of them were too lazy to say anything. The contract was really generous, but it didn't look like it was voluntary. Of course, Hayakawa Akira hates demons, so he doesn't mind even if he forces the opponent to gain power.

The three people soon arrived in the room. With the faint light from outside, they saw a huge pool of sticky things on the ground, covered with blood and pieces of flesh.

"This is...the silt demon?" Hayakawa Qiu asked.

"Probably not. His ability seems to be able to enhance dynamic vision and also has certain detection functions, so I said it is somewhat useful." Linton said.

"It's a spying devil." Kurose said from behind. Of course, this devil couldn't look like this before, but now he is completely unrecognizable.

"In short, it's similar to some of the abilities of Byakugan or Huahuaguo." Linton said, "Hurry up and sign, next one."

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